14. The apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
The apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
Sudais knew as much.
There had to be something they missed or weren't thinking about.
He wasn't some intelligent agent. But, he was intelligent.
And, he was desperate to meet this particular deep brown skin girl that has managed to keep over 10 people on their toes for over 96 hours.
How did she do it?
When Sudais was 16, he got into a fight with his elder brother right after his external exams results were released and decided to spend the night at Tahir's place. They were in Kaduna for summer break, which was Tahir's hometown. Sudais changed his mind at midnight and came home to find the gate locked. He kept banging on the door and he never got an answer-he was going to find out his dad had instructed everyone to not open it the next day- with no other choice, he spent the night at his Dad's masjid that was outside the house.
The next morning, just before subh, he was woken up with a barbarous belt whipping by his Dad. Men had to hold Baba Alhaji off him as he seemed too livid to consider that Sudais had enough bruises to carry on for the rest of his life.
The next day, he found himself in military school.
To that day, despite all his jerkiness and anger issues, deep down, he would think twice before doing something deep to upset his dad.
Just like him, his dad could be impulsive and irrational. Just like Laila's dad. The big difference though, Sudais and his dad come down from their highs to acknowledge their damage. They always did. Well, except if they weren't wrong.
Sultan El-Amin Sunusi didn't look sorry. In fact, he looked more pissed off and insulted as he breathed deep.
Reporting that Laila had yet again bolted the address they tracked her in, he was finding it harder to hold unto the last string of sanity he had left. He had yelled and yelled, then went quiet and did it all over again.
Sudais could understand the man's emotions. Anger and helplessness were never a good match. If not treated well, cold and impetuous decisions could be made and they would be no going back.
Take Sudais and Laila's marriage for an instant.
A total cold and an impetuous decision that was made less than 100 hours ago but it had already turned so many things upside down. Lives-if Sudais might add.
With the family now sitting with Baba Alhaji and his men absent again, Mami reasoned. "Maybe she'll co—"
"No. No more maybe's," Daddy cut her off, raising his palm. "There is no way zata mayar damu abokan wasanta. We find her, we bring her home..."
"And then what?"
The old man flashed his cold constricted eyes at his second wife. "Then i beat that imbecile child of yours to my fill and send her to her home where she is supposed to be right now!" His fingers were shaking in fury by the time he was done.
Mami dropped her eyes to her now intertwined fingers and bit the insides of her cheeks.
When he had glared at the woman enough, he sighed and returned to his pre-outburts position, but not without muttering, "Sorry. I'm sorry..."
Sudais twisted to Muri who was already peering at him. Muri rose his brows and shoulders in a shrug before looking away.
Daddy's palms slowly rose but did nothing to explain his dilemma. "She's going to try and run far. Like she did when she had that chance a month ago..." He paused, his eyes narrowing. "Ina wancan wawan yaron Nurain nata? I want information on him."
Modibbo from the side shook his head. "We got intel on him. She wouldn't go to him she knows we'll check and he's not been in the country for over 2 weeks."
Daddy's tensed-up muscles visibly relaxed at that, but doubts still lingered at the back of his head. "She'll run then. Somewhere i...we don't have much power."
Everyone nodded, although they were still in the dark.
The fair Sultan went further, "She's going to try and leave the country very soon. And that's where she will make a grave mistake wallahi." He slightly turned to Mami who looked rigid and glued to her position. "You said her passport went missing the same day she did, ko?"
Mami nodded and Daddy clapped his hands. "Toh, kungani. Ta ma renan min wayo ne da take tunani we won't figure this out." With more valor, he pointed at the door. "Modibbo, go and find me Bappa Sadiq. I'll have him look into this matter." He ordered, referring to his right-hand man before dismissing everyone.
While venturing out, Sudais started in a sincere voice towards his wife's brothers. "Look...You have to understand why i told your dad her location the last time. Reason with me. She's a girl, who is out of her mind at the decision her dad made and she decided to bolt. She is not exactly fit to be making decisions," he scoffed, gesturing at his back and front. "DanAllah ku duba she lodged into a whorehouse. That's smart on so many levels but wrong on so much more levels, too. She is a princess. The world is not safe. She. Is. Not. Safe. You guys can—"
Modibbo raised his palm to stop him, not liking how his words were getting into his head and trying to bend his perspective. Laila was fine. He repeated out loud. "Laila is fine. She has to be."
Sudais threw his arms up in the air. "That's what you keep telling yourself so you can sleep better at night. Laila is out there on her own, with predators waiting for her a wrong move to jump her. Especially now that Yallaboi has declared her missing with a 15million cut on her head. People, maybe even his enemies are unto her. And...i just saw how your dad yelled at your mum, that must not have felt good, Ko?"
"Gaskia ne fa." Muri added, slightly nudging Modibbo by his shoulder.
Scratching his neck with an arm in the air, Muslim inquired. "What do you have in mind?"
Sudais rubbed his palms, glad for their attention. "She might be leaving the country ba? Let's start there...We can try and search for any international flight under her name. I'm deducting but she won't travel within Nigeria anytime soon because her face is all over the networks ko?" He nodded as he spoke, using reverse psychology to get them to subconsciously start to agree with him. It worked because the trio started to nod along. "It's either she lays low or she tries to leave the country...it's going to be hard but we-we can try and find out which airlines will be taking off from today, tomorrow, and next tomorrow. If she's going to do it, it is most likely to be within these days since her visa is still fresh, kungane?" They nodded and the sides of his lips coiled up, he tiredly placed an arm around Muslim's shoulder and lead them through the hallway to the Masjid while the brothers-with Modibbo being less cooperative- filled him in on what country she might try to leave for.
After isha prayer, and 4 long painful days of going without bread, Sudais sat on Muslim's bed with the MacBook on his right lap and a leathered loaf of bread on his left.
He bit the piece in his mouth as he focused on the screen over the sound of Modibbo speaking.
"Toh, I'm not sure but the internet says Arik, Azman, and air peace all have international flights for today, and tomorrow but only Arik and Azman have another flight the day after tomorrow."
Muri nodded, adding, "Azman has flights for Pretoria South Africa, Jedda Saudi Arabia, and Nairobi Kenya for tomorrow. Air peace kuma; Barcelona Spain, Abu Dhabi UAE, and New York USA."
Sudais nodded, rounding up his little research. "What about Arik?"
Modibbo tiredly rose, "I'll check."
A few more minutes and he was listing, "They update this thing every day. Kai...Regina Canada, Los Angelos USA, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Birmingham UK, and Istanbul turkey."
Sudais sighed and threw his head back before wiggling it to release his neck ache. He pulled his head back and munched on the last piece of bread he had. "Which state will they all be taking off from?"
"Ahh ahh. That's punishment naw." Muslim shook his head, moving to stand beside Modibbo who gave him a disgusting look.
"Mostly Lagos, Abuja, Kano, and Calabar. I can't say I've seen any states apart from them." Muri affirmed and Modibbo nodded in agreement.
Sudais hit his fist into the air in desperation before announcing, "She hasn't used the internet since this morning and hasn't clicked on my trojan file."
"Okay..." Modibbo started, turning to his brother with narrowed eyes. "Yanzu, if you were Baleri. And if you had the money, which country would you go to?"
Muslim shrugged. "Definitely somewhere I've been before. So...Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia?"
Muslim added, "UK and USA too."
Sudais clapped his clammy hands, gaining their attention. "Okay, narrow it down to 3...best 2 countries she might go. That she will go if it gets to it."
The brothers took long to narrow their thoughts down and Modibbo was the first to finish. "UK-we have an older brother there, right in Birmingham. Even if he doesn't want to, he has to take her in. And Malaysia. We have a sister, her best friend there."
Muslim agreed, slumping into the chair. "I-i mean yes. Uk and Malaysia. Those are the most likely options."
"Toh, engineer, ja muje." Muri clapped, walking to Sudais and plumping beside him. Muslim did the same.
"What airline is that?" Sudais asked.
"Kamar Azman."
Modibbo disagreed, "No, Muslim, it's Arik."
Before Sudais maneuvered his way into the apps, he took a deep breath. "Ok...I am probably looking at 3-maybe 5 years in prison if i get caught meddling with this. So-"
"You're a prince, who will arrest you?"
Sudais motioned at the door. "My dad himself will call the cops on me," When he saw the settling look on Muslim, he nodded, his lips spreading into a fake smile. "I don't-i can't work under pressure. I need silence-no stupid questions, and I'm going to need the 2 of you to get off my damn neck. Breathing too hard on me, it's stressful."
Muri and Muslim gave him a bit of space.
Muri patted Sudais on his upper arm, "You're not going to get caught..."
Sudais looked between the palm and his brother in disgust. When the guy got the memo, he revived, clasping his hands and muttering, "Sorry."
With a long, deep breath that almost emptied his lungs, he proceeded to gain access to the airline's network.
This is for you, wifey...
This task was much harder.
The network unlike Zenith Bank's network was highly encrypted-not too high that he couldn't crack it- but it was nothing a few added minutes wouldn't crack.
With obvious white hats from the other end detecting any sort of break-in, Sudais had to move faster under a small amount of time and pressure.
He didn't waste time typing her full name after gaining access to the network using a RootKit.
He vigilantly tapped his fingers on the empty board as the process of butting the information out illegally took its time.
Her passport details lighted up the screen and Sudais let out a loud sigh of relief.
He swiped to the last page, scrolling to the end. He read the content carefully and so did the others before his optics slowly rose to meet that of Muslim.
The kid nodded, a sick smile spreading across his lips. "She's going to Maya..."
Modibbo jerked off the couch. "Malaysia?"
Sudais nodded, reading the details further. He asked, swallowing hard. "What time is it?"
"It's 8:47 pm," Muri responded.
"Her flight leaves Kano by 6 Am," Sudais announced.
Modibbo rose to his feet and so did Sudais.
"Whoo! This is getting good!" 3 eyes stared at Muslim after his little celebratory outburst, he blinked, rapidly, then shrugged. "What? This is fun."
He walked to Sudais, took hold of the laptop, and sprinted out of the room with the trio trailing him.
At Daddy's chambers, the old man stared at the screen but his mind was elsewhere.
"Can you? Kai-what?" He rose from the couch, unable to sit down with the hysteria hitting his body. "This...this is intelligent! Modibbo me time?"
"9; 02 Pm," Modibbo answered.
He brought his fingers up to count, "From here to Kano is 6 hours. 5 hours with the empty roads and a good car. If i send people from over here and they leave by 10, they'll be there by 3 or 4, and wait for her in the screening section."
Suggestively, Sudais proposed. "Wouldn't it be better if we go? I mean..." he gestured at Muri. "If you're worried about Modibbo and Muslim, it's ok. I and Muri can go. We don't want the public knowing she is not missing..."
Daddy hummed, stepping back to sit on the couch. "The roads are not exactly safe."
Sudais ignored Muslims signs which included an index rounding his neck: translating to, 'i'll kill you.' Then a head shake, telling him not to put him off this mission.
He didn't need to, because, Daddy spoke again. "No... You're right...we don't want that." He took a few deep breaths. "Yes, Modibbo and Muslim can go with you. You take my driver." He turned to his children. "Toh, ku kama kanku. I don't want any trouble from you 2 on this journey. Kunji ko?"
"Where are they being sent off to?" A voice they hadn't realized had walked into the room said. The man in jallabiya walked into the room, stepping out of his shoes.
Daddy clasped his hands, almost excitedly. "They've found Laila, Shehu. I told you, the girl underestimates me but i knew she was going to try to run away after i put that notice on her."
Maybe he was speechless, maybe he was acting, either way, Shehu lunged, his arm flying in the air. "What! How? As in, where kuma?"
Sudais pursed his lips, glancing at Muri who immediately looked away to stop himself from laughing out loud. Sudais did the same, hanging his head low and shielding his mouth over the sound of the Sultan briefing his kid.
"I'm coming too," Shehu said.
Well, the merrier the better, you fraud.
Daddy didn't argue, he let the 5 of them pack necessities for the impromptu journey while he ordered for a driver and for the car to get fueled up.
Half an hour later, under the night sky that glowed with stars, a driver, Sudais, Shehu, Muri, Modibbo, and Muslim were packed, loaded in the Kia Sedona minivan, and on the road to Kano state.
The journey kicked off at around 10 Pm and full length went completely tongue-tied with some dozing off to la-la-land.
6 hours later, 4:20 Am, the night sky of Kano state followed their moving car on the empty roads. Taking another turn, they proceeded to the airport on the other side of the town.
The Minivan door slid open and the passengers stepped off to stretch and splash water on their sleepy faces.
As always, they split. A rule that didn't apply to Shehu. Sudais insisted on them lurking for her together despite the air of hatred between them.
It was half past 5 and she would probably be waiting to be boarded.
They decided on showing her pictures around to the people. Most didn't see her, but, he did.
He rose an arm, calling out, "Hey! Laila!" He hastened his pace and watched her do the same.
Fuck the rules, he forced his legs faster as he ran after the woman who glanced at him and then dashed for the door.
He chased her harder until he caught up, grabbed her arm, and turned her around. She slapped his hand off, "Who the hell are you? What do you want?"
He stood there staring at her in a trance, his hand hanging mid-air as he struggled with his words. "It's not you?"
"Me? Who are you? Why are you chasing me?" She yelled and finally yanked him out of his head.
He shook his head. "Sorry. I thought you were someone else." He withdrew, throwing his palms up in surrender. As fast as he had trailed her, he left her.
His steps however surged up at the announcement from the airport PA speakers.
"Flight 712 to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is set and ready for departure. Passengers, please report to the queue for your due procedures..."
His steps slowed down as he watched passengers join the queue with no sign of her.
The others heard the announcement too and were closing in on each other in just another second.
They moved further to the limit where only borders were allowed in.
This trip couldn't have been for anything.
Sudais' eyes closed as he gritted his teeth and balled his fists.
He took it back. He didn't want to meet the girl anymore.
I mean, who gives 5 grown men so much trouble with numerous failed missions in just a few days?
He turned around, dropping his balled fists to stretch his fingers back and forth. With everyone's disappointed look, only Shehu had the least disappointed one.
The bastard.
Sudais walked past the group and produced his wallet as he headed to the three women in uniform behind computers.
He flashed his ID at one of the women, not wanting small talk or beating around the bush. "Captain Sudais Idris Mamman of the Nigerian army," He didn't give the woman who had paused her computer work time an opportunity to reply to him. "I'm asking about 1 of your passengers who is booked for the flight that is about to leave. We're asking if there's a cross stamp of approval on her passport. The name is Halima Amin Sunusi."
When she didn't reply to him, he banged the table, gaining the attention of everyone. "Are you deaf or something? I am asking to check the stamp on Halima Amin Sunusi's passport who was supposed to board this flight."
The woman pulled herself to his warrant; the ID he showed her before she searched for the information he asked for.
Without looking up, her words came out in a string, similar to his, only his was fueled by anger and desperation. "Um-the passenger did book the flight, paid full. But..." she trailed off, gesturing at the last by the queue. "She never got her flight ticket details and if she is not amongst the two people left in that queue, i am sure she isn't on the plane, either."
Sudais tapped his ID on the marble table before putting it away, hissing, and walking back to where the group of men waited. When he was a few feet away from them, he announced. "She booked and paid but never came in for her flight ticket details or the flight. She was never going to get on that plane..." he trailed off, realization dawning on him as he turned to Shehu. "Or... someone told her we were coming so she left before we could get a wind of her..." He finished off, staring at Shehu who was bent forward with his palms on his knees.
When he noticed the ogles on him, he slowly rose from his position, his brow up and his demeanor unbothered. "What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?"
Sudais' arms flew into the air in fatigue, "Drop the act, we know you helped her bolt and you're the one tipping news to her, especially this one."
Shehu's mouth hung agape for a while before closing up, his lips set into a tight line. "Ok. I didn't tip her off on this one but even if i did what can you do about it?"
Sudais scoffed, then threw his head back to laugh. He nodded, wondering where his Lagos craziness had been all along. He took a step forward, swaying his head side to side as he closed in on the man he was at least half a foot taller than. "What can i do about it?"
"Yes. What can you do about it?"
Sudais stepped back, his right arm flying to point at nothing. "You didn't tip her off then who the hell did? WHY DIDN'T SHE SHOW UP?"
Shehu went quiet to let his brain process what had been said.
"You realize she could be hurt, taken by someone, or sabotaged right? If you didn't tip her off then why pay for a flight she wasn't going to show up for if she is not harmed?"
Shehu stepped back, his scrutiny on the floor and his mind elsewhere. "She's fine." He said that more to himself than the rest. He was really worried now.
"That's all you say!" Sudais inched closer, yelling with the little number of people in the lounge starting to throw weird glances at them. "She is not fine. You say that so you cover the fact that you're a stupid, selfish brother who doesn't know how to keep his sister safe and sends her off into the world. Alone!"
"Shut up!"
He lunged at Shehu, faking an attack, "Or what? You're going to tell her to go further? Give your mum or dad a heart attack? Is that-" Sudais was cut off when a strong fist connected with his nose, he slightly stumbled back, his left palm flying to cover the area and his right fist already coming up in defense.
Without thinking twice, he blocked the second blow from Shehu and rewarded him with an impulsive blow across the jaw.
"Haba maza, Haba maza."
"We are in an airport!"
"Haba karku bada mu mana!"
Whoever was speaking, the duo didn't care as they charged for each other again just in time for Muri and the Driver to catch Sudais off and Modibbo and Muslim do the same to Shehu.
Struggling against the stronghold they hand on him, Sudais managed to step a few feet forward. "If anything happens to her, or your mum, or Dad, it's all on you, you fraud!"
Shehu yelled back, his pink eyes packed with angry tears at the edges, mirroring Sudais'. "Nothing is going to happen to them, you bastard. Wawa!"
"Who are you calling wawa?" In a fit of rage, Sudais groaned hard as he pushed off the men and stepped to the side to kick Shehu. He was successful in landing another punch to Shehu's face, but this one was light. He ventured for another just as Shehu groaned in pain, Sudais groaned in anger and the duo holding him back groaned at the intensity they had to apply to hold the hulk back.
"Haba Tafida. Haba Tafida. Karka biyeshi." Muri reasoned.
Sudais threw Muri's arm off him as he stepped back, chest heaving up and down. "You heard the boy. And you saw what happened. He came at me. When we're in this situation because of him!"
2 guards from nowhere showed up to usher the group out.
"I will cut off your head if you ever speak of my family again!"
Sudais pushed Muri off, lunging for Shehu just for more men to hold him back, this time, Modibbo and Muslim included. He raised his arm over their heads as he howled back at the mad man. "Let me see you try that and I'll make everyone watch as i beat you to oblivion! Wawa gara!" The four men groaned at once and pushed Sudais back until he was almost losing his balance.
He had learned many things in life but still struggled with controlling his anger, he decided against doing anything and stormed out of the building.
6 hours later, after they had slept it off, Sudais headed to the car from the hotel he lodged into.
After scanning the car to find the driver and Muri in front, Modibbo behind the driver with an adjacent empty seat meant for Sudais, Shehu, and Muslim at the extreme, he jumped in and slid the door hard.
As petty as it sounded, Sudais hissed long and hard. Shehu followed after.
Muri twisted until his back was to the dashboard and he was facing his audience. "Ok. We're not going anywhere until you 2 squash this bullshit..." he made sure to emphasize and drag the word, 'bullshit.'
Sudais shook his head, motioning to the driver. "Dan uwa, drive, please. We have a schedule-i...have a schedule. I have to be in Lagos tomorrow so the faster we move, the faster i leave."
The driver went to start the engine but Muri halted him, unplugging the key and tucking it away in his pocket. He crossed his arms and shrugged. "Right!"
Sudais' long, hard stare wasn't working on Muri as the guy just tilted his head, challenging Sudais further.
Sudais sighed, holding his forehead from falling off due to all the pressure. "Shehu...i am sorry I threatened to beat you."
It wasn't the best, considering he did beat him, or more like they beat-punched each other. But, they'll go with what they had.
Muri moved his keen to Shehu who rose his shoulder and palm in disbelief before dropping them and looking out the window. "Sudais, i am sorry i threatened to cut off your head."
Muri clapped his hands, praising them. "See! That wasn't even hard. Let's go."
He handed the key back to the driver over the sound of Sudais hissing.
This was fun.
Sultan El-amin wasn't the type to stop until he got what he wanted.
Something his kids, unfortunately, didn't pick from him. Except...from time to time.
While she kept even Shehu in the dark, she devised something to confuse and frustrate the old man more.
He certainly deserves to feel anger and helplessness as much as she did.
At first, she had considered leaving the country. But, that would be too much trouble and money, which she both couldn't afford. She decided against it. Although it meant paying for a flight she wouldn't board, it still felt good to know her dad's people confirmed that she had taken her passport, she had bolted the state, and was probably planning to do the same with the country.
Except, she wasn't.
But, with hard proof; her booked flight, she knew her dad would find out and try to stop her.
He'd believe it without questioning; She booked a flight to Malaysia. She'll go over and stay with Maya.
As if she was that...stupid.
Talking about Maya, she peered up to the Welcome to Niger State signboard before her phone lighted up and the bus passed the threshold into the state.
She dialed a contact and on the second to the last ring, "Hello?"
In a robotic voice, Laila cleared her throat and affirmed. "Hi, you're speaking to Halima Amin Sunusi."
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