19. About time...
As Laila stared at the ceiling, legs splayed and her phone in hand as Kaleo's song, Way Down We go played repeatedly from her earphones, she didn't notice when the door to the room had been pushed open. Neither did she hear the bulky man in a shirt and jeans announce until he stood in front of the bed and clapped loudly, his fingers flying to his ear, motioning for her to do the same.
When she turned off the music and removed her earphones, he announced. "My mum. She's back."
Laila swallowed hard. What did she swallow? Nothing.
The act became a regular as her heartbeat started to surge, her palms under the air con hypothetically started to sweat and she quickly rushed it down the fabric she was getting off her body.
She clumsily stepped into her third outfit of the day.
As if he had read her thoughts, he halted at the door. "Did you pray?"
With no hesitation, she lied. "I did."
He smiled, a tight one, liking the fact that he caught her red-handed. "You have your period, Sadiya."
Laila's hand that held her veil stopped mid-air as she scrunched up her face, then inhaled a sharp breath. "I took my ghusl. My period is irregular." The first sentence was a lie, the second though, far from it.
Laila sometimes had her period twice a month. Most times.
Back at the chambers, she had sat in the day before, Sudais led her into the bakhoor scented flat and they went through a series of doors before he pushed open a double door.
He stepped to the side to let Laila take in his mums room. Furnished in gold with touches of brown, a more intense scent took over her nostrils as she whipped to the side at the sound of a door opening.
A woman, fair with a striking resemblance to Sudais except for his bushy eyebrows and the cut that ran down his right eyebrow closed the door behind her, wiping the dripping water off her face but froze when she saw Laila.
Laila's eyes widened, mirroring the average height woman in a boubou, her head tilted to the sight as she glanced between the woman and Sudais before she acknowledged. "Hauwa?"
"Laila?" Maijidda glanced around before letting out a scream as she ran to Laila. "Laila!"
As enthusiastic as Laila hadn't been for almost 3 weeks now, she screamed back, hugging Maijidda just to pull and then hug again.
Sudais who had jumped at Maijidda's scream thinking something terrible had happened stood at the side, hands on his waist as he watched grumpy Laila who hadn't smiled genuinely since they met but here she was, laughing and hugging his sister.
Women could be so confusing.
He couldn't help but ask. "You guys know each other?"
Maijidda pulled back, leading Laila to the rug to sit before answering her brother who made himself comfortable on a loveseat. "Ehen. Laila is my best customer naw. Remember last year that i refused to sell you that knitted sweater that you wanted to gift someone and you said you'd double the price and i told you it was for a special customer?"
His mouth went agape as he slowly turned to point at Laila, "That was for her?"
Maijidda hit the air with her fist. "Yes..." she cranked her head to remember a few more relatable events, "Ehen, ina wani Friday you found me freaking out about an uncompleted order that i even told Mima to just get a bolt instead of picking her up and you started yelling, then a sleek red Camry car came to pick up the order and i went to stand by the car and talk to the person in the passenger seat and when i came back you said motan tayi ma kyau and i said you should back off, me motan tafi karfin ka?"
"Kai!" Sudais exclaimed, one of his palms flying to his wide mouth as he tilted off the couch. "That was her too?"
Laila sat with a confusing smile, she remembered buying a tan sweater around her early clinical year and she remembered Nurain driving her to get a few of her orders from Maijidda's fashion house but never connected anything to him.
Sudais directed his next words at Laila, his smile that of disbelief. "This woman kept putting your orders ahead of so many people oo."
Maijidda shrugged. "Well, now she's family too." She turned to Laila, grabbing her hands. "You never told me your full name. You always said Laila Amin. Hamma kuma yace sunanki Halima Amin Sunusi, the picture kuma you were so different I could've never put it together."
In a girly voice, he mimicked while bragging. "And you said, 'tafi karfin ka.' Yer renin wayo, Guess who i married toh?" A smirk lifted his face at Laila's hidden smile and Maijidda's pout.
While Maijidda's lips were solely pink and full, Laila couldn't help but contrast them to the woman's brothers; not thin and not full either, upper lips slightly darker than lower lips as he continued to pull the sides in a smirk.
Under her breath, Maijidda muttered, "She deserves better," before smiling up and saying out loud. "Welcome to the family, Laila. You have no idea how happy i am." She moved to her brother, "Hamma, you're so lucky."
Ha ha ha. He smiled, a sarcastic one.
Just as Maijidda and Laila had started conversing, Laila stole glances between the siblings to compare them and maybe check Sudais out since she had mostly ignored doing that.
Maijidda was the total opposite of her brother in build. While she was average in height and a little plump considering she had kids, her brother was the opposite. Tall, probably around 6'2 to 6'3 as Laila was 5'9 but he was still way taller than her, tall enough to have to bend before he places his chin on her forehead, thankfully. Shoulders-upper body in all was broad. Despite the visible and reasonable fat, it looked firm. Don't ask how Laila knew that.
Now that she noticed, Maijidda had similar almond-shaped eyes as that of Sudais', both light brown colors probably due to their lack of melanin-with Sudais' skin being more tanned than Maijidda's. Sudais' two barely visible vertical fulani tribal marks that were by his temple and were mostly hidden by his cap were absent on Maijidda's face. Nose both long and sharp, Laila couldn't wait to see if they got it from their mother.
Their mum finally made her appearance with a salam.
If Sudais hadn't told Laila his mum was Shuwa arab, Laila would've figured it out as the older and fairer version of Maijidda stood barefooted in a white and black striped Laffaya.
The woman, standing straight and short at the door with an unreadable expression was bombarded by Maijidda. "Mama, Hamma got married to that customer of mine." Was Laila the only customer Maijidda talked about or was she special? Her question was answered when over the sound of Laila welcoming her mother-in-law, "Sannu da zuwa." Was ignored to ask her daughter: "Which one Maijidda?"
Maijidda stood up, grabbing her head tie from the bed and readying to tie it as she gestured to the drawer. While Laila moved away until her back made contact with the loveseat Sudais was still sitting on.
"The one i designed that lace mixed with silk blouse and wrap skirt and Mima insisted she got it for her eid dress too?"
The fair woman halted and she squeezed her face, trying to remember. "The maroon one?"
"Yes. I told you she had good taste!"
"Oh..." her frown lifted as she walked to the bed and planted herself on it with a sigh. Muttering, her eyes landed on Laila's coordinated figure on the floor, "She does."
Maijidda headed to the other side of the room, "Mi do dilla juula. (I'm going to pray)"
Voice as composed as it could get as she held her wet palms tight, she accosted. "Ina yini ma?"
Laila's greeting went unanswered and she was compelled to glance at the woman to meet a hard stare, as if the woman was scanning every single bone, muscle, tendon, artery, vein, and capillary in her body. She cast her head down, inhaling sharply. Great, she had a mother in law that didn't like her.
When she thought she wasn't going to get an answer, she got one. "Lafia, Laila. How are you doing?"
Laila hesitated at first. "Alhamdulillah. How was your trip? How'd you find your family?"
Mama's hand unpeeled the cotton from her head and off her shoulder. "Alhamdulillah. My family will be alright, Insha Allah. What about you? How is your family doing?"
"I left them fine, Alhamdulillah. They send their greetings."
"Oh...Ayya. Send mine right back please."
"Insha Allah."
It was hard to pick an emotion from the woman's voice. The fact that they were talking made Laila's palms tighten around each other, her upper body lightly rocking to hide the fact that she was low-key vibrating.
Laila felt a hand on one of her shoulders that had her act of nervous shaking stop. She twisted to find Sudais slanted on the couch above her, his face gathered in a reassuring smile as he slowly nodded. She didn't know why, but she found herself nodding back before returning her eyes to the rug.
Oblivious to Laila, the mother motioned for Sudais and Maijidda to get out.
Laila only realized that when she swiped her gaze across the room to find it empty with Maijidda closing the door. Without conscious control, Laila's toes curled, the insides of her cheeks hurting from how hard she was biting as she breathed fast and irregular.
Queen Baraka who was well aware of what her stare was doing to the girl cleared her throat and clasped her hands. Her voice stern, she started, Laila shaken by it. "I, first of all, want to apologize to you Halima. What happened to you shouldn't have. As a mother and a woman, i can understand what you had to go through and what you will go through. But..." there it goes again. The insult she had expected was coming a little late...but coming nonetheless.
"You shouldn't have bolted like that. What did that gain you? Nothing." Facts though. Facts. "It could've all been settled...like the adults we are. But, I understand. You were confused and you were scared, which is okay. I am not going to talk much because i know you've heard enough," God will bless this woman. "All i can do is pray for you." She inched forward, tilting her upper body forward.
The woman was so hard to read. Her voice was so hard to read. Laila couldn't make an emotion out of it, instead, she repeated amen after every prayer the woman recited.
The barbecue party with more people introduced to Laila kicked off after 5 at a very green scenery at the back of the palace.
Surprisingly it went ok, her skin color being pointed out by the new people she met-excluded.
Tuesday, 22nd January, 2019.
Silently nudging her shoulders, he leaned down and whispered. "Thank Mama. Her relatives sent you those boxes you were too stubborn to ask about at my place."
Laila did just that and his mum waved it off.
With no other choice than to say their parting greetings to Baba Alhaji in his throne room as he was with a few people and the jet had been ready for almost an hour now, the duo walked side to side with the man who had a large smile. They waved at men and answered greetings on their journey there.
Laila's eyes squinted at the flash of a camera that had been following them and continued even after they had sat on their knees in front of the man in his royal attire as he slanted forward.
He gestured at the neatly ironed Babban riga that was placed around Sudais' left lower arm. "Na hada ka da Allah ka saka rigar nan."
Like a kid, Sudais whined and the man raised the back of his hand to playfully hit Sudais who dodged the mock slap before letting laughter vibrate through their throats. "I'll wear it, Insha Allah." He wasn't going to, and, if he did, he'd get rid of it as soon as he was in the confines of that jet.
Just like in Gombe, Baba Alhaji placed Laila's hands into his sons' and squeezed them. That was when he made the announcement; Sudais Idris Mamman, the second prince of Adamawa state officially married Halima Amin Sunusi, second princess of Gombe state.
There was no paparazzi, not that any of them wanted the bastards anyway.
"Allah muku albarka." Baba Alhaji prayed one last time before he released his hands from around the duos but Sudais didn't release Laila's.
"Amen." They answered in unison.
It was exhausting answering so many greetings, the 'amen's', the goodbyes, the journey from Yola town to Jimeta with Sudais mostly conversing with his sister: Hafsy who was coming with them, the settling into the jet before it took off.
Laila steadied herself as she took her painkillers to ridden her thighs of the ache they were harboring and also a sleeping aid pill. not caring that they'd be in Abuja less than an hour and a half.
A few minutes into it, Sudais rose and transferred to the space adjacent to Laila.
Instantly, she queried. "What?"
He placed a nonchalant elbow on the table separating the seats, slanted forward, and then angled his body until it was facing Laila's. "I was getting to that. There's already been publicity about me getting married and my folks...from the military want a sword crossing ceremony."
"Tell them I don't want it."
He clapped his hands, "Great. I said the same thing. Running it through you so Baba Alhaji knows it's his daughter-in-law that declined the ceremony, not me."
"So, you're blaming me then?"
He lifted a brow, "Why not?"
Laila scoffed, finding no humor whatsoever in his words as she felt the drugs kicking in and she started to zone in and out of La-la Land.
It wasn't a commercial flight, as such, the burden of picking up the bags was taken off their shoulders, which was a lot as Sudais' maternal relatives had gifted her four boxes that she hadn't even checked.
At the estate, Mamman estate; a very popular estate in Abuja that had now occurred to her that it belonged to her father-in-law would now be where she resided. They dropped Hafsy at the first house that looked like an estate itself and was on their way down the district with Laila's eyes closing and opening now and then due to her sleepy form.
Laila tried to wash the sleep off her face as the car parked in medium sized mustard and mocha building's parking lot with the bags being dragged in by Sudais, and some men.
After she had gathered herself, she walked, gripping a few walls just to be on the safe side as the smell of new furniture hit her nostrils right from the lobby with only waiting chairs, a table, and a vase. She looked to her right and was met with a glass slide door that showcased a small lounge with small couches, a table, and a small tv.
Not wanting to go to sleep without even a little tour, Laila hastily walked down the stairs into the pure grey and black interior large living room which thankfully wasn't furnished with royal chairs, instead, grey stationary sectional sets of couches met her, cube and pouf ottomans, with almost a full wall tv. To her left were a furnished diner and a door that leads to either the kitchen, or store, or both.
Laila walked past a hallway with vases, mirrors, and a few accents chairs that lead to 3 doors. Sudais was coming out of the left one and disappeared into the door at the end of the hallway. She wasted no more time in swiftly examining the rooms behind the door.
The rooms on the opposite sides of each other were medium-sized. One was designed with a rose-colored bed and furniture, The other was designed in sapphire. They were good but mehhh...she didn't find what she was looking for.
She stood at the side to let Sudais walk out of the last room to allow him to disappear into the rose room that had decided would be the guest room and walked into the earth-shattering grey and black interior large room. The largest.
This had to be her sister's doing. Mami would've probably chosen purple or red for the interiors.
Laila's eyes scanned the large windows, the canopy hung by the opposite sides of the bed. Intriguing, but that wasn't what intrigued her the most. It was what was by the bedside which was absent in the other rooms.
Yep, This was her room.
Before the man could have any delusions Laila turned only to bump into him.
In sync, they started;
"This is my room-"
"That's going to be my room-"
Laila shook her head. "No. No way. You can't-"
Sudais nodded, walking into the room while Laila stepped back. "I can and i will-"
"No, Sudais."
"Yes, Sadiya."
"This room has a socket by the bed, I'm a student, i need it." And it also had big windows and was the largest, great for her paranoia and phobia of small places without an escape. But she would never tell him that.
"And I'm an engineer, i need it more. It's also king-sized. Go take the rose or blue room, they're more feminine."
Laila's lips went agape as she swayed her head, then shook them side to side. "I don't want the rose or sapphire room. I want this one."
"I want this one too. We either share it or better still, you take one of the feminine rooms. I'm sure this was furnished for me."
Laila shook her head stepping out of her shoes as she dragged her bag to place it on the lounge bench and then turned to him. "Okay, we're going-actually, I'm going to set some ground rules," she watched as he crossed his arms over his chest, his facial that of amusement.
She was so going to enjoy smacking that smirk off with her next words, as such, she mirrored his action and added an extra smile on her lips. "Let me set some ground rules straight for you. You do not-i repeat, you do not get to come up in here and act like you own anything or even me, because you do not. You keep to yourself, and choose whichever next room you want and stay out of my business and I'll do the same."
If possible her smile deepened into a smirk, cheeks revealing her dimples as his temper flared, the amusement disappearing from him, his eyes narrowing in ire and hands fisting by the side as he took a calculated step towards her.
A bit startled, Laila's smug faltered and she took a step back.
He fed off of her fear and smiled a tight tightly to simmer down his anger. "Let me get this straight with you too sweetheart. This is a political marriage, I don't want you, you don't want me. But, we're stuck for life, deal with it. I for sure do not want to spend the rest of my life listening to you bitch and moan. We might as well try and adjust with each other."
She didn't let him finish, "I do not care what you just said," then uncrossed her arms, put her tongue out and slowly wipe her middle fingers across her tongue to coat them with saliva. She raised the moisturized fingers at his now hot red face, "So, fuck you."
He took 2 steps forward until their bodies were only a few inches apart as he glared down at her and she glared back. "I don't think your dad would appreciate how this is going."
Instantly, the smug look she had disappeared as her nose flared in rage, she placed a palm on his chest and groaned out loud as she shoved him. "You're a real piece of shit, you know that?"
He knew her weakness now, bring up her dad and you hit a nerve. He chuckled, throwing his head back as he vibrated with humor. "And you're worse," He dropped his voice to mutter, "I already regret this."
She sucked in a breath as she tried to slow her heartbeat by calming her nerves down. Fighting him was useless, instead, she opted to grit out her decision. "My room!"
"No, my room." And then, he shrugged. "And just so you know, I'm not taking the couch or whatever sick plan you have of getting me out of this room." Then he dragged his troll bag and started to unpack.
Despite sleep threatening to overcome Laila, she fought it to take a shower, change into a silk robe from the bathroom, and stepped out to find Sudais still rummaging through his bag.
What the hell was the man still looking for?
To spike him further, she switched on the Ac, opened the windows, and switched off the lights before getting under the covers. She didn't wait for a reaction, although he did hiss and punch the lights button on not a minute later.
This was going to be her room, and she'd make sure to put it through his thick skull.
Mission accomplished, she drifted to sleep with a sick smile.
"Go ahead."
"No, you go ahead."
Laila shrugged, stomping and dragging her feet before she made a loud salam.
Instantaneously, she heard her tag name. "Blackkk!" And then, out of nowhere she was being engulfed in a hug.
The fair woman in Ankara, shorter than Laila pulled back to drag Laila into another living room that wasn't messed up, not forgetting to usher Sudais along.
Leaning down towards Laila, she whispered, "baleri Mijinki kyak kyawa."
"Adda Raihan!" Laila whined, playfully pushing the woman who burst out laughing excusing herself.
Raihana Amin Sunusi, Laila's only sister who advanced her with over 12 years was the second born of the Amin family, birthed by Mama Adda. Precluding Laila's dark skin, the black dot in her left eye, her deep dimples, and height, she was the younger version of her older sister who was married with kids.
Kids she couldn't see.
She was glad for the silence but as expected of her aunt duties, she had to ask where the monkeys were.
Coming down the steps that separated from the living room that smelt like oranges, Raihan announced, holding a tray. "Grey room in chan fa naka ne. It's not for Laila."
Sudais had pretty not said a thing since he had parked the car in the parking lot other than answering greetings. Now, at the confirmation, a sick smile grew on his face as he glanced between Laila who froze mouth-agape, and her sister who was placing the refreshments on the table. He agreed, "Yawwa, Adda. I told her."
In mock disbelief, which wasn't totally in mock, Laila exclaimed, thrashing her hands every which way before spreading it open for her niece. "Haba Adda! Ni za ki ciwa amana? Har kin chanza sides?" Then her voice changed into a softer one as she addressed her teenage niece. "Hey Noor! I missed you!"
"I missed you more."
The mother didn't care for the reunion as she sat on the couch, her grin mirroring Sudais'. "No, there's no taking sides. Mami herself choose that color for his room."
Laila shook her head as she released her niece who moved further to greet her newest uncle. "I don't care yanzu kam. I want the room and it's mine."
"That's between you and your husband."
They spent the next hour conversing and catching up before they were set for their next journey; Her brother's place. Raihan's brother, firstborn, and Mama Adda's son.
Her brother had just come home for a few things from work.
A man, tall-if not taller than Sudais with a similar complexion but features that of Laila's who looked in his early 40's emerged from a curtain, exclaiming his welcoming remarks as his smile lighted the room.
Laila couldn't read whether her brother liked Sudais or not. The man had always been the smiling and welcoming brother, along with Raihan, the rest of them...well, different case.
That was until he had asked to speak to her privately.
His smile dropped and she got her answer.
Tsk tsk tsk.
She had never agreed more with her brother;
"Daddy be kyauta miki ba."
Laila's arms spread as she lifted her shoulders. "Ehen." Finally, someone who didn't bring the 'but...but...but..." bullshit.
"Haka kawai sede muji an aurar da qanwar mu?" Despite not answering his rhetorical question, Laila pursed her lips in distaste as she shook her head. "Gaskia banji dadi ba."
The room fell into a deep silence until the man spoke. This time, Laila didn't quite agree with him. "But, the man looks responsible. Wai dan lamidon Adamawa ne ko?"
"Eey." She answered, voice throaty.
Silence again.
Then, the man nodded, unclasping his hands as he settled his gaze on his sister who was fidgeting with her phone on the rug. He sighed, "Shi Allah ba'a questioning abu buwansa. As such, I'd like to apologize for what Daddy did. But, we're muslims. We were brought up and taught tawwakul. We'll include you in our prayers all the time Laila na, Allah sa hakan shi yafi alkhairi. Allah kuma ya baku zaman lafiya da qoshin lafia..." Laila turned 'amen' her chorus until he was done.
With no one probably at Sudais' family house, they retired home that Thursday with Sudais packing his bags to Lagos to do whatever the hell he didn't tell Laila. While Laila decided to peep at what was in the four boxes she was received from Sudais' maternal relatives and prep her backpack to resume school the next day.
The large mint box contained newly sewn Laffaya's while the small one contained jewelry.
The second set of boxes had one filled with turaren wuta essence that engulfed the entire room the moment she opened it. The larger one though caught her attention. It was brim-filled with perfumes, ranging from different sizes to different flavors, both feminine and masculine.
One masculine perfume had her freezing. Her heartbeat picked up as she dropped her phone to pick the box up.
Slashing the leather, she wasted no time slipping the perfume into her hand. She unclipped the cover and splayed it on her hand to bring it to her nose.
Instantly, a memory hit her...
Sniffing, he moved back as his eye closed in focus, "You smell like me?"
As cheesy and stupid as she was at the time, she nodded, grinning and adjusting his arms from her shoulders to her neck. "Yes, i found it in your car. I've always told you, you smell like heaven."
"You should take it...wait-no. I'll bring you a new one. I have a lot."
Laila halted, twisting to dimple up to him. "Really?"
He rose a brow, his arm dangling above her chest as the side of his lips lifted in. "Have i ever broken off a promise?"
Laila pouted, shaking her head.
He couldn't help himself, he leaned to give her a quick kiss and she reciprocated before they pulled.
"You didn't promise though." She reasoned, picking her legs up as she reached for the car door and felt him hit her hand. "Ow!"
He pulled open the door and replaced his scowl with a smile before lightly bowing. With a much deeper and professional voice, he went on. "I promise, babe. And, please, allow your chauffeur...to drive you home."
"Hostel abeg!"
Over the sound of him closing her door, she heard him mutter. "You're such a buzz kill Laila!"
She shot back, mimicking a baby's voice, "And you're so cheesy, Nurain!"
Laila didn't know but she had tears gathered at the edges of her eyes. Memories can be hell sometimes.
Only when she picked up her phone and let her finger hover over the unblock button of his digits did she notice a lone tear fall on her screen.
She let out a low groan and swiped out, heading straight to her complaint box before dialing.
At the last ring, a very sleepy voice came, hastily. "Laila? What's wrong?"
"How'd you know you were over your ex, Maya?" Laila asked, immediately bitting the tip of her tongue so she didn't let the sob building inside her out.
She heard a loud breath, then a light hiss before; "I know you're in Nigeria but there's a seven-hour interval. It's 5am for God's sake."
Laila bit her trembling lips, "Ho-how Maya?"
The girl sighed as a shuffling sound came, before she hesitated. "Uh...i guess...i guess i just-i listened to a song that always broke my heart and reminded me of him but I didn't cry...i-i felt nothing. I even vibed to the song. I...felt free...what? What's wrong?"
Losing her balance on her toes, she fell on her butt as she let her sobs overtake her. She shook her head as hot tears streamed down her face.
She croaked out in between sobs, "I-i just-Nurain's scent...I'm not. I can't...I'm not over him," she shook her head, wanting to bash her head to the dashboard on how she hated him this second and was crying over him the next, "I'm not...over him...I thought-wallahi I thought i was..." she had lied to Mami when she said she was over him, God, she wasn't.
"Shh..." Maya cooed, "It's okay, Laila, it's okay. You knew him for 9 years. You guys were together for over 5 years. You can't just expect to get over him...kinji ko? Please, stop crying..." when Laila didn't listen, she went on, "It's okay to have yourself together this minute and lose it the next. You're human and you're hurt and angry. It's okay...Did you tell him though?"
Laila sniffled, clearing her throat and that did nothing in making her voice rough and throaty. "No."
She heard a sigh. "I may hate him but he deserves to know. Get a grip and tell him, please. Will you do that?"
She probably wouldn't, but, "Yeah..."
"Everything will be okay. But please... Laila, you're better than him. Don't let him bring you down...you said you're resuming school tomorrow right?"
Laila nodded, then realized the girl couldn't see her so she groaned out, "Yes..."
"Ehen...please, it's Friday today. Dress bomb like you always do, and go and show him what he is missing and what he'll never have again, then tell him, okay?"
Laila sniffled, swallowing thickly as she nodded, her convulsive weeps dying down, "Okay."
"Yawwa! Get some sleep, Okay?"
Like a robot, she nodded again, lifting her arm that was in a long sleeve nightie to wipe off her tears. "Okay...thank you...so much..."
"It's okay. Take care."
Laila clicked the red button before she decided to do a little bit more of being miserable before taking her best friend's advice.
Everything was going well the next day.
On Fridays, Laila always dressed up in an Ankara, lace, or women Kaftan, her tie, veil, bag, and cologne complimenting her as she reunited with her colleague, Naimat as they strolled for pre-ward rounds along with the rest of their clinic mates.
All was going well, she excused herself to take off her coat and take her pills that she hadn't taken in days until she heard a voice;
"About time you graced us with your presence, Laila."
Despite the disgusting smell of bleach, guess which cologne wafted her nostrils as she felt the heat of a human dangerously close to her?
Yes, you guessed right. The same stupid scent she was pathetically crying about the previous night.
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