-At dawn-
I pace around my room, nervously biting my lip and tapping my fingers together. 'Why's he back? Surely Haruka's sister isn't that powerful.. to bring someone back from the dead?..' I stop in front of my closet door. "Only a god can do that.. but in this world.. anything can happen." I mutter to myself, opening my closet. I bend down and grab a book, blowing off the dust. I skim through some pages and my breath stops short. "She can't be.." I swallow a lump in my throat.
Suddenly, Haruka bursts through my door, making me jump and drop the book. "Oo~ what's this?" "Haruka.. you scared m-" I get interrupted by him snatching the book and running with it. "Haruka! Bring that back!" I yell running after him. He runs through the entire building laughing. I chase him, avoiding everyone as I pass them. "Haruka stop!-" I say as he runs into the practice room. I see a lizard like guy with a huge sword aiming directly at Haruka. I bolt in and hold Haruka close making an ice shield, blocking his swing. The lizard guy grunts. "Who are you too?" Tomura than peeks in through the doorway. "That's Y/n. She's our newer recruit, and I advice you be careful next time you swing that sword around her or the kid." he walks up to the lizard guy, glaring through the hand on his face. She melts the ice, "Tomura, it's okay.." She takes the book back from Haruka. He pouts and walks out of the room to go tease twice. "What's that?" "N-nothing.." You hide it behind your back. Tomura glares at you before rolling his eyes. "Anyway, that's Spinner, who finally came to visit." "Nice to meet you Y/n." "And as you Spinner." You stare at his sword. "Wow.." You mutter. "Yep, it's pretty dangerous~ wouldn't someone such as yourself to get hurt." You glare at him, "Excuse me? I survived a skull crushing hit to the back of the head that a 30 year old woman couldn't and her quirk was regeneration." You cross your arms.
"Pfff, that's getting thrown at not-" "Shut up already!" Tomura raises his voice. "I have a headache.." He walks out of the room, going to his bedroom tiredly. You look down and walk to the main room. "Hey Kurogiri... would you mind teaching me some anatomy real quick..?" You ask sitting on the sofa. "Of course not. What would you like to know?" You look at the book than back up to him. "What happens to the human body when is gets burnt alive?" "Well, the pain is the worst at the beginning, which is before the flame burns the nerves. After that the burned skin does not hurt. Most victims die from suffocation because the blaze damages the respiratory tract. Those who survive the beginning are worse off. Within days they start dying from suffocation as well." "But what is the victim is immediately treated or isn't hurt at all?" "Well, they would've had to build up their bodies immune system which, to fire, is very hard to do. Take the hero Endeavor for example, he can sustain the flames that come from his body because he's trained hard and his nerves are used to the burning sensation. But his skin can't handle the heat, that's why he wears gloves, to protect his hands from burning. That's also the reason you decided to wear gloves I presume." She tenses up hearing the hero name Endeavor.
"Thanks Kurogiri.." "My pleasure." He heads to the kitchen to find any glass cups he can clean. I sigh and look go to my room, I plug up my phone and lay on the bed, looking at the news.
"Thankfully the pro heroes Midnight and Mt. Lady have made a good recover. After thinking they had died, we all were surprised and over joyed to see them back in action. Whoever or whatever did this, we rest humanities lives in their hands and truly thank them for their help."
My eyes widen and I jump out of bed. "HOW THE FUCK-" I storm out of my room. "Tomura! The heroes I killed are alive! I worked so hard and planned out everything! I don't understand!" I start getting frustrated and burn a nearby plant. "Y/n, relax.." He puts his hands on my shoulders. I look up at him, trying to calm down to make sure I don't cry. We take a deep breath than finally let it out. "Haruka.. he said something about his sister.." "Yuki...She was the one who brought them back." Haruka's voice chimes in behind me. "I think her quirk is...Resurrection or something.." I feel my stomach turn and I look at Tomura's face. His eyes are full with wonder and greed. "Tomura, no-" He picks Haruka up, "Tell me more about her!" I start to breath heavily. "T-tomura.." I whimper then everything goes black.
{Tomura's POV}
I see Y/n faint on my bed. I sigh and carry the kid out, and close the door gently. 'she's exhausted herself again..' I think going into the main room. "Alright," I set the kid down on the couch and stand in front of him. "tell me more about this...Yuki." I cross my arms. "she's my sister.. a few years ago, our mommy and daddy were having trouble with money stuff and wanted to make sure we had somewhere to go if something happened to the house." He looks down, I pay attention, knowing he isn't done. "When mommy and daddy went into debt.. the police officers came to our house and forced us out.. our daddy tried pay but it was too late.. so mommy took Yuki and I to this weird building. She tried to find a nice place for us to stay but there were only grown men.. and they only wanted Yuki.. they threw me back to my mommy and then we lived on our own. Yuki would come by everyday and give us just enough money for food, then she'd be dragged back to her 'new home.' Mommy then got really sick and soon died.. I didn't stay there because there were too many bad guys trying to take me.. so I moved to an alley by a small but well known shop so that the bad guys couldn't take me.. once I almost got caught though.. this really mean guy grabbed me from behind and wouldn't stop touching me..!" he covers his face.
"-Everything went black and then once I woke up, I saw the man laying dead on the ground.. covered in so.. so much blood.. and then Yuki was standing in front of me. Tears in her eyes. She than took the mans hand and healed him complacently, even the blood that was split all over the ground was gone.." He looks up at me. "She said.. "The next time anyone gets killed by bad guys like you.. I'll heal them and make them fight back.." I still don't know what she means by her making them fight back.. but I think Y/n's in trouble.." He says, tears pricking his eyes. My eyes widen and I suddenly hear the door burst open. Dabi comes storming in, covered in ice and his cloths partly ripped off. I sigh at the point that it's only him and Toga. "Where have you two been?" "Getting our asses frozen off by a certain someone.." "Was it Geten again?" "Yep.."
Toga wines, "He says he wants to have a fight with anyone who's ready to." I look back at the kid. "We'll talk more later." He nods and gets up going to Twice and messing with his mask. "Do you think Y/n could handle him?" Toga asks putting her finger to her chin. "Well we'd have to see-" "Would I be able to handle who?" Y/n comes out from behind a corner rubbing her eyes. "Oh it's this other villain names Geten. He tried fighting with Dabi and I but we declined and said we'd find someone else from the league to fight him." "Oh." "why can't I fight him?! Yeah I'd do a great job of fighting! Though it would take some strategy.. But who need strategy when you have fists!" Twice punched the air. Y/n looks at Twice like she had just heard the most stupid joke. "Pffff, you couldn't last a second with his ice." "Shut up!" "Speaking of, why are your cloths ripped? The last time you barley had a scratch on you. "that's because I could read his moves, but he's gotten better.. a lot better since the last time we fought." "Sounds like someone's getting soft~" "Shut up moron." Dabi snaps at Twice. Y/n giggles, making me blush a bit. "I'll fight em. It's been so long since I last fought someone other than twice." Y/n says with a determined smile. she looks at me and smiles gently, making me looks down. "Alright then..-"
"You fight at dawn."
I woke up early and started training in the training room. I made sure my fire and ice were both working normally then I ate a huge breakfast so that I have enough energy for the fight. "I haven't fought anyone with ice before, other than Sho.. It will be a challenge. I'll have to use ice against ice and fire against ice, but if i'm lucky.. i'll get to use my new technique I've been working on." I tell Kurogiri. "Ms. Y/n, I advise you pay close attention to your surroundings and stay calm no matter what happens." He says deeply. "Alright, I'll take that into consideration."
I look out the window, it's still dark, which means I still have time. I start to head out the door before feeling arms hold me from behind. I look up to see Tomura's beautiful red eyes. He gives me a small kiss on the nose making me blush. then I pat his hand and go out to meet Geten. I stand at one part of the battle field, while he stands at the other. I see glowing dots behind his hood, he's wearing a blue winter coat with fur around the hood. 'Certainly looks like he has an ice quirk. Let's see how strong he is.' the sun starts to rise. He gets in a fighting stance as I do the same. "No backing down! Last man standing!" He insists. "Alright!" I grin.
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