40. Let's NOT wipe out the Human race.
Saturday, 10th August, 2019.
The black sock in the confines of Sudais' fingers hitched up his ankles over the sound of the closet door closing. He picked the other pair of socks just in time for an alluring voice to chant in a sing-song. "Sarari. Mantuwa babu shagala babu me horo abi Allah."
He halted in his deed, the corner of his mouth quirked up and he rose his eyes to her.
"Abba uban gayya!" Her folded fist rose, a wide smile plastered on her face as she took leveled steps towards him, her sing-song- praises sustaining.
Her thumb pointed at the door. "Maza jiran maza..." she said, referring to the gang of men awaiting his arrival.
"Me rimi adon gari..."
It took her more seconds to cross to his amused figure, his hands hanging mid-air. Rather, he looked taken aback but still looked happy at her sudden interest in him.
"Me zama kan dutse," her palm patted his white kaftan chest pocket. "Abba kafi gaban aljihu."
"Zaki adon saraki."
Her folded fist came up again as she twirled around, letting him see what she was on and how damn good it looked on her. That had him bursting into laughter. Where was all this coming from?
With a stronger effort, she lifted her voice. "Mahassaddan ka fadawanka!" She inched closer, taking his hand into hers and pulling him up as he gaped at their intertwined hands but quickly switched it into a smile.
Then she motioned at the door. "Kofa rufin asirinsa daki. Gargada hana sauri, kaji Abba ubana?" It was obvious her question didn't need an answer, but he gleefully nodded anyway.
"Na mamman jika, gwarzo na Jimeta. Alhaji Biggi biggi!"
Her praises continued as he, unfortunately, un-tangled their fingers but rose an index to indicate it was no offense, he just needed to do something. He marched to the wall with a picture of his dad and took the picture off to reveal a hidden trunk. He punched the password and revived stacks of mint Naira notes. He strolled back to his wife whose happy expression accompanied a light squeal before she was praising him again.
He ripped the paper off the 1k mint to flatten on her forehead just in time for her strings of praises. "Abban talakawa." He unceasingly nodded, pressing the cash to her forehead. "Abban matasa." The couple grinned, Laila raising her hands as they both swayed to nothing but her voice in bliss. "Abban mutane."
She raised her open palms and eyes in prayers, so did he. "Allah ya kare ka daga sharrin mahassada."
"Oyoyo Biggi!" It took him off guard but for the first time since they had gotten married, she hugged him. A genuine, happy one. He hesitantly released the bundle of cash and his hands rose but slowed as he contemplated hugging her back. She started it right?
He wrapped a gentle arm around her and she tightened her hold around him, sighing in the process.
It wasn't that he didn't like their scene or their comfortable silence, he was just too thirsty to know why she was happy about this or him all of a sudden. "I mean i am not complaining but why are you so happy?" In a string, he added, pathetically anxious that she might choose to go back to her usual sulky self. "I-i mean don't get me wrong. I love this. I love this part of you. I also—" she cut him off by squeezing him harder. He sighed, wrapping back his right arm around her that had hiked up while he was protesting. "Okay..." it was obvious she just wanted him to be quiet. So, he heeded.
When she decided it was enough, to him it wasn't-her scent was just too good to be true-she pulled back and intertwined their hands.
He used that as an opportunity to raise their fingers and twirl her around to scrutinize her from top to footing. She had on a sunflower design maroon lace with touches of gold sewn into a high neck, long-sleeved straight gown with a split from the back of her knees. Her hair was covered and thrown into a simple ture ka ga tsiya manner with the lacy gold veil over her head and down to the top of her thighs. Her makeup was simple with a dash of red lipstick. Her neck, ears, and wrist were adorned with pearly gold jewelry that magnified her glamour. Her feet were pushed into 3-inch bling-bling black heels with a golden anklet locked around her left ankle.
His smile faltered.
Twisting her around until she was facing away, he l untangled their hands and squatted to his knees. His fingers brushed the skin on her shin as he worked on unclasping the golden anklet from her ankles. He felt her jerk and opened her mouth, probably to throw insults at him but he beat her to it. "Shhh..." he cooed, as he unclasped the jewelry and put it away in his front pocket. While standing up, he made sure to smack her across the butt and place an index over her lips when she yelped and attempted to protest after he had turned her around.
What? Have you seen Laila's behind? Please. He couldn't resist.
Instead of waiting to get scorned, he explained to the angry bird in seconds. "Shhh. Don't say anything. I took them off because it's against our culture here and i do not want anyone throwing nasty looks at you. You can wear it but not around people, okay?" He didn't wait for an answer, too eager to close off the topic. "You were going to tell me..." he trailed off, his excitement coming back when a full-blown smile overtook her face.
Now that was what he aimed to see all day, every day.
She stepped back, her heels making faint noise over the carpeted floor. She did a slight bow, her arms stretched towards him in respect to her position. "Standing before you is, Halima Laila motherfucking Sunusi who just passed all her courses with A's dawyar-well except pediatrics- and is officially a final year medical student. So, you better put some respek on my name." She rose her eyes to that of Sudais' that was as wide as saucers, his lips turned up into a smile.
"That's such wonderful news!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air in contentment. He wasn't faking it, he was genuinely happy for her. She did deserve it after all the sleepless nights, the crying, and even starving herself. She deserved every good thing the world had to offer. Ish-
She squealed, jumping forward until she was hugging him again. He returned the gesture, hugging her back as they rocked side to side until they were almost at the vanity due to how much they were rocking.
He revived, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he walked them to the bed. He bent to take hold of two stacks of 1000 naira notes and a stack of 500naira notes. He handed it to her and she pursed her lips forward, smirking at him. She winked and he felt a jerk in his pants.
God abeg. What is this girl doing to him?
He shook his head, bending to pick up the rest of the cash. "You know what? You deserve more than this, Boddo. Take me, take all my money." He added the stash of 100naira notes on the 250k she held, smiling like a fool as she stepped back and did a few dance steps before coming back to him.
With her heels, even though he was still a few inches taller, she didn't need to tiptoe, she closed her eyes and kissed his cheek. When she pulled back, she let out a peal of full laughter as she walked away.
"Come on. Don't walk away when this is just getting more interesting."
She ignored his request, walking with her shoes clinking into the bathroom. She retrieved what she needed and proceeded to libidinously walk to him. When she was in front of him-he wouldn't miss the opportunity for the world- he snaked his arms around her waist and jerked her to him. Her smile widened as she brought the tissue to wipe her lipstick off his face.
When she was done, she showed him the pink-stained tissue. "We wouldn't want Yola to think about all the things you been doing with your wife behind closed doors."
"I do not care what these people think at this point," He said, voice low in mirror to hers.
She hummed, untangling his hands off her as she walked away.
She needed to stop doing that.
Laila stood in front of the full-length mirror, her phone up in the air, she motioned with her other hand toward his feet. "Wear your shoes. Let's take a picture and give these people something to talk about."
And like a giddy child, which sounded pathetic because he was losing too much guard, he wore his cover shoes and was behind her in just a minute.
Her henna-ed hand raised her phone over her face as she took numerous pictures of them.
At a point, Sudais revved his phone out and proceeded to make use of the Snapchat app. He held her hand as he took a video of her rocking side to side with that big smile still etched on her face.
He exited just to swipe into the camera app to begin taking her pictures. He took them. A lot. And he decided the one she had brought her fingers to push her specs up was his favorite. He clicked on the front camera button and rose his eyes to find her engrossed in her phone.
"Wanna take a selfie? You look too good not to brag about."
Laila rolled her eyes at his cheesiness, wondering where it came from considering their relationship was verbally based on insults. She nodded, dropping her hand and moving to stand beside him.
Sudais didn't like that. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and dragged her flush to him before raising the phone.
Amidst clicking the circle, 3 recessing knocks came on the door before it was clicked open and closed a few seconds later.
The couple craned their head in the direction of the intruder, wondering who in their right sense would barge into their room.
Mima didn't seem to care that she had interrupted their moment, she lifted a finger, dropped the transparent materials, and running towards the couple. "Baza ayi hoton nan bani ba."
Despite wanting to reprimand the girl, he let it go. He hadn't thought he'd be happy but the woman beside him just made him and he wanted to keep it that way.
In essence, he hiked his phone up and proceeded to take a picture of them.
"Baka iya dawkon hoto ba." Mima whined, raising her fingers until she wrapped them around his phone to take the pictures herself.
He shrugged, draping an arm around their shoulders as they grinned at the camera. Surprisingly, it wasn't a fake grin.
When Mima requested one last photo, Sudais brought his palms against each of their heads to brag about how tall he was as they beamed at the camera.
"My cheeks hurt," Laila exclaimed, walking to the vanity to take large gulps of the cucumber water from a covered glass cup.
Mimi while swiping through the pictures walked to where she had dropped packaged materials to pick up.
She handed the white and ash to Sudais who didn't hesitate to tear it open and handed the black and gold one to Laila who looked between the siblings in search of an explanation.
"Yes. Mama wants you 2 to wear one instead of Dada walking around in only her lace before the real Alkyabba's are given to you guys."
Laila's face soured up at that, her upper lip hiking towards her nose at Mima's words. Only her lace? Was she naked?
"Ke kalli ni kina min magana." Sudais best Laila at putting some manners into the girl.
Mima shook her head, taking her eyes off the phone and letting an apologetic smile take over her face.
"I'm sorry. The pictures are just so good."
Sudais nodded, walking to her and stretching his hand for his phone. "You were saying?"
"That Mama wants the 2 of you in Alkyabba's and out of here because you are already two hours behind schedule. And, she wants Anty Laila to come with me." She motioned at Laila who was engrossed in the beautiful patterns on the Alkyabba. They truly were elegant. Elegant for an elegant queen. "Wait...let me just air drop these."
Sudais crossed over to the safe to revive cash for himself, considering he had sprayed most on Laila and had given her the rest. He took out pieces of tissue paper from a box.
Laila stood and maneuvered the Alkyabba until she was standing in front of the mirror in awe.
Mima finished air-dropping the pictures just in time for her ends to notice what had been on the floor. "Me nake gani kamar sabbi bugun Abuja a qasa?"
Sudais shook his head. Between her and Laila, he didn't know who loved money more.
When he had his things on him, he called out to Laila. "War do, Boddo. (Come here, beautiful)"
When she walked to him with her brows raised, he took hold of her face with one hand and proceeded to rub a tissue across her mouth. Instinctively, she stepped back, placing a palm against his chest as she tried to wiggle out of his grip.
Voice muffled behind the tissue, she protested. "Wha-stop, Sudais. What is your problem?"
Through his 5'o clock, he caught Mima dropping his phone on the bed and sneakily threading out. He twisted narrowed eyes at her. "Kema zonan."
Mima let go of her tense muscles to stomp her heel shoes and wiggle her hands in frustration.
He turned to Laila with a careful smile. "Sorry." She pushed him away to disappear to the vanity to look at the damage he had done.
Mima appeared in front of him with a frown. He pinched her cheeks and tickled her which immediately had her laughing and squirming. When it died, he brought a fresh pair of tissue up to her face. "This shade is too loud on you and Sadiya. You understand what i mean, right boddo na?" She nodded, still frowning. "Zan baki kudi." Her frown dropped and the corners of her mouth turned up as she nodded.
"Go ahead! Wipe my entire face ma." Sudais placed his palm on his stomach and let out a burst of loud laughter which Mima joined. While shaking his head, he proceeded to wipe the oxblood shade of lipstick off her lips just in time for Laila to clear her throat.
"Go." He ushered Mima who pouted. "I have your account details, i promise. Go, now."
Mima bent to pick a few notes of the 1000naira from the floor. She turned to wave it at Sudais who smacked a hand to his face while Laila let out full-blown laughter.
"Ni ban san ya zanyi da ke ba." He dropped his hand and sighed at Mima who stuck a tongue before stepping out.
Now that she was gone, he turned to Laila whose laughter had died and her frown returned.
Scrutinizing her, he was glad she didn't add another coat of lipstick. Knowing her, she'd do that not for herself, but solely just to piss him off. Now, she had outlined the edges of her lips with faint brown liner and applied a shiny coat of lipgloss over it.
With calculated steps, he put his arms out m in a 'Calm your nerves down' way and approached her. "There are going to be thousands of people today. Thousands I don't know...i won't feel good knowing someone who I don't know is staring at my wife or my sister's lips and fantasizing bullshit. Even though you 2 already are in a stare-able outfit and I can't exactly make you 2 wear himar's but i just—"
"Blah blah blah." She cut him off, nonchalantly waving her hand. "In short, you're insecure."
He ceased, his eyes hiking to the ceiling in thought before shaking his head. "No. I'm not insecure."
"Yes, you are."
"I am not."
"Yes. You are definitely insecure."
"Call it whatever the—" he held back, closing his eyes to clear his anger and coming back with a forced smile. With careful fingers that went along with his words, he pleaded. "Sadiya, please. You just made me so happy, I can't even comprehend it. If fighting tells a person's true nature then no one knows me more than you and you, i. You have the power to hit my nerves on a different level and I don't want that right now. Just go with this, let's not wipe out the human race today. Let's be happy. And let's do something to celebrate your result after, okay? We can go back to hating each other tomorrow."
She took a second to reflect before nodding in alliance while standing. "Let's not fight today, let's be happy," She repeated and stretched an arm out to seal the pact. He caught her handshake head-on with a smile. "You owe me though 'cause you keep wasting my talent."
He rose a brow, "What talent?"
"Arguing and pissing you off."
He took a deep breath, concealing a smile. "I hate those talents of yours."
She laughed, throwing him a kiss. "I know, babe."
He hummed, eyes going wide at her choice of words. He pulled their hands and then wrapped an arm around her shoulder as he lead them to the full-length mirror for pictures, except now she was in this mind-blowing alkyabba.
"You should pass your exams everyday, babe. I like this you better."
Laila's effort in dressing herself up in the maroon lace went down tumbling immediately she stepped into her mother In Law's room.
Stupid of her to think the woman and her mum would let her step out like that.
The woman ushered most of the women out and it remained; Laila, Mami, Queen Baraka, Adda, Mama Adda, Aisha, Maijidda, Maya, Hafsy, Muri's wife, and Mima.
Stepping into the new clothes that were designed and tailored by Maijidda, Laila found herself frowning less as she scrutinized herself in the mirror, the navy blue and gold SAKI dress being precisely fit and right on her body. The turban made with lots of office pins had Laila's one side of fine laid edges pushed into covers it as it was placed an inch before her eyebrows. Her jewelry, except for her ring was altered with a much more marching, beaded, and traditional necklace, earrings, and bracelets.
She took a step back in the 2-inch gold sparkly clouse heel shoe and dropped her frown. Her complete silver and glinting Alkyabba completed her entire look.
Okay, maybe it wasn't as bad as she thought.
The oath taking, stick handing, and coronation had started over 4 hours ago and just ended with the rest of the ceremony in which the women could now attend being moved into the palace.
The ceremony which was mostly for close relatives as the governors, the president, the chief Imam, and many other senior officials weren't there to attend but still, they were a few-including her dad and male siblings, was meant for the now crowned Sultan to officially meet his family as not just their son, or father, or brother, or uncle, or husband, but as their Lamido.
With everyone set and ready, their appearances were made with Laila insisting her parents; Mami, Mama Adda, Queen Baraka, and Adda, move in first instead of the so-called queen that was being searched for ever since the ceremony started.
In honor of the new queen, traditional gunshots were fired from the announcement of her arrival down to when she, Maya, Hafsy, Mima, and a few other cousins of Sudais stopped at the base of the woody stairs only she was allowed to step on to reach her husband.
Clutching her handkerchief with her left hand and her silver clutch with the other hand, she tsk, signaling to Mima. "When i raise 2 fingers, signal them to go."
Mima nodded at her.
Over the sound of the melodic kakaki, She smiled, using her already occupied hands to grab the hem of her dress and raise her right foot to step on the stair, mouthing a, "Bismillah'hir rahmanir'rahim." As she continued to raise her unwavering stare at Sudais who was clad in a silver Alkyabba similar to hers and with a rawani(royal turban) perched on his head, and stopping just below his lips that was stretched into the widest smile he had ever given her.
If possible, her smile widened as she gave a quick glance at the people beside him; Tahir, Muslim, and Muri by his right, and Kalifa, Modibbo, Moha, by his left, all clad in Light blue Babban riga's with turbans less flashy as that Sudais.
After the last stair and when she was in the arena, she found herself slowly dropping to her knees, her Alkyabba cooperating and spreading into a large circle.
As if everyone wanted to hear what they were saying, the crowd went eerily silent as Laila's optic's finally settled on Sudais', or was it just her ears refusing to listen to anything other than his voice?
Surprise hit her square in the nose as his scent-although slightly faint than usual hit her nostrils. Seriously? Was the man moving around with his perfume? He couldn't have maintained his scent since morning right?
Dropping her eyes; his stare was too intense and she was scared her mouth would tear from how wide she was smiling, surprisingly, a genuine one at that too- she congratulated. "Congratulations, Lamido. Allah ya taya ka riqo."
Two fingers of his lifted her chin to meet his eyes and he nodded. "Allah ya taya mu riqo, Boddo na."
She nodded, suppressing her smile by lifting the sides of her lips. "Amen."
"I am supposed to give you something for this ceremony," he uttered, raising his butt to fetch his wallet. "But I couldn't. I didn't get you anything for your birthday too, so..."
"Ehen," Laila dragged, kneeling up straight and aligning with Sudais. Baba Alhaji died a day before her birthday, so, people hardly remembered except Maya and a few people on her Snapchat. "That's why i came here." slowly, she placed her open clutch on his spread-out laps before spreading her arms forward-in a circle almost like to hug him and raising 2 fingers to her rear.
Sudais was watching in a daze, waiting for whatever she had planned to commence, he didn't expect it to be the melodious kakaki that started to play. Instinctively, as if she had undergone rehearsals, her spread-out arms and shoulders discoed in sync to the instrumental.
His head lowered with laughter as he vibrated and shook his head while slashing his wallet straight and fishing out what to give her.
Laila shook her head, her lips pushed into a pout as she widened her purse with her left hand and gently whisk away the notes he was counting straight into her purse.
Sudais' left fingers flew to his forehead to cover his smiling face as he slanted forward and shook his head in mock embarrassment.
Laila tapped his cheek and lifted his chin with her fingers.
Eyes closed to avoid long eye contact, she smiled as she shook her index and motioned for more.
He shook his head, producing his card from the wallet and holding it mid-air to state facts. "You've collected my networth in the spam of 8 hours."
Laila silently laughed, slowing down as she opened her eyes to take hold of the plastic. "Password?"
He narrowed his eyes, pursing his lips to the side in an 'I don't trust you' look.
"Password?" She asked again.
The side of his lip slanted up in a smirk, his mouth still shut.
She shrugged "Okay!" And twisted to her rear with spread-out fingers.
Mima waved a hand at the guards to her right then turned to her left, Laila's signal being passed on.
Laila sighed in accomplishment as the melodious Kakaki started in sync with unceasing traditional gunshots as she turned to Sudais and arrogantly cocked her head to the side, her shoulders starting their disco again.
He dropped his wallet on his lap and the money bag slowly slid off his Alkyabba down to Laila's body whose brows signaled every which way at Sudais' smiling and defeated face.
Sudais turned to give Tahir a, 'See what i deal with everyday' look before twisting back to her and motioning with his fingers for her to come closer.
Laila slanted forward, almost bowing as her cheeks brushed that of Sudais and the crowd went up in a roar.
In a whisper, as if afraid someone would catch it, he disclosed. "0237."
"0237." She repeated, swaying her head. "It's the last digits of your number."
He moved back, his teeth showcasing in glee. "Have you been memorizing my phone number Debbo Lamdo?"
She pursed her lips, putting away the card in her clutch, and placing her palms on his knees, "You wish, Lamido." She turned to her rear to raise a palm, which immediately had the gunshots and the trumpet ceasing.
"So, you had this planned out?" He shook his head. "You shamelessly love money."
"Ehen naw. It's our money, why won't i love it?" She turned to her left- Sudais' right that is and bowed, then turned to her other side, "Toh se angimanku."
"Wait," Sudais' hand hitched up to her, she halted, then came back to her knees again. His fingers brought the Alkyabba hood that had fallen off her turban back up until it was on her forehead. He clasped one of her hands in his, squeezing it. "You've made me so happy. Thank you so much..."
"You're welcome."
"And some of my friends are flying in. They want a little party since I didn't invite them to my wedding- to be honest, even i was invited to my wedding, but yes it'll be like the normal daukan amarya. Toh Hafsy de will fill you in."
"Then I'll wear the lace they refused to let me wear."
He shook his head, "No, you won't. I'm having over 20 friends over."
She winked, "I'll wear something more jaw-dropping then."
Your dose of a happy chapter❤️🫂
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