36. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Thursday, 6th june, 2019.
"Wait, I need to talk to you."
Sudais ceased to look at the owner of the voice, then at his surroundings. People-women surrounded them.
This was no place to talk.
He sighed, then waved his hand for her to come over.
Laila placed Maijidda's sleeping boy into Mima's hands and stood up. She walked barefooted to him, stopping to answer a few greetings before she met up with him.
His usual hard stare that hadn't faltered for the past four days landed on her as she fiddled with her sweaty fingers and hung her head low. "I leave in less than an hour."
He rose his brows, his lips pursing up to almost meet his wrinkled nose. "And I'm supposed to care, why?"
Laila's breath slipped off the moderate mode and she started to breathe heavily. She brought her palms to clasp them with a clap sound as her legs started to bounce up and down and she continued to avoid his glare.
"Ha'an. You wanted to talk, talk." He glanced around to notice they were getting stares and he sighed as he brought his fingers to rub his forehead. "Mima, Vodi goddo ha sudu mai na? (Mima, is there anyone in your room?)"
Mima raised her distant eyes to her brother and shook her head.
"Is it locked?"
She nodded.
"Toi key? (Where is the Key?)"
She produced a key from her phone pouch bag and he peered at Laila. "En dilla. (Let's go.)" he let her walk ahead and followed behind her. He motioned for Mima to throw the key at him. She did and he caught it before disappearing into the crowded hallway with strings of greetings and condolences being thrown their way until they were at the girl's room, locked and sealed.
When he did not attempt to sit down, Laila gestured at the bed. "Sit down, please."
He gently shook his head, stirring his legs up to place his shoe against the wall with 1 leg supporting his body. He folded his arms against his chest. "I don't have all day, Laila."
"Sadiya," she corrected him. He had made it a habit of calling her that and she suddenly didn't want him to call her by her nickname.
"Laila." He repeated.
As if a knife had been stabbed into her chest, her eyes flew to him in disbelief, then it turned into hurt. She didn't say anything, only inched closer as she held her head down and breathed before speaking, sincerely. "I uh-I'm sorry..."
Her apology stirred nothing in him, he dropped a hand, only to raise it against his chest, again. "For what exactly?"
"Everything. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry for walking out on you that day. I'm sorry for being inconsiderate..."
He hummed, hating the fact that he picked up genuine senses behind her words.
It'd be so much easier if they just continued to ignore each other and harbor hatred. Maybe then, those stupid emotional sensitivities they were harboring for each other would be extinguished quicker.
The quicker the better, anyway.
"And i know it's not the right time, I don't even have the right to say this," she started again, lips quivering at the words she was about to utter. Which would destroy everything that was germinating between them. "And I'm sorry, it's not the best time. But I don't want to lead you on...i-i want to be honest with you, Sudais," she threaded closer to him, her fingers coming between them as if to calm him down from her future words and to put a barrier between them. "I'm sorry, b-but, I can't. I can't do-like um, I can't be your...queen," Her dreadful eyes flew to meet his not-so-surprised ones. "I-i-i...I'm going to mess up and it's going to come between me and my studies," she let out a loud shaky breath, "And, I can't have that..."
Although not surprised, it didn't mean he wanted the topic to be discussed. He dropped his folded arms down along with his leg and sighed. He threaded to the bed and planted himself on it. Legs spread apart as they shook briskly, he held his head down and stared at his clasped creamy hands.
Laila stood rooted to her position as she waited for a reaction. Any reaction.
She got one when she thought she wasn't going to.
"You're not even my wife, you're not divorced yet."
In a blink of an eye; "But i will be, soon."
"Ok," he puckered his lips forward and swayed his head back and forth. "Okay...i guess you understand what that means, right?" He rose his head to study her calm poise. A disguise he knew pretty well. That wouldn't stop him, he pushed. "That i have to re-marry, soon right? Before the coronation." which was 2 months away from the countless times she had heard his mum tell close relatives.
Despite the missing heartbeat or 2, which was compensated by a sustained elevated heart rate with a feeling of needles being mercilessly plucked into the chambers of her heart, Laila nodded and bit the insides of her cheeks so hard that she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.
He nodded alongside her, slashing his gaze off her and then back to his clasped hands which he continuously shook to alleviate the number of thoughts running through him. The most important being; where the hell was he going to find a capable, well-mannered with great personality wife who wouldn't make his life hell as Laila did in less than 2 months?
Wednesday, 19th June, 2019.
"Before you find out somewhere else, i am remarrying..."
Tahir's curious eyes flew from his plate to Sudais as he stopped chewing and pushed it to the sides of his cheeks. "Remarry? As in...aure?"
Sudais nodded, almost not believing himself too. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about having more than 1 wife. He just hadn't envisioned it to be this...complicated.
"Haba mutumina. Me ta maka? What will her parents say? In fact, the people of Adamawa?"
Not wanting the blame on him, especially coming from his best friend, he admitted while morphing into a more serious position. "Sadiya doesn't want to be queen."
Tahir dropped his spoon which was full with vegetable couscous onto the plate. "What?"
"Yes, I'm not remarrying to spike her or anything."
"Bu-but...habaaa! You guys seemed good, me haka?"
Sudais shook his head, chuckling humorlessly. "You have no idea."
"Why doesn't she want to be queen?"
Sudais sighed, hiking distant eyes to the ceiling as he sucked the air lingering with Bakhoor and a mix of his and Tahir's perfumes. "She hides behind not wanting her career ruined, but it's deeper...I feel like she is scared and doesn't feel safe. Not even when she knows i got her back."
Tahir chuckled, deciding to throw in a little humor. "Ka gane ne Tafida, abun it all comes down to the fact that kai dan bura uba ne! Kai shashasha ne wasu lokutan."
Sudais found little to no humor in his friend's words as he froze, mouth agape and eyes wide. He then threw his arms in fits. "Haba Tahir, I'm serious." And he was. He had less than 7 weeks to marry a new woman and try to get Laila divorced so he could marry her again. Oh, how eventful that sounded.
"Well..." Tahir started, ready to give one of his speeches. He took a deep breath, "Not feeling safe is almost always connected to one's childhood." He lifted a questioning finger. "What do you know about her relationship with her parents? Wait, let me rephrase, what do you know about her parent's relationship?"
Sudais' face wrinkled up in a deep grimace. "Just...patchy? Especially with her dad.. And, to answer your other question, The man is very twisted. I didn't like how he talked to her mum once, the woman just looked down and didn't do anything other than cry. They do not seem," he paused to hunt for the perfect word as his eyes flew open and he rose in concentration. "Not in an equal parenting relationship. Like he makes decisions and enforces them on the mother and her kids, kagane?"
Tahir hummed, pursing his lips and dragging them back in a sulk. He gathered the right words before kicking off. "Like i said. Not feeling safe is something connected to one's childhood. When you're supposed to be protected by adults but, you end up seeing how...patchy, they are too...So, i guess Laila is a child, trapped in an adult's body. And the people-her parents, who should've been her symbol of safety were the ones fighting..." he diverted his fingers to the left side, indicating a turn, "Or in this case, maybe her mum is the one on the receiving end of the fight..."
Sudais' eyes constricted in focus before he picked the pillow on his side and threw it at Tahir, yelling. "Banza kawai! Why do you understand everything and everyone when i have a certificate but i am still trying so hard to?"
Tahir laughed, his head thrown back and his head wiggling on his neck. He slumped his head down and his laughter slowly diffused. "If you had tried something called communication and getting to know Laila, instead of always trying to get into her pants, you'll realize she is just a broken kid fueled by anger who doesn't care who she hurts in the process because i mean...who-who cared about her when she was hurting too. Kagane?"
Sudais nodded, dropping his eyes to the floor as he detached from the real world.
Moments of silence passed and Tahir found the energy to finish his food before pushing the plate off the table and replacing it with his legs crossed at the ankles. "Toh, who do you have in mind?"
At the exhausting question that Sudais had asked himself several times, he slumped into the couch, raising one of his arms to place atop his head. "That's the problem wallahi. I don't have anyone. The Galadima says he has a few ladies he'll send in and i get to choose but the thing is, the coronation is in 6 weeks already, and i have to be married before that so we get crowned together but I don't know if I'll like any of them. I can confidently say I don't want to. Sadiya is already a handful I don't think i can handle another woman along with her without running crazy." He motioned his fingers at his head to demonstrate; crazy.
"What...about Simi?"
Sudais' tired eyes closed at that as he shook his head. "Not wife material. In fact, not queen material."
Tahir differed by shaking his head, his fingers filling the space between each other and placed them on his abdomen. "Yanzu, Tafida-sorry, Lamido, let me ask you a question. Be honest,"
Knowing he wasn't going to like the question, he still motioned the go-ahead.
"Okay, so...You club with this girl. You sleep with her. She cooks for you, gives you peace of mind..." Tahir paused, scrunching the left side of his lips in reflection before correcting himself. "Sometimes..."
Sudais pointed his index at Tahir, frantically nodding. "Gwanda da kayi correcting maganar ka."
Tahir waved him off. "But, you still don't want to marry her?"
Sudais shook his head, then a small smile grew on his lips at what he was about to say. "Kasan Allah, i support women. 100% Coming from a man...Men are scum abokina!" The duo let out a loud chortle from the back of their throats as Tahir went as far as clutching his stomach when Sudais went on while shaking his head and his index, body still vibrating with laughter. "Mu maza wawaye ne. Yanzu irin ex in Sadiya. How can you keep a woman like Sadiya at home and go out and be cheating?"
Tahir narrowed his eyes to give Sudais a once over, "Oho. Ashe you know shi ne kakeyi kaima."
Sudais shrugged, "Mine is justified." She did cheat too right?
Tahir hissed, "The same way his wasn't justified, so is yours."
Sudais scoffed, Tahir was just talking. He had not an inkling of what the hell was going on. Him cheating wasn't justified? Well, justify why Laila cheated, please.
They fell into a deep silence before Sudais hesitated, glancing sideways as if afraid someone would hear them before clasping his palms. "What about...Asma'u?"
Like a flash, Tahir banged his fists onto the table, "No way, Tafida. No way. That girl is not good for you, i mean you and Simi have the most toxic relationship, but Asmau? It was a disaster."
"She was the only one i ever loved, and...she just got divorced." He added, hoping Tahir wouldn't ask him how he knew that.
And thankfully, he didn't.
Tahir shook his head. "I don't care that she got divorced...And she dumped you. After everything. You defied mama for Asma'u, you always listen to Baba Alhaji even if you don't want to but you stepped on so many things he laid out all because of her. No wonder they didn't want you to marry her. She was jazzing you wallahi. Because the kind Mumu wey you Mumu for her can not be natural. Noooooooo."
It was true, even if he wanted to disagree, Tahir was right. Asmau and Laila? He was going to die of a heart attack the day after his wedding.
Pointing a warning finger at his friend, Tahir cautioned. "Anyone but Asmau, Tafida. Please, you have to think for your people not just yourself now. If you leave it to me, just convince your wife. Laila is a good woman, despite everything. Wallahi don't mess this up like you always do. She's worth everything."
Crossing his ankles over his knee, Sudais slanted forward with a mock smile. "Nikam Tahir, just ask me if my wife is single already. This one that you're acting as if she's entering your eye."
Tahir nodded, mock interest crossing his features. "You're right. Boss, is your wife single?" The words hadn't finished leaving his mouth and Sudais had grabbed the next ottoman and threw it at him, which dodged it and watched as it flew over him.
Out of breath, the Tahir added. "But seriously. Fight for her, you might not see it but she makes you a better person. Somehow de."
Talking to himself out loud-which oh, he had been doing too much these days, he thought out loud. "The real question is, can i fight this?"
Reassuringly, which he needed, his best friend guided. "If something is worth fighting for, there is always a little chance that you'll win."
Tahir down, Mama to go.
After Sudais had left Tahir to do the needful; tell his mum his intentions, he waited keenly for the undoubtful insults coming his way and his mum didn't disappoint.
"My family's name, my son's name, will not be tainted by divorce." she tsked, shaking her index along with her head, eyes closed. "Koda wasa."
"No, Mama, not divorce. I don't think you get me..."
"I do! I understand you. There is no way the second wife can be queen."
Lips pursed in disarray, he reasoned with his eyes down. "There is no place that says we can't do that though."
Her eyes flew open in anger. "Zan bata ma rai fa, Abba. Wallahi zan bata muku rai daga kai har Halima! Wannan wani kalan iskanci ne? Wasan yara ne abun aka ce muku?"
Her palm rose and his words stuck midway in his throat.
"Haba, Haba, Habaaaa...what do you want to give me? Hypertension?"
"Mama de-"
"Call Halima, she should drop whatever she is doing and come here tomorrow. When i talk to her, the two of you can leave." Sudais knew when she spoke in that tone, there was no going back.
But still, he'd try his luck.
"Ummi..." he called her the one name that had her glare moving to him, eyes beginning to fill with tears. "Ummi please...please just listen..."
"I stand on my word and if you think these tears in my eyes will change them, then you are wrong," In a firmer voice that didn't falter, she affirmed. "Have Halima here by tomorrow or else..."
Thursday, 20th June 2019.
Laila wished her in-laws knew how much she hated being flown into their blazing hometown during the middle of school. But well, now could you say no to the Queen mother? Never.
If possible, The heat, the frustration, the suspense all heightened once Laila was in the confines of the Palace and was standing at the threshold between the lobby and the lounge of Sudais' flat. He had moved back to the palace, no use in residing at their house now that he was going to be king.
She neither bothered to say thank you to the guards nor did she wave at their bows as she got out of her sandals, her gaze fixated on the lady seated on the couch almost in a rigid form.
Laila didn't say her salam before she came in, which was why when the lady noticed her, she tensed up more as she quickly got off the couch and crouched to her knees over the sound of doors being slammed.
"Jabbama..." Laila's tight keen rose from the lady to Sudais' figure that appeared from the bedroom door and then back to the woman. "Nbalijam. Jam waali? (Good morning. Did you pass the night well?)"
In a voice that indicated she was forced to answer, she almost groaned. "Jam ni. (I did fine.)"
"Noy wuro ma?(How is your household?)"
"Jam ni."
"Noy Lamido(How is the king?)"
Laila considered gesturing at Sudais so the woman could ask him herself but decided against it and instead gave another curt reply, "Jam ni tawone(fine for the moment.)" until she found out what the hell a woman was doing in their lounge. Although curt and forward, Laila was a bit intrigued at the fair Fulani woman. "Noy indema? (What is your name?)"
The woman's head bowed more, "Inde am Husna. (My name is Husna.)"
"Oh...Husna?" Laila dragged the name, raising her tight facial to Sudais who had a similar expression. Obviously, non of them were happy with the scene.
Laila being the bully that she was, pinned her unwavering keenness on the poor lady who looked up time after time to meet Laila's scrutiny.
Sudais sighed, Laila was going to scare away everyone.
In rescue of the poor woman, he clapped his hands, making his presence known and replacing his frown with a smile. "Toh, Husna Useko. Mi sey jango. (Alright, Husna, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.)"
Laila's bitter ogle followed the woman who passed by her after saying goodbye to which Laila didn't answer, Sudais trailing behind in his jallabiya before closing the door after her. He twisted to Laila, eyebrows lowered, eyes squinted, lips set into a tight line and stance wide, he did look pissed.
She didn't care, she motioned a nonchalant hand at him at the door. "Who was that?"
He answered her question with another. "Why are you mean and unapproachable?"
Laila's right brow rose, her expression blank. "I do it on purpose. Who was that?"
He grabbed the handle of her troll bag and dragged it to her. "Your potential co-wife." He stopped in front of her, his scent mixing with hers as it bombarded her nostrils.
She gulped, invincibly before stepping to the side and flickering her keen to the door and then at him. At his lips and nose. "She's well mannered and smells good. But she is being forced into this," She knew that because she picked fear off the woman's voice, "You like her?"
Wrinkles appeared on his forehead, "Why do you care?"
She shrugged, grabbing her left index with her right fingers and pulling. "I just want to know."
He nodded, then started to walk to the bedroom as he said, "I like dark skin. Melanin."
Laila knew he was talking about her, still, she couldn't help but drag her bag and trail him as she asked another question that could be labeled as nonchalant but they both knew it wasn't. "Why dark women?"
He held the door and stepped to the side, "Are you asking why you?"
"I'm not." She almost gritted, releasing the bag and sighing as she landed on the bed and unpeeled her veil and head tie.
He rose his palm toward her, flickering his gaze from his cream tint hand to her face. "I like the contrast. How my hand looks against their skin. I want a partner with the skin tone i crave."
Laila sighed, shaking her head. This was weird. He was weird. She needed a change of topic. "Where's Mama?"
He pointed an index up, "She's on the roof."
Laila didn't know whether that was literally or not. It was a 3-story building. The first floor was a guest floor, the second for Sudais, and the third for Muri. Was she on the third floor?
He cleared her question by exclaiming, "She is in her chambers. Why would you ask me that dumb question?"
Laila neither took a shower nor change her clothes. She just threw the veil back and walked alongside Sudais who without lifting a finger drove attention to them, people-even old people, dropping to greet them.
On their journey there, Sudais kept repeating; "Don't provoke her, Sadiya. Don't interrupt her. Don't look at her for too long. She's not in a good mood these days and she can lock me and you in her room and beat the crap out of us, behave yourself."
As if she had ever misbehaved when it came to her In-laws. All her catty claws drew a line of limit on Sudais and only him.
That aside, Laila only knew part of the reason for her impromptu flight in. Dear Mama wanted to talk to her about her and Sudais' marriage. Did the woman know they weren't married and all her efforts at getting Nurain to divorce her for the past 2 weeks had gone futile? If yes, then Laila should jump into one of the numerous lagoons she had unconsciously passed on her journey from the airport to Yola town.
The queen mother was always a hard piece to Laila. Laila had a hard time reading the woman. She showed fondness and affection in a different way than that of Baba Alhaji-may his soul rest in peace. The man was soft, kind-words, whatnot. While his wife, well...she was cold sometimes. Losing her temperament easily and yelling orders in fulla and cursing in arabic. Laila didn't ever want to be on the receiving end of the woman's curses. Not even Sudais or Mima or even Maijidda were safe from the woman's outbursts sometimes.
So, with composure, Laila clasped her sweaty palms and squeezed them when the room fell into deep silence after their greetings.
The Queen mother laid on her right at the edge of the bed, her elbow on the bed and a hand supporting her head. Her position displayed nonchalance, but her facial was stiff and unwavering.
Sudais and Laila sat a safe distance from each other but still sat on the rug beneath her.
"I have reasons to believe you don't want to be queen. Is that so?" Ohh, so that was the case?
Laila slowly nodded, too edgy to look at the woman. Not that that was a good idea anyway.
Laila's main reason was the fact that she didn't want to be reduced to a stupid position for the rest of her life when there was so much out there she could do rather than sit in a room full of women who wouldn't hesitate to stab her in the back but fall to their knees at every command of hers. But oh well, that was something she was going to keep to herself so the previous queen wouldn't beat her and her son to pulp.
As a substitute, she defended while tightening her palms and continuously curling her toes. "I um...it's going to get between me and my studies because it is...a full-time job. And all I've ever wanted to be was a doctor." With her few points, she hoped she was able to convince but not confuse the woman that she really needed to not be queen, at all costs. She couldn't have run away from the inconvenience that came with being a royal just to stumble into another family that was now planning on crowning her queen.
No please, that'd be her biggest fear come true.
The woman seemed to be in deep thought.
Laila prayed and prayed that these thoughts were moving in her favor.
Sudais though, although practically non-existent in the room knew otherwise. The woman wasn't Baba Alhaji's wife and queen for no reason. When she had made up her mind, no one was changing it. Except for Sudais, sometimes. But even he had tried and she wasn't bulging.
Queen Baraka cleared her throat, shifted her weight to sit up, and tied her Ankara head tie while at it.
"Being a queen will not get between you and becoming a doctor. In fact, it'll favor you. It'll get things on a silver platter for you."
Laila rose her peer, about to protest but saw a hand shaking from her peripheral view. Sudais' hand. She turned to the man and watched him mouth a no, before lowering her head. She knew medicine, and silver platter should never come in the same sentence as the course. Never, ever.
"Ko ba haka ba?" The mother asked, her palms drawing out toward the duo. "We don't plan on stopping you from graduating. You'll just be coming here every non-scheduled weekend of yours, breaks, holidays, and everything until you have graduated, and then Abba," she motioned at Sudais, "Will use his position to secure you a job at the Federal hospital of his state that you can go once a week. A queen is not allowed out of the house but we will let you out once a week. Ko ba haka ba, Abbati?"
Sudais nodded and Laila gaped at him.
What the hell were they hinting at? That she studied for nothing? She'd be a doctor only once every week? Who the hell does that?
She started, "Mama, i have to-"
A firm palm halted Laila. Queen Baraka's small smile fell and a rigid visage took over, her voice turning slow, steady, and stiff. "Don't. I was being considerate. Ask Jodoma, i told him we will let you graduate but we can't let you work. He begged to differ. i don't ask. I demand and i get it. I like you, Halima. You come from a good background and although it isn't much, we have seen changes in our son and it's thanks to you. We want you with him, as his queen. It is not up for debate. The coronation is still on board. Insha Allah, he'll be crowned king, and you, his queen. If..." she trailed off, catching her breath before raising her index. "If he still wants a second wife, I won't stop him. His dad had six. He can add three more, I don't care, but it's you i want with him. His first wife, a princess and the only one worthy of taking after me. Kina jina?"
"Ina jinki, Mama."
The woman nodded, her stiff muscles relaxing as she waved her hand. "Good. You are a good wife. That's all."
Laila took a sharp breath-God she couldn't even breathe, squeezing the blood vessels in her palms to the point she didn't feel them. She inched forward and rose her defeated keen to her mother-in-law—fake. "If it's okay with you Maa, can we leave for Abuja? I have something I need to do tomorrow morning."
Queen Baraka rose her palms, then gestured one at Sudais. "Ga mijinki a gefen ki. He is the one you should be seeking permission from, not me."
She turned to Sudais and he nodded.
He also wanted to be out as soon as possible to settle his business.
Back and forth she had gone, spending less than three hours in Yola, and still made it to Abuja before 4 pm. What a private jet couldn't do!
At 8, Laila was on board with Sudais as he drove her where he didn't particularly say until the roads got clearer and it finally clicked. He was taking her to her home, her family house.
Laila's unsure thoughts were validated when he parked in the parking lot but didn't attempt to get off. He took a deep breath and twisted to her. "Just go with everything he says, ok?" He? He could only be referring to one person like that. Was daddy in town?
"What...did you do? Who is he?"
He closed his eyes. "Daddy."
Laila was sure an invincible witch was present in the car and had stabbed her in the throat, knocking out whatever air was left in her system. "What did you do..."
"He just wants to talk, he is not going to hurt you." He reassured, lifting his hand but halting mid-air. She was going to shove him away anyway and he wasn't in the mood to keep up.
His mood had been sour, bitter, and angry for over 2 weeks now.
Laila shook her head, shrinking into the seat as she queried. "And you...you believe that?"
Sometimes, Sudais thought long about what Mima's thoughts were after she had done something and was about to face him. Did she always look so scared, like Laila did with her father? Did she always start crying before she approached him? Did she look and sounded like Laila right there?
If so, then he didn't deserve to live. He didn't deserve to love. He didn't deserve to be loved. He didn't deserve anything after putting her through that. Because Laila's sight, Sadiya's sight, at the minute was not one he relished.
He reached for her door handle, unlatched, and pushed it open. She needed to go, he knew what he had set her up for.
Defeatedly, Laila sniffled before clutching her phone and masking her inner turmoil with a fake smile, answering greetings, greetings it's self, with sweaty and trembling hands.
She had stood, paced, stomped, and wiped her tears in front of the room door her dad was supposedly going to see her in, all in dread of what he was going to do before she finally could seat one on one with him.
And oh did he look pissed.
And she? Well, she was almost shitting her pants.
Laila had managed to start talking the minute he had asked what had happened. Her tale dated back to the day she had confronted Nurain till the minute that she was seating on the rug across him, obviously leaving out the times she almost cheated and the one time she did. If Sudais had told him, then she didn't need to repeat it. Although she hoped with all the cells in her body that he didn't.
When she was done, it took the Sultan almost forever before he kicked off. "Sa'an ki daya, despite all your stupidity, that good boy still wants you and you're carrying a part of him inside you." A part of him? What the hell was that supposed to mean? A part of him?
The father paid no heed to his daughter's confusion and went on, "Else, your body would've testified wallahi." Well mostly, she had already braced herself to walking out with fresh bruises. "Instead, i am giving you a week, Laila. 7 days and i want you to come and tell me that that stupid Hausa boy has divorced you. I had insisted on you moving here but yaron Baba Idris yamin alqawar that you can stay with him and he'll stay far from you until you've finished your iddha and he has married you. For the sake of our family's reputation, na hadaki da Allah, do the right thing."
Laila nodded, biting and chewing the layers of her lower lip.
The old man sighed, rubbing his weary eyes and Laila used that as an opportunity to remove her glasses and wipe the tears of fear off her cheeks.
"I am sure by now you know the saying, duk abinda Babba ya hango, yaro ko ya hau kan bishiya baze hanga ba?"
Laila agreed to that, her palms finding a home on the cold floors to lean her weight on it.
Although she didn't want to, she had to. Laila saw all the warnings and all the fights her dad had put for her just to save her from something like this. She repelled, going against him and Karma made sure it came back and punched her square in the face, reminding her; that this man might have a weird way of showing his love for you, and sometimes, he does a terrible job at it too, but he always has your best interest at heart, no matter how messed up he goes about it.
With one last warning and seek; "Do not mess this up, Laila. Even if i die, promise me you'll marry Baba Idris' son and stay with him." He waited for a response before he let her go.
"I promise, Insha Allah, Daddy."
"Allah ya shirye ki."
She dropped her head, "Amen."
She stood up and that was when he revoked and addressed. "And what is it i am hearing about you not wanting to be Queen?"
Laila's movements halted. She swallowed a thick lump in her throat and sat back, the conversation didn't seem to be over. "It's because of school. It's...it's stressful, Daddy. It's a major distraction and it's going to-"
"Are you not graduating next year?"
Laila nodded and her father spread his arms, wordlessly asking what the problem was.
She took her chance at explaining, they needed to stop coming in between her and her dreams, please! "You don't understand me," She poked a finger into her chest and sighed. "Being queen is a full-time job, i know first hand. I won't be allowed outside. I am alrea-"
"I don't want to hear it. You are going to be the first queen who is a doctor, I'll make sure of that. But it's not up for debate, Halima. I am your father and i say you remove whatever plan you have of not taking this position out of your head. You are a princess, and you're the best option. Do i make myself clear?"
Crystal, "Yes, sir."
Laila didn't miss the point where he said, 'the first queen who is a doctor,' meaning they only planned on letting her complete her studies only to deprive her of working, just like Queen Baraka and so many people had hinted.
Why were these people hellbent on disposing her years of effort?
Back at Sudais' place after the driver had dropped her off almost at 12 Am, she met him in the study after walking past creepy guards that she now had to get used to.
"You told my dad i am pregnant?"
With no regard to her figure, he squinted his eyes and inclined into the desktop screen in the middle of the 3 desktops. "Yeah."
Laila couldn't believe him, she crossed her arms over her torso and scoffed. "Why?"
Sudais focused on the screen while his fingers danced on the keyboard, then finally stopped with a loud click. He smiled at the screen, finally executing what he should've finished a month ago.
He swiveled his chair to her, his smile diffusing into a neutral aspect. "So, he wouldn't beat you to pulp...Look, you try to hide it but I've seen the scars on your back. I'm sure those didn't come from your ex or you would've walked out sooner. When you went MIA, your dad had painted a clear picture of how he was going to beat you up once you were found and he didn't sound like he was bluffing."
Laila's arms slowly dropped to rest on her hips as she started to pace back and forth.
He found the sounds of her thumping sandals quite annoying so he rose a palm to add the rest of his statement. "And...to get people off my back. My family-my paternal family has started to ask why you haven't conceived or if you are barren."
Laila froze only to yell. "BUT I HAVEN'T CONCEIVED YET!"
Just wow.
That was what defined Laila's expression.
Her twisted mouth had its sides falling as realization dawned on her.
He noticed that and sighed. Took a deep breath with his palms flat in as if he was teaching himself how to breathe before he dropped it.
"Look, you said For better For worse, we're in this together whether we like it or not. These old people are imposing rules on us because of our actions and it's frustrating. But as we know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is the opposite reaction to what you've done, Laila. And not just you, but even i have to face the consequences."
It felt like her chest had been slashed open with a dagger. She knew it, but it hurt more to hear it out loud.
Everything, everything was her fault.
He slouched into the seat, clasping his palms as he closed his eyes and invoked. "I am a mess, you're a disaster. We're both liars. So, i beg of you, find a way to intentionally-accidentally tell Mima that you're pregnant. She will do the spreading for us. Do that tomorrow, but for now, shut up and go to sleep!"
I don't take tea no more but; Ammy Sips her tea🙃
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