39. Mbbs journey.
Thursday, 27th June, 2019.
Like everyone said about being on stage, look at the top of everyone's heads and not their eyes. Laila did. She couldn't bring it in her to look anyone in the eye, she'd faint.
In a state of tachycardia mixed with arrhythmia, she clasped her hands in front of her after she had dropped her presentation slide to her side. Deep breaths, and God abeg, I can't repeat this pediatrics. God abeg, abeg, she went on. "According to the patient, the shortness of breath and chest congestions initially gets better with the use of a short-acting beta 2 antagonist; Salbutamol, but now, despite using Salbutamol he remains in shortness of breath with increased chest tightness. He also-"
"Chest tightness?" The professor queried.
Laila's already tensed-up muscles stiffened, her skin tingled and a heavy feeling settled in her stomach. "Sir?"
"You heard me."
She drew her head back, mind and eyes going blank. "Chest congestions sir."
She had expected a 'Good' or 'Go ahead' but instead got nothing.
Another long breath as she swiped her gaze over the Pediatrics professor, a consultant, a Fellow; Nurain, residents, and 5 of colleagues. Her scrutiny landed on Nurain, his face blank at first and then he saw her, nodding and giving her a thumbs up.
Cracking her brain a more, she closed her eyes to remember what she had forgotten as she adjusted her position. "Shortness of breath is associated with bouts of cough that get worse with a cold or a flu. Alongside them is the trouble sleeping due to trouble breathing...There has not been any history of admission in hospital..." through her 5'o clock view, Laila could see Nurain signaling a thumbs down at her, the Professor noticed and put his palms out at Nurain, blocking whatever warning he was throwing her way. She wondered what she was doing wrong but still went on to give the patient's history, "Based on history, my diagnosis is a moderate persistent case of bronchial Asthma. And i ho-"
The professor cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Miss..." he took a glance at Nurain. It was obvious the news of their divorce had spread, not the recent one, but the assumed one almost a year ago. "Miss Halima, you started...good. Your description of the history and progression along with the present state of the disease was also good."
"What i have yet to hear before you jumped into your diagnosis was your ignorance in establishing the probable diagnosis. Under history, you failed to bring to our attention the detailed social history. I also didn't hear you talk about your examinations of the patient. A little Anthropometry, examination of the cervical lymphadenopathy or nasal polyps. Or did anyone hear her talk about it?" He threw his last question at the crew, most muttering a no, and some shaking their heads while Laila stood erect, hands clasping as they had started to shake. She tucked her trembling lips into her mouth, her view becoming blurry over her specs.
"Are you deaf?"
She shook her head, the welled-up tears in her eyes dropping. She dropped her head, not wanting anyone to see her walls crumbling. "No, sir."
"Then answer me."
She rose her head, stuttering and realizing her voice was tied by an invincible force. She cleared her throat, bouncing her legs. "I thought i-"
"Is there anything like i thought in medicine?" The man's voice rose, his upper body stiffening and slanting forward. "Is there?"
In a whisper, she disagreed. "No, sir."
"Then why didn't you discuss it? Is this how you want to become a doctor? By being ignorant?"
"No, sir." She repeated her mantra, "I'm sorry, sir."
"Sorry? If you were a doctor now and you didn't get your diagnosis right and gave wrong treatments for the wrong disease and the patient dies will sorry bring him back to his family?"
Laila took a glance at her audience, most of the residents and students had their heads down, knowing how it felt to be in her position. The professor was always the same, rude without apology. Forgetting everyone was human enough to forget or make mistakes. The consultant and fellows didn't seem fazed, except Nurain, who despite everything threw her a small smile of encouragement, lowering his palms and gesturing to her heavily heaving chest. She needed to calm down.
"If you were to score yourself with all of your ignorance, what would you give yourself?"
Laila had thought she was going to kill it after concluding her long case presentation slide at 4 am that day. It was on line, not off the rails. What she had forgotten was the fact that she was studying medicine and was posted under a very boorish man.
Laila had opened her mouth to say 4 out of 10 and the man beat her to it.
"I'd give you 2 if i was to record this. The reason why you'll even get 2 is that you started as if you knew what you were doing only to hit us with your diagnosis without the full run down. Get out."
Like an obedient little bitch just like she had called Naja, Laila composed herself, muttering an "I am sorry," and headed towards the busy exit.
As if her mind had been wiped, she searched for her bag, knowing she had dropped it before she had come to the right side of the patient's bed. She took a step back, then forward, then backward, to the side, and took a 360 turn.
The professor dramatically stepped back, clamping his hands on his abdomen. "Are you performing a ritual?"
The crew let out chuckles, the students making sure theirs was the faintest to avoid collecting their rounds of disgrace.
"I'm looking for my bag, Sir."
Naimat snapped her fingers towards the backpack by an empty bed. Ohh. She gathered herself, and only when she was about to disappear did she hear a, "Redo that long case presentation and be ready to display it again tomorrow, I cannot keep recording 2 or 3 for you students."
Laila gasped, then sighed and bowed. "Thank you, Sir!"
And then she was out, slouching into one of the numerous waiting chairs and throwing her head back with her arms clamped over her head.
She had resisted the urge to cry, every little urge to cry but didn't know her luck ran out immediately ward rounds in the OBGYN department started.
Laila had been so distracted as they encircled a patient, the consultant examining the patient as students took notes of documentation. Eyes on the patient but zoned out, she hadn't heard the question thrown at her until Naimat pinched her.
She jerked, view becoming less blurry until she slanted forward in respect to the Conso staring at her. "Uh-Sir?"
"I said define labor."
Labor? What was that sef?
An unanticipated bead of sweat trailed down her forehead, her brows furrowed and mouth hung agape, she muttered the most stupid thing she had ever said in her life. "The urge to give birth."
The Conso had to take time to digest what his student had just said while removing his glasses. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew scattered with laughter which immediately dropped at the Consultant's glare.
Laila hadn't realized what she had done. She had given the first thing at the tip of her tongue in distraught. She knew she was fucked up only when her widened eyes met the Conso with a hand on his waist and one atop his head, as he whispered whatever it was Yoruba people, whispered when they were in shock, "Ode! Opolo re ko si nkan nkan sibe!"
"Can you-no you are-ahh!" The Conso exclaimed as if he was in pain. To be honest, Laila was trying to hide her smile which turned into premium tears at his next words. "Leave my ward round. Don't ever come back until this posting is over."
So, now that she had managed to publicly sell all her self-respect, she packed her shit, and thanks to Sudais paranoia that she had only appreciated that day, she headed to the stand-by car with a driver he insisted on and was heading home now that morning ward rounds were over and she needed to get away from this toxic environment she called her dream.
Back home, Laila ignored everyone, banging doors on her journey to her room. Once in the room, she angrily discarded her glasses and threw herself face down unto the bed.
Sudais who was in the small lounge meeting with people who weren't as important as Laila dismissed them, wary of what the witch he called a wife-oh, a soon-to-be wife was now pissing about.
He had gotten used to her emotional breakdowns, but what he could never get used to was seeing her in pain. This was why when he was in the room, he let the door slowly latch itself back as he froze and gaped at her.
Body and face down, shoulders quaking, violent sobs vibrated off her in the form of hyperventilation.
His shoulders slumped as he slowly walked to her, sighing. "What is it now, kiddo?"
Laila ignored him, her head raising just to crash back into the bed in frustration and an attempt to hurt herself.
He sat by the edge of the bed, his hands lifting to grip her shoulders and turn her to him after a bit of struggle.
Still vibrating, he shook her in an attempt to get her to talk. "Sadiya, What is wrong?"
With droopy shoulders, she continued to silently vibrate, sniffle and wipe her nose with the back of her lower arm. Her flat voice broke every syllable of the way. "I can't! I can't do this medicine wallahi. I will drop out ne. Become a housewife. It's not for the weak, and i am weak Sudais..." she concluded, her puffy, red eyes meeting him before she was wailing again, slanting her forehead onto his shoulder. "I can't...wallahi i thought i could but i just can't do this."
Like Tahir said, 'If something is worth fighting for, there is always a little chance you'll win.' Maybe that wasn't about him fighting for Laila. Maybe it was about him not letting her quit and flop when she was this...close to achieving her dreams.
He cleared his throat, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her away from him. He adjusted himself until they were aligned.
"Hey," he whispered, flickering his gaze from her sweaty, splotchy skin, down to her puffy eyes to flaring and runny nose, then her half-dried lips that were turned downwards in sadness. "Listen to me."
He wasn't sure she was going to listen. He was going to if he was in her place though. "Your problem is you give up easily. You were impressed when i told you i have 4 degrees, right? You think they just came on a silver platter? You think I didn't have uncountable days i threw my materials in frustration? Or days i got criticized to the point i wanted to die?"
He waited for a response and got one when she rose teary weak eyes at him, "One day, it won't matter."
Still, silence. Only her head was shaking.
"You are in control."
She made herself busy by biting the insides of her cheeks, cracking her knuckles, and shaking her head. "Um oh-but i'm...I'm not. I'm really not."
"You are in control."
"Stop saying that."
"You are in control. You're going to become this doctor." He thought Engineering school was brutal, but now that he was seeing what medical school could do, he was starting to doubt it. He wished he had cried his pain and frustrations out like she always did. Maybe, just maybe he would've been a little less fucked up. "You are Halima Amin. And you're going to be a doctor. Say your name."
Laila's breath hitched as she closed her eyes. In a small voice, she whispered. "Halima Amin."
He nodded, "Say it again."
Her cries slowed, her chest heaving slower and deeper. "Halima Amin."
"Say it like you mean it."
"Halima Amin Sunusi." This time, her voice wasn't a whisper, her eyes weren't closed, and her breath wasn't leveled as she paid heed to his words and gave meaning to every name she mentioned.
He exhaled, "That's it." He waited until her strong facade dispersed before asking, "You want a hug?"
She shook her head and he raised a brow.
"Ai baki isa ba." He ignored every act of defense she put up as she lightly smiled and forcefully brought her flush against him.
Her struggles died until she eventually sighed and adjusted herself to a more comfortable position, her head on his lap and her feet moving to the other side of the bed. "I just want to sleep but i have another round by 3 pm."
He brought his left arm up, reading the time off the watch on his wrist. "It's still just 11:12. You can sleep until 1:30. I'll wake you up."
"You do that." She muttered, zipping down her gown and getting rid of her Bra before bringing her head back to his lap as he soothed her nude arm up and down.
Tracing the spots on her back, he couldn't hold back. "Are we ever going to talk about the scars on your back?"
He saw her visibly stiffen, then she relaxed. Oh, good to see she was losing guard around him. "No. We won't."
"When will i know anything about you?"
Despite her slouched position, she shrugged. "Anything but that, what do you want to know about me?"
He stared at the bedpost. "I don't know...Everything."
Laila chuckled, "We don't have time for everything today, do we?"
"I know," his movement on her arms stilled, "But still, anything."
Laila scratched her nape, wondering if she should do this. With a little prayer that was centered around, 'God please, don't let me regret doing this.' She confessed in a small voice. "Okay...when i insisted on taking this room to myself...our room, it was because it was large with large windows so I didn't feel trapped and i was secretly hoping you wouldn't leave me alone. I'm scared of being alone...Sleeping alone and you kinda make me feel safe."
Laila had expected a chuckle or at the very least a reaction, but got none. She rose from his lap but found herself being pushed back, he didn't want her breaking their contact. "I don't think i make you feel safe enough...you still have nightmares."
Now that was what pushed Laila to fight whatever pressure was in her way as she rose in shock. "You know about that?"
His brows creased, of course, she had nightmares on uncomputable occasions. "Yes...i noticed they increased after Mima's incident. You keep whispering, 'I am so sorry,' as you curl into a ball."
Now that she thought of it, it was stupid of her to think he hadn't noticed it. After all, she had them, a lot. Ranging from her childhood, her failed marriage, her incident, school, and a lot more. With no energy to now deny it, she slouched back unto his lap.
Long minutes of comfortable silence went by before Laila sniffled, ready for the tale she had buried for over four years. "Six years back, just before medical school...me and Maya got into an accident." She paused, the memories flushing back and suffocating her.
Sudais took her off the edge by soothing her arms, her first response being a long sigh before she went on.
"I was the one driving...and i...well, i uh-i hit a boy. Lost control and smashed him...we took him to the hospital but it was too late...he was never going to survive. His name was Umar, he was 12." And that was why the death of Umal had hurt her more than anything. Two of them, and although she wasn't the reason for one, she couldn't help but think what if she hadn't stopped that rickshaw? What if she had conversed a little longer with them? Will the mother and kid still be alive?
Maybe not. Their days were over, anyway. And if it weren't, she hoped they were out there living and recovering.
Sudais on the other hand looked down, his hands slowing down and his mind accessing his words. "So that was why you defended Mima so much and your nightmares intensified after the incident?"
She nodded against him.
After a while, he dragged his gaze to her disembodied figure. "I am so sorry about the kid. Allah ya masa rahama."
"Amin Amin."
Then they fell into silence before he asked again. "You have 2 cars, it's trauma that's pulling you back from driving again, yeah?"
She nodded. "Yes, i tried once. Freaked out and almost jumped out of the car so i just stopped. Everyone keeps insisting i get over my fear and learn to drive again...maybe i will, maybe i won't."
"Have you ever thought of that white people thing?"
"Huh? What thing?"
"Therapy." He said, tilting his head to the side. Therapy was good, just not for him. It'd be good for her.
She shook her head, laughing. "No way. Therapy, me, in Nigeria, again? Never."
He pursed his lips. "Why not?"
"Because i went for it after the incident. I opened up and stupidly told the woman about my life and at that time i was going through my phase of a-sexualism and a-romanticism and the woman diagnosed me with lesbianism and was very harsh."
"What are those 2 a's you said?"
"A-sexualism. Meaning the phase where i was uninterested in men and sex. Then a-romanticism where i found romance and anything related to it cringy."
With all his heart, "If we ever get the chance, will you let me teach you driving again?"
She rose her head, not to look at him, but to give the effect that she was taken aback. She then relaxed, shrugging. "Yes, but you'll have to teach me with the army truck one that has the sirens."
He smiled, a surprised one. "You like trucks?"
Now, she rose completely from him, clapping her hands. "What? I love trucks. I always resist the urge to tell you let's go out with it. It's my favorite car. There's just something about truck-tinted cars. And yours is themed with sirens and an official plate number."
"Na baki."
Laila paused, her brows drawing in confusion. She didn't get what he was saying. "What?"
"I said, na baki motan."
Laila stared at him, waiting for any sign of humor but she found none. "Ka bani?"
"Yes, do you not want it?"
"No. I-i mean yes. But not like mine, I already have 2 and I don't drive. Why would you give me another one?"
He shrugged, "Because you love it."
She shook her head, placing her palms on his thick upper arms. "I love it, but as yours. You don't have to-"
"I want to-"
"-Give it to me. I don't want it and i mean it with no offense."
"You will-"
"Shhh..." she placed an index over his lips, a smile dancing on her smudgy face with half-dried tears and kohl. "Please let this child of God rest."
He nodded, "Do you want to eat though?"
"I'm fasting."
His eyes and mouth went wide, "Fasting? What are you fasting for?"
"My exams are around the corner."
"You should be writing more exams then, at least then you try to be a better muslim."
"About our wedding..."
He halted, hoisting his eyes to the ceiling and bringing them to her. "Will be in 3 months..."
"Yes...that. Not 3 months. A month and 2 weeks."
He froze, eyes wide and brow raised. "How? You have to go through 3 periods."
"Exactly," he pointed a shaking index at him, "I menstruate twice a month. My period is already 2 days late, my period will probably break my fast. So..."
She let him twist his head to the left, his thought brewing and she hoped he got where she was coming from.
"So...there is a possibility we can get married before the coronation?"
"If you move the coronation up a week, then yes, we can get married just before the coronation so our swearing-in will not be on the basis of lies." she corrected with hesitant eyes and brows as she waited for his response.
He was in a dilemma, possibly trying to find reasons why the coronation should be pushed up a week before his worry lines disappeared. "That is great. I'll talk to the kingmakers. We should do that."
"We should." Laila's eyes glistened as she sniffed. Pre-period hormones. She sighed, falling into the bed and instantly turning her face away from the mirror above the bed. She was a mess, had Sudais been looking at her like the ugly complainer she was all this time?
Mess up.
"If you don't mind, your fake pregnant, fake wife, would like to sleep."
He clasped his palms, stepping off the bed and yawning as he stretched his limbs.
"You also look like you could use some sleep."
He nodded, "I do. But duty calls."
And she understood.
When you're a medical student, you learn to do a lot of weird stuff you don't do like getting rest at the most crisis-filled times, sleeping anywhere, and eating anywhere-i mean you survived gross anatomy and still see gross stuff at the clinic every day- down to being able to sleep in formal attire, Bra excluded that is.
Laila fell into one of the most peaceful slumbers she had had in a while, a small smile pushing out her dimples.
You know what's another love language apart from the bullshit you watch in Hollywood? Sleeping with a phone on low battery and waking up to find out your partner noticed and plugged it in to charge for you.
With a 100% battery, 100% energy-despite the hunger, Laila was dropped back to the clinic at 2, much to her dismay, Sudais was out doing whatever it is soon to be crowned kings do.
She had met Naimat at the cafeteria and the girl gave Laila a hug which she tried hard to resist by the way.
And then, 2 of their colleagues sat opposite them as they tried to cheer Laila up by engaging in a walk down their funny memory lane in their Mbbs Journey.
"Remember when Histopath lecturer concluded 91-page slides in less than 30 minutes?"
At the memory, the colleagues let out loud chortles that gained attention from the people in the cafeteria.
Did they care though? no. Did they continue? Yes.
"You guys remember when the class rep dropped the bomb at 2 am in the group chat that our part 3 MB is in 10 days?"
Laila, Naimat and Abdallah nodded at their next mate; Daniel.
"Omoo, the way I screamed ba! These people are wicked."
"Very wicked." The trio agreed.
As if the laughter wasn't enough, Daniel added, "I once examined my patient during long case exams on the left side of the bed,"
Daniel hiked an index, "i once misnumbered in biochem steeple chase."
Laila nodded, "Me too. Mine was anatomy. I failed yamayama."
Raising a palm just to bang it on the table, Naimat added one of her series of why did i even choose medicine. "I once wrote an essay on hemostasis only to come out and find out it was Homeostasis they asked for! Omoo i wanted to chew glass."
Once their laughter died, Laila added what had the table scattered with another round of roars. "Nobody dey closer to God pass me before exams. Na so i go dey pray, dey fast, dey turn child of God."
No cap in that. They laughed it off with Daniel adding, "I passed Pathology MB by the skin of my teeth. I was so sure i was going to repeat 400level."
Mad as a hatter, Laila raised a palm at Daniel who high-fived her as she backed him up. "Me sef don wallahi na pure rubbish i talk for Pharmacology viva."
"Wait, wait, wait, let me tell you guys," their laughter died as they gave their attention to Naimat, "So in MB1 ba, i got into an accident a day before physiology Viva. Dem bring me come school, me wey thought say the lecturer go see me with bandage and go easy on me, see as man con start to dey ask me make i explain the mechanism behind the bleeding on my knees. Baba i wanted to die!"
After they had laughed at Naimat, Laila added. "Mine ba..." she paused to bang the table, recalling the event. "In physiology Viva MB1, the lecturer asked me which question I didn't answer for my essay. Mumu me stupidly told him it was the essay on the conduction of impulses along an unmyelinated nerve fiber. He asked if i read it after exams i told him no then the man told me that i should explain the conduction of impulses along an un-myelinated nerve fiber." Laila was slapping her thighs by the time she was done, her head slanting into a vibrating Naimat who had tears welled in her eyes just like Laila's from how hard they were laughing.
Recalling their earlier events, Laila's left palm wrapped around Naimat arm. "What did...what did that Conso call me before he told me to leave his ward round in Yoruba sef?"
As if it was at the tip of her tongue, the Yoruba girl repeated and translated. "Ode! Opolo re ko si nkan nkan sibe. Idiot! There is nothing in your brain."
They shrieked in sync, each finding it hard to breathe and almost falling off the chairs.
As their chatter went on, they pointed out the best and worst parts of medical school. The best was the community, the support seniors had for their juniors. They had been there, done it, knowing how exhausting it could be, seniors always found a way to make things easier. Although it wasn't always rainbows, they made sure to end every piece of advice with, 'Don't worry, you'll be fine one day.' Maybe not that day, but one day, you'll be fine.
The worst part though was a lot; having to leave colleagues at every level for repeats or withdrawals, the downgrades, demonic exams, strenuous ward rounds, the hierarchy system, and the fact that no matter how tough you are, medical school must break you at a point.
Laila was a living example of it. Before medical school, she hardly cried. When shit got real though, it was her hobby. Her routine.
"You know what i always tell myself after i have cried for being insulted on ward rounds?"
The table went silent at Naimat's question, their heads shaking.
Their laughter had dropped and they had on small smiles.
She took a deep breath, "I tell myself get yourself together Naimat. One day, you're going to be leading these ward rounds too and when you do, remember to be kind and humane."
Laila's head slowly swayed up and down, "Remember to be kind and humane."
Raising the bottle of his fearless drink, he urged the rest to do so. Laila who didn't have any raised her fist as they aligned their drinks with Daniel making the toast. "To every medical student out there, WE SABI. Shii isn't easy, we're doing great. To becoming DOCTORS ONE DAY!"
"DOCTORS ONE DAY!" They cheered just before everyone headed for one of their final ward rounds of their Mb4 year.
After that, School went on, life went on.
Laila concluded her MB exams and flew to Lagos with Sudais who claimed he had things and people he wanted to settle and say farewell to. She had agreed because it had coincided with their plan to break everyone's heart by announcing that Laila had unfortunately met with an incident that led to her miscarriage. Fake miscarriage anyway.
The family, Sudais' family were said to be devastated and Queen Baraka had gone to the extent of blaming it on Baba Alhaji and Sudais' enemies and had sent recitations for Laila to listen to against them.
She had no idea how far things were with Naja and she didn't ask.
Eid came and this time they went their separate ways-hometowns- which was what they had planned on doing over the years. That was before he was announced Lamido. Laila was most likely spending Eid for the last time with her family as she waited for her third period to be over and done with.
Mami being Mami had Laila on heavy skincare like the last time, only this time, it wasn't for a day, it went on from the Day Laila arrived, till the day she planned on sending her to her husband's place.
On Friday 2nd august, the wedding knot between Halima Amin Sunusi and Sudais Idris Mamman was tied in a closed-door meeting with Daddy as Laila's waliyy, Shehu who had still not warmed up to Sudais, Sudais, and Tahir-who he had filled in on and had wanted him to be his waliyy.
With Maya, Muslim, and Modibbo in the country for summer break, they had ganged up and deprived the poor groom of the chance to see his wife who had transformed into a more mesmerizing version of herself due to all the skincare as per Maya's words and had promised to fly her to Adamawa a day before the coronation.
A day to Coronation, Laila and her family flew into the packed state of her In-law to the guest house Sudais had provided for them, while Laila and Maya, proceeded to the brim-filled palace.
The burnt chambers Laila had grown to see were nowhere in sight, instead, a gigantic building twice the size of Baba Alhaji's chambers greeted her.
Through her side of the front door, Laila was ushered into the new furniture-scented space, mixed with tangerine grey-themed chambers with Mima screaming, "Let me be the first to get Hamma for you," and sprinting to God knows where.
A few minutes in, Mima was dragging Laila to the staircase that led to a flat connected to her and Sudais' chambers upstairs, the rest of the space was high-ceiling rooms. The girl pushed Laila into the flat.
Themed black now, Laila took quick note of the furnished parlor, diner, to the bedroom similar to the grey one they had fought over in Abuja-only much sleeker and larger.
She slumped onto the bed, her exhaustion getting the best of her. She neither move nor twisted until she heard the door rattle and in walked in a man.
His lashes fluttered as if he couldn't believe himself, he couldn't believe she could get more attractive than the last time he saw her. But, here he was, jaw-dropping and dilated eyes sizing her up and down as he felt his pants tighten and his teeth voluntarily biting his lower lips and pulling.
Although in a state of nervousness, she clasped her sweaty palms in front of her. Face hot and voice above a whisper, she said, "I know that look...it's the i am ripping your clothes off in my head look."
He shook his head, his concentrated gaze lingering seconds longer on her hips, the uncovered skin of her shoulder and the almost dripping gloss rubbed over her lips. He grunted, as if in pain and clamped his palms on his crotch, innocently over his kaftan as he took slow steps towards her. In a low, hoarse voice that dropped after every letter, he admitted. "I'm past ripping your clothes off."
Laila batted her eyelashes, waving "Hi."
He waved back, "Hi." When he was standing over her, he lifted a palm and didn't rest it until it was resting on her natural, fresh cheeks and neck. "A voddi sosai. At this point, Mi famani kwata kwata. (You are so beautiful. At this point, I don't understand at all.)"
Cocky and everything in between, she agreed. "I know."
Although confident, Laila bounce more than just her fingers in anticipation of what was going to happen next.
He grabbed her arm, leading her to the bed. "We have pressing issues and we need to talk, now. It's about Naja'atu."
Laila was ready to protest, maybe even slap some sense into him but halted at his stiffness and interest in the said topic.
With no choice but to listen, she did.
Close to his conclusion, she removed her glasses and rubbed her dotted eye before dropping her hand, "I can't."
"I am so exhausted, Sadiya. But you are making me do this. You. You and you alone." He ranted, his eyes getting smaller and his veins popping.
"I am not making you do this."
"You can't run from this now, we're married I don't know how to get it through your thick skull. I don't fuc—" he halted, looking away before he stood up, his voice lower than the last time he spoke. "We have no choice. I don't mind being the bag guy for you," and what he was about to do, bad, bad, bad guy level.
But, Only for you, Sadiya.
Case rested.
So yeah, to every medical student out there, please you're doing great🥺❤️
This shit is not easyyyyyyyy.
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