24. High vigor.
Thursday, 28th February 2019.
After going ghost for almost 72 hours, Laila did what Laila did best, come home and act like the witch she was.
As if those 3 days didn't happen. As if they didn't pass with no contact after that last heated conversation.
She didn't call. She didn't text. Nothing.
Had she expected him to call or text? If she did, she must have been stupid. He was infatuated by her, not stupid. Although he was becoming a mumu just like Tahir had hinted and he didn't like it.
Could he help it though? No.
The woman was physically irresistible and it'd been so long. So long since he had had a hard time swooping someone out of his mind. But well, this was different. She was different. She was his wife. Unlike the few others he had swooped off easily.
And in her head, he was supposed to suck it like the big boy he was, right?
Alright, He would.
Didn't mean only she mattered in this, though. It didn't mean he didn't feel disrespected. It didn't mean he didn't want out, despite his obsessive infatuation with her.
Was it even worth it? Chasing her? He'd lose interest the moment he got what he wanted anyway, why was he even stressing?
He was Sudais Idris. He got what he wanted, from whoever he wanted. Sooner or later, She was going to fall into his trap. And then, all the preposterous consciousness he was starting to harbor towards her would disappear into thin air. And then he would be free.
In the meantime, he wanted peace to reign. He wanted no fights. As such, he would try and although he was more than 50% sure he would fail, he would try. At least, until he selfishly got what he wanted and until his contract was over so he could pack his shit and leave the house for the witch.
Slamming the door to the car close, Sudais waved a hand at the guard who greeted him. He ran up the steps of his front porch as he retrieved a key from his pocket to crack the door open. Stepping inside, he pushed the door close with the heel of his shoes and placed the 2 keys on the key hanger.
He slid open the glass doors that separated the foyer and the main living room and immediately narrowed his eyes at the disturbing sounds he could make out. He dropped the leather bag of bread and stepped out of his shoes before walking further.
At the station of their grey stationary section of couches, he found Laila standing with a paper note in her hand, the rug covered in books, textbooks, her MacBook, pens, and highlighters.
What he found disturbing was the fact that she read out loud in a croaky voice as she bounced her shaky legs back and forth, the only clothing on her, was a thigh-length oversized basketball jersey. His jersey. The one that oversized even him.
This woman had got to be kidding. She really was serious about torturing him.
He stood rooted to his spot and folded his arms to examine the situation.
She paced back and forth, oblivious to his presence, and read out from the paper, then hid it behind her back to repeat what she read. She started and halted. Closed her eyes tight to stomp her feet. Letting a scream out of frustration, she simmered down and wailed as if she was in pain.
Laila shoved the note at her face and read it out loud, then smashed the note to her chest and folded her arms to keep it in place.
Eyes closed, she attempted to repeat the mantra she had been trying to get into her thick skull. Her words hitched and she smacked her face, the note slowly falling to the floor.
Laila held her face in her palms before she let out a loud wail. "Haba! Me haka?" She closed her eyes as she tasted the salty of her tears in her mouth. Swaying her head side to side, she lifted her lips apart to say something but failed.
Her legs wobbled and wobbled as she continued to hold her breath and blink fast.
"This nonsense!" She howled in defeat as she let her legs give up. Her body hit the pile of textbooks awkwardly with a thud. Her breathing heavy, her tears falling, she glanced at the sight surrounding her.
Stupid books, Stupid school!
In pure frustration, she roared at them and fell forward with her arms thrashing them. "Bazanyi karatun bama!" She caught a random sheet and tore it in half, then tore it into another half and shoved it into the air before placing both her palms flat on the rug.
Her ragged breathing slowed along with her sobbing body. Shoulders slumped forward in defeat, she crashed her eyes close and whispered to herself. "Just kidding. Please Laila you need to pass. God abeg."
Was she begging herself? Or was it God? Sudais wanted to laugh out loud but quickly realized how stupid that sounded. Instead, he let the part of him that pitied her do the threading closer and talking.
"You...you shouldn't cram stuff..." he didn't know if that made sense or not. It should though, she was a medical student. And even as an engineer, he knew the best rule for studying is not to cram. That shit never works, and, if it did, it'd throw you off the cliff at the last minute in the exams hall.
Her weak limbs twisted to him, her eyes bloodshot and her face sticky wet. At his sight, she quickly brought a palm up to wipe the moisture smearing her face as she sniffled. In a defeated voice, she croaked. "What should i do then?"
He was glad to see she wasn't about to start a fight with him.
He took a deep breath and slowly walked further toward her. "For starters, it's not the best idea..." he ceased to scratch the back of his neck but discarded his doubts as he threaded further and pushed the textbooks and pile of stuff with his feet every which way to make space, "But, You could teach me?" He let the suggestion roll off as a question as he sat Indian style a foot or 2 in opposite her.
Her sobs and sniffles slowly quieted down and she held her eyes down in deep thought.
"Teaching me what you know will show you just how much you understand it and stick it to your brain more..."
Sudais' head pushed forward in concern, his lips tight as he waited for a response.
Torture and traps aside, He wanted to help. He wasn't a medical student, but he had had enough share of time in which he was trying to study but he couldn't understand anything. It was safe to say it was frustrating.
Although he doubted he'd understand anything but it was worth a shot, right?
He clapped his hands when she nodded and sighted him. "Yeah...that's a really good idea though. It's just that sometimes, i wish there were my recorded notes or textbooks or something..."
He rubbed his palms, even more enthusiastic than her as she turned to grab the materials she had trashed.
"So...what is it?"
She took a deep breath, maneuvering her legs to sit in mirror to him. His eyes followed her movements and underneath her jersey were compound shorts. She felt his scrutiny and shook her hands, "Sorry I'm wearing your jersey."
He shook his head, waving it off. "Wear any cloth of mine whenever you want."
Laila hummed, inching closer as she grabbed a material from Sudais' side. She waved it and cleared her throat. Voice still croaky and rough, she advanced. "It's uhm...pediatrics. I have a test tomorrow. Basically, pediatrics deals with children. Where i have the biggest problem...it's stupid. I'm very stupid for-"
"You're not stupid." Until i say you are.
She shook her head, laughing humorlessly. "I am. It's stupid that I'm having problems with something i should know well because..." she trailed off, raising her peer at him in contemplation.
Kinda not her style but he did deserve to know.
She set her lips into a thin line. "Because i was born with one...A congenital cardiac condition i mean. "
Realization hit him, his eyes widening and his shoulders rising. "The condition that your mum keeps telling you to take your pills and why you purge out blood at times?"
She tsk-ed, "Yeah...It's called ASD; atrial septal defect. It's congenital."
His eyes squinted. "And that is?"
"Meaning it's a condition a child is born with. I was born with atrial septal defect."
"Hmm. Ok?" He trailed off, wanting to know more.
Laila clasped her hands and wiggled her legs. She started in baby steps before hiking up. "Everyone knows the heart is divided into 4 chambers," She hoist 4 fingers up as she nodded. He nodded along, "2 atria and 2 ventricles. So, there is a wall, called the septum separating the 2 atria. In my condition, there is a hole and that hole, is not supposed to be there ko? Toh, in my case, flow across the defects will now occur both in systole and diastole. But mostly, flow is predominantly left to right-that's pure logic sef. But sometimes, there is flow from right to left, which is normal and that's why it's called a shunt. The shunt then occurs during diastole. The atria-my atria-" she poked a finger into her chest as if to show him her atrium,
"The blood in it now has 2 alternative routes which are not there in a normal heart. The blood can either decide to pass normally through a valve-the av valve to the ventricle, or the blood can decide to pass through the ASD pathway. The atrial septal defect pathway kenan, the thing that wasn't supposed to be there. When it passes through the abnormal pathway, that is when there is a reversal and i cough out blood." Her breath heavy and fast, she rose a brow at Sudais' dazed expression.
He swayed his head to yank himself out of his daze. Lifting his fingers, he objected, "Look, i love how passionate you are about this, but say it again. A lot slower and dumber please."
Laila threw her head back and let out a genuine before explaining again. A lot slower and dumber.
"What was freaking you out?" He asked after she had finished explaining.
At the question, she took a deep breath and flung her hands into the air. "It was just an outline, pediatric cardiology. Study of the child's heart. I was on its pathology and i have a condition that I can't seem to understand. I've read the note over and over again, it's not settling."
He pursed his lips, glancing at the mess they both sat in. "So, you were freaking out because you didn't understand one condition?"
She tilted her head to the side, her eyes climbing to the ceiling. "Ish...I don't feel like i know enough for the test."
He didn't see what all the fuss was about. Just a condition? What was she? Aristotle? Did she have to know everything?
Still, Sudais hummed as he pushed her materials and dragged a throw pillow before laying his head on the pillow. "I don't see what all the fuss is about though. You seem to have all this figured and you're freaking out for nothing."
Laila pouted unconsciously at that. Mirroring his action, She grabbed a pillow from the couch behind her and tossed her materials to the side to lay on her side, opposite him.
He went on. "Just stop. For once. I know you'll write this test and pass, Insha Allah."
"If i fail, it's on you."
He chuckled, "You won't."
Sudais rested his nonwavering scrutiny on Laila for minutes, mostly on her moisturized lips and eyes devoid of her glasses. Just took in leveled breaths until he wanted the appreciated silence gone. "Best friend?"
Laila's head slightly rose from the pillow in confusion. She stabbed a finger at her chest to confirm if he was referring to her. He responded by jutting his chin.
"You already know."
"Let's pretend we don't know anything about each other tonight." He placed an elbow on the pillow and rested his head on the same hand.
Laila shrugged, "Maya. Since forever. Her real name is Halima Yakubu Sunusi. She's my cousin and she is 22. Yours?" Laila's interest peaked as she mirrored his position and avoided eye contact.
"Tahir. Tahir Abubakar. I met him in high school in Ghana. His deceased mum was a Ghanaian. He's 31."
Not wanting the conversation to end, he pushed. "Birthday?"
"2nd June."
He went silent for a while before asking. "Hobbies?"
Laila smacked her palms, "I watch. Lots of Hollywood. There's dancing-mostly sensual. And horses."
His pupils dilated, "Wait horses? I thought you wanted to go for polo to spike me. "
She hummed, shaking her head, "I...i own 3, so yeah, i ride horses. Ever heard of sarkin Gombe me dubun doki?"
He shook his head, lips pursed forward.
"Oh, well that's literal. He owns the most horses in the country...i think. And, i own 3 white, beautiful ones."
"Where are they?"
"1 is in Gombe, then there's 2 here. I have 1 at my polo club and i have 1 in my family house."
"I'd like to see them one day."
"You ride them?" The question didn't sound that stupid in her head. Now that she said it loud, she smacked her face, swaying her head side to side. "That's stupid. That's a stupid question. You're a prince, of course, you'll ride."
He couldn't agree more. "Favorite sibling?"
To the highest degree, "Shehu."
He visibly scrunched up.
He had no right to do that. So, he hid his judgment, "Mima...she is so stubborn like every one of us, but she's too stubborn for a girl and her age."
"Huh, You should've met me when i was younger. I once got into a fight with Shehu and broke 2 of his fingers. He dislocated my wrist." She lifted her left hand and wiggled her wrist.
"What?" Sudais' eyes rung in alarm and his mouth went wide. Who did he marry?
"We're favorites with those we fight a lot and reconcile with."
Sudais hummed, she had no idea. "You should see me and Mima more. She's my baby. I love her the most. I sometimes see her as my kid than my sister. But i beat the crap out of her every once in a while. She deserves it most of the time."
The room went silent at that, Sudais diving into his thoughts and Laila stole that opportunity to scrutinize him.
Despite being tired, his muscles stood in attention. His bushy brows slightly drawn in, his mouth stretched into a small, unconscious smile. The air, now that she had noticed, was wafted in his signature day scent. A mix of woody scent, musk oudh, and a flavor or 2 more that she could never name but was intoxicated by it-not that she'll ever admit out loud.
"So...hobbies?" She pushed.
"Oh," he jumped, his distant eyes coming back to her. "If you can consider bread a hobby, then yeah bread," He laughed and she laughed along. "There's car drifts. I'm good with cars. Basketball, helps me relax. Then there are computers. I am a beast when it comes to them."
Laila's shoulders tensed in actualization. "Yawwa, what did you study? I've been wondering. How are you a soldier and an engineer kuma?" I've been wanting to ask, but we've been at each other's throats since we got married. She had wanted to add but she was too exhausted to pick a fight.
"Ok," He rose, stretching his arm to relieve the ache from dropping all his weight on it. He wiggled his head and rolled his shoulders back and forth, rubbing his palms against each other. "I studied a lot. So...i went to military university from 17 to 21 to study computer science, right? I was forced, not under my will," He frowned at the memory, "Went for training, finished. By that time i was obsessed with computers and had wild ideas. I also did not just want to stay and be a soldier. Instead of lagging around, my dad suggested masters but no," he rose an index to shake it,
"I said i wanted another degree. He threw fits but eventually sent me to England to get a post-graduate degree in Software engineering for 3 years. Came home to my Dad bringing up issues about me marrying. Haba!" He threw his arms up at the thought, "I was just 26 fa. Sharply," he chuckled at the memory, shaking his head. "I said i wanted another degree, just to get away from my dad. Another tantrum from both my mum and dad but like always, they gave in. I left for Saudi to study Electronics and Communication Engineering for 3 years before I graduated, again," He rose 3 fingers up, "That's 3 degree right?"
Laila nodded in astonishment. She was here pissing and moaning over her first degree that she intended to graduate from and this man was on his 3rd degree and still counting?
The man went on. "I decided to get a 6 months psychology course on human interaction while i waited for my graduation and certificate and all that stuff. I came home, they brought marriage again, it backfired. I wanted a master's and India at the time, i got the admission, and visa but people kept talking to my dad about how he was letting me roam the world and do whatever i like. Your man haka kawai he woke up and told me i wasn't going. I thought he was joking but he didn't bulge. So, i opted for Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos. Went there and did a 2-year program for masters of science in electrical networking and local engineering. When i finished, i just stuck to Lagos..." he finished, clasping his hands together and peering at Laila.
A stunned Laila rose from the pillow a few minutes into staring at him. She spread her fingers-no insult intended. "So you mean 5 degree's?"
He pursed his mouth to the side, deep in thought before rocking his head to the side. "No. Technically, 4. That 6 months psychology course doesn't count. I just wanted to keep busy and was obsessed with understanding people...someone at the time, which was useless, i still don't."
Laila heard nothing except his first 2 sentences. Her thumb finger hid behind her palm. "So, 4 degree's?"
He smiled proudly. "Yes."
"And i am on my first one-okay technically second but I'm freaking out?"
He gave it a long thought before shrugging, "We don't stop when we love something."
And, she loved medicine. And was going to be this doctor one day.
The conversation was over as he stood up and stretched his hands down. "Come on. We'll pick this up another time. You deserve a clear head for your test tomorrow."
Eyes squinted, she raised a brow. "Is this the part where you drop one of your sick lines to get me to sleep with you?"
His nose wrinkled, his eyes hiking to the ceiling in thought before he shook his head. "As predictable as that sounds, not today," Cause he needed to pretend he didn't want it so he could get it. "Get up."
Laila sighed and glanced at her mess, "Yeah...I'll just sort this out."
Sudais shook his head, bending to grab her upper arms, he groaned and hoisted her up. "I'll do that for you. You. just. rest." He started to walk their now suddenly sleepy figures towards the corridor.
"I might kind of...a little...like this you...the one who is not trying to starve me to death, or cut my balls off or poison me."
Laila face palmed, halting in her steps as she weakly peered up. "Are you ever going to forget?"
A goofy smile spread across his lips and he shook his head, definitively, "Never."
Friday, 1st march, 2019.
Sudais lied to her.
He fucking lied.
'You seem to have all this figured and you're freaking out for nothing,' he had assured. And, she had stupidly heeded. Went on to ask stupid questions about their stupid selves until they were both light-headed with sleep.
Now, she stared at the screen. Her fingers, rigid as stone, gripped the edges of the table, her lips quivering and her pink eyes water-packed.
She didn't blink but she felt fluid run down the left side of her face. Angrily, she lifted her glasses before wiping the tears with her hand and sniffled.
Laila glanced at the room with screens and a handful of people. Teeth painfully gritting, she punched the keyboard and waited until she was off the website before standing. The chair made a screeching sound as it fell but she paid it no heed.
Outside, she met Naimat on the waiting chairs and headed to her. Picking her backpack and her phone pouch bag, she strapped on her backpack and placed the string of her phone pouch bag with her phone in it around her neck.
No explanation, it was a code between Laila and Naimat, the girl understood what Laila declared. "I have a headache. See you soon." And with that, Laila was stomping down the stairs.
Laila headed to the hospital instead of the clinic's school gate which would then lead her to empty roads with no transport. She walked hastily, arms crossed over her chest as she sniffled and sobbed quietly.
Laila wasn't looking at the time, but she had walked-ran a while. She lifted her head for the handful time that morning to catch the sight of the hospital's gate a few strides ahead.
Breath shallow and fast, she increased her pace and let out a scream at the intensity at which something flew by her. She froze, slowly hoisting her pink eyes to feed herself some explanation of what the hell just happened.
A man in sky blue kaftan slammed the door to his car close as he angrily stomped to her. At her sticky face, wide pink eyes, abnormally rising up and down chest, he ran to her.
"Laila? What is wrong with you?" As if in a trance and his voice had yanked her out, she took a step back. Then took another to his side and started to walk away.
His palm wrapped around her arm and she instantly snatched it away, yelling as she whipped to him. "Don't touch me, Nurain!" She watched as the specs she held so it wouldn't get smudged with her tears fall to the road.
"Wha-I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" His hands rose in surrender, his eyes holding nothing but sincerity. He glanced at the sides before dashing into the less busy hospital road and grabbing her glasses to return to her.
Stuttering, he motioned at the space between them. "What-why are you crying and running on the road?"
"Give me-give me my glasses." In an attempt to sound strong, her voice cracked.
The doctor softened at that, their eyes met and she instantly broke into tears. Her palms flew to cover her face and he took calculated steps toward her. When he was over her, he wrapped a gentle arm around her and pulled her into him, cooing. "Shh. It's okay..." his hand devoid of his car key and her glasses rubbed her back.
They stood for a minute to 2 until her cries died. Head still buried in his neck, she admitted. "I-i failed your test..."
His hand gesture ceased, his pitiful expression dropping to a frown. He pulled her away from him, staring down at her now sniffling figure. He asked, disbelief lacing his tone. "You failed?"
She nodded.
He sighed, throwing his head back to take a deep breath and tell Abuja's sun to go fuck itself.
"Your driver coming to pick you up?" He inquired as he gripped her upper arm. When she shook her head, he led them to his car, opened the front passenger door, and gently pushed Laila in before closing it. He rounded the car and planted himself inside.
Revving the engine to life, he increased the Ac's vigor before turning to her.
Laila set the side of her head on the closed window of the tinted car as she sniffled and blinked fast. Too fast.
She couldn't breathe, she couldn't turn down the windows, scared someone would see her. She felt trapped.
"How much did you score?"
She inhaled a shaky breath and closed her eyes which gave way for the packed fluid at the edges to fall to her lap. "11...out of 30."
She waited for the strings of insult that she was surely going to be flooded with, rather than the sigh she heard. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him rub his fingers over his forehead, down to his nose before picking his head to watch her.
Never in the world did she expect a;
"Kai! No. We...we can't have that...I'll cancel this test and give you another one. But, if you fail again, it's on you. You know I'm not going to give you what you didn't score," And that was why it took her seconds to actualize what he said before she was almost dislocating every joint in her body to twist and look at him.
"What? You will? You don't-you can't, Nura...I'm not asking you to. Everyone is going to know you did it for me."
"I do what i want to do. We all agreed to let me set the questions and mark scripts because i am a part-time lecturer and they despise me for my uncle's position, so they think this is punishment for me when i actually enjoy it," He explained, a smile spreading across his lips as he leaned towards Laila. He lifted a hand at her face and she immediately flinched. He pulled back, waving the tissue box he had grabbed from his dashboard at her face. He picked out a few and ventured to clean her face.
However, she blocked his hand and snatched the tissue before dabbing her face dry.
He got the memo, she was still angry. And he wasn't about to add more to his list, he twisted, "Where are you headed?"
She slumped into the seat and let out a breath. "Mamman estate."
And then, they were en route.
She asked to be dropped at the gate and ignored every other question he asked.
Laila unlatched the door and felt a hand hold her arm. She turned to him.
"I love you."
Sincerity was what coated his words. She glanced between his hand holding her upper arm and his face and admitted, "I miss you," This time, she pushed herself out of his car, "But I'm better off without you." She slammed his door close and without any stall, walked towards the gate without looking back.
Although, she did hear him yell, "Your entire class re-writes pediatrics test on Monday!" After he had rolled his window down.
Only when she was in the confines of the gates did she hear his car furiously drive off.
Laila's arms flew only to cross in front of her, again.
Another exercise which was good for her legs, despite the continuous friction between her thighs, she found herself walking through another set of gates, her home. Her house, was not really a home was it?
Faint sounds from the lounge came. The sound cleared up as she walked past the slide doors and took the flight of steps down and threw her backpack a the table.
"So early? Never mind, how was your test?" His question went unanswered and if he was a smart boy, he should've maintained his position and continued to watch his NBA match. Instead, he chose to be dumb and followed Laila's angry strides to the bedroom.
"What's wrong with you?"
She had decided that she wasn't mad, but he just made her. She whipped at him, roaring and stabbing a finger into his chest. "You are what's wrong with me!"
He took a step back in jolt, his hand flying to his chest and ceasing midway. "Me?"
"Yes, you. It's your fault!"
"What is my fault?" He roared back. Her fist came up and punched him across the jaw.
"It's your fault i failed my test. It's all your fault!"
He hadn't recovered from the shock of her sudden outburst, and then she was punching him, which hurt like a bitch if he might add. Head still snapped to the side, he transitioned. His veins, slowly but definitely began to pop out, his eyes, constricting in held-aback rage, his fist clenching, and his muscles tightening.
"My fault?" Laila had no idea how his voice changed robotically in mere seconds and was slightly taken aback but was quick to bounce back.
"Yes. Yes!" Her hands flew between them, her feet stomping and her heartbeat accelerating. "It's your fault. I was reading. Then you came in and dragged me away, asking stupid questions and i gave you stupid answers and now i failed!"
He took a deep breath, "I get that you're frustrated and under a lot of pressure but, you don't get to come and make baseless accusations. I don't want to hurt or fight you."
She tilted her head to the side, her expression crazed. "Oh, you won't hurt me?"
"If them leave me and you one on one, I will beat you, you will die. So yes, I won't hurt you."
"But i will." She let out a groan as she channeled all her power into her right fist and punched his chin up. He let out a grumble of pain and staggered to the side.
Laila used his moment of weakness to lift her gown and bash his tummy with the heel of her legs. He let out a welp, eyes pink and wide as they traveled back and forth between Laila and the tummy that he held.
Groaning, she swung her fist at his face but he blocked it. She swung another one and he blocked it, shoving the arm and pushing her back.
She kept bouncing on her feet, breath heavy, and challengingly tilted her head.
Despite the pain he was in, he let out a loud laugh, "Sadiya, I don't want to hurt you."
"Well, I'm going to." She dashed for the vanity and wasted no time in lifting the chair and swinging it at him. It crashed against him and fell with a thud, one of the legs dislocating.
"Sadiya, I'm warning—" his signal was cut when the metal calm bed crashed against him. "God!" He yelped, bending to grip the leg that the metal had crashed into.
Objects from all over, pillows, covers, and books were crashing on him in just a second.
"Sadiya." Eyes closed and hands out to block any attack, Sudais didn't see it coming as Laila let out a cry before punching him again.
"You made me fail my test," He blocked the next punch. "I could've st-studied if you had minded your business," He blocked her knee that aimed for his crotch, "Fight back. Come on. Fight back!" She roared, throat going dry but face wetting with angry tears.
She threw a fist to his face and he caught it. Despite the tears and croaky voice, she threw in her coping mechanism; humor at the darkest hours. "Let me guess, you don't hit women?"
He manifested mock joy by throwing his head back and letting laughter erupt from his throat. Since it was the trend, Laila mirrored him as she threw her head and laughed as maniacally as she could.
His died down, "Ask my sisters."
Laila's hand flew to him just to receive a clog.
A resonating slap delivered with Sudais' open, high vigor hand had her tumbling back, losing her balance and catching herself a moment before crashing head-on.
Sips tea**🙃
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