Marry me...we have the cake

"Hey Baek I was wondering if you could help with with something for school?" Kyungsoo asked taking a seat next to his hyung at the dining room table.

Baekhyun grinned nodding his head instantly. "Sure what can I help you with?"

"Well I need your help with designing a cake for home economies, and since you love cake I figured you may as well help me"

"As long as I can colour"

"Your making it I'm drawing it"

Baekhyun's eyes widened his mouth watering slightly.

"Okay then how about a three layer cake?"

"Think of it as a wedding cake"

After explaining the flavours he adored Baekhyun watched as Kyungsoo began drawing and gave a few details of the fillings that had to be written.

"Oreo the top one is oreo" he grinned watching as Kyungsoo went to work scribbling down notes on the right side of the page.

Picking up a coloured pencil Baekhyun began colouring in the wedding cake decorations.

"Kyungsoo why exactly is it a wedding cake?"

"Because I chose to pick the wedding cake option for my final exam" Kyungsoo explained. "It's supposed to be one for a friend's wedding"

Baekhyun grinned his mind wondering to scenarios where Kyungsoo would walk into his own wedding with the cake he just explained to him.

"Hey guys" Chanyeol grinned, leaning himself up onto the doorframe of the dining room.

"How's dinner coming along idiot" Kyungsoo muttered his eyes not turning away from his page.

However Baekhyun's eyes did wander, his eyes landing upon his boyfriend's. Giving his team member a slight grin he turned back to help the younger with his homework.

"My senior year was easier then that" Chanyeol chuckled rasing a coffee cup close to his chin.

Baekhyun turned to gaze back down at the page. "Oh shut up yoda no one cares" he giggled hearing Chanyeol scoff playfully behind him.

"What are you guys up too?" Chanyeol wondered drawing the cup to his lips taking a quick sip of the warm refreshing liquid.

"We're designing your wedding cake" Kyungsoo stated, not fazed about what he just said.

"!..wait what?!" Baekhyun stammered quickly standing from his chair.

A deep red danced it's way onto Baekhyun's cheeks, making them warm to the touch. He turned to see that Chanyeol had spit out his coffee. His own cheeks slightly red, as were his ears.

"Our wedding cake?" Chanyeol questioned raising a brow, his finger raising to point from him to Baekhyun and back again.

The two watched embarrassed as Kyungsoo nodded his head. "I told you I chose the option for my friends wedding and I needed names to put on the page so I chose you two"

"But why couldn't you choose you and Kai or better yet Sehun and Luhan?" Baekhyun asked generally awestruck, the idea of Chanyeol marrying him gave him butterflies.

"Kai already chose to do the both of us and Luhan insisted Sehun do them also and I'm not comfortable with doing the Sulay or Taoris couple that includes the Xiuchen one either because if Kim Jongdae got a whiff of the fact I used him in my project I'd never hear the end of it"

"So how did you consider us as the best choice then?"

"Because you too annoy me enough already, and it gives me ideas for the cake if you were to ever marry knowing how picky you two are with your food"

"Yah!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol screamed causing a small smile to generate on the boys lips. However the two older males couldn't see a thing.

"Aioo you two are so cute" Kyungsoo chuckled placing his pencil down, giving the couple his full attention.


"Now your doing that thing again"

"No we aren't!"

"Ok then since I could use and white tux or black tux for the cake topper"

"Black and white" They stated surpised to see that they agreed with their 'furture' cake topper.

"Well my work here is done I'll be leaving now" Kyungsoo grinned evilly standing up with his belongings and leaving the room.

The two lover's stayed behind, both too embarrassed to begin conversation with the other, in fear that it would cause more awkwardness then that of the conversation beforehand.

" know how much I hate silence Channie" Baekhyun grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.

"Aw my Baekkie is so cute" Chanyeol chuckled resting his coffee down on the table before pulling the smaller into his arms. Baekhyun smiled up at him however his arms were still crossed.

"Why won't my darling hug me back?" Chanyeol pouted, tighting his hold on his boyfriend's waist.

"Because I haven't gotten my reward for being good today yet"

Grinning slightly down at his lover Chanyeol leaned down, his head angled nose brushing Baekhyun's cheek. The smaller's warm breath tickled his lips, making the giant crave them more.

"You know I really love you Baekhyun..." Chanyeol whispered his eyes rasing from Baekhyun's lips.

"And you know I really love you too Yoda" he giggled, his arms loosing around each other, only to grasp together after being thrown around Chanyeols chest.

"What would you say if I were to ask you to marry me?"

Baekhyun's jaw dropped, his eyes widening. He could feel the massive amount of butterflies wings brushing against his insides giving him a slight tickling feeling.


Chanyeol cocked a brow his eyes crinkling. "Huh, I excepted a different answer"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, the freezing of his body dissolving under the statement the younger just thrown at him.

"If you were to ask me to marry you I'd call you crazy"

"What, why?"

"Chanyeol, I'm crazy! Do you really want to live your entire life with a madman?"

"Hold on I thought I was the joker in this relationship while you were Harley!" The giant pouted pulling his hands to rest of Baekhyun's hips.


"Ok ok I'm kidding, and Baekhyun you aren't crazy your fun and bright you quite literally brought light into my shitty life and because of that I'm willing to do anything to keep you"

"Well not anything "

"I'm being serious" Chanyeol warned watching the small smile danced on his lover's lips.

"Oh why are you so serious!"

"Ok cut that now" Chanyeol chuckled, Baekhyun nodding in agreement.

"Fine" Baekhyun nodded pulling away from their hug "But you wouldn't do anything"

"Oh I think i would, if it means I'll be able to keep you then yes I will"

"So your saying you'll lock me in a tower to keep me?" Baekhyun wondered, his love of Disney movies showing.

"Ok maybe I wouldn't do that..."

"See I'm told ya!"

"It's because I want everyone to see how beautiful you are but if that means that I need to put a cuff on you to show that's your mine I'll do that"


"No baekhyun" Chanyeol chuckled pulling him back into his embrace, his hands cupping and massaging the smallers cheeks.

"This cuff is special and only goes on one hand, and when the times right you'll recieved a new one better and more beautiful than the last"

Baekhyun raised a brow utterly confused. Giving in to his thoughts he drew a sigh. "If this is one of your kinky bullshit ideas again Park Chanyeol I swear I wi-"

Chanyeol's lips finally met Baekhyun's shutting him up instantly. The said males hands raising and tangling themselves into the taller's hair, massaging the scalp.

Chanyeol's thumb brushed itself back and forward on Baekhyun's soft cheek as he licked his way into Baekhyun's mouth, his desire to taste his boyfriend finally being done.

Baekhyun stepped closer pulling Chanyeol towards him until there was no more room between them in the dining room. Shoving Chanyeol up against a nearby wall Baekhyun moaned feeling the giant drop his hands down to his back running them down to his butt squeezing the large cheeks between his fingers.

Smirking while slightly chuckling Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun away from his lips and forced them across the room to the opposite wall, there he took over as the more dominant one.

Moving his lips to kiss the inner portion of Baekhyun's neck Chanyeol whispered softly into the smaller's ear.

"It wasn't a kink baby, you of all people should know your daddies kinks"

The sentence along with the soft kitten kisses applied to the back of his ear made Baekhyun do nothing but pull Chanyeol closer while trying his hardest not to moan.

"I was talking about getting you an engagement ring then upgrading it to a wedding ring"

Baekhyun froze, his heart shoring, however questions based on fear sprung to mind.

"I dont know what to say..."

"Wait" Chanyeol gasped pushing himself away. He stared open eyed at Baekhyun. 

'I knew it was too good to be true' he thought.

Chanyeol rushed out of the doorframe into the kitchen screaming to Baekhyun to wait there. Baekhyun could do nothing but take a seat on one of the chairs watching as Chanyeol busied himself with looking through the presses and drawers of the kitchen.

"What exactly are you looking for hyung, Kyungsoo has already brought in the dinner" Sehun stated placing a glass into the sink.

"I'm in the dining room and there's no food here" Baekhyun spoke up, surprising himself that he hadn't stuttered.

"We decided to have dinner in the livingroom"

With a quirk nod and a small wave goodbye Sehun walked out of the kitchen disappearing from Baekhyun's view.

Turning his attention back to the ransacking giant in the kitchen Baekhyun couldn't help but smile watching his boyfriend get slightly frustrated.

"Hey guys" Kai grinned, walking into the doorframe with a large packet of Haribo jellies.

Chanyeol dropped the bag of Cheetos in his hands and rushed towards Kai taking the bag out of the younger's hand before he could even realise what was happening.

After taking out 9 jellies Chanyeol thanked him handing the bag back. Kai backed out if the kitchen slowly, the bag of jellies now resting in his arms tightly.

Baekhyun watched slightly confused as Chanyeol rushed back over to him. Placing all the jellies onto the table Baekhyun picked up an egg shaped one.

Nearly choking on the jelly, Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol was bending down infront of him.

"I know what it looks like" he whispered his arms stretched out, his fingers dropped around the holder of the jelly ring. "But listening to you and Kyungsoo so on about wedding cake designs made me wonder eh at ours would look like and what our marriage life would be like..."

Baekhyun could feel the slight tears prickling his eyes as he stared down into his boyfriends eyes.

"And Baek I would love to have you to experience that with me, now I know this isn't a proper engagement ring and this is completely crazy and not very romantic at all but give me a chance and I'll make everything worth your while. I meant what I said to you early Byun Baekhyun, I am unbelievably and crazily in love with you. So....would you marry me?"

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol, he had finally let the tears push themselves out of his eyes. His hands had met his mouth just before the taller had been talking. Carefully Baekhyun slipped out of the chair and onto the floor so that he was now the same height as Chanyeol. However Chanyeol was still taller he then him anyway!...(moving along)

"Of course I will you idiot!" Baekhyun laughed pulling Chanyeol closer to him by the ears, being sure to connect their lips in the process.

As Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist he couldn't help but rub his fingers against the two rings he adored so much.

Pulling one off, he leaned back and grabbed Baekhyun's right hand pulling it back to the front. Slowly Chanyeol pushed the ring up Baekhyun's middle finger.

"Ugh...Chanyeol this is-"

"The gay finger I'm aware" Chanyeol nodded smiling slightly seeing the ring fit the smaller's finger perfectly.

"What no! This is your ring I couldn't possibly take it"

"It proves your mine then doesn't it besides you can't eat this one"

"Gay finger?"

"Yeah that's a thing" Chanyeol nodded

(I actually had no clue about this until I looked up a photo of their rings)

"Oh, I didn't know.."

"Well now you do" Chanyeol grinned leaning forward and pressing his lips against the smallers softly.

Pulling the taller back into his lips Baekhyun forced the kiss to grow heated. His hand creeping down to Chanyeol's now growing bulge.

Groaning at the sensation Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun closer, forcing them up Chanyeol took Baekhyun's hand and pulled him out of the dining room. 

"Hyungs aren't you eating!?" Sehun called out as they walked through the livingroom.

"Oh I'll be eating alright" Chanyeol grinned evilly as he contiued to pull Baekhyun through the room.

"Baekhyun?" Minseok called over.

Baekhyun tried to slow the giant down so he could reply to Minseok's name calling. But Chanyeol only sped up forcing Baekhyun to fall into his back.

"Yoda!" He yelled hitting the giant between the shoulder blades.

"Later!" Chanyeol called back.

Short but sweet... I think....?

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