Mr Biker Dude

Baekhyun smiled as he closed his locker door, another day finished and he just couldn't wait to go back home and relax.

"Baekhyun! Would you mind if I come over tonight?" Luhan wondered wrapping his arm around the shorter male.

Baekhyun sighed before looking up at his best friend, a small glare on his stare. "I don't see why not, Jongin will have his friends around anyway, they need to finish off the car they've just got in"

"It's hard to believe that your bother runs a mechanics place in your house, like Damn he must bring in alot of money"

Baekhyun nodded as they stepped out of school, their bags empty of books and their brains filled with weekend activities. "You want to go to the movies this weekend?"

"And miss out on the Sun?"

Baekhyun shivered, he hated the sunshine and Luhan's desire to be out under its light almost every second. It confused him but he was his best friend he was allowed to comment on how ridiculous he was. "No thanks I'll pass"

"You could do with some Vitamin D Baek, it's food for the body~"

"Sunburn and sunstroke is definitely good for the body" Baekhyun acknowledged, his tone readily making Luhan huff with a pout.

"Aish you're no fun" he muttered rounding to the passengers side of Baekhyun's car.

"Just shut up and get in the car" he countered, narrowing his eyes playfully before jumping into the drivers seat.

Luhan muttered some other words in Chinese that Baekhyun realised he didn't want to know the meaning behind. Instead he rolled his eyes and started the engine, pulling out of the schools parking lot, they rolled down the cars windows and let the natural wind cool them down instead of the AC.

"I'm glad it's Friday" Luhan admitted with a drawn out sigh. "It's been a long week, I think we deserve to have a bit of fun this weekend"

"And by fun you mean..?"


Baekhyun laughed, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly still focused on the stretch of road ahead of them. "Sehun wouldn't like the sound of that"

"Oh hush, I know he'll be all over me as soon as I tell him"

"Yeah good luck with that" Baekhyun chuckled turning up the radio. "Do you think Kyungsoo will be there when we get there?"

"I assume so, I mean he is your brothers boyfriend so why wouldn't he be he's always at your house Baek"

"My house is a hotel Luhan" he laughed "nearly everyone is there 24/7 It's crazy, there is never no one there. I'm never left alone in the house"

"So you know Kai keeps the boys away from you to give you your personal space, besides have you seen the weather? Chances are Kyungsoo organised a barbacue"

"Is that why you wanted to come over so bad?" He questioned sparing the latter a quick glance as he turned down his street.

"Actually it's not" Luhan stated, sticking his tongue out. "I have other reasons as to why I asked you if I could come over"

"You're my brothers best friends boyfriend Luhan, you're part of my family already so obviously you're allowed come over whenever you want. You know my house is open to you all anyway"

From the corner of his eye Baekhyun could see Luhan nod his head in understanding. Pulling up into the driveway, Baekhyun cut the engine and set about gathering his stuff from the back, without moving from the front seat. Luhan in an excited manner already jumped out of the car his bag and all leaving with him.

As Baekhyun took his time getting out of the car his eyes met those of a newbie he had never seen before. Just as he was about to open his mouth and question the latter his brother waved a hand in his direction.

"Hey Baek, how was school?" He wondered. Jongin was wearing his average baby jumpsuit with his red cap on his head. His hands were covered in grease from some of the motors and his cheek was stained from a smear of oil.

"It was fine same old same old, what's going on here?"

"Got a new order, a biker came in said he needed some help with the brakes but don't worry I got Chen to look at it, besides I had my hands full with the car"

"Good because I would have slapped you if you want near a bike"

"Aw Baekhyun you're back!" Kyungsoo called running out of the house, his little pink apron pressed against his legs as he pushed through the light breeze to embrace the taller.

"Hey Kyung, what you cooking?" He wondered once they pulled away, his eyes flowing down to the apron.

"Oh! Jongin said that we were going to be barbecuing today, as a treat with the beautiful weather. Anyway why don't you go inside me change out of that uniform of yours it's Friday for goodness sake leave school for Monday"

Baekhyun laughed at Kyungsoo's motherly atmosphere before kissing his brother on the non oil filled cheek and dashing up the stairs into his room. When he got there he realised that Luhan completely disappeared the moment he stepped out of the car.

Pushing his worry for the elder away Baekhyun pulled off his sweater and began unbuttoing his shirt. The door opening gave him a shock but seeing the taller's man freeze made him giggle a little.

"Ah I'm so sorry I thought this was the bathroom" he apologised, backing out of the frame with a bow.

Baekhyun ushered him in with a smile. "You can use my one my rooms an ensuite" he pointed over to the white door which the taller seemed to glare at.

"No no it's okay I'll just search for the oth-"

"Please, it's okay you can use it" Baekhyun gave the man a reassuring smile which he was happy to see be returned.

"Thank you" the red haired bowed stumbling across the room and entering his bathroom.

Baekhyun's cheeks immediately flared after hearing the lock twist into place. His slim body fallening onto his bed with a sigh of embarrassment. He quickly pulled on a short sleeve shirt and took a deep breath waiting for the man to leave before he could change his trousers.

Eventually he heard the door open and the man once again found his way into Baekhyun's room. "I'm really sorry for that" he apologised again making Baekhyun wonder if he had any other vocabulary.

"It's fine honestly, no need to keep apologising, we're both guys right?"

"Ah yes, I'm Chanyeol by the way I'm the one that brought my bike here to be fixed" he smiled holding out his hand for Baekhyun to shake. The smaller standing on his feet and approached the man who took a couple steps back in nerves.

"I'm Baekhyun, Jongin's younger brother" he smiled wrapping his slim fingers around the taller's. "It's really nice meeting you Chanyeol"

"You too Baekhyun" he winked taking his hand back and leaving the room when he heard Kai call him from downstairs.

Baekhyun took his time changing his pants, the blush rising again and again as he thought about the situation the taller had stumbled into, as well as the fact that he had winked at him. Could such a handsome man really possibly be interested in someone like him?


"Please don't I just went to the market I didn't mean to cross over into your territory, I know that you hate the Northsiders but I really didn't mean any harm at all" Baekhyun cried his grip on the plastic bags he had been carrying felt like weights against his bare fingers.

The gang of men before him didn't look impressed, they had smirks and evil looks in their eyes as they cornered Baekhyun up against a wall. The smaller shivering and trembling under their gazes.

As their fists and knives were being shown Baekhyun gulped and shut his eyes expecting to wake up in his bed and call it all a dream but the thundering of motorbikes made him think differently.

Opening his eyes Baekhyun gasped seeing a gang of bikers circling the men that were about to tackle him. Their leather jackets showing their Phoenix logo stood out like a sore thumb in the dusk sky.

Baekhyun wanted to run but something told him to see this through, whatever was going to happen he needed to be there to witness it all.

All of a sudden one of the bikers broke off from the circle, his bike going up so he just drove on one wheel. He parked infront of Baekhyun and motioned for him to get on, with his helmet covering his face Baekhyun raised a brow and tilted his head. He should be afraid of him, he should be miles away from here right now but he wasn't either of those things.

He took the glove covered hand in his own and jumped on the back of the bike, his groceries being picked up by the biker and pushed into his chest. Baekhyun didn't know where he could place his hands so he settled for resting them on the boys hips.

As the bike increased in speed he heard the driver laughing a bit, slowly he felt a hand come and take his leading it around the waist of the biker in the leather jacket. Baekhyun breathed in a breath before allowing his arms to hook around the waist of his rescuer. Feeling sleepy on the ride he nuzzles his head gently against the broad back feeling nothing but leather and warmth welcome him.

As the wind whipped as at his back and his hair flowed on his head Baekhyun enjoyed the feeling. He recognized that the biker was taking him home.

"No please" Baekhyun begged hugging on the latter's waist tighter. "Don't be me home, take me on a longer ride please"

"I know you're scared of me little one, I'm not trying to kidnap you or whatever hideous story you have heard about my crew but we are not like that"

Baekhyun swallowed a lump and nodded keeping his head on the strangers back so that he could feel it. "I know you're not, if you wanted to kill me you would have let those men do it back there. You wouldn't have let me get on your bike either"

"You're right" the driver nodded slowing the bike down to a more comfortable speed, which allowed Baekhyun to get awestruck brain to register what was happening. Baekhyun smiled as he watched his house go by, the biker thought for a moment before turning his head slightly grabbing Baekhyun's attention. "I'm going to take you somewhere, I'm going to show you something"

"I've got all night" he chuckled as they exited his housing estate and made their way through the backroads of the town.

"It's a school night" the driver stated much to Baekhyun's despair. "But im sensing that you don't really care"

"I don't" Baekhyun found himself admitting, a small blush tickling his cheeks as he realised what he said.

"Well I'll keep you out past midnight if that is what you like, but you're brother may not be a fan of it"

Baekhyun completely missed the part about the stranger knowing his brother yet, he still answered him back. "Im sure Kyungsoo will keep him distracted long enough"

The deep chuckle filled the air as they finally made their way through the thick forest, following a worn out trail. Baekhyun figured that his so called Mr Biker Dude had been here alot of times before.

"Hey um.. Mr Biker Dude are you sure you're not kidnapping me?"

"I'm 100 percent positive even though I'm sure you're guessing that right now"

"Just a little" Baekhyun giggled looking up to the tree branches and just about seeing the blackening sky littered with stars. "This place is beautiful" He whispered which went unheard over the sound of the engine.

"We're here" the driver stated allowing his bike to come to a rest before killing the engine and getting off his bike. He held out his glove covered hand again, Baekhyun took it without any delay and used it as his help off the bike.

"Are you going to remove your helmet?" He wondered staring up at the reflection of himself staring back.

"I thought you liked my helmet"

"When did I ever say that"

"You know members of the Phoniex don't like being told what to do" he growled, his arms crossing over his black jacket and shirt.

Baekhyun had to bite his lip to hold back a groan. He didn't even see the guys face yet and he was already very interested in him from a single sound that had came out of him. Baekhyun wanted to hear it more often.

"Well the Phoniex gang doesn't scare me, you don't scare me" he grinned up at the guy who still wore his helmet.

Mr Biker Dude stepped forward, shoving Baekhyun up against a tree. The danger of the situation was unlike the danger he felt earlier, this danger was exciting, heart racing, earth shattering, exotic and turning him on alot. "You should be scared of us, those stories you might have heard may not be true but whose to say that we wouldn't think of using them as inspiration"

"Take. Off. The. Damned. Helmet." He spoke through gritted teeth, the aura around him changing completely as more desire filled his hormonal body.

"Or what? What could you do to me if I disobey your orders" Mr Biker Dude chuckled, his head moving closer, the imagine of Baekhyun's face shot back at him through the shine of the screen.

"You don't want to find out" bullshit. Absolute bullshit was spurting from Baekhyun's mouth, he had no idea where he was going with this nor did he have a threat he could use against the gang member in order for him to reveal his identity.

"Alright alright" Mr Biker Dude chuckled holding his arms up in surrender. "You got me, can't say I'm a little surpised you didn't recognise me Baekhyun"

After the helmet was tossed to the ground Baekhyun's breath hitched as he came face to face with the red haired biker who his brother had fixed the bike for, a couple weeks ago.

"Did you miss me buttercup?"

"When did you get so confident? You were shy as hell when you first met me" Baekhyun almost shouted yet he managed to control himself... a bit.

"That was the first day I seen you, you were Jongin's brother who by the way marked you as off limits for everyone and you were the guy I walked in on when he changed which by the way really hot sight"

"Thank you, what do you mean about my brother making me off limits"

"He clearly noticed I was a Phoniex member because of my bike, told me to stay away from you which was much easier said than done considering you just keep finding trouble which I'm usually involved in somehow"

"How did you know that the Wolf gang were trying to hurt me"

"Well the Wolves are very big on territory and they know that they can't mess with us, the Phoniex's are a pretty dangerous group Baekhyun we have a reputation to hold up. Nothing pretty about it all" Chanyeol sighed his hand his raised beside Baekhyun's head on the tree.

"Am I safe with you?" Baekhyun questioned seeing something within Chanyeol snap. His stance straightened and his left hand found it's way into his jean pocket.

"That depends" Chanyeol began looking Baekhyun straight in the eye. The smaller squirming under the gaze. "Do you feel safe with me?"

"I feel something" Baekhyun acknowledged with a nod, his gaze never once fallening from the taller. "It's a good feeling just so you know but, I can't put my finger on it"

"You're a dangerous person yourself Baekhyun" Chanyeol chuckled biting his lip and gazing down to the rose coloured plump lips waiting to be met with his own.

"Danger is intriguing" Baekhyun whispered his body pushing against the tree the more Chanyeol shuffled closer. "It's exhilarating, it's heart racing its-"

"Hot" Chanyeol finished with a smirk cupping Baekhyun's chin and pulling it up to match his own. They're lips met together on hunger, Baekhyun pulling Chanyeol closer to him by the collar of his Phoniex jacket. The taller crouching down and grabbing both of Baekhyun's legs pulling them up to his waist, he wrapped his arms around them and held him up against the tree. Their teeth clashing every so often in the intense liplock.

Baekhyun pushed his fingers through the taller's hair savouring the sexual moment between them. Chanyeol licked and sucked at his tongue while Baekhyun swallowed in pleasure and security.

Breaking the moment for air Baekhyun subconsciously tilted his head back against the tree which gave Chanyeol the insight of attacking his skin, licking sucking and kissing it. For once Baekhyun let out a moan, his body quivering under Chanyeol's lips, his heart rate rising the more the taller paid attention to his neck.

When he was about to scream out the taller's name Chanyeol stopped and pulled back, his eyes hooded and his lips slightly swollen. "This isn't going to end well for the both of us of we keep going" He whispered, too afraid to disrupt the silent atmosphere around them.

"Why?" Baekhyun panted his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. For a spilt second he felt his heart crack, but hope made him go on.

"If you haven't noticed already Baekhyun I'm a Phoniex gang member, I've done alot of bold rebellious things in my life and I'm pretty sure your brother would want my head if he found out about us. He declared you off limits, yet here we are you in my arms kissing the living daylights out of me"

"Does my brother know about you?" Baekhyun wondered unable to see how Kai could have known Chnayeol from a single encounter they shared weeks ago, surely Jongin would have forgotten him after not having seen him around in so long.

"He knew my bike, it has Phoniex member written all over it. I understand why he's made me understand to keep distance from you Baekhyun, but seeing you so scared and close to death tonight really made me want to come and get you, I went against everything my crew does. We don't practically like getting involved with the Wolf pack but I needed to protect you tonight"

"Chanyeol, Kai doesn't own me"

"But he's the only family member you have" he didn't mean for it to hurt the smaller but Baekhyun couldn't help but feel the want to cry fill his throat. "If I was to come between you two that would be the end of things, your brother wouldn't trust you anymore or me for that matter"

"So what you're going to be making decisions for me and we aren't even together, you know what Chanyeol fuck you" Baekhyun punched as hard as he could into the bikers shoulder bit Chanyeol seemed unfazed, slightly angry about the hit but unfazed none the less.

"You're so stubborn" Chanyeol sighed shaking his head, his arms dropping Baekhyun's legs lower on his waist. "You feel that?" He asked looking up deep into Baekhyun's eyes. The boy going red in embarrassment feeling something hard poke his buttcheek.

"That's how you're making me feel right now, don't you think that I would love to continue kissing you like my life depends on it? Don't you think that I want to spend the entire night here with you hearing you moan my name under the stars? Baekhyun you're something that hasn't gotten out of my mind in weeks, I'm not a romantic but I would be for you. But with my life its impossible to ensure your safety and if Jongin was to loose you he-"

"He won't loose me, and neither will you. You've been on my mind these past few weeks too Chanyeol. I can't stop dreaming about you or wanting to see you again. If I was afraid of danger I wouldn't have gotten on that bike with you, if I was scared of you I wouldn't be here in your arms with your dick near my ass."

Chanyeol released a chuckle but didn't say anything choosing to listen to Baekhyun's sweet voice than comment.

"I don't care what my brother thinks he's kept me in a bubble for the entirety of my life. I have no friends except Luhan from school and all his friends are mine. I want something he can't control, I want someone who he doesnt personally know I want you Chanyeol. I'm not afraid to be with you. Sure I'm stubborn you just admitted that, but I'm also doing what I think is right so please... stop trying to push me away"

"Okay" Chanyeol whispered his lips ghosting over the smallers as they gazed into each other's eyes a moment too long. "I hear you, and I respect your wishes. Therefore I will do everything I can to keep you safe"

Baekhyun smiled biting his lip, his essay for Literature wasn't as heartfelt as that,  but seeing the sparkle in Chanyeol's eyes proved that was all he needed to hear.

"I think I should bring you home now, you have school in the morning and I have to arrange a meeting with some of the members"

Baekhyun nodded before quickly shaking his head. "5 more minutes" He pleaded.

"Just 5?" Chanyeol gasped acting shocked earning him another hit to the shoulder.

"You know what I mean, i want to stay a little longer" Baekhyun pouted, wrapping his arms around Chanyeol's neck, making sure that his face was close enough so Chanyeol would get the hint.

"Me too" the giant chuckled reaching over and gently pressing their lips together.


"Baekhyun can I come-"

"In Sehun? No I think he's a top"

Luhan stood frozen for a second registering what had just happened. Baekhyun laughed at his lame joke while emptying his bagpacl of his school books. Another weekend welcomed them the moment they stood outside the door.

"That was cruel!" Luhan cried once they were on the road leading to Baekhyun's house. Only this time Luhan planned to stay over unlike the last week.

"I know but it was sorta funny" Baekhyun admitted his eyes rolling as Luhan continued to whince about how cruel his best friend was, it went on deaf ears as Baekhyun focused on getting to his house without road rage and purposely crashing the car just so Luhan would shut up. "Do you ever shut up? Seriously you're worse than Jongdae and that's saying something"

With that Luhan huffed and insisted that they turn up the volume of the radio, a song they were both familiar with blared through the speakers. Although they weren't currently talking among themselves they did find amusement in the other persons singing voice.

As the song finished Baekhyun pulled up into the driveway of his house, turning off the engine and letting Luhan run ahead (That's what usually happens now) Baekhyun focused on getting his backpack out from the back seat. His door opened next to him causing Baekhyun to jump.

"Kyungsoo Jesus Christ you scared me!" He panted his hand over his heart in fright. "Why the hell did you do that"

"Sorry Baekkie" he giggled "hurry up I need to introduce you to a new member of the garage"

"Jongin found a new mechanic?" Baekhyun wondered recalling that Yixing needed to go back to China to follow the love of his life or something...

"Yep and he's so cute, definitely your type"

Baekhyun wanted to thank Kyungsoo for trying to set him up but with everything that happened with Chanyeol a week ago he couldn't seem to get the taller out of his head. No matter where he turned everything reminded him if the Phoniex member. So far they had resourced to texting knowing that they wouldn't be able to meet up as many times as they wanted to during the school week.

"Ah I'm not really looking for anyone at the minutes Kyung.." Baekhyun admitted looking down at the ground as Kyungsoo closed his car door for him.

"Nonsense when you see this guy I have a feeling you're going to love him, and Kai already gave you his blessing"  Although he had whispered the last sentence Baekhyun still heard it. His eyebrows raised in surpise before curiosity kicked in. He needed to meet the guy his brother would openly allow Baekhyun to marry if the guy had asked.

"Well where is he?" Baekhyun wondered looking around the front yard where the cars and bikes his brother always had sorted out on.

"He's in the garage with Sehun apparently they have some stuff in common whatever it could be, they refuse to tell him" Kyungsoo pouted and Baekhyun's confusion rose more. Nothing usually slips past Kyungsoo so the fact this new mechanic had somehow tangled himself up in his brothers workplace intrigued Baekhyun so much.

Rounding the side of the house where his brother had built an extra bit of space onto the house for the car parts and machines, Baekhyun noticed a familiar bike stand along the side of the wall. His breathing hitched as tears filled his eyes. Pushing the two poor steel doors aside Baekhyun came face to face with the man he had longed for so long.

"Hey Baek" the boy smiled putting the oil covered cloth he had been using to clear his hands onto the top of the car Jongin had tried years to fix.

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun cried trying to hold back his tears but failing miserably. He didn't want this to be a dream so he insisted on standing his ground, not wanting to move and wake up.

"Yeah buttercup it's me, am I really not that memberable? I mean you didn't even notice me when I came to rescue you a week ago" Chanyeol sighed a small hurt expression on his face trying to tease the smaller and lighter the mood.

"I'll give you too some space, I'll be in my room if you need me Chan" Sehun announced cleaning his fingers with a rag while walking out of the garage, he stopped next to Baekhyun and placed his hand on his shoulder, patting it gently before leaving completely.

"H-how is this possible, I thought you said that Kai wouldn't let us be together"

"Well remember when i told you I needed to get up early in the morning for a meeting last week?"

Baekhyun simply nodded, feeling his voice go weak on his tongue. He had no words for the taller who was cautiously taking steps towards him.

"I had a meeting with my crew, some of them knew that you were the one I chose to safe. They wanted to meet you but after explaining about how Kai was protective over you they helped me hatch a little plan. Before you jump to conclusions it was nothing illegal. I overheard some of the boys saying about your brother needing a new mechanic so I applied for the job and the members gave me everything I needed mostly advice of how to tall things through with Kai. When I told him that I would guard you with my life as well as help out in the garage he was set, gave me the job right away even gave us his blessing. Any other things I forgot to mention?"

"You're a mechanic but you couldn't fix your own bike?"

"I know everything there is about cars and vans but nothing about bikes, Kai seemed to be the opposite. He told me that you never liked him go near bikes because something upsetting happened involving a bike but I allowed him permission to work on mine whenever he wanted in exchange I'd help fix this car" Chanyeol smiled patting his hand down gently on the side of the busted car.

"Our father died on a motorbike accident when Kai was sitting on the back. I never hated motorbikes clearly because I got on yours when you saved me but i never wanted my brother to get on one ever again. I didn't want to loose him like I lost my dad.."


"And now I just realised my boyfriend is part of a motorcycle gang, which means anythin gv could happen to you Chanyeol-"

"I'm not going to be using the bike anymore" Chanyeol stated cutting Baekhyun off with a small kiss to the lips. "When Kai told me about it all I called my guys, they already organised getting me a car but I am keeping the bike, i won't use it but she is mine okay?"

Baekhyun smiled through his waterlogged eyes. He nodded slowly and raised onto the top of his toes pressing his lips against Chanyeol's in a long and sweet kiss.


"Chanyeol you have got to be kidding me" Baekhyun blushed walking out of his school gates, bag over his shoulder and folder in hand. "When you told me to leave my car at home and that you would drop and pick me up from school this is really what you had in mind?"

Chanyeol smiled and Sehun pushed him forward. He stumbled up infront if the smaller a goofy look on his face as Baekhyun stared up at him on shock but curiosity.

"We're going on a holiday"

"I heard you the first time, and I said you can't be serious. What about the guys don't they need you to watch the compound this week? Besides what did my brother say?"

"The guys don't need him this week considering we will be joining!" Taehyung yelled from the van window surprising Baekhyun.

Taehyung along with his boyfriend's Jimin and Jungkook sat in the back of the van. The trio were members of Chanyeol's Phoniex gang and the taller's close friends. They had been the ones that wanted to meet Baekhyun and they were the ones that have Chanyeol a prep talk before facing Jongin.

"As for your brother, he closed down the shop deciding that a vacation seemed fit for him and his family" Kai smiled standing up through the open latch in the vans roof, Kyungsoo smiling by his side.

"So shut your ass up and get in the car" Luhan giggled his head resting on his best friends shoulder, watching his blond boyfriend stand up against the van looking hot as fuck.

"But I don't even have clothes I have my school bag and-"

"I already packed for you baby" Chanyeol whispered grabbing ahold of Baekhyun's spare hand kissing the back of it softly his gaze fixated on the smaller. "Come on you know you want to"

"Ugh.. don't give me those puppy eyes you know I cant-... fine..."

Grinning like a mad man Chanyeol grabbed his boyfriend's backpack and threw it to Sehun who sent it a glare before throwing it in the back of the car.

"I'm calling shotgun!" Baekhyun yelled off the top of his lungs as he raced around the side of the car and to the passenger side of the van. Pushing Sehun away he climbed inside and stuck his tongue out at the blond. Sehun chuckled and clambered into the back with Luhan, the two enjoying each other's company as the threesome in the back finally settled down to a snooze feast and Kai and Kyungsoo focused on playing multiplayer games on Kai's phone.

"So you buckled in?" Chanyeol wondered looking over to Baekhyun a large deep smile plastered on his face.

"Where are you taking us giant?" Baekhyun wondered placing his hand down on his boyfriend's leg.

"Oh, you'll have to wait and see you'll love it"

To be continued...

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