CHAPTER 11 | murphy's law

📎A/N. Sorry I am late with posting. To make up for it, this chapter is much longer than the last :-)

Don't forget to vote, and all comments and feedback welcome.

This chapter is dedicated to @avs_it - check out her wonderful story 'The Iceberg Theory'

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Sydney studied the tourists as they sauntered along the dock. It was easy to spot the newbies to the island. They were the ones who rushed from place to place marvelling at the magnificent views, the beauty of the small towns or the untouched nature that surrounded them. The regulars and residents had long since taken the natural beauty and mystique of the island for granted. To the locals, this was what it looked like, year after year. There was very little change and that's the way they liked it.

The early morning sun reflected on the water so brightly, it was hard to look at it without squinting. Quickly donning her sunglasses, she rechecked that she had everything they would require.

"This is ridiculous," she chided herself as she confirmed, for the umpteenth, time that everything was in order. "What possessed me to agree to this?"

The nerves that had been bubbling since she had left her house were once again threatening to overwhelm her. It hadn't helped that her sleep had been broken. Each time she had woken up in a cold sweat from the highly irregular and erotic dream. What had upset her the most was the presence of a certain grey-eyed irritating man in each of the dreams. How he had managed to insert himself into it was beyond her.

There was no reason for her to react like a nervous school girl. Ethan had done nothing to trigger her concern that he was up to something. In fact, he had been perfectly attentive and charming once they had returned to the others the previous day.

And, she had to admit, her being roped into being tour guide wasn't his idea. In fact, Ethan had been adamant that if she had work to do, that should come first.

Much to her consternation, it was Grace who had somehow managed to convince Sydney to show Ethan the island via Kayak. At first, her mind was frantically reaching to find the words to put Grace off her determined stance. However, her cousins not so subtle kick under the table brought an end to that post-haste.


"Why did you do that?" Sydney had hissed at Grace, as they were clearing the dishes the previous evening.

"Do what?"

"Kayaking. I didn't notice that the rest of you were coming."

Sydney observed that Grace's cheeks had turned pink and she was suddenly avoiding looking directly at her. "What are you not telling me?" she asked carefully, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

"Well," began Grace hesitantly, "Mason and I were planning on looking at some of the galleries and perhaps have lunch in town. We didn't think that would be Mac's thing..." she trailed off.

It had taken a moment, but realisation of what Grace was up to eventually dawned. "Oh my God!" Sydney exclaimed, "you want to get rid of Mac for the day so you can spend some time with Mason." She then frowned, "But what about Pauline? Won't she be trailing after you?"

Grace shook her head. "She has booked herself for a spa day at Mansion House."

In the end, both Sydney and Ethan had been roped into spending the entire day in each other's company - Just so Grace and Mason could spend some time together.

"You owe me big time," was Sydney's parting comment to Grace as she took her leave.


Sydney was jolted from her thoughts when Ethan's smooth voice came from somewhere behind her. "I hope I'm not late?"

Swinging around from her position on the jetty, she found she had to shield her eyes from the sun in order to see him, "No, I was here early to make sure we had everything."

Sydney stood up and turned to face Ethan. As instructed, he was dressed in board shorts and a t-shirt. As she had the previous day, she couldn't help but notice the contours of his upper body as it filled out his shirt to perfection. When they had met in New York, his athletic frame had been hidden beneath the expensive suits she knew he preferred. Her mind wandered precariously. She absently wondered what it would feel like to reach out and run her hands underneath his top. To feel the muscles on his chest under her fingers as she trailed them down his body. She was getting flustered with the memory of the visions from her broken dreams which suddenly burst into the forefront of her mind.

Mentally shaking herself from her very strange train of thought she detected a movement from behind Ethan. She had been so focused on Ethan that she had failed to notice Pauline, standing two feet away.

Attempting not to show her horror at potentially having to put up with the other woman for the day, Sydney struggled with plastering a smile that didn't make her thoughts too obvious. "I didn't realise you would be joining us today," she said, addressing Pauline.

Pauline took in Sydney's attire. Disapproval oozing from every pore. "Hardly," she purred, "I have my standards. If I wanted to go out on the water, it would be in something more civilized than that," she stated, indicating towards the two open deck kayaks tied up to the pier.

"She's borrowing my car," Ethan explained as he handed the keys to Pauline.

Pauline reached up and kissed Ethan before traversing the distance between the dock and the carpark. Not once faltering in her Chanel pumps.

"How do they do that?? Sydney marvelled, as they watched the upper-class English woman head back to the carpark.

"Do what?" Ethan asked.

"Glide so perfectly with a rod stuck up their arse?"

The words were out before she could stop them. Sydney brought her hand up to her mouth and looked up at the man beside her. "Whoops sorry," she mumbled from behind her hand.

Ethan chortled and then began to laugh. The warm sound almost music to her ears. "Years of practice I guess."

Sydney held out her hand after the car had departed and they had both stopped laughing. "Wallet and phone."


"I need your wallet and phone."

"Okay," he said dubiously as he handed both to her.

Sydney nodded to his wrist. "I'm assuming your watch is waterproof?"

After confirming it was, Sydney picked up a small plastic bag that was sitting on the ground with her belongings and placed both items inside. "We don't want them to get wet if you accidently fall in," she explained.

She then proceeded to hand Ethan a lifejacket. While he was putting it on, Sydney quickly stowed their remaining gear in the Kayaks and secured the hatch with tie-down straps.

"Have you been Kayaking before?" she asked as she clipped her lifejacket on.

He shook his head. "Nope, this will be a first."

"Not a problem. You'll find you'll pick it up in no time," she said, "We're using open top kayaks today. It'll be easier to learn on."

Sydney quickly explained some of the basics that he would need to know, as well as giving him a rundown on where they were headed to. She had decided on Poucha Pond and Cape Poge Bay on Chappaquiddick. It had been a while since she was there, and once they were clear of the channel, it was an easy stretch of water.

Ethan scanned the little harbour dubiously. "There's a bit of boat traffic, won't we get in their way?"

"We'll be okay if we keep out of the boat lanes." She pointed to Chappy Point, which was a little over three hundred feet from where they were standing, "Well make our way to the point and then hug the shore until we clear the ferry lanes. After that, it's clear sailing to Cape Poge Bay."

"Okay let's do this," he said taking a deep breath, "Which one is mine?"

Sydney pointed to the yellow Kayak. She bent down to retrieve the paddles and was about to give Ethan instructions on how to get into the cockpit safely, when she turned to discover he had attempted to get into it on his own - the wrong way.

Her years of experience told her what was going to happen next.

Ethan had kept his weight high and had jumped in without stabilising the vessel. To give him credit, he was valiantly attempting to bring the out of control swaying back under control. However, it wasn't enough. Ethan looked up at her in confusion. The Kayak was violently rocking from side to side. It was clear he had no idea how he had put himself in this particular predicament. She watched as if it was playing out in slow motion. The moment he had lost the battle, gravity prevailed, and he fell backward into the sea, spraying water high enough to soak her legs.

Unable to contain herself, Sydney burst out laughing at the comical scene. Ethan, after his initial shock of getting wet, was now treading water. A distinctly embarrassed look plastered across his face as he swam back to the jetty.

Sydney reached out to help him out of the water, still laughing at his expense. "I was going to tell you there's a trick to get in."

Seeing the comical side of his misfortune, Ethan too began laughing. Standing on dry land, water now pouring off him, he looked down at his Kayak, which had come off better than him and scratched his head. "First time I've been bested by an inanimate object."

Sydney was completely disarmed when he turned to her, a broad smile adorning his face, and his grey eyes crinkled in mirth. She noticed small dimples, giving him a younger, softer look. The harsh and chiselled faced man she was used to, was nowhere in sight.

Her throat suddenly became parched as her body reacted to his closeness.

Stop this! You cannot be possibly having these thoughts. You don't trust him, and the only reason you are with him today is to do Grace a favour.

Handing Ethan his paddle she walked back towards where their Kayaks were moored. The additional time giving her the ability to get herself under control.

Sitting on the jetty and placing her feet on her vessel she turned back to him. "The secret is to keep your weight low and centred," she explained as she demonstrated how to get in from the dock.

This time, Ethan managed to successfully get in without tipping himself over.

After paddling out past the busy docks, and giving Ethan a quick lesson on paddling techniques they were on their way.

Once they had cleared the boat lanes and were skimming along the north of Chappaquiddick, the noise was at a level they could speak without having to shout. Ethan, while disastrous at getting into the Kayak, had more than made up for it with the ease in which he now cut through the water.

It only took them ninety minutes to clear the harbour and enter the calmer waters of Cape Poge Bay. As she knew the area, Sydney pointed out landmarks as they passed them. Her companion seemed genuinely interested and they spent some time discussing the challenges the locals faced with keeping the area clear so that nature could thrive. The more they spoke, the more relaxed Sydney became. She knew she was succumbing to his charms against her better judgement. But his easy affable manner, and general knowledge on most topics they discussed seemed to suck her in without her even thinking about what was happening.

Her resolve to keep him at a distance was very quickly crumbling.

"So, how long do you generally stay at the Vineyard?" asked Ethan after they had glided to a stop in the middle of the secluded bay.

"It all depends," said Sydney handing him an energy bar she had stowed away, "some years I stay till the end of summer. Others only a month or so. It just comes down to how much wr- editing that needs to be done." Sydney cringed hoping he didn't pick up her slip.

Ethan chuckled. "So when do you holiday? It sounds like you actually come up here to work, while most people are vacationing."

She reached for her water bottle before answering. "I find it allows me to have a clearer focus and get the work out with little interruption."

"And your boss doesn't mind you working from here rather than in New York?" Having seen how the bottle was detached from its holder, Ethan followed Sydney's lead and took the opportunity to quench his thirst after the strenuous journey.

"As long as the work gets done, he doesn't care where I am."

"And what about your mother?" he asked after a slight pause.

Sydney visibly tensed. "What about her?" her voice was now laced with anxiety.

"Doesn't she miss you while you are out of the city?"

"I wouldn't know," Sydney confessed, becoming slightly uncomfortable with his line of questioning.

"Oh? I would have thought that you were both close."

"And why would you think that?" she snapped, her voice sharper than she had intended.

Ethan, noticing her change in mood, swung his head around to directly face her. "Sorry," he said, "I just assumed, considering..." he trailed off.

"What, considering that we are both out there trying to swindle people out of their money. Is that what you were going to say?" she spat out bitterly. Her initial assessment of him now back on the table.

"Now you're just putting words in my mouth. I meant nothing of the sort," Ethan said, his voice now raised in anger, "I simply meant since you had both been betrayed by your father‑"

She cut him off. "And there you have it. We're back to that discussion again."

Ethan ran a hand through his hair. His face dark, as he visibly reined in his exasperation. "Look," he growled, "I have already apologised for my behaviour, I don't know what more I can say to get you to forgive me."

Before Sydney could respond, Ethan had slammed his bottle back into place, picked up his paddle and took off towards Tom Neck Point. His powerful strokes quickly putting space between them.

Sydney trailed after him from a distance. Her mind in turmoil. She knew she had picked a fight with him.

But why? She kept on asking herself.

She had been enjoying his company and, much to her surprise they shared a lot in common. So why would she take the first opportunity to argue with him?

They had rounded the point and were heading downstream towards the bridge when she noticed Ethan was straying too close to the reeds.

Quickly picking up the pace she shouted out a warning to him. A sense of urgency as she wound her strokes faster into the water.

She was too late. He had only just heard her warning and turned his head when a large black swan sprung out from the vegetation. Its massive wings open as it attacked its unsuspecting victim. Sydney watched in horror as the bird landed on the Kayak and used it huge wings to strike Ethan, hissing the entire time with each lunge and parry it made.

She heard Ethan cry out, "Jesus Christ," as a second swan emerged and began its attack. Both swans now taking their turn to dislodge him. The vessel rocking dangerously from side to side.

"Get away from the reeds, they're protecting the cygnets," she shouted as she got closer.

Ethan was distracted enough by her warning to miss the first swan descending on him in full attack mode. A moment later it had reached its mark and was attempting to take a chunk out of his arm and head. Ethan, surprised at the unexpected impact, was toppled off the kayak and, for the second time that day, was dunked unceremoniously into the sea.

By now Sydney had caught up and begun to use her paddle to ward off the swans from continuing their attack.

"Grab the side of the kayak and swim it out to the middle," she called to Ethan who had only just recovered and had managed to right himself in the water.

Still warding off the swans with her paddle, she retrieved Ethan's abandoned one and headed away from the attacking birds. As they moved away from the water's edge, the birds relaxed enough to stop spreading their wings in attacking postures. They, however, continued their hissing until the two humans were a safe distance away. It was only then, they disappeared back onto the shore.

Sydney pulled up alongside Ethan, who was now floating in the water holding onto the Kayak, "Are you okay?" she asked.

He nodded, "What the hell just happened," he moaned.

"You got too close to the babies. Mom and dad were making sure you didn't come any nearer," she explained taking a closer look at him.

"Looks like you got a bit of a gash on your forehead," she observed, "Let's get you across to shore and take a look."

"Um..." he began looking around, "how do I get back on?"

Sydney let out a slight giggle, "You do seem to not want to stay on top don't you?" she remarked, referring to the previous incident at the wharf.

"All depends on my motivation for being underneath," he winked, a mischievous smile emerged as he attempted to right his upturned Kayak.

After listening to Sydney's instructions, Ethan was up and paddling towards the other shore within a few moments. They dragged the small crafts high enough as to not get swept away and Sydney retrieved a small first aid kit.

She instructed him to sit down so she could inspect his injured forehead.

"So what's the damage?" he asked as she knelt down next to him.

"It looks worse than it is," she remarked after she had stopped the bleeding and cleaned the wound. "You'll live."

"They just came out of nowhere," he said, shaking his head in amazement.

"Yes, well, that will teach you to not stray when you don't know what you're up against," she warned.

Ethan held his hands up in mock surrender. "I've learnt my lesson," he smiled, "from now on I'm glued to your side."

He grabbed her hand as it was zipping up the first aid container. Not expecting the physical contact, she snapped her head up to find him gazing directly at her. His expression unreadable. "Thank you," he said softly after what seemed like minutes rather than moments.

Sydney's pulse quickened. She was caught in the vortex of his gaze. His irises now the colour of the stormy ocean, had her trapped so she was unable to pull away.

She shrugged. "It was nothing. Just a Band-Aid and Savlon," her voice even to her own ears sounded strange. The feel of her hand in his, as his thumb gently circled her knuckles, had distracted her to the point she couldn't think straight.

"No not about that," he clarified, "for the rescue - even though I had been an absolute bastard earlier." The tender expression that flashed across his face and promptly disappeared was replaced with something more unreadable, something more dangerous. It felt like she was being sucked into its undeniable gravity.

Sydney closed her eyes, valiantly attempting to suppress the churning throughout her body from his mere touch. "Oh that," she said opening her eyes again and meeting his gaze.

She was nearly undone when he brought his other hand up and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Am I forgiven?" his voice was now husky. The timbre of it had goosebumps erupting across her exposed skin.

Summoning the strength to pull away, she cleared her throat nervously and pretended to busy herself with the kit. "We both said things we regret. How about we forget it happened?" she mumbled.

Sydney jumped up and headed towards her Kayak. "This is probably a good place as any to have lunch," she said, changing the subject. She hoped he didn't notice her odd behaviour.

What the hell is the matter with you? she screamed at herself, as she made her way to where they had left the boats. One touch and your mind goes straight into no man's land!

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📎A/N .So what did you think? those swans are very protective of their young.

And it looks like Sydney is having all sorts of naughty thoughts about Ethan ;-)

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote.

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