Six years later.
Three kids; a carbon copy of Sudais, each clutching an envelope called, running up the stairs of the porch and leaving behind their heaving mother.
"Slow down, Aali! Don't do that-you're not-God!"
Laila's warnings went on deaf ears, the kids went on and she dropped her bag into a maid's helping hand.
"Daddy, where are you?"
"Yaddy, where are you?"
Laila chuckled at Aali's words; she wondered when he'd get the 'Daddy' right. Still, she warned them as they pushed open a door.
"Barkindo da Sultan, karku tada Daddy!"
"Daddy beda lafiya." She shook her head, surging her heavy legs to grab Aali who was about to stumble but thankfully, he did not.
"Wayece banda lafiya?" Sudais sat up and groaned in mock as he swiped the youngest kid, Aali, off his feet and threw the cackling kid up before catching him. "Lafia na qalau."
Laila stood a few feet from him, "Suda-" she ceased, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "I told you to rest."
Sudais mirrored Aali's pout at Laila, "And..." he calculated the time on his phone before taking hold of Aali's envelope. "I did. For forty-three minutes."
"Daddy!" Sultan called out for attention, lifting his envelope and Barkindo followed suit.
Sudais' smile fell and Laila froze in her spot. Hell, even the kid's eyes ceased in motion. For the split second that Sudais' eyes met Laila's, his narrowed eyes blamed her for the kid's boldness; he must've heard it from her.
Sudais pulled Aali onto his lap and rested his squinting eyes on Barkindo, "S for what, Barkindo? What did you just call me?"
Barkindo pouted and dropped his head; the kid knew he was wrong but did not lie, "Sudais."
Sudais shook his head, "No." he affirmed in a soft voice. "My name is dad. Okay?"
"Yes," he nodded, "Don't...don't call that again... its ah-it's a bad word."
Laila helped herself beside Sudais.
"Now don't be sour, What'd you get?" The question was meant for each kid but he reached for Barkindo's envelope.
"Second!" Sultan threw his arm into the air.
"Third!" Barkindo followed and Aali's tiny fingers went up.
Sudais and Laila's instinct was to laugh at Aali's mis-wording. "It's first, Aali." Sudais corrected before he shared a high five with each and began to unfold the envelopes to study their semester results.
As Sudais studied the results, Laila rested her chin on her palm and studied him too.
The most befitting word she could use to describe him was; Growth; not just physical.
Laila was proud to say, this selfish, big man had grown and although he still was growing, she sometimes still found it hard to believe.
Four years ago, they had fought over something and while she had gone on a mouth diarrhea spree and had expected a sound clap back like normal, she got none and it hit her. He had sat on a couch, staring at her and listening to the things she normally would not say until triggered, then simply walked out.
It enraged her, but it proved to be the right decision as she calmed down and a tiny voice in her head had told her this was not the man she knew.
In fact, another voice had told her that this was it; the time that he had gotten tired of her had come, he'd divorce her and find another person who would handle situations calmer.
It was the longest hours of her life that she used to bury her face in a book, reading but but catching. Later, he trooped into the room and sat. The room had fallen into silence for over half an hour before he cleared his throat and began, which was ultimately the beginning of their best years of marriage.
He said, "I've realized that two enraged people cannot make a situation right only after four years of being married to you. I mean this with no offense but I've understood that it is never going to be easy dealing with an abused person. I've understood that communication is key, yelling is absurd, keeping malice is bullshit and assumptions are not always right. All this Chaos and Painkillers only aggravate matters."
And although it took her over a day to digestion it, she did. The part about dealing with an abused person hit her the most. She decided to do everything in her power to be better, do better, and tune down her irate nature.
A month or so to Laila's EDD when she was carrying Barkindo, who was named Umar Faruk after those dead kids with the nickname Barkindo; the blessed one in fulla, Sudais returned to the army as a non-commissioned officer and was given a raise to the lieutenant colonel of Minna, Niger state, owing to his previous position as Lamido.
Laila was a mother for a month as necessary preps to move to Minna along with her job was processed before Sudais, her, Naja'atu, and their kids: Sultan and Barkindo moved.
Then again, a year later, Sudais was posted to Lagos where they resided for almost a year before his next post was Jos, Plateau state.
The moving was something they had planned on getting used to but thankfully, he hadn't been posted anywhere else since then and was now a colonel.
Of course, Laila did not sign up to share a husband but had eventually focused on her career and son once Sudais was either grooped between work, a tech company he had built solely for apps, and being an unbalanced husband between the two of them.
The fear of being resurrected half paralyzed for not being a fair husband to Naja'atu crept him to the bones. Sometimes, he convinced himself he could not love Naja'atu.
Naja'atu had tried everything but Sudais' heart was effortlessly owned by Laila. And if that wasn't okay, her son, Sultan, and her second kid Aali preferred Laila and Sudais over her. Where had she gone wrong? She never got an answer.
When Aali turned two, Naja'atu had decided to stop being unfaithful and ask for a divorce as she had met someone who she strongly believed was the one.
Sudais couldn't be more glad; not glad that his kids were to grow up without their mother, but glad Naja'atu would be set free.
Now the dilemma was, who was to take custody?
Sudais carefully ran the question and much to his surprise, Naja'atu had wanted no custody.
Laila was a good woman and mother, she had said, and although they never got along, she trusted Laila would raise Sultan and Aali better than her, without malice; she was doing a great job at being a mom; Barkindo was the living example.
With half smiles and half-sad hugs, Sudais waved Naja'atu goodbye and since then, Sultan and Aali knew Laila as their mother. Naja'atu would call a few times a month to check in on them and would thank Laila for her selflessness.
Laila was juggling the two most exhausting and excruciating jobs in the world; being a doctor and a mother to not just one, but three kids.
Owing to that, Mami was not weak and passive; Laila finally understood and stopped blaming her.
After Barkindo had turned six months, She took him to her hometown and spent a day crying in her mother's arms.
No, no.
Those books about being a mother did not prepare her for this. No one told her beyond labor, the journey of a mother was a bitter-sweet journey. Everyone said when you held your bundle of joy, all the pain went away, but absolutely no one and nothing could her prepare her.
Although a part of her still wished her mother stood against her father, it dawned on her that it was the nature of women and how they were brought up to suck up to men, to forgive men, to forgo dreams and to go to the end of the world for their children.
Mami, I finally understand.
Barkindo at four, Laila's pact with Sudais to get off her meds and mother another child was here. The pain was something she would go through every day if it meant the happiness Sultan, Barkindo, and Aali brought her. But what she did not plan for was conceiving twins.
"Mami!" The kids called out and Laila flinched. She placed her hand against her chest.
"You promised me cupcakes."
"And me Sandwich, and...umm, ice cream and monster cookies...and..."
Barkindo and Sultan stated respectively.
"And me bread." Sudais was part of the children. Laila turned to glare at him and he let out a cackle.
"Yes, we'll make cupcakes and cookies and sandwiches and get ice cream and we'll play games!" The room went up with Yay's before Laila rose an index, "But only if everyone removes their uniforms, put theirs bags away and then tell nanny to give you a bath."
It was unbelievable but they scrambled out. Laila and Sudais' eyes followed their motion before she leaned in to feel the skin of his blazing neck. Her protests began in a wobbly, whisper. "You don't listen to me at all. Yaya kakeso nayi?"
She pushed the urge to cry, Sudais wasn't helping. "Bakason hutu, your blood pressure keeps bouncing up and down. You don't care. You don't care about me or our kids or how we'll ever live without you due to your recklessness. You don't-"
"Shh-" Sudais understood the gravity of his delinquency towards his health and how it was affecting his eight months, two weeks pregnant wife. They had been over this, "You still haven't gotten over the fact that i almost died?" He reached for her hand but she snatched it away. "Haba Sadiya," he inched closer. "It has been six and a half years, i am fine, you are fine, we are fine." She stared at him and a tear fell.
"You're not fine."
He took hold of her face and inched forward. His ringing head protested but it was nothing in contrast to what he was feeling inside. His words of reassurance were mostly for himself considering the person who put him in that hospital was still scot-free. Every now and then, Sudais was paranoid of everyone and sometimes developed insomnia at the thought of the man attacking him now that he had everything to lose.
Sudais kept his trust in Allah and the effort he had been making to safeguard his family, "I am fine."
His words enraged her, she pushed his hand away and stood with difficulty. "Wallahi Kaika sani."
She went to storm off but his soft-firm grip on her arm repelled. "Yi haquri full chicken ina." He said the simplest and most powerful word in their relationship. A simple apology, something he undermined but realized was the key to working out; only when he meant it.
Sudais stood and momentarily held his raging head; he was not fine, he was just being fine for his wife and family. He pulled her side into him and placed his chin on her head, the mishmash of her fragrance and faint clinical disinfectant intensifying at his act. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."
"You said you would-"
"I will, I'm sorry."
The conversation was suspended, as then, he asked. "A yami? (Have you eaten?)" she shook her head against his chin.
Sudais nodded and dragged her to the room downstairs.
"Take a shower, mi dan wara.(i am coming.)"
Sudais listened as Barkindo whispered into his ears following days later.
"If I get you what you want you have to do something for me too." The kid eagerly nodded. Sudais dropped his large arm over the kid and turned him until they were facing Laila across the room. She had her head buried in a book while she rocked back and forth on a chair. "I need you to go tell Mami in her ears that daddy says he loves." Barkindo sprinted to his mother.
Sudais stared on with a foolish smile, leaning forward and supporting his chin with his palm.
Laila's attention was completely diverted to Barkindo, something she was good at, giving her kids attention.
Barkindo must have delivered the message because her lips began to stretch in glee before her eyes met that of Sudais's. Their mouths twisted in sync and the kid glanced between his parents in accomplishment.
Sudais nodded, answering the kid's impending question, "Your control is in the nightstand."
The kid scrambled and Laila groaned as she threw her sore legs side to side to ease the numbness before approaching Sudais. "When are you going to man up, engineer up, former lamido up, tafida up, CEO up, colonel up, daddy up and tell me you love me again? It's been 6 years."
His energy met hers as he rose and met her halfway, "When are you going to woman up, cardiologist up, influencer up, pregnant up, mommy up, former lamido's wife up, and tell me you love me to my face? You never did."
Sudais did not lie, but neither did she when years ago she admitted that 'love' was a very heavy word for her. Hence, why she preferred showing it.
It would be heaven to hear it again but she would not say it first, so she moved to walk away.
Sudais blocked her.
Years since he had come to terms with his feelings and Laila hers, they were still growing, one teeny-tiny step at a time.
Teeny-tiny steps like how Laila was now a mental health advocate both on the media and organized events every once a month for women and girls about things she wished she knew or did or did not do while growing up.
He was so proud, it should be tattooed on his forehead. She was too fast in this growing thing and he felt the need to run and catch up. But that was the thing, she was always the better person. He was just the selfish one who always pretended to be the victim.
Sudais had outgrown that and made sure she knew by dropping his pride and catching her lightly bloated face to turn her to him. Their sights met and she looked down. Yeap, some things would never change.
This time, not only Laila looked down but so did Sudais. It was funny and maddening, he was shy, and he wanted to bash his head but instead scratched the back of his neck. "I love you." He whispered so low, she barely caught it.
Laila swallowed a thick lump and returned the same low tone, "I love you too."
A rush of emotions; mostly glee and surprise hit him and his eyes widened, eyes landing on Laila's distended nose.
A portentous truck of confidence hit him and he lifted her chin as he repeated, loud and clear, "I love you."
Where could she begin? Nowhere. Instead, she ran her head into his chest, bashfully wrapping her arms around him and burying her cheek itching wide smile into his chest.
Sudais laughed as they slightly rocked, "Au wato de bazaki fadan ba?" Laila nodded then shook her head, confusing but reassuring. They were getting there.
Teeny-tiny steps.
He tenderly embraced her as much as her humongous baby bump would allow. "Hm. Love you too." Since she was not going to say it back.
The position lasted until Laila's tone suggested dampening Sudais' mood. "Can i-?"
"No." He knew what she was seeking. "You're not going to port Harcourt. It's the forty-third time i am telling you. You are eight months and three weeks pregnant and we're leaving for yola in two days for the first time again. After you give birth, I'll take you to ph myself."
"Dan Allah-"
One thing that had not changed was their ability to be all over each other one second and be at each other's throats the next; at least now it never got physical and if Laila did, he ignored her. She firmly nodded, gritting, "Go and jump into the lagoon," and stormed out. He did not stop or try to apologize.
Sudais was on the right.
Laila wanted to visit port Harcourt to see Maya who had given birth a few weeks back and Sudais being overly sensitive had restricted her.
Laila believed he was not being sensitive but just selfish since she had not been there for Maya the first time the girl gave birth. Yes, Maya was now happily married and a mother to two in Rivers state.
What was selfish of Sudais was the fact that he was taking her with him in two days to Yola for the first time in six and half years.
Governor Gambo Ibrahim failed his election and was not renewed for a second tenure, instead, another man who was once Baba Alhaji's boy won the election and although it took him two years, he lifted the ban on Sudais' name without being asked two months back.
Sudais left the visitation to December since Mima was getting married.
What was the difference between flying to Rivers or Yola? None, Laila answered but Sudais cared not. He just did not want her too far. He would not admit it.
Laila's silent treatment lasted even on the day they set out for Yola. She had refused his hand while going up the stairs. When they had landed though, Sudais stood down and placed a helping hand to her which she ignored.
The eager kids had run off but Sultan caught the act. He ran back up, took his mum's hand, and placed it into his dad's.
The kid felt better, running off and once he was ahead, Laila attempted to wiggle her fingers out of Sudais' grasp and he tightened his hold. No way was he letting her go.
A non-ending mass of people crowded the old palace from miles before. Not only was a former princess marrying into another influential family, but the former lamido was showing up for the first time in almost seven years. The town was in chaos.
The recognition was overwhelming, Sudais' smile remained even as he begged the traditional guards not to fire guns. He could not risk it, his wife was almost 9 months.
Laila and the kids were dropped at her and Sudais's chambers. She had to admit, she missed the place to the point she teared up. The memories and everything that happened there was part of the major events that shaped her into what she was that day.
Sudais' first task was a visit to his parent's grave which had him tearing up.
Next was his mother's place. A scorching scream scraped his ears before a weight threw herself at him. He recognized the scent and matched her howl as he hugged the bride back, "Attorney Mima!"
Two years ago once she was called to bar, Mima had explicitly warned everyone against calling her name without the attorney as she didn't go through six years and seventeen thousand assignments just for her name to be called plain and clear.
On the nikkah day, Sudais was immersed in so much public at the central mosque of Adamawa state.
Although he was not Mima's waliyy, their uncle, the king was, Sudais was still as important or maybe even more.
Government officials, business tycoons, and sultans from all over were taking turns having small talk and taking pictures with the family of the bride.
Sudais' most surprising scene was his elder brother, Bello giving him a manly hug when he hadn't seen the man in four years, since Hafsy's wedding preparation in Abuja. The man seemed to not be keeping malice with him anymore.
Sudais searched for his most social kid while holding Aali, the antisocial to his chest, and Sultan by holding his hand, "Toi Barkindo? (Where is Barkindo?)"
Sultan's fingers pointed vaguely at the crowd. Sudais only saw a mass of men mostly in white Kaftans. "Toi? (Where?)"
Sultan looked up, "With Bappa Muri." Sudais finally noticed and felt relieved.
"Stay with uncle Tahir then, go with Aali." Sudais attempted to drop Aali but the kid only clutched to him and began to wail. Great. "Go sit."
Meanwhile, at the Palace.
"An daura auren Maryam Idris Mamman da Abdulrahman Abdullah!"
Hafsy was the first to surge up as yodels began in the largest lounge of Mama's chambers.
Laila followed suit, holding Aman tight, Hafsy's three-year-old boy.
Just in time, a startling row of gunshots began and Laila froze in her spot. The gunshots didn't cease but Hafsy noticed Laila's sudden change.
"Dada?" Hafsy called out as she walked back in time for Laila to flinch and clutch her abdomen. "A don jam? (Are you okay?)"
There was nothing okay about Laila's situation and the moisture she felt splash from between her legs was confirmation. She moved to lift her lace boubou but every motion she made only surged the sharp stabs in her abdomen. She knew this pain.
The lounge went silent. Hafsy and Maijidda moved closer to Laila.
"Is it your legs?" Hafsy asked.
"Dada...are you in pain?" Majidda followed.
"My water broke!" The pain surged ten times fold every passing second. "I think i am going into labor, Call Sudais!"
The lounge scattered with adrenaline.
Three hours after the nikkah, families set out for the wedding reception. They made it to the location four hours after the nikkah.
Sudais served food for his kid's, Tahir's, Muri's, Maijidda's, Aisha's, and other kids before he could sit with Aali and feed them. The kid had refused to leave Sudais.
It was always like that. Aali was either clutched to Sudais or Laila. The kid was too anti-social.
An announcement by Moha had Sudais drop his spoon. "Bappa, Dada gave birth."
"Waye kuma dada?" Sudais's question had everyone turning to him. Why were they looking at him? His wife's EDD was in two weeks.
"Anty Laila mana!"
"Wace Lailan!?" it was only natural his brain would repel against such huge news.
"Your wife Mana!" Muri spoke this time.
"Bura ubannan! Ina wayana?" Sudais sought as he placed Aali aside, "Sultan! Barkindo!" He crazily called once he found his phone gone from his pocket. The kids rose their eyes from the phone. He bent down, snatching his phone that was placed in do not disturb mood to find over thirty missed calls.
"Innalillahi wa'inna'ilaihir raji'un!" He was out of his mind, forgetting his children as he slipped into shoes he didn't know which. "Waye me key na mota?"
"Yaddyyyy!" Aali's cries began as everyone got to their feet.
Sudais waved his hand and didn't slow down, "Kai dalla ka tashi anan wajen!"
The crew putting kids into their shoes couldn't help but laugh and only Tahir was composed enough to comment, "Haba Yaddy. Kawai don kayi sabon 'ya?"
Tahir barely caught up to Sudais in a Prado. He strapped the boys to the backseat before their maniac father was maneuvering through excruciating traffic to get to the clinic.
With no other choice, Sudais picked Aali with one arm once he had recklessly parked at the clinic. The rest of the kids followed as their dad began dialing Hafsy's number only to find her at the entrance.
"Haba Hafsy, why didn't you call me?"
"We called you thirty-six times." She said the obvious and he stupidly nodded.
"When was this? How is she? Are my girls fine?"
Hafsy only answered partially, "Immediately after the nikkah, that means almost five hours back they fired those guns. And she's fine."
"Wallahi i warned them! Haba!" He let out a heavy breath, "Toh Alhamdulillah."
Sudais was never prepared for the sight he met at the amenity room. He slowly dropped Aali who clutched his leg while he brought a slow hand over his head. "Innalillahi..." he could not continue, rooting to his spot and his kids did the same.
He finally exclaimed. "Shey my eye dey pain me abi na three babies i dey see?"
Laila had never looked so exhausted in her life but she still managed to nod along with Hafsy and Aisha-Dadda.
"Labor?" He asked his dreaded question which he knew the answer to. The adults nodded again and Sudais rushed to the bed, catching Laila's free hand and dropping to his knees.
Sudais had watched Laila on the ultimate verge of death when she was birthing Barkindo and only then did he understand a fragment of what she went through watching him in a coma for three months. Hell, he had promised not to get her pregnant again but well...things happen.
Laila had gone through the second most painful thing in the world THREE times in a matter of hours and he couldn't help but tear up and bring her hand to his forehead. He had no befitting act or words of gratitude. He would forever be indebted to her, no act of his could ever size halfway to what she had gone through for him and their family.
"I am so sorry...so sorry i was not here baby. I am so sorry. Wallahi i warned them, i told them banda gunshots. I kept emphasizing you are very close to your EDD. I am so sorry baby. I am sorry I wasn't here."
"I am so sorry baby."
"I am so sorry baby."
Sudais rose his widened eyes to find Sultan and Barkindo knelt on each side of him, looking at their mum and mimicking their father's words. The room scattered with laughter that had Aali's cries slow down.
Sudais lightly hissed at the copycats, "She is my baby and she is your mum, not baby." He shook his head and rose his glossy eyes to Laila. "I am so sorry i was not here. Wallahi I wanted to hold your hands. I wanted—"
"You're here now." it was all that mattered. Her hand lifted to tap his cheek and wipe his tear before she spread her hand open to Aali. He had been seeking her attention since his dad was ignoring him.
Sudais stood, bringing Laila's head into his chest and sandwiching Aali between them. He suddenly did not care if the kid suffocated.
The position should last forever for Sudais. It was the closest to showing the gratitude he could think of.
He needed to name his daughters though and as such, released the spartan woman's head and settled on the couch as Hafsy introduced him to his three daughters.
The firstborn, one Sudais had already named the first day he found out Laila was pregnant was a brown-haired teeny-tiny baby. Although baby features were wesk, Sudais was sure he had seen a woman like that. "Falmata." He said, caressing the brown hair of the baby that was his deceased mother's exact hair color.
"I said it too, she looks like her," Aisha affirmed from the side.
Sudais did not control his tears. His mother was reincarnated through his daughter. The skin on her ear was cream toned, she was going to have Sudais' skin just like the rest of his boys. He ran his baby down the naming ceremony, calling the adhan, her name, some prayers, and the chewed dates into her mouth before kissing her forehead.
Next was an exact copy of Falmata but with black hair. "Fadima." He named after Laila's mother and repeated the ceremony.
The third he hadn't planned for but knew who she was going to be, "Baraka." This was his mama.
While Sudais was busy arranging His boys on the couch each with a baby secured in their arms, Laila unconsciously stared at the ceiling.
They were coming back. Those voices.
Their first scan, the machine was faulty and showcased two kids. Laila went again after freaking out the entire night knowing her baby bump couldn't be for just two kids, she found out she was having triplets. She kept it to herself.
Sudais hadn't noticed, but she could barely concentrate at the though. She doubted she was doing well raising three boys, and now six kids?
A combust of emotions and hormones smacked her. Although she was grateful to have successfully given birth to healthy babies, the biggest dilemma was going to be juggling six kids.
What if in the process of giving one attention, she ignored the other? Please, she wanted to give them the best but could not comprehend how she would start giving her best to six kids.
Sudais would be supportive, but she was scared to her pants.
As if her thoughts weren't suicidal enough, Hafsy decided to pull her brother's legs.
"Hamma, Dada fa tace she is never giving birth again." that was no lie, throughout labor, Laila had promised never to give birth again. She had six kids and had only planned on having three kids in life.
"Tama isa," Sudais turned from pictures of his kids to Laila.
"Dozen zamuyi." Sudais's words grabbed Laila's attention and the room went up in laughter at her horrified face.
He nodded at her agape eyes and mouth, "Yes. Dozen zamuyi."
"Dozen?" Laila asked.
"Dozen! Six down, six to go!" Sudais added as if it was the simplest thing.
Laila hummed, shaking her head. "Aniyarka ta bika. I am getting them to remove this womb once i recover." the moment she recovered, this womb had to go!
Sudais turned to his boys, placing his hands akimbo. "Sultan how many more baby siblings do you want?"
Sultan rose three fingers, then two, indecisively. Sudais went on to Barkindo, "What of you?"
Barkindo rose his index with a cheeky smile and once it was Aali's turn, the kid finally rose his unwavering eyes off his sister and Sudais immediately knew Aali was going to be the most protective.
Aali rose his palm, "Five!"
Sudais almost threw his phone away as he howled with laughter, his side swinging almost to the floor.
The room mirrored Sudais' motion and even Laila could not help but chuckle. In their dreams.
Five months later.
(Sudais's point of view)
"What channel?"
My eyes momentarily flew from my laptop to Sadiya, then back. A detail i missed clicked in and i turned to her again, taking in her appearance. My baby mama was barely geared up, as usual, dipped into a slip silk dress that stopped mid-thigh, her hair packed in a low ponytail and i have an inkling she was breastfeeding before she abruptly waltzed into this lounge like this.
Her phone between her ear and shoulder, she stepped over my laid-out legs on the center table to pick up a remote.
"Your legs." She waved her hand for me to drop them and i did until she walked past and switched on the tv.
"Maijidda are they still airing?" She asked as the decoder booted and i squeezed my face.
I further deducted it might be their shows and went back to reconning until a voice on the tv caught my attention.
"...in his attempt to bolt. The suspect, Alhaji Gambo Ibrahim was arrested at The british high commission along aguiyi ironsi way In Maitama, Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. He was arrested following verified evidence about his suspicious involvement in the embezzlement of over ninety billion naira of national funds, sex trafficking, and distribution of hard drugs. The suspect will be charged in court as soon as the investigation is concluded. Ahmad Musa, NTA news."
Sadiya must've heard whatever she wanted and turned off the TV and clicking off her call.
She turned to me with twisted lip, "You know anything about this?" I give it to her, like I've always said, she is smart. My mouth twisted at the question and i nonchalantly placed my MacBook on the center table and shrugged.
"I don't know..." the squint in her eyes shows she knows that i know. "EFCC receives an anonymous tip with substantial proof that incriminates former governor Gambo Ibrahim that will lead him to life imprisonment. The man will finally get what he deserves, what do you think?"
I could not help the cocky squint and twist to my mouth. Sue me, i am at peace knowing my family will be safe and i made no enemy through my effort at it. I can breathe now, he was going to go away for a long time and I'll make sure of it.
Sadiya only shrugs and bites her proud smile back. She had to be proud. I did not spend 7 years gathering proof to protect us just to not be appreciated.
"I think that anonymous person is amazing and I'm proud of him. And if i ever get to see him, I'm gonna kiss him."
My eyes widen in mock shock as she walks over to me, "What is your husband going to say?"
Her eyes roll in the sexiest way and she whispered once she was in front of me. "He does not have to know."
I am so up for roleplay and waste no time in pulling her down to my lap as i whispered, "Yeah?" She knew it was a question because she answered, "Yeah." Just before our lips connect in the gentlest way possible.
What started simply escalated to my hands under her dress and that was when she did it again, clearing her throat and making an irrelevant excuse that will get her away from me.
I gripped her to me, problems are supposed to be solved not cowered away from. I go to speak but this monkey, Barkindo, jumped into the lounge. It was past his bedtime. Sadiya adjusted her position to a more decent one before Barkindo spoke "Yaya sent me to get a tablet."
"No-" Sadiya began and i cut her off, "Pick it up, and don't come back here. And next time, say your salam before coming in."
"It's past his bedtime."
I know i was not supposed to give him the tablet but i am too immersed in talking to my wife that i hardly realize what i did. We'll rectify that tomorrow and i turn to find Sadiya sitting with her head low.
I am very sure if not for my grasp on her hand, she would've left by now.
"Look at me." She does not, only shifting uncomfortably as if my gaze was grilling her. "Sadiya, Please, look at me." Again, she refuses my request and i can see her chest beginning to heave faster.
I release her arm. "Shikenan. Run away from our problems. Let our marriage crumble just because we have kids when we're supposed to be getting stronger, kinjo ko? Ki cigaba." My mood's ability to escalate is something i still struggle with, especially when it comes to my wife. No one makes me as happy as she does. Also, no one makes me madder. She has my remote control and it sometimes frustrates me.
I know what is bothering her but she needs to speak up. She does not seem ready and i will not force her, so i reach for my laptop but she catches my arms. I stay in my position, waiting for something, anything. It finally dawns on me that she began to cry when a sob escaped her. Before i could offer any form of comfort, she releases me and moves back.
Her voice came out choked and pained, "i have stretch marks now," i know. I've seen the products she desperately coats her skin with to remove them. Her hand reached over her chest, "My boobs are big now and i fear they'll sag now that i have four kids. I am not as great, i am a fat. You're not going to find me attractive...and...and."
I am very much insulted, "Did i ever complain?" My voice is almost scary, i can't help it. Sadiya needs to step into me so she sees how i see her. "I put you through this and i said I'll love you for better for worse. You're still the most beautiful woman and I thank daddy and pray for baba Alhaji every single day for you. What do i need to do to make you understand?"
I should be calm but in al honesty, i am past that. I am disappointed and pained at the fact that one minute she is all healed up from her past, but the next second she loses it.
Whether she found comfort or not in my next words, i do not stop them. "I know you still struggle with accepting yourself and you are still insecure on some days and confident on some, that's what healing is. I have come to realize that and you are the one who taught me without realizing."
No one has taught me life lessons like my wife. She is my school of life and I continue to learn and be proud of her.
Someday, i wish she would see how proud of being her husband i am. I literally, unconsciously talk to her even at work. I find myself talking about her more than i talk about everything. At work, I've been called, "Woman wrapper," "Finished man," "Simp," and i do not mind.
But here i am.
I need some air and click my tongue. This time, I didn't let her hold me back and took my laptop out with me.
My motivation to get out of bed is these six kids and this woman who i will love till my last breath. Otherwise, I won't be in her kitchen, making tea at 7 fucking Am.
If Sadiya was here, she would kill me for spilling milk on her island as i pour a generous amount into my mug. Next was my sugar and like always, i spill half the content onto the island. The maids will clean it and if it was Sadiya doing their job, I'll be hundreds of houses away when she curses the dad of my dad down to our grandkids.
The soft sound of skin against cold tiles had me sizing up to find Sadiya holding her head with one arm and her waist with the other as she waltzed in without acknowledging me.
She finally notices me decked up in my khaki on the island swivel chair once she made it to the fridge.
"You're early." She says and my eyes widen. She had not said a word to me for the past three days. I am also still enraged that she still could think so low of me.
"I have work." I continued to stare at her.
Sadiya was effortlessly sexy and could pull any man to her armpit. I looked down, the growing bulge in my pants already visible and i divert my eyes. God, please.
My wife hummed, settling milk and a bowl out.
"You're early too." She takes breakfast at nine and it is just seven now.
Sadiya lazily angled at the entrance that lead to our diner and lounge; we were upstairs and this kitchen was a medium-sized one mostly for quick snacks. "I slept late and hungry, your daughters woke me with their cries and i just fed them. I am hungry."
I only hum and nod, then alternated my attention between my laptop, my tea, and her now dangling figure on the swizzle chair as she took her cereal.
She was hardly geared up again, her covering only a thin spaghetti strap pajama that stopped below her wide ass. Her fresh morning face and full lips have my full attention whenever i drag my eyes to her full nipples that were sticking through her pajama.
Sadiya was a mama now, the body she possessed then was not what she had now; her then b sized cup boobs had graduated to a full d cup. My hourglass queen.
Sadiya is forever still a puzzle to me; when we got married, even now after four kids. Her ability to keep me on edge while still being nonchalant was something i can never fathom.
She was a goddess; i fell to my knees and forehead for her on uncomputable occasions and yet, her doubts owing to how she was raised haunted her about me.
I find no flaw in or on her. And yet, she had convinced herself that after giving me four kids and was raising my other two, that i would want more from her or worse, another woman.
Okay, you got me. I want more; i want to spoil her rotten more; i want to see her succeed more; i want to see her smile more; i want us to be happy more; i want her to realize her ultimate worth more; and more pressingly, i want to be around her, over her, inside her. Everything.
God, the past months have been nothing but torture; whenever i got close, she closed me off.
I was no coward, i was no rapist, and she was my wife but sex had to be consensual for both of us. I find no pleasure in an unwilling woman.
"What you said..." i am dragged back to reality once i hear her melodious voice, "About spending my time waiting for you to fuck up instead of working with you and making sure we both do not fuck up and if we do, we hold each other and continue to grow...is true...you're right. I spend too much time dwelling. I preach what I don't practice. I am scared..." she pauses to get up from her chair and plant herself on the chair beside me. She catches my hand. "I am scared you won't want me again. Now that i have given birth and i have slackened. What if i am not pleasurable enough for you? I don't want the rejection or humiliation."
I had expected more words but got nothing. She cast her eyes down. Unbeknownst to me, she had cast her eyes on my bulge.
I listened to her, a skill i had to learn from being married to an abused person. I considered all her views but i was still mad. I was insanely attracted to her and no, she has not passed through any change that makes her less attractive. I believe her features popped even better, softer, and more mature.
My seemingly innocent eyes turned to her and our gazes met head-on. My stare at her is anything but innocent and she knows it. But before business, terms and conditions must be met.
"I sometimes find it unforgiving how you let cynical thoughts evade your mind and blind you. Do i look like i am less attracted to you?" I move to place my palm on her newly waxed and cared skin. I overheard her mention getting skincare and her hair yesterday. I witnessed the results of it and instantly wanted to see her hair.
I pulled the bonnet off her hair and her box braids shone. "You have me wanting to bash my head when you make these thoughts." I don't realize it, but my eyes gloss with moisture and I don't blink them, gauging her skin off with my gaze.
"For the past seven years, through every hell i put you through, you put me through and the world put us through, i never for once wanted to be with someone other than you. Come on...Look at the effect you have on me." I grab her palm and placed it on my bulge, "I am in physical agony at just the sight of you. I—"
I am taken off guard when she squeezes me. I was staring at her but now i look at her and she smiles. This witch thinks this is funny and it frustrates me.
"You do not want to do this right here," my warning is clear as my breathing surges. She could be so confusing and daring. One minute insecure and after reassurance, she is ready to venture on a dangerous path.
I am frustrated and not proud to say my sexual aggression and desire revolves around her. It is insane, all i want is her, and I can't shake it off.
I think the desire spreads to my eyes and it shows in hers too, we take a moment before i push my laptop away and abruptly kick my chair back.
She moves but doesn't run away, she won't run away, she doesn't want to run away, she can't run away.
My hand grabs her throat and pulls her into me while i lean into her. Her eyes close few inches apart before our lips jam aggressively.
We shut up, sucking the lingering taste of sugar and milk on both our tongues.
I worked on aggressively pulling my trouser zip down and leaving my button out of hurry.
"I am not running away." I still hear the bashfulness in her voice. She might scuffle with me but Sadiya has still not been courageous enough to look me in the eye, i still had that effect on her.
I give no attention to her earlier words as every five sense of mine was revolving around her; i could smell her intoxicating fragrance, i could see her dilated pupils, i could hear our heavy breaths, i could touch her and i had tasted her lips.
I leaned into her, aiming for her neck and she grants me access by shifting her head to the side. It fuels me to feel her squirm and throb beneath me, shudder and moan beneath me.
I would not remiss to mention i was falling apart too, i was just better at groaning and sweating than throbbing and squirming.
My eyes glue to her skin that was contrasting with mine for minutes i could not count. God, i love her skin. My creamy hands against her tightened at a new sound coming faintly.
I slow down and Sadiya gasps as she raises her back off the edge of the island chair, "Innalillahi!" She pushes her fist against me as she frantically looked back in fear of our kids bursting into the kitchen.
Mad as a hatter, she hits my chest. "What kind of father are you?"
"Na'am, Barkindo!" She yelled, then turned her glaring eyes to me. "Help me here!"
I do just that, "Do not come in here, Barkindo!"
"It's Sultan, Daddy!"
"And barkindo!"
Geez. Barkindo was one problem. But Sultan and Barkindo, not good. I stop.
"Do not come inside the kitchen, stay there. Do not come in!"
As Sadiya attempted to scramble off, these monkeys did exactly as i told them not to. They appeared at the threshold of the kitchen in their uniforms and i quickly pull Sadiya's pajama down and pull her up and into a hug.
"Daddy i want sandwich today!" Sultan protested and rose his lunch box up.
"Are you hugging mommy?" Sultan, further observed and asked. I momentarily looked down at Sadiya's braids before nodding.
"Yes. Mommy wanted a hug."
"Oh. Can i join?" Sultan bounced towards us.
"No!" I and Sadiya yell, our hearts at the tip of our tongues. "It's an adult hug." I explained, knowing they will ask. These kids should work at the CID once they are grown.
"Why are you always close and touching Mami?" Sultan pushed.
My mouth went agape and Sadiya laughed against me. "Kaji yaron nan, because she is my wife mana." Give me a reason why i shouldn't send this boy to a boarding school as soon as he hits ten.
Barkindo was oblivious to our conversation, "I want cupcakes today, it's my birthday."
Sadiya pulled her face from me and angled at him. "I know it's your birthday. You can not have cupcakes in the morning Barkindo, it takes time and you will be late for school. You'll get a big cake."
"No, i want my tablet back." The smart kid opted to and i could not help but laugh, rocking into her and she winces. She turns to glare at me.
"You'll get your tablet back." Sadiya finally agrees and i took it from there.
"Sultan, tell aunt Sara to prep you a sandwich, and Barkindo, you'll get your tablet back once you are back from school."
A chorus of yay went up and i clap, eager for them to go. "Great, everybody happy?" They nodded, "Now go, and don't come back until i say so."
They scrambled away and i was glad but my happiness was cut short when barkindo screamed, "Daddy, it's my birthday!" again.
In frustration, i and Sadiya yell, "Go away!" And he ran after his brother. We know he is six today, we gave birth to him.
Sadiya finds it funny, "Barkindo is an asshole because he has our genes."
I found little humor in her words and grip her hair to turn to me, she gasps and winces in pain. "Wait you mean i am an asshole?" I know i am, most times.
"Sudais! My braids are new! They ache." Her hot breath lands on my face as she looks me up with pink eyes.
I nod, "Good, i ache too."
I don't keep track, but our breaths finally level and our unquenchable desires half quenched. I guess i have to go to work a little late.
"Come." I put my hands out and she grabs one. My cue to pull her down was cut off when i felt her fingers caress my cheek and turned my face to hers.
"I am sorry."
I have already forgiven her, even before she hurt me. I only nod and pull her down. I go to pick up my laptop, taking my gaze off her but immediately feel a weight falling on me. My reflexes caught flesh from falling and that flesh was Sadiya. I followed a trail to her legs to find them wobbling and i look away.
My smirk was cut short with a smack, her fingers lightly assaulting my cheeks and i let out full-blown laughter over the sound of her whisper-yelling, "I hate you!"
Surprisingly, she did not take much time in showering, again, bathing the kids and putting out everything necessary.
While i cooed Baraka who we call BB, i was oblivious to the fact that Aali, who had a cough and did not go to school had bounced into the room until he spoke to Sadiya.
"Mama, you so pwetty."
My eyes land on him for a second before it moves to Sadiya and true, this woman is still the prettiest woman i know.
"Aww," Sadiya dropped the jewelry she was about to add and turn a wide smile to him. I take notice of her minimal makeup that complimented her boat neck draped brown floral dress. "Thank you baby." She said as she bent to her knees and engulfed him in a bear hug then rocked them.
I now get why Barkindo once told me 'Mami loves Aali more than everyone,' i had laughed it off and never told her knowing how much she already doubted herself about raising them equally. She was doing a great job, no space for arguments.
And now this four year old somehow managed to tell her what I should've been the first to tell her, because in all honesty, i was waiting for the right moment to.
I am then quick to realize there is no right moment; now something a four year old taught me. There was no right moment for a compliment, or a gratitude. It is always the right time.
Once he leaves, i compete with his words, "You look so beautiful."
A cheeky smile spreads across her nude matte lips and it somehow stretches my lips too. "Thank you. You look better." I don't, i am in my Khaki, but i do not argue.
We part ways once it was time to leave, Sadiya needed a car, three babies were no joke. Sometimes i feel the need to apologize for getting her pregnant with three babies.
Do not misinterpret, my girls are the best thing to me but i know Sadiya is tired. She hides it well and every now and then i have to reassure her what a bomb-ass mom she is. That still does not make her journey any easier, in fact, I believe it somehow makes it harder because then she keeps trying to be better and better and that is a good thing, but also an exhausting thing.
My thoughts were occupied by her and what i haven't told her yet; which were quite a few.
I finish work incredibly fast and cancel everything off my schedule just to grab my kids and be on my way to the clinic.
The new cardiology department seemed to be a task to me. I could not find it.
Sadiya's professional background, Cardiology, was one of the largest departments in medical aspect, or at least she said that and as such, a bigger building was required. Hence why it took me minutes searching before I finally asked for directions.
Once i was directed to her office, i found the door wide open that led straight to her table. She was without a patient, swirling in her chair with a big smile on her face as she looked up.
I pick my phone up and something catches my eye. It was the slate stuck to her door with; Dr. Halima Amin Sunusi-Mamman.
I know it sounds stupid and i will never admit but cracks of flutters wheezed me from toe to head.
I took a picture of it, a reminder of who the hell i am married to and who is the mother of my children, the coolness of my eyes, my biggest cheerleader.
She does not notice me and i lean on the side, enough to see her but she had to look closely to catch me. I text her.
Happy birthing day. Thank you for everything, i can never pay you. You are my entire world.
I hear her phone ping and see her flinch before she reaches out for it.
Her smile grows impossibly bigger and so does mine. I watch her type and anticipate her text. Her text comes through and i forget my phone was not on silent mood. The sound makes her look around before our gazes meet.
I laugh as i unlean from the wall, put my phone away and close the door after me. "You're unusually happy today."
Sadiya's smile lightly drops into a cocky one as she gestures from her head to lap, "Look at me, I'm walking with all this ass and bomb personality."
The laughter i howl was enough to startle anyone. I was always the funny one, how Sadiya took up that role i do not know. And, she was not lying. I can testify.
Once our laughter dies, i take in the magnificent interior of her new office, and to be honest, with all the light, the art, the aesthetics, they still were dim against her. She was above all to me. I gesture at her large desk, "You look so good behind that desk."
"Thank you."
I clap. "Get up, let's go."
I expected the question so i just shrug, rounding up the table and helping her up.
"I am not done for the day."
"We'll say you are sick."
The idea wasn't bad and Sadiya seemed to like it. She nodded, stuffed up her bag and we strode down to the nursery to get our kids once she had called in sick. I think they'll fire her at a point if we keep doing this.
Sadiya's head must be more jumbled once she found our boys in the car along with a driver while i stuffed Falmata and Baraka in the back seat of my SUV.
"Okay, now you have to tell me where we are going."
"Nop." I was not and made sure to ignore all her questions on our journey to our destination.
"Are we traveling? I have not packed anything for the kids, don't make me do this." She says once the sight of the airport meets her eyes and for the umpteenth time, i say,
"No. We are not traveling."
I am glad that she finally sinks back into the seat. I am more glad for the silence. The girls had cried half the journey and had finally fallen asleep.
It only makes sense that we are waiting for someone once my ID and soldiers grants us access to the runway of the airport that we are here to pick someone up.
"Wait, is Mama coming? We did not make anything! Innalillahi do you want her to hate me?" Please lord, i take it back, Sadiya is still annoying.
"Why would she ever hate you?" As far as i know, Sadiya is the most loved daughter in-law in my family.
"Because I didn't plan a befitting welcome for her."
"Na roqeki da Allah kiyi haquri kiyi shuru." I did not know what else to say so i grab her hand with one hand and rocked Aali with the other.
The private jet comes to a stop and minutes later, the door opens. That is when i usher my family forward, thanking God the girls were asleep and with someone safe.
Sadiya freezes half way once she realizes who was here. The shock leaves her and she releases Sultan's hand, sprinting forward and shouting. "MAYA!"
I was a bit scared Sadiya would crush the new mother and her tender baby but once she was close, she slowed down and gently took hold of the baby before giving Maya a quick side hug.
I am left behind as Barkindo and Sultan rush toward their mom and walk past her. Only then did she question this, looking back at me then at the jet to find Daddy coming down the steps, Galadima, his eldest son and Mami following suit after his royal guards.
Maya's kid must be wondering which crazy aunt he had because once she gently gave the baby back to her bestfriend, she walked, almost ran to her father, going halfway on her knees and the man began to nod before he pulled her squatting figure into him. A hug.
I have watched Sadiya and her dad's relationship get better in baby steps for years and although she sometimes doesn't do well in hiding how on edge she was around him, the aging man was better to his kids a lot more.
After Laila had finished with her dad, my boys surrounded the old man while she moved to hug her brother before finally squeezing her mother in the tightest embrace possible.
I pick my legs, heading to my father-in-law and offering my utmost greetings and respect. It surprised me once Daddy put his hand out for Aali and the kid did not cry nor flinch away. It was a first.
I was free. Hah!
It might've been Barkindo's birthday but it was Sadiya with the gift.
An award ceremony was being held in plateau the next day and Daddy was the father of the day and was set to get three awards. Mami hearing of the opportunity promised to tag along as Laila had not had the chance to take our girls to Gombe to see her family and had not seen her parents in over seven months.
I took it upon myself to make all arrangements and managed to keep it between us so it would be a surprise to Sadiya.
It was worth. I meant it when i said i wanted Sadiya to smile more and be happy more.
She impossibly glowed under the bare sun and my foolish smile and eyes remained on her.
"This still does not change the plan, we're spending Eid-el-Adha in Gombe." No questions to that, i nod and rose a surrending palm.
"I never planned on canceling."
Sadiya needed more moments like this. She gripped Maya who waved at me and i waved back. Sadiya was not going to let us talk until they had caught up, i am fine with it.
What I hadn't realized was their catching up would take the rest of
the day. I had spent some time with them and even had Barkindo's cake delivered to the guest house where we took pictures after everyone had freshened up.
I had to drag my boys back home and they were mad and quiet the whole ride home but what could i do? It was past their bedtime. There was always tomorrow.
Sadiya only made it home minutes past one and like always, i hardly could fall asleep knowing she was out even if it was with her parents. So, i waited in the balcony in my sweater and sweatpants; the weather in Plateau was the friendliest weather in any state i have lived.
While at it, i decided to check her text from earlier and it contributed to my smile.
You, him, our kids are totally worth it. And...you are lying, you can definitely buy me Caprisun's and fund my next mental health event.
I definitely will, the queen has spoken.
Our foldable bed seemed too big that day as i was alone. I was left with my thoughts. It was a tiring day but damn i could not lie, i was happy.
And so was Sadiya once she made it home and i gave her space by not even checking until she freshened up and dragged the glass door open to find me lying on the bed.
I expected her to lay beside me or say something, instead, she threw her weight on me, our bodies closing in and she buried her face in my neck.
No complaints from my side. In fact, her scent only made this better. Made me happier and from her demeanor, i knew she was happy. Most of me was happy because i played a role in her state of glee.
This was our bed of roses.
We said nothing but breathe each other in for the longest time. My fingers caught a rhythm against her back, the silk fabric covering her was thin and smooth. The motion ceased once she moved back, placed her elbows on each of my sides, merged her palms then rested her chin on it.
This gave me the perfect view of her clear face and the sides of my lips pulled up. Today, she somehow was not cowering away from eye contact. She was not looking away, shying away and it makes me internally jubilate.
"I am at peace." She says the most random thing that does not sound random once i think it over.
"Huh?" Was my immediate response though.
"I am grateful i did not end up with what I thought i wanted because i deserve better and i got better." Her words affected me, i could feel my temperature slowly rise, my heart rate surge, and my breathing accelerate. I stopped blinking and even tried to stop breathing once she continues.
I had to say. "I would be nowhere and nothing if it were not for you." As i said, she helped me become the man i wanted to be but was too contemptuous to be. I owe her the most.
I read the signal of her eyes, her pupils dilating to the largest i have ever seen them. I studied psychology, even if it was only for six months and i knew what big pupils and maintaining eye contact like this were; love. The ultimate form of it.
Sadiya's relaxed posture impossibly relaxes with her feet coming up and crossing at the ankles, she continues to crack, melt and mend this soldier's heart. "I have triumphed." I think i have triumphed more. I mean look! I have her, kids, family, everything. She continues to read my mind. "I don't need the painkillers anymore, i have you. I have love. I have our kids. I have our family. I've grown. I'm healing. I have people who think i am worth being a role model. That's everything, that's peace."
I added, "That's triumph."
Sadiya nods, "We are at peace." She knows we are. Even the unsighted could see it.
I added again, "We have triumphed."
She rose a fist and my eyes squint in slight confusion, "To the man i love the most."
Now i get it, i met her fist with mine head on, "To the woman i love the most."
Who is also crying like me?
Congrats, you made it till the very end with my heart in your grasp. I want to say a very big thank you for sticking with me, Laila and Sudais throughout this bumpy journey. Trust me, they see and appreciate your votes and hilarious comments.
Excuse me if there are typos in Sudais' POV, i have never in my life written in anything but third POV but i wanted you to see how much Laila has grown from someone's point of view.
I made and ended the book like this wanting to portray that people can be very imperfect and still be perfect to each other.
These are a few questions i will love to hear the answer from you, May Allah bless you as you answer them:
Who was your favorite Character and why?
How much do you think Laila changed and what changed her?
Did you ever ship Laila and Nurain?
What perfect word describes Sudais?
What was your best scene throughout the book?
What scene do you love most from the epilogue?
What message and lesson did you pick from the book?
What part did you not like about the book?
What scene hurt you the most?
What scene made you laugh or happy the most?
What do you want to say about the book?
What critic do you have for me?
Please tell me what i can improve about the book or my writing.
I think we can all i agree I deserve a long, honest review. It's the least you could do or just answer my questions🥺🥺🥺
Pweaseeee **in cute Aali's voice🥺
Also, here is an answer to a few questions i have been asked;
Are you and Laila related?
Are you going to write a book again?
Yes, i am already halfway through my next book and if you follow me on instagram, i post about it.
When are you going to release it?
When i am done writing, editing and my top readers have read it first.
My dm, comment or Instagram is always open for reviews, for anything you'd like to say, if you want to talk(i am a good listener and talking to strangers helps) ! I hope to hear from you.
I will miss every one of you, even the ghost readers, thank you for reading!
Fee Amanillah❤️
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