Driven from the airport in our own white Rolls Royce, I stepped into the Burj's spectacular lobby. It's bedecked with fountains that shoot high into the air and draw the eye upward through the hotel's core to the top.
And the next thing I knew was that we were standing right in front of Burj Al Arab.
"Wao...I thought we'll be staying at Burj Khalifa" I give him my best sarcastic smile.
He scowled. "Why do you have to spend this much??" I scowled back at him.
"This is where I stay whenever I come to Dubai" he shrugged. I huffed!
I was led past rows upon rows of lavish expensive designer shops, some selling the ostentatious gold-plated iPads, others jewel-encrusted, well, in short everything.
"Hani, the hotel manager will take you both to the room. I'll be up in a minute after clearing everything up" he said and I nodded.
The hotel manager introduced me to my room, which is definitely the wrong word to describe it. From an office space with a Macbook computer, to Hermes toiletries and perfume - and a huge walk-in closet - this was no ordinary hotel room by a long way.
The full introduction of the suite by my butler, took a good while. (I still managed to forget which button unlocked the front door later on.)
My helpful guide offered to unpack my suitcase for me which I politely declined. After all, it wasn't anything fancy in that old thing.
I was very much tired of smiling sweetly at everytime my butler said anything. Finally, after giving me a loonngg instructions on what and how to use? Which to use? He left.
I yawned while Adeel chuckled.
"Would you like to get down and explore the suite just like your Mama wants to?" I asked tapping his nose and he just wiggled out of my arms, ready to crawl.
"Welcome to the most luxurious hotel in the world, Mrs & Mr Zain Abdullah," I was modestly told from the TV screen that shot out from a mahogany desk when I pressed random buttons on a remote I found, making me scream and jump on the other side of the suite.
I kept on breathing hard for about good two minutes with my hand still on my chest. Adeel just gave me a good look, before chuckling away.
Wait! Was he making fun of me?!
I narrowed my eyes at him.
He started laughing this time and I couldn't stop myself from laughing with him, this time. After we were done with our laughter marathon, I took the same remote in my hand which I now came to understand that it controlled the blinds and a number of other things which I had no clue about, but had fun figuring out as various stuff moved and whizzed.
I squealed and clapped my hands in pure ecstacy.
Determined to take full advantage of the facilities in my treasure trove of a room, I wasted no time in tucking into the complimentary gold leaf chocolates. Each room even came with a computer (mine was an Apple Mac). This lavish suite comes with 'his and her' rooms and a rotating bed too.
"Did you like the suite??"
"Like?? It's beautiful....I'm amazed. But why spending this much Zain??" I asked turning around.
"Don't worry about the money, Allahamdulilah, I make money every hour" he said.
"Yes, I know, Mr.Millionaire, but we also have Adeel, why spending so lavishly??" I said.
"Hani, spending money on you and Adeel is not a waste. I work for my family and if I won't spend on them then what's the use of making money apart giving a sum of money every month to the NGO, orphanage and needy children. After giving them, then only I spend on you all." He said and I kept quiet.
I didn't knew that he was attached to this many things.
"We are here to enjoy, so lets focus on that only" he said smiling and I nodded.
" I'm going to my room with Adeel. I need to unpack and freshen up." I said.
"Okay, same. After freshening up we'll have dinner here in the room only or you want to go to the restaurant?" He asked.
", as it is I'm tired, we'll have dinner here only." I said.
"Okay." He said.
After eating a mouth watering dinner and changing into my comfortable night gown, I went to my room and immediately slept, cuddling Adeel. I was so so tired that after praying fajr, I again slept back. Even Adeel was sleeping peacefully, I guess he was also tired, he didn't even woke up once also last night for his midnight feeder.
"Hey, Good morning. Wake up" he whispered in my ears making me smile in my sleep.
"Please, I wanna sleep a little more" I groaned covering my face with the pillow.
"It's already late....get up, get up!!" he said removing the pillow from my face but this time I pulled the duvet over my face.
"What's the time?" I peeked from the corner of the duvet.
"It's seven"
"It's evening now???" I asked in confusion, lowering the duvet a little.
"No, dumbo! it's seven in the morning!!" He said laughing, smacking my forehead.
"Okay then, good night!" I said turning on my left.
"Nope, that's not happening!! Don't you wanna explore Dubai??" He asked turning me back to face him
"Who explore at seven in the morning?!"
"Not seven, but you know getting ready, eating breakfast...this all will take time." He said
"Pleaassee" I groaned but it somewhat came out as a moan!
He cleared his throat before replying, "fine, only half an hour more. And I'm taking Adeel with me" he said.
"Thanks...but if he cries, bring him back to me. He must be hungry." I said giving him my dazzling smile.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." He said and left. I was happy to sleep for more than an hour. After I was satisfied with my sleep, I got up wore my white silk robe over my milky white night gown, which had some net lace detailngs on the neck area and as well as around the hem of the gown.
I went to the washroom to freshen up but then decided to only brush my teeth and after giving Adeel a bath then only I'll freshen up because he always makes me wet!
"Look Adeel, who has woken up" he commented when I walked into his room. I rolled my eyes.
"Did you give him his feeder?" I asked.
"Yup...but he's still cranky!" he said looking at Adeel.
"Because it's time for his baby food. And a diaper change, might be?" I said.
"Fine, you make him get ready, I'm going to order breakfast" he said standing up and stretching. I took Adeel in my arms and yes, he was being cranky because he started crying loudly.
After finished making him eat we had our breakfast while Adeel took his morning nap.
"Did you called Mom?" I asked.
"Yeah, in the morning" he said.
"What's the plan for today?" I asked.
"Where you wanna go first?" He asked.
"Nothing in mind...wherever you take" I shrugged.
"Fine then, we'll be seeing Dubai from the Chopper!" he said and I choked!! "Easy easy" he said rubbing my back.
"Hani please, let me" he said sitting beside me.
"Okay" I gave up. "I'm going to freshen up Adeel".
Giving him a bath is a very tough thing to do. He won't sit still and he's always upto some mischief. One day he poured all the shampoo in the tub as well as on the floor which resulted a sprain in my leg!!
"Adeel, I'm telling you sit properly or else I won't take you out" I said and he just gave me a sly smile.
"What?? I'm not going to get scared of this smile" I said rubbing his neck, he just wrapped his arms around my neck. After I finished giving him a bath, I turned to grab the towel when he pulled down the shower and voila, I was wet again.
You all must be thinking that how can he turn on the shower? but lemme tell you when you have dangerously active kids, they learn everything to annoy you!!!
"Adeeelllll" I screamed
"Why are you screaming at Adeel?" It was Zain's voice.
"Zain, leave!" I said half covering myself. Why?? Because I was still wearing my white nightdress!!
"Yo-you are wet!" His voice hesitating a bit and my mind gave me a red signal!
"Zain, just go!" I shouted without turning back.
"Stop shouting! Here, take the bathrobe" I heard some shuffling and I give a side glance to see the bathrobe was was lying on the marble near the sink. But, still I have to walk to grab it.
I heard the door closing when I immediately rushed towards the sink, but I stepped on the soap, which was lying on the floor, making me slip.
"Aaahhh....!" I was about to scream more when my voice died midway, when one hand grabbed me from my waist, balancing me, so that I don't fall, but my right leg slipped making me fall on the floor with Zain falling on me!!
I didn't even dared to open my eyes.
"Hani, you're fine? Hani, open your eyes" he was worried. Cursing myself, I opened my eyes to find blue eyes with specks of green in them, looking at me worriedly.
"I-I am fine!" I muttered.
He was still holding me by my arms and I could already feel his body weight on top of me. This was making me impossible to breathe! I suddenly looked down only to close my eyes immediately, heat rushing up to my cheeks and making it very much prominent.
I was totally wet and the fact that my nightgown was sticking on my skin was just adding more fuel to the situation. And did I mention that I wasn't wearing bra underneath my nightgown???
He had one hand in my hair, the other cradling my jaw, his thumb moving over my mouth. My pulse had once again begun to rush. His fingers were tracing my jawline, my lips. His fingers now slowly moving on to my neck, pausing at the hollow, and then continuing down over my breastbone and across the fabric of my nightgown.
And when the back of his hand grazed over my breasts, I heard myself inhale. His own breathing was shallow, his mouth near my ear enticing. His fingers skimmed the underside of my arm and I shuddered.
It was only when, his fingers ran down my waistline, when I became aware of just how inconsequential my clothing was. I could sense his solidness beneath me, the breadth of his chest, the tightness of his stomach, his thighs...his dominance palpable.
A gasp escaped my lips, as my eyes grew wide while even he was staring down at me with wide eyes.
It all happened in a flash when he tried to get up but felled down again on top of me. His face buried in the crook of my neck, unknowingly I breathed his scent making him stiff.
"Za-Zain" and I forgot to say what I was about to say, when he looked at me, his face an inch away from mine. I gulped. We kept on staring for sometime when we heard something break. Both of our eyes widened in alarm, "Adeeelll..." We both screamed, while he quickly got up and ran out of the washroom, closing the door behind him this time.
After I finished cursing and smacking my head, I freshened up. Not thinking for much time, I settled to wear my red and black checkerd shirt with a black denim, after tucking inside my shirt, I quickly blow dried my hair, made it in a bun. Applied some mositurizer, compact, did a winged eyeliner and not to forget my pink gloss. I wore my black hijab and then grabbed my hobo style purse because it also had all the things which might Adeel need.
"Ready" I said and my eyes widened. He was wearing anything fancy, just a simple black color crew neck tshirt, with a grey color twill chinos and his black loafers. Left hand had Rolex while his right hand was helping in putting his Giorgio Armani shades.
We were again twining!!!
"You're looking very pretty, perfect for today's outing!!" He said smiling.
"You also look good"
"Thank you"
"My pleasure." With that we both walked out with Adeel in his pram.
"I've arranged a lady who'll be taking a good care of Adeel, while we are up in the air. Look Hani, I know you'll not like this idea, but still it's the best. The ride will be loud, and if he gets scared or started shouting then we'll all be tensed and it won't be possible also to land at that time only...just to avoid all this, I found this option. Don't worry about the safety, it's all under my control." He said.
I looked Adeel...and my mind gave me a tour of worst scenarios that might happen.
"Fine, I trust you" I said.
After checking in at the helipad of Burj Al Arab, we then settled into the comfortable lounge. Sipping on our complimentary coffee as we listened to a safety briefing. Soon it was our time to meet our experienced pilot.
Luxurious fleet of Agusta 109E was waiting for us. The inside was exquisitely designed with hand-stitched leather interiors, quiet cabins and air-conditioning. We were offered complete privacy. The staff strapped us with inflatable life jacket belt pouch incase of emergency. First aid kits and sick bags are provided on the seat pockets and a fire extinguisher is under the passenger seat.
When we were securely seated and the seatbelts were fastened, our pilot instructed us to use the headphones with mic inorder to properly communicate with him and with one another. Our pilot also gave us information on the sights below us. And answered every question we asked.
Soon our helicopter whirs skyward and flies high above Dubai and the Persian Gulf. Soaring over the coastline and drinking in the sight of the Palm Jumeirah, the incredible Burj Khalifa and the Burj Al-Arab hotel, I was spell bound. Then we were hovering above the golden beaches and azure waters of the gulf, we had our camera poised as our pilot pointed out particular high-rises and attractions.
I was truly amazed with the beauty of Dubai...Masha Allah.
"You're liking it??" He asked
"I'm loving it...Thank You" I said smiling.
"It's all just for this smile" he said making me blush.
After then, our pilot told us to keep our camera ready as we were heading out over the sea to The World, the stunning man-made archipelago shaped to resemble a world map. Gazing down at the 300 or so sandy islets below and identify the different countries and continents, as our pilot tells us about their private and hotelier owners.
We still had ten more minutes left, so we flew over other areas of Dubai for bird's-eye views of more of the city's attractions. Great way to see the city and some of its tourist attractions. But, when looking Dubai city especially Burj Khalifa from birds eye view, it was just WOW!! Dubai from the ground is good, but, from the air its amazing!!!!!!!
Our ride was smooth and safe. Our pilot was knowledgeable and friendly.
The staff were friendly, welcoming and fun. Great way to see the area...and frankly the only way to appreciate the Palm Islands. After enjoying our forty minute ride, we returned to the helipad and ended our tour.
We both walked out hand in hand, both smiling and our smile grew more when we took Adeel in our arms.
A perfect end to our incredible outing.
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