Chapter 138: It's time for a Battle of the Bands.

Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

Author's Note: My mind is just completely blown; 267K views and 8.5K votes. So please enjoy this extra long 9000+ chapter as my way of saying thank you.

Also, My_Inner_Pierce has done a review/reading of the first chapter of Chaotic Shattering and would love for everyone to check it out as well as let her know what you think. Link below.

(Third Person P.O.V)

__ Nexo Knights __

(Y/N) and Clay slowly made their way down the mountain with Lloyd and Jestro on their backs.

Lloyd was happily clinging to (Y/N) and taking deep breaths in order to breathe in as much of her scent as he could. As it was, the blond was entertaining the possibility that he might be hallucinating at that very moment.

Lloyd hid his blush in (Y/N)'s shoulder. There was no mistaking that smell, it was her all right. That scent brought back comforting memories from his childhood, just like when he would smell his dad's cologne.

Lloyd breathed deeper, letting out a tiny involuntary moan of pure and utter relief and tightened his grip, all the green ninja's doubts and insecurities disappear. (Y/N) was alive and right here before him. Everything would be ok. She wasn't gone.

(Y/N) on the other hand, was holding in her anger the best she could but it was showing on her face. Jestro and Clay could both see it plain as day. So Jestro took the initiative to keep the future Queen from losing her cool.

"So, Your future royal highness what's it like being thrown one hundred and fifty years into the future?" Jestro asked hoping to take her mind off of what was happening.

"Jaring." (Y/N) answered rather curtly. Jestro and Clay gave each other worried looks over the one-word answer.

"Well allow me to catch you up, on some stuff you missed." Jestro loudly proclaimed almost causing Clay to fall over with his wild arm failing.

"Since the foundation of Knightonia, those spoilt royals have used the capital as a headquarters to maintain several regions throughout Knighton. Most regions are governed by some spoilt fancy pants nobles or an official of some kind." Jestro said rolling his hand in the air in an etc motion.

"Hey! Don't speak of the realm that way!" Clay scolded the former royal jester. Jestro just rolled his eyes at Clay's outburst of support as a knight of the realm before continuing.

"There are also certain regions not within the Kingdom's control such as the petrified forest, the swamp lands, various others and the Lava Lands which has now been claimed by me." Jestro proudly bragged.

"I distinctly remember that that last particular place was once owned by a member of the wizards' council called Monstrox." (Y/N) recounted. In fact, all the places Jestro had just listed were places occupied by members of the wizards' council.

"If you think that is impressive I even have his castle, the Volcano Lair." Jestro loudly gloated trying to impress (Y/N), waving his arms this way and that, throwing off Clay's balance causing the blue nexo knight to stumble back and forth.

Lloyd gave the mad jester a dirty look but Jestro was too busy bragging to even notice the blond's nasty expression.

"But you, you showed up with an entire island." Jestro said in amassment. "What do you call the place?"

"The Isle of Vile and Dark Tower Castle." (Y/N) answered. There was no harm in telling either this wizard or the knight the names as they could easily look them up in historical records.

"Um, so... Hela; the Queen of Darkness she's not coming back?" Clay asked with a slight tone of caution in his voice as he proceeded to try and correct his balance. The last thing the realm needed right now in his opinion was another army of monsters running loose and causing havoc on the realm.

(Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at Clay, her face stone cold. Jestro looked down at Clay in horror at what the knight had just asked. Lloyd had a 'what the brick' look on his face.

"I was just asking for information." Clay objected to everyone's cold glares.

"No, you're talking to fill silence. Stop it. You're bad at it." (Y/N) said coldly before turning back around. "You're a moron." Jestro said to Clay while shaking his head.

The blue nexo knight sighed and shook his head and just continued walking. Although Jestro had a rather smug look on his face. While Clay may be Mr perfect knight. He had no real-world skills. The knight's code was his life and his life was the code.

"For your information. I've killed her twice now. If she returns again I will simply kill her again and keep killing her until she stays dead." (Y/N) informed everyone her voice was filled with dark promises.

"Wait!? That was you?!" Jestro shouted in disbelief. "I thought Merlok killed her?!" Jestro pointed out in astonishment. "No. Merlok told us Monstrux was the one that stopped her." Clay objected to Jestro's vile claims that Merlok was a killer.

"Yeah, well. You're both wrong." Lloyd loudly stated and breaking up the oncoming argument. "I was present for the second time." Lloyd boasted and (Y/N) just rolled her eyes. She cared little for gloating her actions spoke for themself.

(Y/N) unceremoniously dropped the green ninja on his rear as they neared Dark Tower Castle. "Hey!?" Lloyd yelped at being suddenly and painfully dropped.

"Jestro are you really going to let the humiliation of being carried by an enemy be seen?" (Y/N) said ignoring Lloyd's complaint and continued childish pouting. "Oh." Jestro and Lloyd said at the same time as Jestro climbed off Clay's back.

(Y/N) grunted a hello to Sharknado as the sea monster opened the gates and let them all inside.

The insanity all four leaders came back to was utterly astounding.

Whiparella and the Siren of Seaguard were at each other's throats up on stage for all to see. With others gathered around the stage hollering and cheering on the catfight.

Lloyd and Clay both facepalmed at the same time after witnessing the spectacle both teams were putting on in front of everyone. "Wow! Step out for a few hours and miss all the fun." Jestro cackled out loud.

At once (Y/N) tensed up and ground her teeth together. There was a low snarl coming off the future Queen that made everyone's hair stand on end. The snarl quickly transformed into a full shout of rage. That got everyone's attention enough to end the squabbling. Except for Whiparella and the Siren of Seaguard they still had fistfuls of each other's hair and were still rolling around on stage.

"Idiots." (Y/N) hissed between her teeth as she walked up on stage to pry the snarling pair apart.

Surprisingly Jorah Tightwad and the Tighty Knighties also climbed up on stage. Jorah had seen this as the perfect time to put his plan into action while everyone was more or less distracted.

Jorah Tightwad wore a cocky smirk on his face as he took centre stage. He was so confident he was about to rig this little challenge in his favour. "As the challengers, the Tighty Knighties have decided what their challenge shall be..." Tightwad took a dramatic pause before he said. "...A battle of the bands."

The Monsters and the Nexo Knight shared confusing looks but the Serpentine and the humans from Ninjago burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jorah Tightwad angrily demanded. Before anyone had a chance to stop laughing and giggling at the greedy man's poor choice. The Siren beat them to it. "We accept." The Siren of Seaguard loudly declared and took the chance to elbow Whiparella in the face as (Y/N) pulled them apart.

"Oh no, sweetheart." Jorah Tightwad said rather smugly. "This challenge is for your boss, not you." The Tighty Knighties join in on the snide chuckles. "Bands. Means more than one member." The Siren of Seaguard quickly pointed out with a wide smirk plastered across her face.

"Your boss has to be the lead or no deal." Jorah Tightwad declared. "After all, it would be cheating otherwise." Tightwad wisely pointed out. Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber and the Blok all loudly agreed with Jorah Tightwad. After all, he signed their paychecks.

"He's right." Whiparella agreed with Jorah Tightwad. "She has to be lead or it doesn't count." Whiparella wore a nasty smirk on her face as she said that to the siren.

"You're only saying that because you don't want me to sing." The Siren of Seaguard loudly snarled. Whiparella snorted and gave a smugly satisfied look.

"So what if I am." Whiparella hissed back. "It doesn't make it any less true." Whiparella finished by sticking her tongue out at the Siren. The Siren of Seaguard snarled once more at the lava monster. "Why you little-" "Then it's decided." Queen Selma declared before another fight could break out. "It will be a battle of the bands. Treble Makers vs The Tighty Knighties."

"May the best band win!" Queen Selma declared to the excited crowd.

The Siren of Seaguard was immediately in (Y/N)'s ear about what songs to sing. She had a look on her face that Cole knew all too well. It was the same he'd had on his face when his father would criticise him on the triple tiger sashay.

Ronin and Dareth were also watching off to the side. "You know after meeting (Y/N)'s family. A lot more about her suddenly makes sense." Dareth said out loud.

"In what way?" Ronin asked not taking his eyes off the siren as she voraciously chatted (Y/N)'s ears off. Ronin shook his head at the sight.

"Well, she was never weirded out by my stone warriors, talked to stone warriors like a stone warrior. And there was the fact she growled just like one when she would talk in her sleep." Dareth explained listing off some examples to the thief turned mercenary.

"You know I'm starting to think you should have mentioned that to the ninjas way back when you lot were friends." Ronin said nonchalantly. Dareth paused for a moment and turned to look at his friend.

"You really think it was that important?" Dareth asked and Ronin shrugged. "Eh, couldn't have hurt." Ronin said taking a long sip of his drink. "Although I doubt they would have paid attention enough for that little nugget of information to matter anyway." Ronin suggested before returning to his drink. "True enough." Dareth agreed and started to shovel popcorn into his mouth.

Cole facepalmed after hearing this. "Did everyone notice this kind of stuff going on with (Y/N) and just decided not to tell them?" Cole thought to himself. "First Cyrus Borg and the Serpentine, now these two? Eh, how could this get even more humiliating?"

Thankfully the Master of Earth was spared any more embarrassment when the Siren of Seaguard was distracted for a moment by some Berry Goblins moving things around on stage.

"No! No! No!" The Siren of Seaguard screamed at the Berry Goblins. "The other side, the other side." The Siren left (Y/N)'s side in order to properly instruct the Berry Goblins.

Cole seeing the opportunity quickly walked over to (Y/N) in order to try to have a chat. "This ought to be good." Ronin snickered to Dareth who had his face shoved into a large box of popcorn.

Dareth pulled his head out of his bag of popcorn just long enough to answer his friend. "What will be?" Dareth asked with a mouthful of food not even bothering to wipe his face free of the buttery pieces of popcorn sticking to his face. "Watching that rich snob and his lackeys get owned." Ronin chuckled and nodded his head towards Tightwad who was on the phone to someone.

"I mean it. This could save me big bucks on the next music video." Tightwad yelled into his phone. "Now you two squirebots do your jobs and get over here with the film equipment."

"I thought I had a want for money but that guy takes it to another level." Ronin scoffed and shook his head. "To be fair you were dealing with a curse on your soul. He's just greedy." Dareth reassured his friend before plunging his face back into his bag of popcorn. Ronin slightly cringed at the Zoojitzu Masters behaviour then went back to watching this travesty continue.

Cole carefully strolled up to (Y/N) while everyone else was distracted, carefully going over what he was going to say to her in his head. "Um... Hi." Was all that the Master of Earth was successfully able to awkwardly say to her.

(Y/N) didn't even bother turning around before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Look, opponent, we are not allowed to converse..." (Y/N) paused once she turned around to see whom she was actually talking to. "Oh? You're not... You're that ghost..." (Y/N) said as equally awkward clearly expecting someone else.

"Um... Yeah, I'm Cole." Cole said rubbing the back of his neck. "C-can we chat? I have some questions?" Cole asked hopefully. "You don't have to if you don't want to." His eyes were nervously darting around then back to (Y/N) then back to the ground.

"I don't think that's allowed given that we are in a tournament." (Y/N) slowly pointed out to the flustered spectre. She wasn't sure if she was going to get in trouble for speaking to him or not.

"Oh, um... How about after?" Cole offered as a solution. Silently hoping destiny would be on his side today. "With my understanding of the rules that is acceptable, as far as I know anyway." (Y/N) slowly agreed after going over the rules in her head. "Cool! See you then!" Cole practically shouted at her quickly leaving before (Y/N) could change her mind.

"Why do I suddenly feel as though that was a bad idea?" (Y/N) said under her breath. "And don't listen to what she tells you you're a great singer." Cole called out to her. (Y/N) gave an awkward smile and small wave to the ghost. "A very bad idea." (Y/N) mumbled under her breath once more.

"(Y/N)!" The Siren of Seaguard shouted for her to come to her. "Coming, Siren." (Y/N) called back and headed off to get yet another lecture on singing from the bewitching songstress of the deep.


The Tighty Knighties and the Treble Makers were given time to rehearse and prepare for their battle. In separate parts of the castle under armoured guard to insure either side wouldn't cheat.

Even Dareth, Pythor, Ronin and Queen Selma were excluded from preparations with the Treble makers just to make sure things were fair.

"Three songs!? Only three!? And I'm not allowed to sing?!" The Siren of Seaguard continued to wail at the indignity of it all. As the Treble makers were setting up to practice. Mezmo was even helping (Y/N) re-learn some cords on her guitar as the sinister songstress continued to pout and wail about it all being so unfair. She was causing such a stink no one had been able to concentrate on the search for potential spies to notice that three ninjas had snuck in and were hiding in the rafters above them.

It had been decided that Cole, Jay and Zane would be the three to sneak a peek behind the scenes.

Lloyd had wanted to go but Sensei Wu ordered his nephew to stay. "Sorry nephew but you would draw too much attention." Sensei Wu had instructed his distressed nephew. "But." Lloyd pleaded with his uncle and his team.

"Sorry Lloyd but Sensei is correct." Zane explained to the green ninja. "You have already been too close to her for her people's liking with the dragon incident; we just can not risk any further potential alienation."

"But." Lloyd pleaded again. "Sorry, tough guy. You're going to have to sit out with Nya and I." Kai said giving Lloyd a sympathetic tap on the shoulder.

"But I want to go. I should go. This isn't fair." Lloyd loudly whined at his team and Uncle. Sensei Wu sighed out loud. "Nephew, don't be childish" Sensei Wu scolded him, trying to not become irritated by his nephew's petulant act.

Cole wanted to tell Lloyd about his little agreement with (Y/N) but felt Lloyd was far too emotionally close to this right now and could very well blow this for them as well as any future peaceful meetings. So the ghostly earth ninja kept it to himself.

"Lloyd it's just like on Chen's island you're just going to have to grin and bear it." Nya offered in a comforting tone in hopes of appeasing the green ninja. Everyone turned and gave the water ninja a horrified look as to why in the name of the first spinjitzu master would she of all people bring that up now.

Even Sensei Wu was forcing himself not to facepalm right now at his student's idiocy.

"Ok, bad analogy." Nya nervously chuckled out loud. "But the point stands, we don't like it but we have to suck it up until we find a way."

Lloyd bowed his head in acknowledgement before walking off to sulk. Lloyd's mind was churning as it had been for the past few weeks, a dark maelstrom of guilt and anger and confusion. Lloyd releases a heavy sigh and slowly leans back in his seat, shocked and ashamed at where his thoughts have turned and proceeded to bury his face in his hands. "I'll try to talk to him." The fire ninja offered before going after Lloyd.

So now Cole, Jay and Zane were hiding in the shadows of the rafters keeping an eye on the Treble makers. (Y/N) was obviously frustrated, biting her lip and pinching her nose out of said frustration.

"Ok, we'll just have to work with this." The Siren of Seaguard said slapping her hands together. The normally playful grin that lived on the siren's face slowly morphed into something more serious.

"(Y/N) sing now." The Siren of Seaguard demanded snapping her fingers at her as though one would at a dog to get it to perform a trick.

Cole and Jay screwed up their faces at the sea monsters antics while Zane gave a disapproving frown. Their hearts grew heavy as they observed (Y/N) simply nodding in confirmation to the songstress command and began to sing as demanded.


[Verse 1: (Y/N)]

"Bring down the forces holding me back,

Open the doors and tear off the straps,

Why are you shocked I rose from the ash,

You can't stop me,

Tried to control me, put out the flames,

The power inside me cannot be tamed,

Anger, destruction, pressure and pain,

You can't stop me."

[Chorus: (Y/N)]

"I'm burning down the walls,

Things you were denying me,

You can not control,

This power inside of me,

Now I can have it all,

Why did you lie to me?

You can not control,

This darkness inside of me."

[Verse 2: (Y/N)]

"Don't know if I'm bad or if I'm good,

Is it's so bad, or is it misunderstood,

Wouldn't stop this even if I could,

You can't stop me,

You see the fire light in my eyes,

I see your heartbreak, I see your lies,

You know the old me, now I will arise.

You can't stop me."

[Chorus: (Y/N)]

"I'm burning down the walls,

Things you were denying me,

You can not control,

This power inside of me,

Now I can have it all,

Why did you lie to me?

You can not control,

This power inside of me."

[Bridge: (Y/N)]

"They fear what they don't understand,

They try to destroy what they're afraid of,

This story is about to end,

Let me show you what I'm made of."

[Verse 3: (Y/N)]

"Shadows and secrets crawl to the surface,

You tried to bind me, now I have a purpose,

Shackles that held me cannot return, cause,

You can't stop me,

Now you're afraid of what I've become,

My power is growing hot as the sun,

All of my shackles have been undone,

You'll never stop me."

[Chorus: (Y/N)]

"I'm burning down the walls,

Things you were denying me,

You can not control,

This power inside of me,

Now I can have it all,

Why did you lie to me?

You can not control,

This power inside of me."

There were a few small claps from those gathered at the rehearsal. But the three ninjas were positive something wasn't right. (Y/N) singing was off.

"She's holding back." Jay whispered to Cole and the Master of Earth nodded. "I bet that sirens totally shaken her confidence. Just like my dad used to do to me." Cole said solemnly. "She has solid lyrics. But she's singing too softly."

"It's not just that she appears to be having trouble remembering the cords of her instrument." Zane quietly pointed out after running some algorithm in his head.

"Ok, so this fight will be a bit more even. That's not so bad, right?" Jay asked the pair. Cole and Zane both gave each other a worried look. "For us. Not so much. But the knights..." Cole didn't even bother finishing his sentence as the look on the Master of Lightning's face was more than enough to let him know it had sunk in for him the gravity of the situation.

"That was just pitiful." The Siren declared in disgust. (Y/N) stature became tense. The Siren of Seaguard continued to criticise (Y/N) on her lacklustre performance.

(Y/N) appeared a bit sheepish at the remarks before she bitterly nodded her head. As the deep sea songstress continued her belittling as though she was a seasoned stage mum.

Cole's lips became a hard thin line as he watched this sea monster berate (Y/N), Jay blinked in mute shock unable to say a word. A first in the Master of Lightning's life, Zane was hyper-focused on the situation with his blue eyes almost staring daggers into the songstress' back with an even bigger frown on his face.

"You're a monster. Act like it." The Siren of Seaguard scolded (Y/N), her voice holding no room for argument.

It disheartened the Siren of Seaguard to see (Y/N) acting so wearily of her. But, this was necessary. The Queen of Darkness may be no more but that did not mean she could relax, they still had enemies. Enemies that had developed new weapons and strategies over the century and a half they had been gone. And (Y/N) was to be the next Queen. All of monsterkind's only hope for a fair and safe life. Sure it was an overwhelming amount of pressure to put on their weapon but it wasn't like she'd never lived under that kind of pressure before. Brick she'd done it before just to rid them of the Queen of Darkness, so (Y/N) could do it again.

The Siren of Seaguard condescendingly patted the top of (Y/N)'s head before leaving the room. As soon as the Siren of Seaguard leaving recede into silence Echo raced up and hugged (Y/N).

"It's fine, Echo." (Y/N) informed the copper nindroid. "She's right. I need to try harder." Echo gave her a sad look as he let go.

"But that was an almost perfect performance?" Mezmo pointed out in dismay. "Almost isn't good enough." (Y/N) said rather darkly to herself.

Chokun, Snappa and Lasha shared a worried look. It was well known that (Y/N) was hard on herself. But the tone in her voice had them concerned.

"Hey, why don't we take a break?" Snappa politely offered. "No, we don't have time for a break." (Y/N) stated and immediately went back to work.

"She's putting too much pressure on herself." Mezmo stated while shaking his head. "You need to help her." Echo commented and Mezmo put a hand on the copper nindroid's shoulder. "It's ok Echo. We'll find a way." Mezmo promised him.

"Mezmo, we've only been able to come up with one song." Snappa pointed out in dismay. Things definitely were not going their way.

"Why don't we show her some of our old videos no one said we couldn't just use them?" Lasha pointed out. "Lasha, you're a genius." Chokun said slapping Venomari on the back. "I have my moments." Lasha chuckled with pride.

Cole nodded to Jay and Zane, the trio quickly and quietly proceeded to sneak back to the others just in time to blend in with everyone else looking for their seats.

While Lloyd was with Sensei Wu procuring the old man some much-desired tea. Cole and Jay were quietly whispering to the others what they had found while Lloyd wasn't present. Well, Cole was whispering, Jay was stuffing his face full of food after the earth ninja had silenced the loud-mouthed master of lightning with some to keep said loud mouth quiet.

Zane, on the other hand, was meditating beside his brothers. "Kai, I mean it. There is something wrong with (Y/N) you need to see it for yourself. It's as if she can't deny them anything." Cole said in a hushed tone. "Or even talk back." Jay added with a mouthful of food.

"What?" Nya asked not understanding what Jay had just said. Cole quickly looked around to make sure that no one was listening. "That sea monster with the fishtail was being seriously rude to her and she didn't even talk back." Cole quietly explained.

"That's weird." Nya muttered to herself. The water ninja knew from experience that, that wasn't right.

"Weird!? Nya, this is beyond weird." Cole hissed at her under his breath. "She just obeyed and did what that fishy monster wanted her too." Jay said in between bites.

Zane sat perfectly still as he always did when meditating but a firm frown was in place on his normal tranquil visage.

The master of ice could not definitively answer his own questions – only of there negative consequences should he be wrong. Zane concluded that for now, he had no choice but to add this occurrence to the long list of unexplained events somehow indirectly caused by the sheer chaotic influence that surrounded (Y/N).

Far across the rows of seats, the Nexo Knights were just taking there's. "So who are we rooting for?" Aaron asked the others as they all took their seats.

"I guess Tightwad?" Axel said though his face was screwed up as if he'd eaten something bad. Macy winced a little at hearing that. "This is so wrong." Macy whined. She definitely didn't want to support the slimy man that demanded a kiss from her as a prize if he had won the kings tournament.

"I don't like this anymore then you do but we came to this tournament to stop any future evil and if Tightwad is our biggest chance. We as Knights of the realm have a duty to back him up, no matter how much we dislike him and the Tighty Knighties." Clay dutifully commanded as any loyal knight of the realm should. His teammates, however, let out a course of frustrated moaning and complaining.

"Hey look on the bright side." Lance pointed out to his teammates. "What bright side?" Macy hissed at the spoilt Nexo Knight. "Exclusive front row seats." Lance proudly exclaimed. Macy and Clay both groaned at his simple-minded self-centeredness. "How you became a knight I will never know." Clay said shaking his head. "Don't blame me. Blame my parents. I wanted to be a celebrity." Lance pointed out to the uptight leader of the Nexo Knights.

The Book of Monsters snorted while Jestro made faces at the obnoxious Nexo Knights that went unnoticed. "Settle down, joke boy." The Book of Monsters hissed at the demented jester.

"So who are we rooting for to win?" General Magma asked Jestro and the Book of Monsters. "Normally I'd say the enemy of our enemy but..." The Book of Monsters began but stopped short at the obvious. "(Y/N)!!" Jestro shouted in excitement. The lava monsters and the book gave Jestro a funny look.

"What?" Jestro demanded after seeing the strange looks. "I'd rather fellow monsters win over some even stupider and even more spoilt knights." Jestro loudly proclaimed while folding his arms in a huff and doing his best to hide a growing blush by turning his head away from the others.

The Book of Monsters paused for a moment his cover moving slightly as he contemplated their options. "Hm, good point." The Book of Monsters finally admitted. "Fair enough." General Magma stated. "Plus with the added forces out there in terrorising the kingdom the Nexo knights will be greatly overwhelmed trying to keep up with both armies."

The Book of Monsters huffed a little at the logic of that plan. A twisted plan formed in its pages. "Maybe we can talk them in to working on some sort of schedule with us." The Book said under his breath.

Up on stage Brickney Spears happily snatched up the mic before anyone else could get the chance and proudly proclaimed that she and the Tighty Knighties would be the one to open this show.

(Y/N) had to suppress a smirk. If the idiots wanted to make the mistake of going first in a three-round music battle, then who was she to stop their folly.

The Tighty Knighties.


[Intro: Brickney Spears]

"Oh my, gosh!

Do you see that beautiful girl in the mirror! (she's so pretty)

Oh my gosh just look at her!

She's so beautiful! (oh my gosh she's hot)

It's me!"

[Verse 1: Brickney Spears]

"Take a good look,

Got you sprung, got you hooked.

If looks were a crime,

I'd be the biggest crook,

My sexy lips, dreamy eyes,

Look into my eyes,

I'll put you under my spell,

I got you hypnotized,

I'll make you my fool, my living footstool,

I'm beauty you're the beast,

I'm the stallion you're the mule, (really)

I'm looking so good from head to toe, (so hot)

I see you looking at me, your pants tells me so."

[Hook: Brickney Spears]

"I see you looking,

You looking, looking, looking at me.

I know you're wishing,

You're wishing, wishing you could be me.

Look in the mirror,

And tell me, tell me what do you see.

So tell me, what do you see,

So when you're looking at me."

[Verse 2: Brickney Spears]

"So roll out the red carpet,

Cause the queen is here!

And bow down before me.

And be of good cheer. (bow down)

Have my bath ready,

And my food prepared.

It's not my fault you're ugly,

Stay over there.

Say, mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who's the prettiest of them all?

Me, me, me, me, I'm the queen of the ball.

I will rise never fall, I'm forever standing tall.

Me, me, me, me,

I'm the prettiest of them all. (that's right)"

[Hook: Brickney Spears]

"I see you looking,

You looking, looking, looking at me.

I know you're wishing,

You're wishing, wishing you could be me.

Look in the mirror,

And tell me, tell me what do you see.

So tell me, what do you see,

So when you're looking at me."

[Verse 3: Brickney Spears]

"I'm so vain, so beautifully insane. (that's right)

So don't be ashamed.

If you got me on your brain.

Where the cameras at. (Flash, Flash)

Yeah, I'm all a that. (Flash, Flash)

I know you're feeling that. (Flash, Flash)

You don't like it can kiss my ass. (Flash, Flash)

Get out my way, want a picture got to pay. (good move)

To look like me get on your knees and pray.

So ridiculously fine.

Don't cha ever cross the line.

Don't invade my space.

Cause what's mine is mine."

[HOOK: Brickney Spears]

"I see you looking,

You looking, looking, looking at me.

I know you're wishing,

You're wishing, wishing you could be me.

Look in the mirror,

And tell me, tell me what do you see.

So tell me, what do you see,

So when you're looking at me."

[Adlib: Brickney Spears]

"So don't touch my face. (get away)

You might get erased. (goodbye go that way)

Don't invade my space. (what's wrong with him)

You better know your place. (goodbye)"

"Whoa! Talk about being full of yourself." Aaron loudly snorted. "That was the most conceited song I have ever heard." Clay said out loud. "I kind of liked it." Lance openly admitted. "You would." Macy hissed at him. Axl just grunted and bit into his complimentary turkey leg that Poop and Deck were serving up to the guests.

It was now the Treble Makers turn. "Good luck, you're going to need it." Brickney Spears snarkily commented as she gave back the mic. (Y/N) took the mic for her group. She nodded to her bandmates and they redded themselves.

Treble Makers.






"Queen of monsters!"

"All rise if I ever get close to you,

All eyes on my every move now."



"I strike fear in the heart of the people,

Bow down in the presence of lethal."



"If you wonder what to call me,

If you're finding that the words are falling short,

If you wonder what to call me,

If you wonder what to call me."

"You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!

You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!"

"Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen of monsters!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen of monsters!)

You can call me Queen!"

"Come on, you can try to come at me,

In a second you'll be wondering what's happening."



"On your knees and you're begging for mercy,

Your own blood tells you that you're unworthy."



"If you wonder what to call me,

If you're finding that the words are falling short,

If you wonder what to call me,

If you wonder what to call me."

"You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!

You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!"

"Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen of monsters!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen!)

Wooo-aaa-ooo-aaa-ooo-aaah, (Queen of monsters!)"

"Everybody's gonna see, (gonna see)

Bow down, bow down!

This is my raison d'etre, (raison d'etre)

Here comes the Queen!

Everybody's gonna see, (gonna see)

Bow down, bow down!

This is my raison d'etre, (raison d'etre)

Here comes the Queen!"

"You can call me Queen!

You can call me Queen of monsters!

You can call me Queen!

You can call me Queen of monsters!"

"You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!

You can call me Queen! (Queen!)

You can call me Queen of monsters!


The monsters on the alliances and Jestro's side cheered as well. The book of Monsters gave Jestro a funny yet knowing look. "What?" Jestro asked having noticed the funny look his teacher had of his cover. "Like is said before. I'd rather support a fellow monster over those knights." Jestro stated and the Book of Monsters relented with a loud snort.

"Sure, whatever you say kid." The Book of Monsters laughed. "Although I have to admit, her choice of song was pretty gutsy." The Book of Monsters commented. The Book-Keeper nodded in agreement.

The Tighty Knighties gave the Treble Makers a group-wide dirty look and (Y/N) with a smirking challenge in her eyes wordlessly gave the mic back to Brickney. She'd let the Treble Makers talent speak for itself.

The Tighty Knighties.


[Intro: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Hey, hey, hey,

Hey-hey-hey-hey, hey,

You know whom it is, coming 'round again,

You want a dose of this right now,

It's The Tighty Knighties, uh!"

[Verse 1: Shia LaBlade]

"I'm a god with a blade,

Say it loud, yeah, say my name,

Yeah, don't forget it loud, loud, loud, loud,

You could take it to the top,

You'll never get me to stop,

Yeah, I'm awesome. I like bad gal, gal, gals."

[Verse 1: Jousting Bieber]

"And when I start to talk that that (That that),

Oh, you won't know how to react,

I'm a picture-perfect face,

with that wild in my veins,

You can hear it in my;

Growl, growl, growl, growl."

[Pre-Chorus: The Blok]

"So keep your eyes on me now,

Just for a moment and you'll understand,

We're on another level,

If you want a fight with me then come and play,

We got it all in our hands now,

So can you handle what we're all about?

We're so tough, not scared to show you up

Can you feel the rush now?"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Ain't nobody bringing us,

Down, down, down, down, down, down,

They could try, but we're gonna wear the crown,

You could go another round,

Round, round, round, round, round, round,

Wish you luck, but you're not bringing us down,"

[Post-Chorus: Brickney Spears]

"We go hard (Hard), 'til we get it, get it,

We go hard (Hard), we so in it, in it,

We pop stars (Popstars), only winning, winning now,

Ain't nobody bringing us down, down, down, down."

[Verse 2: Jousting Bieber]


You ready for this? (Let's go),

See, she looks like she's got magic,

Want some honey?

Gonna catch ya, won't stop runnin, uh!

Pow-pow, what do you even know,

You can't hold but you want it though,

When I look at you, it obvious,

I'm trouble and you're wanting it,

I'm so cold (So cold),

When I move that way, you gon' be so blown (So blown),

I'm the realest in the game, uh!"

[Verse 2: Shia LaBlade]

"Said I'm on fire with a blade,

You're about to hear my name,

Ringing in your head like, whoa,"

[Pre-Chorus: The Blok]

"So keep your eyes on me now,

Just for a moment and you'll understand,

We're so tough, not scared to show you up,

Can you feel the rush now?"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Ain't nobody bringing us,

Down, down, down, down, down, down,

They could try it but we're gonna wear the crown,

You could go another round,

Round, round, round, round, round, round,

Wish you luck, but you're not bringing us down,"

[Post-Chorus: Brickney Spears]

"We go hard (Hard), 'til we get it, get it,

We go hard (Hard), we so in it, in it,

We pop stars (Popstars), only winning, winning now,

Ain't nobody bringing us down, down, down, down,"

[Bridge: The Blok]

"Oh, mmm,

Oh, I've got you, I won't stop,

Oh, oh, we go hard,

Oh, oh, we pop stars (Stars), stars (Stars),

Ain't nobody bringing us,"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Ain't nobody bringing us,

Down, down, down, down, down, down (Down, down),

They could try it but we're gonna wear the crown,

You could go another round,

Round, round, round, round, round, round,

Wish you luck, but you're not bringing us down,"

[Post-Chorus: Brickney Spears]

"We go hard (Hard), 'til we get it, get it,

We go hard (Hard), we so in it, in it,

We pop stars (Popstars), only winning, winning now,

Ain't nobody bringing us down, down, down, down!"

Shia LaBlade went to hand over the mic and a cold chill ran down his spine.

"Thanks." (Y/N) said taking the mic, the cool arrogance in her voice startled the Tighty Knighties. He looked back and (Y/N) was still smiling. He quickly stumbled to the safety of his fellow celebrity knights as quickly as he could, feeling totally confused and a little sick.

For some reason, the smile reminded him of a successful predator. Pythor lifted an impressed eyebrow and smiled at the Treble Makers, leaning forward he whispered something to Queen Selma.

"Some things wrong." Shia LaBlade uttered to his teammates as (Y/N) began to sing. "That smile. It's too genuine."

Treble Makers.


"Can someone give me the answer,

To my question.

Where's my soul?"

"It's like a virus in my body while I'm dreaming,

When I wake up all that's left of me are bones.

I'm in a panic! Get out, hurry,

Oh, there are mysteries and many miseries,

Dead or alive, I'm on the brink of self-destruction,

As I'm roaming from left, to right, to hell.

An invitation to come disappear,

We're dancing one, two, three steps on this dark stage."

"Raise your flag, march on, fight.

Break your mask and show some pride.

While this war just sends a shiver down my crooked spine.

Wars and swords, tears and blood.

Feel my heart begin to race,

As I laugh in this bloodbath we made."

"Can someone give me the answer,

To my question?

Where's my soul?

Where's my heart?

Am I losing my own self?

Don't you hesitate,

Go this way,

I don't know,

And I don't care,

Tell me, are you not entertained now?"

"I'll just keep surviving,

I just cannot hide at all (can't hide)

I am not to fall a victim,

I'll continue living,

In this misery-driven world."

"See, the sky, it's black and biting cold at midnight,

The dark's consuming and always drives me mad,

Where is the star now? I found the star now,

But if it's so beautiful, why am I full of doubt?

Amid bewilderment it lies, a deep desire,

When I look out, it's sky, and land, and sea,

That deep desire to climb even higher,

I'm climbing one, two, three steps to the royal throne!"

"Cast a spell, call them up,

Summon them with all despair,

Drunk with emptiness, my soldiers do a little dance,

Shouts and barks, grief and death,

Cower up in utter fear,

As you bow before my mighty blade."

"Well, that's what you get,

Are you deaf?

Break it all,

Take it all,

Everything is for the taking, now,

Are you prey,

Or just playing?

I just can't stop,

I just can't stop,

I'm addicted to all this power."

"I'll just keep on winning,

Nothing will be left at all (not left at all)

I am not to fall a victim,

I'll continue thriving,

In my misery-driven world."

"I can see just what you're made of,

Bare your soul with your heart on your sleeve,

Fighting for what you believe in,

Now's your chance to prove yourself."

"Can someone give me the answer,

To my question?

Where's my soul?

Where's my heart?

Am I losing my own self?

Don't you hesitate,

Go this way,

I don't know,

And I don't care,

Tell me, are you not entertained now?"

"I'll just keep surviving,

I just cannot hide at all (can't hide)

I am not to fall a victim,

I'll continue living,

In this misery-driven world."

The Tighty Knighties glanced at Jorah Tightwad thankfully the greedy man was hidden from the crowd by the curtains on the side of the stage, no one needed to see a full-grown man throwing a fit like a spoiled child being denied a toy.

"That's not good." Jousting Bieber said out loud as he side-eyed their leader/mentor's embarrassing yet thankfully hidden from the public outburst. "Yo, he's heading this way." Shia LaBlade pointed out as he watched Tightwad storm over to them.

"Do something!" Tightwad shouted at the four celebrity knights. "Like what?" The Blok asked. "You lot sell out across the realm! Do something!" Tightwad shouted again at the Tighty Knighties as they were hurried out on to the stage.

"I should seriously find better help." Tightwad hissed under his breath once the Tighty Knighties were out of earshot.

The Tighty Knighties.


[Verse: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"F to the A to the B-U-L-O-U-S, yeah, yeah,

F to the A to the B-U-L-O-U-S, yeah, yeah,"

"This is your lucky day,

Your standing in our presence,

This is your lucky day,

We're like a slice of Heaven,"

"Greatness in your presence,

(Flown of the flowing),

Time to take a lesson from us, we guarantee,"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]



Simply one and only,


Came and get to know us,


You wanna be our homie,

(Funky and fabulous)"

"Don't hate us 'cause we got it,


You know we're gonna flaunt it,


Gonna make you want it,

(We're so fabulous)"

"F to the A to the B-U-L-O-U-S,

We're so fabulous,

F to the A to the B-U-L-O-U-S,


[Verse: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"This is your lucky day,

Our music's got you movin',

This is your lucky day,

Oh yeah, it's got you groovin',"

"Now we gotcha swoonin',

(Flown of the flowing)

You've become addicted to us,

That's how it be,"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]



Simply one and only,


Come and get to know us,


You wanna be our homie,

(Funky and fabulous)"

[Bridge: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Don't hate us 'cause we got it,


You know we're gonna flaunt it,


Gonna make you want it,


"Now take a breath,

Just sit back, let it go,

(Just chill out with the flow)

Because now we're running the show,"

[Rap: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"We're funky, We're fly,

We're fabulous and here's why,

We're rowdy, We're real,

Let us tell you how we feel,"

"Don't worry that your inferior,

It's just that we're superior,

Don't sweat it, don't cry,

Don't fret it, here's why,"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Simply one and only,


Come and get to know us,


You wanna be our homie,

(Funky and fabulous)"

"Don't hate us 'cause we got it,


You know we're gonna flaunt it,


Gonna make you want it,

(We're so fabulous)"

[Chorus: Shia LaBlade, Brickney Spears, Jousting Bieber & The Blok.]

"Simply one and only,


Come and get to know us,


You wanna be our homie,

(Funky and fabulous)"

"Don't hate us 'cause we got it,


You know we're gonna flaunt it,


Gonna make you want it,


(Y/N) forced her face to stay neutral at the pitiful display. That had been the Tighty Knighties last chance to make a good impression and judging by their choice of music they didn't understand the crowd they were performing for.

The crowd wasn't even putting much effort to politely clap. (Y/N) could see Pythor was snickering under his breath and Queen Selma slapped him for it.

"That wasn't very nice of Pythor to laugh." Echo quietly stated, disapproving of the Anacondrai's actions. "They tried their best." Echo said looking over at the Tighty Knighties.

(Y/N) awkwardly stood there rubbing her arm suddenly for a brief moment she felt a little pity for her opponents.

(Y/N) caught the eyes of the Elm of the Dark Realm. (Y/N) flinched. Fear shot through her. That scolding judgmental look reminded her of when Hela ruled over them when the Isle of Vile had servants, soldiers and monsters of all types and all of them just ready to tattle on her to her creator for any perceived weakness.

"(Y/N)?" Snappa asked having noticed the sudden stiffness in (Y/N). "Nothing. Let's play." (Y/N) quickly answered.

Treble Makers.




"I'm the tallest of mountains,

I am the roughest of waves,

I'm the toughest of terrors,

I am the darkest of days,

I'm the last one that's standing,

Don't try to stand in my way,

Because I've been up against better,

Just take a look at Hela I put her in her place,"

"Because if you're messing with me,

I am a dangerous weapon,

I am the sharpest of blades;

I'll cut you down in a second,

Because I was born in this pain,

It only hurts if you let it,

So if you think you can take me,

Then you should go and forget it,"

"And after all this time, you're back for more,

(I won't stop until they know my name)

So I'll take what's mine and finish this war,

(I'm coming at you like a tidal wave, tidal wave, tidal wave)"

"When everything you know has come and gone,

(You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)

Only scars remain of who I was,

(What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire!)

When there's no one left to carry on,

(This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...)

This pain (persists),

I can't (resist),

But that's what it takes to be Infinite."

"Yeah, so look around you,

And tell me what you really see,

I'll never end,

And that's the difference in you and me,

Because when your time is up,

And everything is falling down,

It's only me and you - who is going to save you now?"

"So look around you,

And tell me what you really see,

You live a lie,

And that's the difference in you and me,

I have the power,

Let me show you what it's all about,

It's only me and you - who is going to save you now?"

(Who is going to save you now?)

"I am the tallest of mountains,

And don't you ever forget it,

If you step in the ring,

Then you're going to regret it."

(Take it)

"Because if you're messing with me,

Then you should know that it's over,

I won't crumble for anything,

I've got the world on my shoulders,"

"And after all this time, you're back for more,

(I won't stop until they know my name)

So I'll take what's mine and end this war,

When everything you know has come and gone,

(You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)

Only scars remain of who I was,

(What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire!)

When there's no one left to carry on,

(This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...)

This pain (persists),

I can't (resist),

But that's what it takes to be Infinite (Yeah)"

"So look around you,

And tell me what you really see,

I'll never end,

And that's the difference in you and me,

Because when your time is up,

And everything is falling down,

It's only me and you - who is going to save you now?"

"So look around you,

And tell me what you really see,

You live a lie,

And that's the difference in you and me,

I have the power,

Let me show you what it's all about,

It's only me and you - who is going to save you now?"

(Who is going to save you now?)

The crowd burst out into applause, a cacophony of cheering, whooping, hollering and clapping, excitement buzzed through the charged air. The crowd was electrified, With the cheers come fists in the air and eyes flung wide.

"What the hell do you call that, (Y/N)?" Snappa asked his voice rang in amusement. An infectious grin plastered across his face as the shouts of joy echoed around.

(Y/N) turned and shrugged. "Inspiration, opportunity and dumb luck." She responded with a wicked smile.

"It is official the Treble Makers have won the battle of the bands." Queen Selma proudly declared and the crowd let out a spontaneous outpouring of agreement.

Tightwad started to throw a fit saying that the contest was rigged but no one noticed or cared about the man's tantrum. They were all to busy being caught up in the excitement of the Treble Makers winning.

Author Notes:

1.) Lyrics in order of use:

- "This Fire Inside" (Dark Phoenix Song) (feat. Halocene and NerdOut).

The Tighty Knighties:

- It's All About Me. By Bandy Leggz.

- K/DA - POP/STARS. Male English cover by KS.

- Fabulous. By Chelsea Staub.

Treble Makers:

- King of the world by WAR*HALL.

- Overlord - Clattanoia - FULL OPENING (OP 1) - [ENGLISH Cover by NateWantsToBattle].

- Sonic Forces - Infinite Theme theme full version.

2.a) Thank you for reading. Also, don't forget to voice who'd you would like to see (Y/N) with I don't mind if you vote for a pair or group to win her heart.

2.b) The current list of who (Y/N) ends up with: (Don't worry. All endings listed will happen. It will be a choose your own ending.)

No one.







Cyrus Borg.

Sensei Garmadon.

Lord/Emperor Garmadon.








Captain Soto.




Griffin Turner.

Master Chen.








Soul Archer.



Yandere Lloyd.


All the Ninjas (Except Nya).

All the Nexo Knights.

Echo x (Y/N) x Zane.

Morro x (Y/N) x Lloyd.

Kai x (Y/N) x Lloyd.

Zane x (Y/N) x Jay.

Lloyd x (Y/N) x Aaron.

Jay x (Y/N) x Cole.

Jay x (Y/N) x Lloyd.

Jay x (Y/N) x Kai.

Cole x (Y/N) x Zane.

Ronin x (Y/N) x Zane.

Morro x (Y/N) x Dareth.

Morro x (Y/N) x Kai.

Morro x (Y/N) x Jay.

Morro x (Y/N) x Cole.

Echo x (Y/N) x Cyrus Borg.

Nya x (Y/N) x Skylor.

Lord Garmadon x (Y/N) x Sensei Garmadon.

All the male Ninjas x (Y/N) x Morro.

All the male Ninjas x (Y/N) x Dareth.

All the male Ninjas x (Y/N) x Ronin.

All the male Ninjas x (Y/N) x Morro and Ronin.

All the Nexo Knights x (Y/N) x Jestro.

All the Nexo Knights x (Y/N) x All the Ninjas.

All the male Ninjas except for Kai.

All the male Ninjas except for Lloyd.

Cole, Chen, Ronin x (Y/N).

Clay, Axl, Cole x (Y/N).

Lloyd, Jay, Zane, Echo, Cole, Master Chen x (Y/N).

Yandere Morro x (Y/N) x Yandere Kai.

Yandere Kai x (Y/N) x Yandere Nya.

Yandere Cole x (Y/N) x Yandere Jay.

Macy x (Y/N) X Nya.


Tiny rant: This took so long because the original songs I had picked for this were taken down an when I went looking for alternatives youtube kept giving me bad songs and the same songs over and over again. What was up with youtube this month!?

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