^^ S U R P R I S E ^^ [P1]
[Third person POV]
Toga peeks through the their door and sees them holding each other. "So cute~!" Toga fangirled. She than closed the door quitely and than a plan struck her. 'I'm gonna throw a surprise party for Y/n!' She ran to Dabi. "When's Y/n's birthday??" "who's askin'?" he asks slouching in the soft chair he found. "I just wanna know!! And since your her brother I thought you'd know!" "Well to bad you came to the wrong person.." He says in a gruff voice, seemingly tired. "But you're-" "I know I'm her fucking brother! But I don't waist my goddamn time on failures like that fucking brat! I bet all dad did to her was beat her with a belt...unlike my jacked up ass- I got beat with a fucking fiery fist!" He raises his voice in an irritated tone. "I...I'm sorry.." Toga walks to the kitchen, hands shaking. "He's so mean~" She leans against the stove, crossing her arms, pouting.
Kurogiri sits by the table scoping out the map he managed to save. "Hey kurogiri~?" Toga calls trying a second time. Kurogiri looks up at her. "yes toga?" "Do you know when Y/n's birthday is~?" She asks coming closer leaning on her hands, on the table. (Because your todoroki's twin) "It's January 11...why?" "I wanna plan a surprise birthday for her!" "well...it is the 10th but...are you confident you'll be able to hide this...party from her for twenty-four hours?" Toga nods her head quickly. "I know I can!" "Than I guess you may...but you'll have to ask Shigaraki...he may want to assist in the matter." He said looking back at the map. "Okay!" She skips out of the kitchen and to Y/n and Tomura's room. She was about to knock on the door before Tomura came out.
"Oh.. Tomura! I have a question!" Toga says happily. "What is it.." He asks hunching over. She pulls him closer and whispers in his ear, "I'm planning a party for Y/n...and I was wondering if you wanted to help?" Tomura tensed up. 'Fuck...I forgot about her birthday!' Tomura thought stepping back. "Yes...I'll help. But isn't it tomorrow?" "Yes, but planning takes a lot of time and we need to find out what she likes...besides killing, and what she wants for her birthday! But we can't make anything to obvious...she gets really suspisouse about things." "Yeah..." They take a little bit of time thinking until twice shows up. "Hey guys what'cha doin'? Tch like I'd care..." He says waving than crossing his arms. Toga gets another idea. "Hey twice? can you distract Y/n for Twenty-four hours...please~" She asks batting her eyes.
"Uh...why?" Hey asks leaning against the wall. "We're planning something for her, and we need a distraction..." Tomura comments. "Eh...fine" Twice opens the door and than yells, "Get up cause we're going to Miami! just kidding we're going somewhere else..." Y/n was sitting on the edge of her bed no pants, trying to put a T-shirt on. "Do you not know how to fucking knock?!" Tomura quickly pulls Twice out and closes the door. "Nope, not at all!" He happily walks to the main room. "I swear to god...I'm living with total fucking dimwits-" "Hey~!!" Toga whines crossing her arms. "Some of you at least..." He adds, narrowing his eyes.
Y/n than comes out of the room with her favorite T-shirt, tied up so that it's a crop top, and some black leggings, wearing (whatever shoes you want). "Damn Twice, that was so stupid.." She says, a hint of embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "Tch tell me about it..." Tomura wraps his arm around her shoulder. "I'll see you later, go-" Tomura than got interrupted. "Why don't I take her somewhere..." Dabi insists. At first Tomura glares at him, than his eyes go a bit softer. "Fine....just keep her busy.." "I will.." Dabi smirks. Y/n is certainly confused at all this, her face gives away a 'The fuck is going on??' kinda look. "Come on sis....Imma take you somewhere special..." Dabi says walking towards the front door.
"Alright?" She walks behind him hesitantly. But before she could leave Toga pulls Tomura and Y/n to the kitchen and starts singing forgetting that the surprise is for Y/n. "It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake! If the way is hazy, you gotta do the cookin' by the book, you know you can't be lazy! Never use a messy recipe~ the cake will end up crazy! if you do the cooking by the book, than you'll have a-" Before toga can finish twice comes in and starts his own version. (Please don't hate me~!)
"Brack it down bitch! Lemme see you back it up! Drop that ass down low and pick that mother fucker up...Brack it down bitch! Lemme see you back it up! Drop that ass down low and pick that mother fucker up! Now back that p***y tease a mother fucker Hey! Now back that p***y tease a mother fucker Hey! Now back that p***y tease a mother fucker Hey! Now back that p***y tease a mother fucker!"
than they start singing together...
Toga: "It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!"
Twice: "What?!"
Toga: "if the way is hazy,"
Twice: "okay!"
Toga: "You gotta do the cookin' by the book,"
Twice: "What?!"
Toga: "You Know you can't be lazy!"
Twice: "Yeah!"
Toga: "Never use a messy recipe,"
Twice: "What?!"
Toga: "The cake will end up crazy~"
Twice: "Okay!"
Toga: "If you do the cookin' by the book,"
Twice: "Yeah!"
Toga: "Than you'll have a-"
(I'm goin all out cause I literally have nothing better to do...)
Twice: "Rub that shit it's yours, bitch! Grab that d*ck it's yours, bitch!" Y/n and Tomura both blush. "Rub that shit it's yours, bitch! Grab that d*ck it's yours, bitch! Now turn around bitch put that ass on em' Grab that dick it's yours, bitch! Now turn around bitch, put that ass on em' Grab that dick it's yours bitch!"
Toga: "You gotta do the cookin' by the book!"
"Alright! I think Y/n should go with her staple face now!" Tomura gently pushes Y/n out of the kitchen and Dabi grabs her hand and takes her out. As they walk Y/n thinks, 'they're acting weird...more than normal...what did I do or, what happened?'
(God...I am sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner! I will try my hardest to update way more often!)
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