46. I'm still learning about life.

Monday 2nd February 2020.

Laila the magician did what she did best, disappear from Sudais' life. A month passed and she had refused to step foot in Adamawa, drowning in school that was after her life. Excluding a few phone calls that mostly included a breathing competition and the two times he dropped by Abuja which she avoided him by staying overnight at the clinic for her surgery observations, she hardly talked to the man she called her husband. A few times, he had tried to talk to her but she had waved him off, giving single-word answers until he got pissed off and gave up.

School was getting more demanding by the second, exhausting, grueling but well, nobody told her to stupidly go and choose medicine.

Laila checked out of her ex-father-in-law's office with an envelope; her Surgery excuse letter in case she missed anything important and the school system refused a makeup for her, just to be on the safe side.

She was getting the surgery she had avoided her whole life since she found out she had a cardiac congenital condition. But well, things happen.

It was a minor one anyway. Just to patch and cover the hole in her heart that wasn't supposed to be there and then she could go back to being normal. If she survived, hopefully.

Laila might not admit it but she was scared. Scared to her toes at the thought of her heart being slashed open. Literally. But she was a hard girl. She was going to do this and get better and stop purging out blood every little time something out of the ordinary happened; which was what happened almost every day of her full of misery life.

Full of misery didn't mean she couldn't get ice cream and other unhealthy stuff she was used to ignoring for the sake of knowing their side effects. If she died, she died. All die na die.

Back home, Laila stepped into the new dark room she had learned to call hers over the last few months. She sighed, dropping her bag of goodies along with her backpack before starting to undress on her way to the vanity, leaving the trail of clothes on the floor that she'd pick after her nap.

Laila got rid of her necklace before proceeding to her earrings.

"You're getting your ASD surgery?"

Laila screamed, cowering back as she frantically looked around. The dark room did nothing in helping her find the voice, although she did know who it was.

She ran for the light switch, punching it on before splaying her fingers across her heaving chest and bending to catch her breath. "What the he-Sudais!"

Laila caught his sight on the couch. His outfit was something she hadn't seen him in God knows how many months; a T-shirt and jeans.

His stare and breath remained steady, "You're getting surgery?" He repeated the question he was still finding hard to believe.

She rose fully, suddenly conscious of the fact that she was left in her bra and pant. "Yeah." she started to walk toward the closet and he stiffened.

"Don't walk out on me like that."

"I'm naked."

He sat up, "I don't care. You didn't think to tell me?"

"It's just a minor surgery."

"Just?" he exclaimed, framing up. Was she listening to herself? "Sadiya just kikace? Kika ce just?"

Laila sighed, moving to pick her veil to wrap around herself since this conversation was going to happen anyway and his eyes followed her.

"Do you know how it felt to find out my wife is getting surgery from someone else? I had to pretend as i knew.

"Oh please."

He stuttered at first, gaping at her in disbelief. "O-ok. I get-i get it. I do. But are you out of your mind? I-i mean i get you're angry at me for marrying Naja just to pressure you but you don't get to judge me for things i did before i met you. How can you even keep a grudge for so long?" He didn't want to say his next words but he was too pissed to hold back, "You married Nurain for God's sake! That asshole who treated you like shit."

She scoffed, "What about you? You treat me like heaven?" A smile spread across her lips when he went still. It died just before she hissed, "You called me cheap."

He had no memory of that and didn't hesitate to showcase it, "When did i do that?"

"You said and i quote, 'No wonder your parents gave you off without hesitation.' Now let me ask you, do you know how that feels?"

Laila hummed when he moved back to sit on the couch, slanting forward and burying his face in his palms.

She disappeared into the bathroom, hoping to find him gone by the time she came out of her spontaneous shower.

The pent up anger hit Laila as she walked out in a green cotton boubou to find Sudais in the position she left him. She put on a tight face and sat on the vanity chair.


She ignored him, glaring through her side view and rubbing cream over her neck.

"I am not good at apologies...but I'm...I am sorry."

"I'm listening," she gave no reaction, going on with skincare.

"I'm...really sorry."


"Look can you just stop that?"

His words got to her but she took her time before dropping her arms.

He stood up, walking, talking, and gesturing with his hands to her. "You were right. I am a piece of shit. Conspiring with Naja'atu was stupid. But you have to understand...with you and everything, this pressure it's so new to me."

Laila twisted to find him a few feet away, "This may sound surprising considering you're selfish, but this is new for me too."

He looked down, "With me being Lamido it's just more...i look tough and figured but I can't keep my balance. Just wait—" he ceased to catch her by her arm when she attempted to walk past him. "I didn't mean to take it out on you."

She rose a brow, "I had to beg for your apology?"

He released after dragging her back to his front, "No...I don't know if you know this but you help me by keeping your standards. You demand reverence. You're not cheap and you make me earn things and not get them on a silver platter like i am used to. But it's my nature as a man to do dumbshit even though i want to keep you. Messing up is in our nature," he paused to take hold of her hand,

"Just because i am 32-no 33 and all tough doesn't mean i have it all figured out as everyone thinks. I make mistakes. Actually too many mistakes. I'm still growing, learning about life. I am not an honest person. I am a hypocrite sometimes. I lie. But now, all i am trying to do is be better. Not for me, but for you."

He took a step back to throw his head back and shake it before dropping it. This was hard. Apologizing was so hard. Opening up was worst.

"I know i did a lot of shit that had you crying. You told me to open my heart, wallahi i am trying. I try to save the situation instead i keep pilling more problems," he took a deep breath, and here it goes again, "All i am saying is that I am sorry."

"It's your birthday today?"

He released her arm at the sudden question. That wasn't what he had expected. Although she did keep a face that told him they were on the same side, heart to heart, he didn't expect that question. But still answered. "It is," Afraid she'd dismiss him and his mission to settle things would crash, he added, "I am sorry."

"You're forgiven."

If her asking about his birthday surprised him, her forgiving him scared him. He took a step back, his eyes squinting. "You wha-you have?"

What? So she kept a grudge for over a month and all of a sudden she forgave him? Nah, that's sus.

She smiled, nodding. "I know, surprising right?"

He shook his head, "Scary."

She gave a small laugh, grabbing his hand and walking them to the bed to sit opposite each other.

"Look Sudais, I don't get to judge you. And...i want to do this. I'm sure it is clear by now that we'll always have a hold on each other and separating isn't an option...but I am sick and tired of going back and forth." She jutted her chin as if to ask 'do you get me?' and he did by nodding.

Laila sighed. "So, please. Let's try and figure ourselves out. You can talk to me, you don't need to go through everything alone. And you also need to learn how to speak to me just like how i need to learn how to speak to you when I'm angry. We are not perfect and you have got to stop acting like it. Okay?"


The corners of her mouth quirked up, her hands finding his to hold, "Happy birthday."

Pulse giddily quickening, his mouth twisted and his eyes shone, voice deep and strong but in a pleasant way. He was suddenly enveloped with happiness. "Thank you Boddo."

"What do you want?"

His then-small smile hiked into a large one, "That banana bread."

"That's fine, i will make it for you."

She saw the hesitation he tried to hide. Placing her elbow to her thigh, she tilted her head and supported it with her hand. "What else?"

"Do you feel pain in your body?"

In confusion, her nose crinkled. "What?"

He dipped a finger into her left boob, over her heart. "I mean regarding your surgery."

"No," she shook her head, "I just went for ECG fa sukace if i want to stop getting crisis and coming for these checkups it's better inzo ayi surgery a cire hole in kawai, my parents have always wanted it anyway."

"Oh...well then i want that thing that you do but after you've healed from your surgery."

She narrowed her eyes, "What thing?"

"That thing when we piss each other off and then you blast music and dance."

"What?" She shrieked, sealing her mouth with her palms. "I used to do that so you stay away."

"I never did." He admitted, slouching to his elbow on the bed and using his hand to his head.

Laila mimicked his action in interest.

"I use to watch you in amusement as you held your concert. I'd clap and hype in my head." He added with a finger motioning to his head.

"You're not alright."

"I know. Seriously though, i want to see you dance. But when you reach the point where you shake your ass, i want you to do it in my face."

"You're mad."

They laughed before the room went comfortably silent with Sudais watching over Laila's face as if she'd disappear, while Laila opted to avoid his eyes by staring and rubbing his Fulani marks.

"Are you free tomorrow?" She started but quickly changed her mind, "No, you're free tomorrow. I am not asking you, i am telling you."

He bowed, "Yes ma'am. I am definitely free for you."

He wasn't, he was just going to have to cancel everything since his woman wanted him to.

Something clicked in her head and Laila abruptly rose.

Reflexly, his body followed her, "What is it?"

She twisted to him and placed a palm on his shoulder, "Sit. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going to?"

She was halfway across the room when she answered, "Kitchen."

Laila's 'I'll be right back,' lasted forever, compelling him to lag around and stop himself from barging into the kitchen, find her, and bring her back.

Instead, he practiced self-restraint that paid off an hour and a half later but his mood instantly soured at Laila's distant eyes and pursed lips.

He dropped his tablet by his side, shaking his head at the feeling that he was the cause of her change of emotion, "Uh uh. See that vein popping out of your neck?" He motioned at her neck and Laila stupidly tried to look down at it, "It happens when i start undressing from the hallway instead of the closer or when i spill milk on the kitchen island when i make tea. You're mad. What did i do now?"

Eyes glued to the floor, she shook her head, "I'm an idiot."

Sometimes yeah, so he nodded. "Yes you are, but first, what did i do?" He asked with hesitating hands that he set out.

She glared at him, then dropped her hand into his.

"It's not you, it's me."

It's her. Whatever she said was right. No questions. He wanted to live in peace.

He pulled her into him, dragging them to the bed until he was seated and her head was below his chin. The mixed scent of burnt butter with her victoria secret scent had him wanting to hold her forever.

"What is it?"

"I made a cake for you but i forgot that it was hot and started icing. Now i have to keep it in the freezer to chill."

He pulled her back, "You made me a cake?"

She waved, "A really small one," then brought her head back to his body, "It's chilling."

The room fell into a comfortable silence for a while as they waited.

Might as well do some get-to-know-me tag.

Laila whispered, "What did you first see when you looked at me?"


"Biggi...You heard me."

"You want the truth?"

Laila's nose crinkled, "Why would i ask you if i didn't want the truth?"

He took a few seconds looking at her before giddily nodding and dragging her to him. He rested his back on the bedpost and adjusted her head to his chest while his arms encircled her in the most comfortable way possible before he started.

"I am not going to lie to you and tell you the first thing i did when i saw you were my kids or you were my sunshine or whatever," the words had them bursting into laughter, "When i saw your picture, it was the fascinating dot in your eye and your skin i was attracted to. Then, when i saw you, it was..." he paused to flip her over-stomach down, wink, then smack her butt cheeks that had her sharply sucking air through her teeth and the room resonating with the sound before he painfully squeezed the throbbing area, "Your ass."

"Get out!" Laila shrieked, hitting his stomach in mock disarray, and winced, "Wallahi your hands are so large and painful, No wonder Mima is so scared of you."

He only pursed his lips to say;

"I'm not a soldier for no reason," then shrugged while she shook her head and let him continue.

"Then when i came close, it was your intoxicating cologne. Then when you spoke, it was your voice and how bossy you sounded," His humor dropped along with his head to look down at her, "See, i built what i liked about you based on sex. And when I didn't get it, i got to respect you and that was when i saw you beyond my sexual point of view. That was first time, right? But you know what happened after that?"

Laila shrugged, looking up to find him staring at her and quickly dropping her head and snuggling deeper into him. "You tell me."

"What happened was that i saw you every day and i thought you looked like eid morning as a child."

That made no sense.


"I mean..." he trailed off, having a hard time looking for the appropriate words before he tutted. "Beautiful, exciting, and memorable."

If Laila was asked what she first saw when she looked at him, she'd be honest and say she saw a lifetime of a disrespectful,
loveless marriage. Her marriage? Well, she wouldn't call it disrespectful anymore, but loveless? She didn't want to think about it because it'd mean she had to think about figuring out her feelings and nahh...she was too scared to.

He didn't ask her, thankfully. And instead, hesitantly changed the topic while squeezing her as if he was afraid she'd leave him again.

"I...me and Naja'atu got back together."

Yeah, that. She heard. Apparently, he brought his baby mama back a week after their divorce although she never left his house anyway. It was the right thing to do, not that Laila would admit and call her selfish, she never claimed not to be anyway.

"I heard," she muttered.

He sighed, pulling her back so she could look up to him and she refused. "I am sorry, Sadiya. But I don't just have to think for me and you. I have to think and act for my family, and my unborn child. I brought her back because the governor won't hesitate to eliminate his niece if she's of no use and she's safer with me. All that happened those years ago kuma i still have to say the same thing. I couldn't go to the police or any force because i had to think for my family. These people are more powerful and brutal than you think. He would've hurt my family, hurt me."

"Right," She said, looking up at his moving lips and bringing a hand to caress his temple Fulani marks as his voice in her head slowly tuned down until it was just an echo.

"And i know that's selfish of me and it makes me a coward and believe me when i say i spend every day of my life trying to rectify it and come up with a way around this thing called life. You...you have to understand, i am trying to—" this guy needed to shut up and she made sure he did by pulling him down to her face and connecting their lips in a gentle kiss. She pulled back, only to kiss him again and pull with a smacking sound.

They opened their eyes, his lips spreading in a smile. "Did Halima Amin just kiss me?"

She whispered, "She didn't."

Then they laughed and fell into silence until Laila tilted her head to the side. "Do you know that you could be a funny guy?"

His nose crinkled as he momentarily looked up. "I am a funny guy." And that was it, He made sure people around him laughed.

She thought otherwise, shaking her head and resting her chin on his chest as comfortably as she could and looked up to his nose. "You're not. It's your anger issues that's holding you back. You see, being funny sometimes means taking disrespect and you won't allow that."

He let her words sink in with pursed lips before he shrugged. "If you say so." Yeah, see what he did? He was not trying to fight. Knowing Laila, she could fight him just for disagreeing and please, he just got her back.

"I should check the cake. I can ice it, It should be done cooling by now."

He nodded, sitting up along with her. "Yes, you do that and I'll take a shower."

Laila narrowed her eyes as she leaned into him, her nose disappearing into his fabric as she sniffed, then pulled back with a crinkled nose. "Haba sesa nakejin wani wari."

As if insecure, he raised his arm to smell his armpit and that had Laila shrieking away with laughter.

He dropped his arm, playfully glaring at her before he nudged her away. "Kina hauka. Wallahi qanshi ma nikeyi."

With foolish smiles, each ventured on their way.

Sudais took a quick shower, too on edge to be away from Laila while she took her time before returning with a tray with the cake, platters, serving knife, and 2 forks.

"I'm your wallpaper?"

The question had Laila placing the tray and rushing to him. He raised his arm out of her way as she struggled to take her phone from him.

"You're not supposed to see that. Give me the phone."

He ignored her, grabbing her right arm as he looked at her wallpaper while glancing down at her. "Gaskia harga Allah i am fine. Kai."

"Get out! It's not you. It's you and my dad." And it was, Laila found a wallpaper-worthy picture of Daddy with Sudais kneeling in front of him, shaking hands. The picture dated back to the day after their convoy had been attacked and they spontaneously flew to Abuja and Sudais flew in the next day. The picture was soo...beautiful and wallpaper worthy. So why not? "Give me my phone."

"Okay, but smile for me first."

Instead of a smile, she glared at him and he shrugged, "Shikenan tinda bakya son wayan."

"Sudais!" She whined, stomping her feet and stalling him in 360 while he avoided her by raising his hand higher or dragging her down by her arm.

"Oh, I'm Sudais now? Oya change of plans, you must call me baby today."

Instantly, she shrieked with laughter, "Wani gardi dakai wai ince ma baby? Ka cinye wayan." She concluded, sidestepping him only for him to hold her and drop the hand with the phone.

"Haba baby na. Zo ki zauna," he muttered sorry's as he pushed her to the rug and placed the one layered cake with candles in front of her, "I need a new wallpaper too."

"But it's not my birthday."

"I missed your birthday. Where's the lighter?" He asked, glancing around as he pushed the tray away and sat Indian style. She handed it and watched him light up the candles before he urged her. "Smile for me," She didn't, glaring at him instead. "Haba Sadiya na. Haba Dada na," still glares, until he angled the camera again and said, "Haba doctor Sadiya na." That was what did it, a full, foolish smile that showcased her 32 grew on her face the same time he numerously clicked his camera button, catching the reaction in picture.

"Yawwa!" He began to scroll through the pictures, showing her the screen, a picture of her smiling with her teeth out and a gentle poise in her position, "I've found my new wallpaper and Instagram profile picture. Wait...my new post and story too."

That instantly reminded Laila of something, "Yawwa. People have dm'ed me to please tell their lamido 'to remove that private account thing on his Instagram.'" She air quoted, shaking her head as she dragged the tray to her, and picked a plate and serving knife.

"No," he shook his head, posting on his Instagram and changing his display picture to her. "I am okay with my 93 followers. Only close family."

"At least create a public one mana, how can a lamido have 93 followers and ignore thousands of follow requests?" She queried, serving herself and then picking the next plate for Sudais.

"Maybe i will, maybe I won't." He concluded, setting his phone down once to give her his attention.

Laila waved the knife in the air, "I have a question."


She looked at him through her eyelashes, voice dropping in flirting with every syllable in, "Would you like some chocolate syrup on your cake?"

He tilted his head back, his eyes and mouth widening. "Are you talking dirty to me?"

Their shoulders vibrated in sync, shaking their heads while Laila proceeded to serve him a slice.

Guess what? They weren't chuckling 4 days later. Things red. Things weren't funny as Sudais kissed Laila's forehead before he pulled back.

"You're going to be fine."

"Am i?" Laila croaked, closing her teary eyes and squeezing his hands harder. She was shaking.

"Yes kiddo, you're going to be fine. You'll open your eyes again and i know i am not that fine but I'll be the first person you see."

Laila chuckled through the tears, squeezing his hands before she let out a sob.

"Shhh. Shhh. Na roqeki da Allah karkiyi kuka. You will be fine, Mami please tell her," he turned to his mother-in-law, seeking help but she only smiled at Laila and patted her shoulder, leaving Sudais on his own. "I won't get up from my sallaya until you open your eyes, which you will, insha Allah."

The surgical crew was on edge to stretch Laila in while Laila wanted to prolong this as far as she could. But better to get everything over and done with, right?

Wasn't she the one who said all die na die? Ishh— okay she took it back. She might not go to heaven if she died now so she nodded, signaling at a nurse to come over as she started reciting her istigsfar's and Khalimat Shahada while she watched hers and Sudais' hands slowly untangle from each other while he continuously waved at her.

He watched medics in green wheel her away until they disappeared and that was when his promise began. He stationed a darduma at the heavily guarded waiting area and sat with Muri, Shehu-who hadn't said a word to him, Moha, and a few people that were there to show support. His low recitations only halted to drink water or wave at greetings and tried as much as he could to throw any bad thought out of his mind.

The open heart surgery last for 3 and half hours before the family could breathe when they were told Laila was stable.

By then, Sultan El-Amin, Mima, Hafsy, Maijidda, Muri's wife had arrived too.

The family had insisted on Sudais being the first one to go see her and he couldn't be more glad, he couldn't imagine asking to be the first when her parents were there.

He was so happy, slipping into a set of crocs as he set his turban and Babban riga off and slid into the ICU suit until he walked into the chilly observation room to the sight of an unconscious woman in white.

He picked a plastic chair and set it by her left to sit. He gently clasped her IV catheter hand into his and gently brought it to his forehead to hide his tears.

The white, the bed, and her pale face, it brought back one thing, one person; Baba Alhaji. That was his last memory of the man. In white, unmoving, unconscious. Unbelievably dead.

"How long was i out?"

Sudais glanced around in search of the owner of the voice. He quickly realized it was Laila's and he jerked forward, a tear falling on his left cheek as he smiled.


"Wa'aleykumus-salam." She whispered in a primal voice, smiling at their intertwined hands that he brought to his lips to kiss.

She asked again, "How long was i out?"

"3 years."

"Innalillahi! They have graduated?" She was in pain, so she didn't jerk but she did try to squeeze his palms with her eyes going wide.

He laughed lowly, shaking his head and squeezing the tear off his vision. "I'm kidding. You were out for 6 hours."

"Ohh," she exhaled, her voice becoming less guttural.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain in your body? Do i need to call the doctor?"

She answered his question with another, "Why were you crying?"

His breath ceased at her question and he dropped his head before shaking it. "I wasn't crying."

She attempted to move her hand but it felt like moving a mountain, instead, she whispered. "You were crying."

He hummed, pressing his lips against each other before he turned his pink eyes to her small eyes. "I saw you in white and I remembered Baba Alhaji."

"Oh," She felt the need to add, "I miss him."

He chuckled, she had no idea. "I miss Baba Alhaji so much. Sometimes the pain is so fresh i feel like i lost him yesterday. I still...i still tear up when i check the compound every Friday evening and I don't see his darduma or him. He-he—" he stopped himself, wiping a tear and deciding not to do this right then. Laila just woke up, the last thing she needed was him talking non-stop. He opted for, "Allah yafo Baba Alhaji."

"Amin." Laila said, squeezing his hand but not feeling any movement. She couldn't even lift a finger from her left hand.

Laila stayed overnight at the ICU, 4 days at the hospital, and 10 more days at home against recovery time. She was supposed to stay home for 4 weeks but who would do the school for her?

She had wanted to resume after 5 days but Sudais had refused. On the 10th day, the man shamelessly sat at the clinic from 10 am to 3 pm until Laila's hours at the clinic were over. It was embarrassingly cute.

Despite being in discomfort and a lot more inconveniences, Laila's life had to go on.

And it did.

It went on until a month after surgery, school's were shut down in Abuja due to constant attacks and insurgency. Yours faithfully, Mr Lamido forced Laila, Mima, and Hafsy to fly to Adamawa as a worldwide pandemic; Corona Virus-covid-19 was maliciously spreading around the globe.

As if things couldn't get worse, the country was announced on lockdown, again, forcing the ladies to stay in the blazing town.

Now Laila was suffocated, she had been in the palace for 3 weeks without stepping into any chamber other than the Queen mother's, Sudais's, Adda's, and Mama Kaka.

A Lamido's wife, especially the first wife would always be on lockdown. Now Sudais' type of lockdown on Laila was more brutal. She had tried everything in the books to get him to let her out and he had blatantly told her, 'Naja'atu has been in this house for 7 months without going out. The only reason why i let her out now is because her mum needs her. So, remove whatever plan you're cooking in your head because it is not working.' At a point, she asked him if he thought she was going to cheat on him and he said, 'You're not going to cheat on me and if you do, i craze pass the last time you cheated, i will kill you.' And she had hit his chest and stormed out of his chambers 3 days back.

Now, she was hoping to convince him to let her out even for 2 hours the next day with Mima and Hafsy who had planned an all-girls outing to a riverside.

Sudais was surprised to find Laila on the bed after his shower at 10 pm. He glanced around, wondering why after 72 hours she suddenly appeared in their chamber. But oh, he knew why.

He ignored her, slashing open the drawers in search of his surface book pen. He found it, switched on the AC, and landed heavily on the rocking chair.


Oh, he was Biggi now?

He ignored her, tuning out the background sound and engrossing himself in what he did best; Coding, developing, problem-solving. And everything in between.

However, Laila had other plans.

Sudais' background sound slowly tuned in as a sense of touch had him raising his head to find her beneath him. When had she crossed over? He hummed, tilting his head to rest it on his shoulder as he looked down at her, crouched on her knees, kneeling up with her hands on each of his thighs.



"Biggi biggi."


She sighed, pouting as she reached for his surface book and pen which he voluntarily released. He wasn't trying to fight, she was.

She placed it by the side and he tiredly stared at her, eyes almost dropping as they glanced between her and her hands that were slowly rubbing his thighs and hiking up towards you know what.

"Sadiya," he said, shaking his head, "You're not going out." She needed to know upfront, whatever she did, It won't work. Their lives were still in danger.

She ceased, looking up to him, "Who said that was why i was here?"

He jutted his chin at her spaghetti strap, see silk nightie that hung mid-thigh, "You're technically naked," he raised his hand to caress her face, her neck, and then her arms, "You got waxed, you did skincare," he finally gestured to the floor, "And you're kneeling in front of me. Mima told me about the outing and i told her they were not going. So tell me why would you be here if not for that?"

She batted her eyelashes, her dimples popping and he looked away, slouching into the chair and in the process rocking back.

"I'm here to apologize."


"Aaaaaaaand, you can decide whether i go out or not after it." she had a plan. A nice one. Her nice plan was to edge him just before a climax, hold her ground, and torture him until he swore to let them out before she'd finish him off. She slanted forward and impossibly smiled wider at his narrowed eyes. "Yeah?"

Was he one to refuse such an offer? Especially from Laila? No please, he was cheap and shameless. "Yeah...head is not an apology but go ahead. I'm listening..."

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