29. Chaos and stupid pills...
Tuesday, 21st may, 2019.
When you set your mind on something, it takes a thousand minus one reasons to stop you.
Laila had set her mind on waking up by 5. Despite the barely 4 hours of sleep she got, she couldn't sleep, not with a nagging voice at the back of her head telling her to wake up, she'd be late.
Her eyes fluttered open at the possibility that she'd slept past 5. Her shoulder emerged from the sofa. The sound of squishy lecture notes came when she was searching for her phone. She ventured on the mission until she found the device.
The time read 4:57 Am.
Just in time.
She switched the flashlight on her phone towards her lecture notes. Great. She slept off without completely revising her Neonatal pediatrics notes.
Now, Conso and Nurain were going to have her head for breakfast at Ward rounds.
She let out a loud puff and shifted her legs to the floor. Except, it wasn't the floor. Her calf hit something. Someone. A head.
She gasped, releasing her phone to jump back in fear.
What the hell? Who was that?
She slowly picked up her phone that fell on its back, hence blocking the flashlight. In sync with her held phone, her other hand slowly motioned to touch the intruder again.
She heard a crack, then a groan and that's when it hit her. She had slept off trying to read and Sudais had slept on the floor beneath her, limp and tired while still listening to her rant about school.
"Ya Allah. I could swear a truck hit me. Bandu am don nawa(my entire body hurts)." The man yawned, stretching his arms as he wiggled his head to ease the numbness in his neck.
His arm touched her abdomen and he quickly revived.
Even though she wasn't a morning person-she was barely a person anymore- she lightly chuckled.
"Stop flashing me." He groaned, snatching the phone from her hand to look at the time and turn off the flash before tossing it on the adjacent side of the couch.
She sighed, choosing that time to yawn and stretch her upper limbs. Halfway through, she brought a palm to cover her mouth. And when she felt a little more energy, she tackled to get down.
Keywords; a little more. She was tired. Still tired. Hell, not a day had passed by since her second year of medical school that she hadn't woken up tired and went to sleep tired.
Her left foot made contact with the pliant rug and she moaned. She endeavored to do the same with her right leg but the man beneath her had other plans. He clutched the shin of her left leg and lifted it while gliding it over his head until he rested it on his shoulder. He did the same to her right leg until she was sitting with her thighs on his shoulders and her feet crossed against his abdomen.
He leaned his head back to look at her barely visible eyes and she leaned down to do the same.
There was little to no light apart from the ones coming from their half-curtained-up window that cast a shadow-like light on their faces.
Although, a few things were visible. The bridge of his nose. His upper lips, and his eyes. And maybe hers. His eyes were half open and pink. His raging heart, his faster breathing, his faster heartbeat and obvious surge in body temperature. She was sure hers were too.
His warm hands found a home on her thighs, below her Nike shorts, and started to soothe her up and down. Up and down.
Maybe her hands had a mind of their own but they left the sofa to rest on the side of his face. She gently stroked the low-trimmed hair of his sideburns, it only made sense that that simple act of hers didn't just stroke his skin, but both their hearts. Occasionally, her fingers would slide to his neck and then glide back up. Against her fingers, the skin on his cheek fluffed up, indicating he was smiling. He was warming up, physically, emotionally and madly.
She smiled too, a large one.
Then it fell off. What was she doing?
She pulled her head away from his gaze and set her mind to stand up. He enforced pressure on her thighs, indicating he didn't want their little position of intimacy to end but Laila shook her head. Unlike he who had 4 degrees, she didn't have a single one.
Laila clasped his hand over her thighs and gently pulled them off.
Sudais understood the assignment and didn't object.
He rose and she did the same, panning out in them bumping into each other. In him, actually. She pulled her forehead away from this rock and winced, whining too hard for a non-morning person.
Damn. He shoulda been named after the rock.
"Sorry." He groaned, leaning to touch her, only to be met with a palm halting him.
He let her rub her forehead and was surprised when she didn't make one of her numerous brusque comments. Nonetheless, he wasn't always an asshole, and today, he wasn't going to be one. As such, he remained rooted to his spot and stretched his arm out.
She flickered her eyes between his figure and his arm.
It wouldn't hurt to not be a bitch for once, right?
She grabbed her glasses with one hand, clasped their palms with the other and he wasted no time in pulling her up, grunting when she was finally on her feet.
Did he expect a thank you?
It looked like he did with the look of disbelief taking over his sleepy features when she walked past him, suppressing another yawn with her arm over her mouth.
Laila showered, performed wudhu, and prayed. Next, she dressed up in Ankara jumpsuit. It was surprising finding an equally dressed up Sudais who went for work usually at 9, in Camo who hadn't noticed her but was on the couch as he gulped down a full bottle of water before tossing it on the floor.
"Will you ever stop tossing things around?" She motioned at the empty bottle that was dangling back and forth on the rug.
He shrugged, then raised his gaze to meet her body. Instead of the smart comment she expected, he took his time to scrutinize her from head to toe. He returned his eyes to his stupid phone that always has his attention and muttered. "You should consider changing into something else that's less tight."
"It's called confidence."
"It is called being married."
Truthfully, She was going to suffocate if she didn't change it. So she changed into a more comfortable jumpsuit and a loose veil.
"Why are you dressed in Khaki?"
With no regard to her figure, he said, "I lost one of my seniors, it's his funeral and it starts early as 8. I gave the driver a day off. I'll drop you and come pick you up, for today."
Her face squeezed, gliding her backpack up her arm. Why was he acting so nonchalant now? "Why?"
He stood up. "Cause i said so." Then he walked past her.
She shrugged, heading for the freezer on the other side of the lounge. The freezer filled more than halfway with different flavors of Caprisun met her eyes. She sighed, heaven. Then reached to pick out four packs.
She threw 3 into her bag and pierced open the 4th one just in time for Sudais to approach her with a black material similar to the green and black jumpsuit.
He gently grabbed her arm and walked them until they were at one of the sets of couches.
She upreared her palm to stop him when he took her veil off and proceeded to glide her backpack off her shoulders. "Wh-what are you doing?"
Laila didn't like being ignored and that was what he was doing.
"I am going to be late. What are you doing?"
He hoisted a brow, taking her off guard as he slid the black headgear off her head to reveal her slightly old box braids. "I am being a husband?" It was a sarcastic question because what the hell was she thinking?
"Make it quick."
The side of his lips curled up in a smirk, and he halted, stepping a foot back. "Make what quick? What'd you think I'm about to do?" Then he took 3 feet forward and leaned until her face disappeared from his view and his mouth aligned with her ear. In a whisper, he mocked. "Bone you?"
It took her a few seconds to gather herself as the hairs on her skin stood erect. She sharply inhaled, stepping away from him which immediately had her grabbing the arm of the couch in order not to fall. "Go and bone your side chicks, not me."
He frowned, not liking the idea that she thought he would cheat. He would though if they kept going like this, he just didn't want her thinking about it.
"Well done, full chicken."
He decided to not push further after that, the day would go better if he didn't. Instead, he menacingly gripped her hair packed by a green band as he slid the maroon open head cap over her hair and made sure the low ponytail was pressed against the tight material. Next, he slid the baby hijab over her face. And finally, wrapped the medium large veil around her.
When he was done playing dress-up, he stepped back, admiring his work. "I should've been a fashion designer."
She looked down at herself, she did look good, maybe even better covered up, but she won't give him the satisfaction, rather, she silently hissed, turning to reach for her backpack only to be held back by a hand.
She turned to scream at him but halted at his tense poise and narrowed eyes. "I don't like being hissed at. Don't hiss at me. Kina jina?" He could hiss, but he didn't want to be hissed at. Call it selfish as much as you wanted.
"Whatever." She shrugged his grip but it was still there.
"You want to try that again?"
She took a deep breath, bending to pick up her backpack which she glided into her left arm. When he had loosened his grip on her, she muttered "Whatever." This time, she didn't let him realize what she said and she was marching out of the room. She'd take a cab if his mission was to make her late.
Sudais watched the strong-headed woman slam the door before he hissed, palming his face and slowly dragging his palm down to his chin.
At the man's words, Laila's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Can't we just do pills?"
The cardiologist shook his head in amusement, "No. You're a student here, right?"
She nodded, gulping air.
"Great. Then the nurse will prep it." He signaled at the nurse with the tray.
The lady in white got the memo and left the office.
Unconsciously, Laila brought her hands up and proceeded to bite her nails.
She glanced at the man with his right ankle crossed over his left knee and his attention on his phone on the adjacent side of her. She shook her head. If he didn't care about her appointment, why the hell was he sitting next to her, engrossed in his phone?
Why did she even tell him she had an appointment when she could've just told him she was busy and couldn't have lunch with him at lunchtime? When did that nonsense even start sef?
Her attention left the table with cardiology textbooks and papers to the sound of the door opening thinking the nurse was already back.
Wide eyes met that of another doctor who was engrossed in the tablet as he spoke to her cardiologist. "This place is just filled with terrible people, wallahi." He shook his head and looked at his colleague. Instead, he met with a sight of a trio in which he didn't know the third man. The third man was without doubt a military individual with his khaki and the aura of nonchalance he omitted by just sitting on the seat adjacent to his student.
His eyes narrowed at her, "You're on punishment, Laila. What are you doing here?"
Cat got her tongue and just in time, a hand gently pulled her fingers out of her mouth. "It's a hospital, Sadiya."
She nodded, rubbing her fingers on her jumpsuit. She turned to the doctor waiting for an answer. "I have the reports. I just—"
"Why didn't you submit them then?"
"Jesus, Nurain. You are an asshole man. Cut her some slack, she's here for her cardio-therapy shots."
Nurain dropped his tablet to his side and walked to where Laila was to place the back of his hand on her forehead. He revived,"Your shots? What shots?" He directed his last question at his co-worker.
"It's just anti-coagulants, just to be on the safe side."
Nurain shifted to Laila. "I thought you were stable?"
"How can she be stable when she's not taking her meds? The way I'm looking at it she'll have to undergo surgery if she keeps going like this." The cardiologist shook his head, picking up his ringing phone and excusing himself.
Sudais looked dumbfounded between his wife and the two men who seemed to know more than he did. Surgery? Why was she going to undergo surgery?
He watched further as the new doctor interviewed her more. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Why didn't she tell him? Who the hell was he?
There was prolonged deep eye contact between Laila and the doctor. Too deep. Laila had never even had that kind of long eye contact with him. Again please, who the hell was this?
Sudais cleared his throat, directing his words at her. "Why are you being punished?"
She turned to his stoic face. "I'll tell you when we're out." Then returned her view to her hands that sandwiched her phone and journal.
Not that Laila was a coward, but, she felt the air close in on her at the feeling of Nurain's eyes still on her, his butt on the edge of the table as he scrutinized her.
She might've been able to censor her guilt while being with Sudais. But being in the same room with him and Nurain? Not good. Her body certainly testified to that as she felt her skin heat up despite the air conditioning and her palms producing sweat. Despite being in the confines of her crocs, Laila's toes curled as she agitatedly tapped her feet, chewing on her bottom lip hard and fast.
She lifted her eyes to Nurain's and found him staring down at her, hard, as if studying her for a test. She dropped her head, gulping the stubborn lump in her throat but still feeling it there.
She then turned to the man adjacent to her.
Apparently, the rock had gone back to his phone. Good thing he won't notice the thick tension in the room. And if he did, he did pretty good at acting like he didn't.
On one hand, she always will have Sudais. On the other, it was Nurain who was messing with her head. Making her loose guard. Literally.
A few more awkward minutes went by and the doctor returned to his seat just in time for the nurse to knock and come in.
Laila held her breath and bit her nails as she watched the nurse prep her dose.
When the woman lifted the syringe in test, Laila's eyes closed as she took the deepest breath of her life.
The nurse's feet moved toward Laila and Laila flinched, grabbing the arm of the chair as she grit her teeth. God, she hated sharp objects.
"Woah woah woah. You need to calm down." The cardiologist chuckled, gaining Sudais' attention who glanced at his wife that seemed like she wanted to dash for the door.
His hand reached out, gently grasping her arm which immediately made her freeze. Their eyes clashed and he nodded, "Stay calm."
She nodded along, "Stay calm, Laila."
"I'll do it," Nurain insisted, standing straight to take the tray from the nurse who looked at the cardiologist for confirmation. He nodded and she handed the tray to Nurain. He took it and placed it aside, wore disposable gloves and wet a swab before squatting to his knees.
His eyes landed on Sudais' palm on her arm then back on her tensed figure as she tried to keep her eyes open even if she was failing. He grabbed the base of the chair and pulled her to him, in the process, Sudais' hand slipped off her arm.
Nurain wrapped a warm palm around her right upper arm as he pushed her veil and unbuttoned the clip at her wrist. He drew the fabric up to her shoulder until her arm was nude.
His fingers roamed around her shaky arm until he selected a vein. He turned, grabbing the tourniquet and placing it proximal to his vein of choice. He wet the area with the swab before grabbing the Iv catheter.
At the sight of the sharp object about to pierce her skin, she screamed, pushing back and away from him but his firm hand didn't let her. He rose the hand that had the syringe in between his fingers. "It's only going to hurt for a second."
She shook her head, her eyes wetting at the edges. "No. No. Let's just do drugs, please."
Sudais took his scrutiny off the duo to focus it on his wife. He stood and walked until he was standing by her left to hold her hand which immediately squeezed the blood out of him the moment it caught it. "It's okay, Sadiya."
"Come on," Nurain dragged when he attempted to angle the syringe only for her to flinch away. "Haba Laila. You need this. School is not going to get any easier and you need to be at your best. Kina jina?"
She shook her head, her legs hiking as she moved back but was only held forward by Sudais and Nurain's grip.
Although the nurse didn't sound genuine, she assured. "It's not going to hurt."
The cardiologist backed her up. "Trust me, it won't. You're also lapping on your break time."
"Exactly." Nurain nodded while she shook her head.
Sudais was stuck, he wasn't good at comforting people. Especially with people around who seemed to know her far better than he did. So, in a low voice, he re-assured and squeezed her palm further. "Relax your muscles," he then squeezed her shoulder. "It'll be okay. It's okay." Maybe he wasn't talking about her injection, maybe their lives, nonetheless, it was the best thing he could come up with.
Despite the reassurance, Laila didn't stop shaking, neither did her legs stop hiking, nor did her teeth stop grinding against each other.
Nurain sighed, craning his arm to drop the syringe on the platter. He turned, taking a few seconds to himself before lifting his eyes off the tiled floor to her terrified face.
His palms found her empty one and sandwiched them, then he brought it closer to his face. "Okay, listen to this... If you stay calm and let me administer this shot to you, I'll lift your punishment."
It took her a second to apprehend what he proposed. Her eyes flew open, her legs and arms hanging mid-air. "You will?"
He nodded.
She narrowed her eyes, her muscles softening down. "For the rest of the week?"
A large smile spread on his face, "Yes, Laila. For the rest of the week." He wasn't an asshole-at least sometimes- he was just putting the right amount of pressure on her and that was what had always kept her going.
She dropped her legs. That had the grown-ups in the room let out a sigh.
Before she could relax too much, he added. "But, if you freak out, 4-hour ward rounds for male and even female wards for the next week."
Laila winced as she shook her head, her frame sinking into her seat. She'd been on punishment for only a few days and her back could testify, no more, please. "I won't."
He reached for the swab to rewet the spot before he ventured to angle the syringe again. She ducked away and he paused, "Laila..."
"Ok! Bazan sake ba. Just not the ward rounds, please."
He ignored her protest and took her off guard as he sank the needle into the vein. She cooed at the sudden pain that shot through her and Sudais held her shoulders down, "Shh...."
When done, Nurain discarded the syringe while placing a swab on the area and she untangled her palm from Sudais' to hold her straining arm.
"See? That was it." The cardiologist exclaimed, before pushing his seat to perk up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I believe my shift for today is over."
Nurain patted Laila's arm with a reassuring smile before standing.
"I'll see you for your ECG next week, Ma'am."
Laila nodded, "Thank you sir."
Sudais let Laila finish her whines about her aching arm before she stood.
While at the door, Nurain announced, directing his words to Laila. "I need to see you in my office after your break."
She nodded, marching on his route along with Sudais.
At the cashier in the staff restaurant, Sudais leaned toward her ear. "See me at my office, huh?" She craned her neck to look at him, only to meet the sight of his lips a few inches away from hers.
Trapped in a trance, she gawked at his lips as they moved but she didn't hear a word.
Sudais stood up straight, realizing he was the one making her uncomfortable.
She blinked rapidly. Then, she shook her head as she took the bag of wrapped-up goodies.
She had no intention to answer his question. Instead, she led the way until they were at a two-way corridor. She turned to the hulk, "Where'd you park the car?"
His nose crinkled, his eyes pinned on his phone. "Oh, she speaks," He glanced at the busy corridor of the clinic, then dipped a finger into his chest nonchalantly. "You talking to me?"
"Of cou-" she halted. Nose flaring, she dipped her hand into the bag of goodies to grab his stuff. The burger and chilled exotic hit his chest. "Go eat wherever the hell you want and I'm going to do the same."
Despite the obvious insolence he felt at her action, he ignored her, stepping away as his leather fell.
He started to walk away and she stomped her feet. "Hey! Come and grab your stuff before i get punished for it," He kept walking, albeit slow, he kept walking. "It's against clinic rules, Sudais."
"Ko watai problem ma? (What is your problem?)" His footsteps seized, his body fleeing to look at her. Please. He had had enough for the day. Was fighting her survival skill?
She bent to snatch the leather and marched to him. "Where. Is. Your. Car?"
He took a step closer, his expression mirroring her furious one. "You want to try that again?"
"Where is your damn car, Sudais?"
They stood in a staring contest until suspicious glances were thrown at them. Sudais ran his palm down from his forehead, then took a deep breath to settle the burning sensation that was starting to settle on his chest. And that did nothing to alleviate the burn.
As gently as he could, which was none, he grabbed her upper arm and dragged her in full speed, not bothering to let her catch up to his long, angry slides as she struggled with his hold and he led them to his car.
At their destination, he flung and released her so hard that she had a hard time stabilizing herself as the leather dropped from her hand.
That was it. They were all the same. Bunch of abusive bastards.
His tone leveled, his hands rose just to move along with his words. "I am trying so hard," he sighed, "So hard, with you, Wallahi. But it's not working..." he gestured at the space between them, "Me and you, are not working. You do not want us to work. Because if you do, you'll realize defying me is not the—"
"Defying you?" Her head slowly swayed back and forth as she pushed her disheveled glasses back on track. Slow was the total opposite of what she was about to show him. "Who the hell are you that I won't defy you? Are you my daddy?" She mocked. "Or my mum?"
He found believing the woman in front of him hard as he shook his head and pointed his vein-popped-out hands to the ground. "Not your dad. But, i am your husband. Your heaven lies beneath my feet."
She thrashed her arms in frustration, "And that's what you want to use on me? To hell with you."
He threw his head back and let out a humorless laugh. This girl was trying him. He dropped the act and crossed his arms, then he proceeded to ball his fist over his crossed arms. With pink eyes, how that always happens when he was angry, she didn't know- he drilled holes into her. "You are going to hell if you keep going like this."
In a flash, Laila was on her tippy toes as his face received all her next words. "And, you won't?" She stepped back to scoff, "I'm going to hell and you're not?" Dramatically, she spread her arms out, her lips widened with a sick smile. "That's the biggest joke of the year. Oh my God! It's so funny. Let's all laugh."
Sudais pulled his lower lip into his mouth and bit the skin as hard as he could. His arms dropped to his sides, God. This would've been easier if it was Hafsy or Mima. Because then, he would've shut her up by beating the crap out of her.
Instead, he was left stranded by the fact that she was his wife and he couldn't do anything other than argue and let her go scot-free. Or at least free if she didn't push him to the wall. It was frustrating.
"What? Cat got your tongue?"
Sudais closed his eyes, doing exactly what Mama had taught him when even as a kid, he struggled with anger issues. After holding his breath for as long as he could, he breathed again. He opened his still pink eyes and poked a careful finger at her chest, his voice penetrating her ears. "You are a horrible person. You stand for nothing except lies, Chaos, and stupid pills..." he stepped forward and she stepped back, nailing her taken aback expression permanently into his brain happily and the side of his lips turned up. "Because that's all you are, Chaos and stupid drugs."
Maybe she was hurt, maybe she was too stunned to speak, either way, for a moment he loved her pink eyes, trembling lips, and shaky fingers. Good to see he could ruffle her nerves as much as she did his.
He gave her a disgusted look before walking past her to his car.
She didn't look, but she heard. His engine revved to life and before you could say queue, he was overspeeding out.
"I hope you drive yourself off a cliff!" She yelled at no one.
He was gone.
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