
(You can change the color if you want to)


Currently, I'm the most wanted villan in Japan. I've even successfully killed Mt. Lady and Midnight. Even though it was a breeze killing them, their blood was all I am after. The pleasure it gives me just whatching a pro hero perish, makes me feel so good about myself. No one and I mean NO ONE ever believed that I was strong enough...that is until I killed them single handedly. It's basically a win-win situation, the 'heros' have their miserable lives ended and in return I get to have more power. Let's just say I'm doing them a favor...

"okay...so now it's time to kill the one who started all this bullshit" I whisper to myself. "but the school isn't necessarily just gonna let me in with my costume on, and they definitely aren't gonna let me back in to reregister. DAMNIT!" I said a little to loudly. A couple people look at the the roof, were I was, but before anyone could see me I ducked down. "shit, that was way to close Y/n, you need to be careful." I said to myself, sweat running down my temple. "wait, I need to come up with a villain name, if I say my name out loud than people will find out who I am and I might get caught. hmm but what should it be..." I asked my self under my breath. "I got it!" I whisper yelled.

(Enter villain name). "it's perfect...!" now I can address my self as V/n! Now...a plan to kill that #1 bitch..."

"I think I could be of some assistance" a deep voice rang from behind me. I gasped at the sudden sentence, and quickly covered my face with my mask. "oh don't worry dear, I'm not..." "you're the leader of that LOV, right?" I interrupted, suspicion in my voice. "why yes, I suppose you've heard of me?" "Oh I know exactly who you are, I've studied the behavior of some of your members...and you seem like a very 'interesting' boss, and father as I've heard...You're All for One, you're founder of the League of villains, and you have a plan to kill All Might too. Just a heads up... I'M THE ONE WHO'S GONNA KILL HIM, YOU GOT THAT!?!" I said raising my voice at the last part. "and you can, if you help us..." "...help you?"

"I'm asking if you'd like to join my league...so would you? You can't say no anyway, I mean you have nowhere else to go...so, what'll it be?" he stated bluntly. "from what I've researched you do have another female villain, correct?" "why yes I do, and she's always wanted a female companion by her side, I can imagine being a girl is hard, especially when you're sorrunded by boys day in and day out and not have anyone to talk to about your problems...life is just so cruel" he started coming closer to me, sticking his hand out. "so, are you in?" I looked at him, curiosity filling my mind. "so if I join, I can have the pleasure of killing people?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Anyone who gets in your way, or just for fun. " "...than count me in!" I said shaking his large, rough, cold hand.


"do you ever take off your hood?" he asked while we stopped in front of the door of this really shady place. "only if I'm in thought..otherwise no..." "well if your eating will you take your mask off?" he asked opening the door. "well I haven't eaten actual food for over three months now..." I say cautiously, trying to hide my hunger. "well than you must come in and eat something!" he said leading me into a bar like place. "kurogiri! make our new recruit here, the special. "yes sir" the smoke man behind the bar nodded. I suppose he's known as kurogiri.

'The special? whatever that is, it sounds amazing!' I thought as my mouth watered at the thought of finally having food. "if you need anything I'll be in my room, just ask kurogiri were it is." He says in a deep bellow, at this I nod, kind of confused on his appearance, but didn't judge. He went through a huge iron door, than slammed it shut. That sudden noise made me flinch a bit. "well shit!" I say looking right at the door. There was another iron door almost exactly parallel from the one All for One went through. I saw a little piece of something stick out of the slightly cracked open door. 'it's probably just hair' I thought before kurogiri called me over to sit down. "your foods done" he said passing the bowl over to me. I sat down on a barstool at the counter and just stared at how amazing the food looked.


(this is what it looks like)

"wow! that looks amazing!" I say, amazement clearly shown in my eyes, at least what he could see of them. "well I hope you enjoy eating it as much as looking at it" he said starting to clean a glass cup. "oh right...heh" I chuckle a bit. I carefully take my mask off setting it down on the counter. I take my hood off to reveal my soft feminine features. "how'd a beauty like yourself come to be a villain?" Kurogiri asked crossing his arms. "I'd rather not say..."

Just than I heard the door creek open. "oh come on sis, why don't you tell your big brother here, what happend with dad" a man with patches said referring to me. He looked pissed. "Touya...?" I glared at him, my blood boiled at the sight of him. "Yay the new recruit is a girl, we're gonna have so much fun together!" a blond girl said peering out from behind Toya, she had a fanged smile. I turned my body fully twards the two of them, than stood up. I slowly walk over to my big brother, our eyes still in contact with each other.

(you can change your height if you want to)

Standing at 5'6 1/2inch. Staring up at him, him looking down at me, we scowl at each other. "oh I'm sorry 'dear Toya,' did I steal your kill...?" I asked playfully. "YES.YOU.DID!" he said angrily through gritted teeth.

All of a sudden a slim looking man with hands all over is body kicked the slightly cracked door all the way open. Clearly he was pissed off about something.

Tomura's POV

"Kurogiri, I can't find...!!" As I was shouting, I looked over at a, quite attractive young woman, in front of Dabi. "oh...is that her?" I asked, slowly calming down. "yes, Tomura Shigaraki, she's the new recruit." Kurogiri said nodding and uncrossing his arms. "well than, welcome to the crew." I said opening my arms. "I'm glad you guys except me" she said, turning back twards Dabi, all though I didn't she her expression, the look on Dabi's face said enough. "they might except you, but it doesn't mean I do, got it!?" he said pulling her hood over the her head, than walking off to Satan knows where.

"do you and Dabi have history together..." Toga asked putting her finger on her chin. "yes actually, we're siblings. But I don't exactly know what happend between us, when we were younger, we always had fun, but now that we're older...that's all changed." the new girl said, taking her hood off and furrowing her eyebrows.

Dabi's POV

How come she's so much better than I am...it's not fair, I wanted to kill dad, I was supposed to be the most wanted villain...I've planed out my attack but than she had to go and ruins it! at least she's worth something...or I wouldn't allow her to even see the hideout. There's just something about her...

Y/n's POV

"do you and Dabi have history together or..." the petite, blonde asked putting her finger up to her chin, looking very curious. "yes actually, we're siblings. But I don't exactly know what happend between us, when we were younger, we always had fun, but now that we're older...that's all changed." I said taking my hood off, and furrowing my eyebrows. "that shit head...he was never around when I needed him!" I angrily said under my breath.

I walk back over to my food on the counter. 'good, it's still warm...' I thought, a little smile creeped across my features. I sat down and started stuffing my face. "wow, I guess you really weren't satisfied with just blood for three months, were you..." kurogiri stated more than he asked. "wow you servive three while months with just blood?! that's amazing!" The blonde said jumping up and down. I hummed as a response, I didn't want food flying out of my mouth.

"So what's your villain name?" the slim, blue-ish grey haird men asked, walking twards me to take a seat. He sat in the seat right next to me, staring at me like I did something wrong. I swallowed my food before I talked. "V/n" I said, my voice getting lower, as he took the hand that was on his face off and looked at me confused. "I know it's...weird, but it really suits my quirk(s)..." "no, it's not that...wait...quirk(s)?" he said raising an eyebrow. "yes I have two different quirks." "what are they!" he slammed his hand down on the table, his chapped lips parted slightly as he waited for my answer. "white flames, and red ice." I said slurping up the noodles.

I swallowed the serving that was in my mouth, just staring at him, getting a good look at his features. He looked...quite...different...but in a good way. He glimpsed over at me, staring into my E/c eyes, and I was starting back at his, admiring the blood red color. Than he made a strange face and looked away quickly. "is something wrong?" I asked reaching out to him.

Togo's POV

The new girl was just about to touch Tomura's shoulder, until I grabbed her hand and pulled her off to my room.

Kurogiri's POV

"what the hell was that?" he asked putting his hand back on his face. "I saw what was going on, your hand can't hide everything you know." "shut up!" he said blushing.

Y/n's POV

"well shit, what the hell was that for?!" I asked the blondy, she closed the door as quick as humanly possible. Than she came and sat in front of me. We were on the floor. More specifically, a carpet on the floor. "didn't you see what was happening? you two were bonding!" she gave a high pitched squeal "I highly doubt looking into each other's eyes for more than three seconds is considered 'bonding.'

Toga's POV

I face palmed at her fairly spasific statement. Sighing,  I brought my hand from the senter of my face to my cheek. "I'm Toga by the way" I said straight out assuming she didn't already know. "I know your villain name already, but do you have a nickname that I can call you?" I asked leaning close to her face. "no but you can give me one, if you'd like..." she said, putting her finger on my forehead and pushing me back a little. "Alright...which quirk's your favorite?" I asked tilting my head a tiny bit. "my flames are definitely my favorite out of all of them." she said while nodding a short, slow nod. "okay...lets see..." I said while looking at the ceiling.

Y/n's POV

"okay...let's see..." Toga said, while looking up at the ceiling. "oh I got it! how about (かわいい炎)(Kawai hono)(cute flame)." "I'm not cute, if anything, you're the cute one" I said blushing a bit. "but you are, very, and I bet that's what Tomura thinks too!" She says in a teasing way. "what? that I'm cute? heh no way." I say flapping my hand at her. "yes way!" she says putting my hand down. "okay your turn to give me a nickname!" "okay...hmm..." I thought for a minute but than it struck me. "(喜び)(Yorokobi)(Joy)" "I like it!" she said jumping up and down. "let's play a game!" she insisted. "why not..." I said kind of worried on how this will play out.

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