11. Damn, we've just been hoodwinked.

"A white van right?"

The men nodded.

"You said the plate number was covered with a hood?"


"What did you say she was wearing?"


"Blue abaya-"

At the different statements, the detective ceased to narrow his eyes at the men a couple of feet away from him on the rug while he stood firm, dropping a hand down in confusion.

The men glanced at each other, knowing that they weren't lying. So, why were their statements different?

The first statement came from a guard with an eye bandage. The other was just a civilian.

Another man from the back cleared his throat. "Um-but-" he raised a finger and waited for a go-ahead. The detective gave him one. "She-her hijab fell off. I and my colleagues walked past her and when we turned again, her hijab had fallen off. Shikenan wani mota ta shigo sukayi harbi suka dauke ta."

"That's all?" The clique of men shared a glance.



While some nodded. "That'll be all then. Please, come over if you remember anything useful." The detective turned to the father with a deep frown. When realization down in, he yanked out of his trance and cleared his throat.

The stressed father gathered his palms and pulled on a fake smile. "Toh, yen uwa. Nagode qaurei. Allah ya bar zumunci."

Chorus of, "Amen." Went flying, some even added, "Allah temaka, ranka shi dade." "Allah bayyanata, yallaboi."

The Sultan said his amen silently to the departing witnesses.

After they left, the room fell into a chilling silence with only Mami's sniffles cutting in. Two young fair men with striking features as that of the Sultan sandwiched the weeping woman; one soothed her shoulder while the other held her hand between his.

The dark old man in his early 70's; Baba Alhaji cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, I believe it's time for Isha's prayer." He declared, "Let us go and report our problems to Allah and come back." It seemed like a good idea because most nodded.

All eyes lifted to the rumbling door being ripped open and a man with features similar to the sultan and his second wife stepped in. He surveyed the room with distressed eyes, the rumor being confirmed at the sight of his weeping mother amid their second to the last born and their last born. In disbelief, he still asked. "Laila has been kidnapped?"

His question went unanswered, instead, his dad threw his own. "Where have you been?"

"I was at Bappa Yakubu's house. But i was the one who got Modibbo and Muslim from the airport, didn't i?" Shehu stepped out of his shoes, gesturing at his siblings while heading to his mum.

They nodded when their dad glanced at them for confirmation.

On the floor, He sat in front of their mum as he searched for the right words. Nothing. He had a blank head, empty of any words. The woman who had calmed down a bit nodded at him. He then turned to the guests, apologizing for barging in and greeting them.

The guests: Baba Alhaji, his youngest son Muri, and his right-hand man, then the family detective made their way out, leaving the family: Daddy, Mama Adda, Mami, Shehu, Modibbo, and Muslim in the room.

The anger he had managed to suppress in the presence of his newest Inlaw's bubbled back to heat. "Baza ku tashi kuyi al-walan bane? Ko mun zama sa'oinku da muna zawne kuma kuna zawne?" At that, they loosened from their mum, paying heed to him.

When they were out, some wave hit Mami again and she let out a cough to cover her sobs.

In frustration, Daddy's arms flew in the air as he stood up. "Why would you even let her go out?"

Mami had no strength to shoot back at him, she had never had. Instead, she shook her head, bringing her palms to cover her mouth while silently shaking with tears.

"Toh meyasa zaki barta ta fita?"

With a wobbly voice, she sobbed. "Ayya ta-tace kanta na mata ciwo..."

He was swirling in a second to glare down at her, "Kinsan er ki, munafuka ce. She'll say anything to get away. Ya za'ayi ki barta ita daya?"

"Enough is enough!" For the first time, his first wife, Mama Adda decided to step in. She didn't exactly get along with her co-wife but her kids though, she had no beef with, "She is her mother, she wouldn't leave her if she knew this would happen. So please, let's all go pray about this."

In the years Mami had been married to Daddy, Mama Adda has stood up for her a pickpocket number of times, and in those times, it was mostly about their kids.

She gave a wordless thank you by nodding at her co-wife with her miserable attempt of a smile.

The women left.

After isha prayer, the family gathered again in a more suitable place for the royal guests-who have now turned family, the king's best room.

With some sitting on the white and golden royal chairs and some on the rug, the only man standing was the family's detective.

"Rankai dade, It's really hard to tell anything right now. It sounds all too confounding. So, we're going to search for any clue or idea since you can't point to a primary enemy until it has been 24 hours. Then, we can—"

"Listen." Daddy grumbled in a way that explained how hard he was holding back his anger and frustration. "What we're going to do is find my daughter. I am not waiting 24 hours. We must act right now." The man was vibrating by the time he shut up.

The detective swallowed, nodding. To save his ass, he chooses his next words carefully. "That is exactly what we're going to do, Sir." He started to coil around. "I want the last people who saw her, to the last things she touched, her room. And oh..." he trailed off, raising a finger. "I need her phone repaired and i want to go through it. We are going to do everything we can to find out who did this and where he or she is keeping her hostage."

"Now you're talking." With a sigh, the sultan stood up to face his distressed family. His shoulders slumped, his expression softening. He might be impulsive, but that did not mean he loved his family any less. "Kuyi haquri. It's all going to be alright, In Shaa Allah... I know..." he let out a breath, "It's not fair of me to ask you to be strong, but please, let's cooperate and try to find Halima before any major harm comes to her. Kuna jina?" He got nods, instead of words.

With a stronger voice, he ordered. "I want everyone who has seen or talked to her questioned. Search her room. And, I'll look into my list of enemies. Muyi riqo ga Allah. Allah Ya bayyana Halima."

"Amen," was distributed across the room.


Earlier on...

Weak limbs shifted around, head; blank. Noises emerged from the back of her throat as she felt a slight headache settle in. Moments later, she rolled over, stretching her numb arms.

Against their will, her eyes slowly opened but closed off at the light. "Son of a bitch!"

"I'll tell Mami that her new name is 'A bitch' " a familiar voice came from the other side. Or was it a room? Or was the voice even from a phone?

At her inquisitiveness and against her will, her eyes slowly opened in fear. Her flat palms supported her as she rose her upper body. She scrutinized the room and the reclining figure let her do her thing.

First things first, she had no idea where she was. The bed was old and creaky, the small vanity, a little wardrobe, and a small fridge with her backpack on it. She jerked, moving towards the backpack as she thanked the lord for at least not letting her loose it.

Halfway to the fridge, she stopped in her tracks. Wait, who took it off?

Breath held, legs steady and ready to dash for the door, she whirled around.

At the sight of an amused man, she let out a scream.

"You're welcome." He mocked, dropping his legs to the floor and sitting up.

She pointed at him, freezing mid-air. "Y-you-"

"Yes, me! Don't act so surprised, it was your idea." He cast his eyes down, shaking in both amusement and disbelief. "I can't believe we just did that. I-just did that...kut."

Despite the intensifying throb in her head, Laila nodded excitedly as she walked to where he sat and went for a high five. His palm met hers in equal speed and thrill. Their palms parted and their fingers danced while dragging, "Eeyyyyy..."

"That was so cool," Laila exclaimed.

Without delay, pain surged from her head and she was quick to hold it.

He rose to her, "Sorry. Is everything okay?"

She hummed, tapping her temple, "Just a small headache."

He sighed, clasping his palms. "Allah Laila ki dena wannan wawan shan magun guna. Kinsan side effects nashi."

At his words, her nose crinkled. "Painkillers nefa."

"Da wawan sleeping pills ba." He shot back.

She ignored him, moving on. "You said you couldn't do it...you said-"

"Yes, yes, yes. I just-" he trailed off, seeking the right way to put it. "I mean...the risk and everything...it was too much."

Laila nodded at that, a small proud smile adorning her face, "Come on. I want all the details."

He stared at her, lips tucked into his mouth and amusement still twinkling in his eyes while still rubbing his palms. "Ok, picture this...You call me right? I was with a colleague. A co-pilot but he is airforce. He has a gun and everything. I said I couldn't do it at first because what, Laila are you mad?" He almost couldn't believe he did all that. "And then-i run the idea through him, telling him bakida hankali. Always have been...then he goes...it's only fair since our dad got you married without your permission-"

"Yes!" Laila already liked this friend of his.

"Right-ba? Then he goes even crazier than you and says he has a gun. Nace masa a'a. We can't do it. And he says why not? You'll just take some time to gather yourself and then you can come clean but he can't be implicated."

"That is the most brilliant thing I've heard all year long though..." Laila narrowed her eyes at the dirty white ceilings. Where were they even?

He clapped his palms. "I know. Then we had to go look for a van. I knew someone but i wasn't sure if they'd agree, but i still asked. Even gave money. We didn't think it through fa. We just took the plate number hood off my car and covered that of the van with it..." he paused to take a break, continuously nodding at how thrilling it all felt.

"You said you'll be out when everyone's praying through the backyard, ko?"

She could only nod, way too stunned to speak.

"Exactly!" He fist bumped the air. "But then, i don't know guns but I'm good with cars and we didn't trust anyone because the less, the better, right?"


"Yes. So, we waited in front of Bappa Yakubu's house and when we saw you come out fast, that was our cue."

Slower, she leaned forward and their hands met in a high-five.

"That's so brilliant. Even I didn't picture it this way. You think they bought it?"

He tilted his head, his answer not quite an answer. "I guess?"

"Manu...You guess?"

He gently nodded. "Yeah. I mean...it's only asr now and I don't think they would've noticed right? It'll take a little longer before they do."

Laila signaled in acknowledgment. Okay, Maybe they haven't noticed.

"So..." she gestured at the room. "Where are we?"

A slow smirk lifted the side of his lips, "Where in the world do you think they wouldn't search for when they realize you've gone missing?"

Laila's lips slumped into a frown as her eyes shifted to the leather-covered floor.

A hotel, maybe? The palace, maybe? School? But this wasn't her hostel room.

When she realized she wasn't getting anywhere, she sighed. "Where are we, Shehu?"

He gestured to the door, "See for yourself."

She stood up and crossed over the small room. She unlatched the door, not knowing what to expect.

What she saw gave her no answer. She shut the door. "There are women all around this...house. With doors...almost like an apartment with rent rooms..." he stared at her, urging her to go on.

In a whisper, she repeated. "Where in the world they wouldn't search?" She was in too much dazzle to answer herself, "Tell me, abeg. Where are we?"

He sighed, "Sabon Layi..."

Laila's eyes extended. She dropped her fingers from her forehead, her headache vanishing for a second as her eyes swept between the door and her brother.

"Sabon layi, the brothel!?"

His head swayed in confirmation.

"You brought me to a whorehouse?"

"Yes. Where nobody will think to search for you."


"The question is, how did her hijab fall off?" The room went eerily silent at that, the question going unanswered. The querier didn't need an answer, he had his own. "Because she took it off. She was trying to blend in. To not be recognized. Hijabs don't just fall off."

Mami's eyes widened. She was to keep to herself but now, it seemed like vital information; "500 thousand was missing from my safe. Only the sultan, i, Laila, and Shehu know the password."

Shehu's head snapped to his mum, his mouth agape at the accusation.

Everyone was sure the Sultan had no reason to embezzle money from his wife's safe, leaving Laila and Shehu as the next suspects.

Before anyone could cook up further rotten thoughts against her son, she cleared up. "But, Shehu hasn't been in my room for 2 days. If he has, I would've known. But...Laila...she um-"

"Was healing in your room." Daddy completed.

She nodded, adding. "I broke the news to her in my room and she said she wanted to be alone...I-I left her to go for my prayer."

The pieces of information were slowly being puzzled by the family, the silence in the room deepening with tension and their heavy breaths.

"Who said they found a broken-off Atm card in her room?" the detective trailed off, eyes surveying the family.

"I did." Mama Adda confirmed. "Her room looked... um-like-like scattered. Her closet. Like she picked a few things."

"And the man with sand in his eyes said she carried a large backpack, right?" Muslim added, recalling the questioning session they had with witnesses.

Daddy who had narrowed his eyes at the center table spoke. "Where is her passport, Ma Khalil?"

Mami pursed her lip at the question before abruptly rising to head for the door.

The room fell into a deep silence before Modibbo added. "I think there was there was this pack of iPhone 6 I saw. It was empty. But, she doesn't use an iPhone 6. She has the Xr series."

The detective nodded, putting 2 and 2 together.

Minutes later, Mami barged in, eyes wide and distant, "It's em-empty. I kept it. I-i kept it in my drawers. But it's not there."

Daddy alongside the detective glanced at each other, realization hitting them.

In a dead voice, the old man pondered. "No one knew she was home. No one knew she was going to come out of that backyard door. No one knows the safe's password. No one could have taken her passport. Then..."

"It's safe to say, she wasn't kidnapped, she set this up." The detective completed while nodding.

Damn, she was smart.

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