Same Job


"So you're saying you three are also Devil Hunters?"

In a random bar, an older black man named J.D. Morrison could be seen sitting and talking to a group of demonic killers, though he was speaking to Aki Hayakawa and his situation, Dante was just there to listen, while Denji and Power, who wore a hood to hide her horns, were just casually fighting over who would get the last french fry that they were currently snacking on, caring very little about the whole thing



"Yes, though we were accidentally sent here during one of our missions instead of being back in Japan."

Aki, who was trying his best to ignore his two teammates, gave a brief explanation and summary of their situation; the older gentleman paid close attention and took it all in.

"And I'm guessing you want me to help you get back home?"

After a moment to process the information given, Morrison took a guess and assumed that's what Hayakawa was asking of him.

"We would greatly appreciate that if you could."

Aki gave a confirming nod; the older man took another moment to think about it, taking a drag from his cigar while doing so.

"I'll see what I can do, though it might take a while, speaking Japanese and knowing who to call isn't something I'm an expert in."

Once Morrison agreed to help the three, the guy with a Top Knot quickly bowed like a proper and respectful Japanese citizen.

"I understand, thank you."

Before Aki could continue to express his gratitude to the person who promised to help him, the red-coat man just simply wrapped his arms around him and roughly patted his shoulder.

"Yup, though until then, these stooges will be staying with me and kicking some demonic ass, though of course with style~"

Dante gave his infamous dashing smirk, causing Hayakawa to groan as he felt a familiar yet unfortunate chill coming off of him, which made the blonde man and horned girl sneeze, while Morrison just sighed and gave a sympathetic look to him, as if understanding his worries, but saying nothing and simply pulling out an envelope and placing it on the table in front of the four Devil Hunters, which definitely caught everyone's attention.

"I see, well if you're available then, I do have a mission for you all if you're interested."

Soon, within some sort of abandoned building, a gathering of demonic cultists were seen huddled around a hellish summoning circle, crafted from the blood and remains of innocent victims. The members were chanting and praying, as one of them, who appeared to be the leader of the entire group, stepped forward and spoke in a loud declaration.


However, before the leader could continue their unholy declaration, the entire group were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the ceiling breaking, this immediately made them look and see what was going on, but were only met with a certain red coat man and horned girl landing on the ground with style and intimidation, before the two quickly aimed their weapons at everyone, the fiendish lady using blades made from her own blood, while the stylish guy had two big pistols in each hand, appropriately named Ivory and Ebony

"FOOLISH MORTALS! Your Time Is Ny! Your Devilish Actions Shall Be Stopped By Me! THE ALMIGHTY POWER!~"

"And me, the Awestruck Stylish Dante~"

Power once again tried to boost her own ego and make herself sound more impressive, which Dante always found amusing and decided to play along for the fun of it, much to the extreme confusion, and worry, of the entire cult group.

"Damn it, now I gotta deal with two dramatic show-offs."

"What's up with all these superheroes landing, why not just use the door?"

While those two Devil Hunters decided to have their own fun and fashion in making an entrance, both Aki and Denji just decided to use the front door; Hayakawa was already looking exhausted at the thought of having to deal with three instead of the usual two, soon the new team of demon killers were finally together and ready to get this started.


Once the Leader gave the order, all the cult members quickly pulled out their guns and other weapons before charging at the four with the intent to kill

"So what's the plan Dante?"

Aki asked the red-coated man this question, while pulling out his sword; since this was his area and he assumed he knew what was best to handle this situation - he was experienced in these matters.

"The first one who kills the leader gets free pizza~"

As soon as Dante said this, both the blonde guy and horned girl suddenly went eyes wide, while Hayakawa just looked confused.


Denji and Power, if they weren't motivated before, they sure were now, as they were the first ones to charge forward against the large group of cultists with reckless abandon, which once again made the red-coat man laugh at their personalities; Top Knot just rubbed his face and sighed.

"Oh my god..."

Aki shook his head in disappointment, but immediately dodged an attack from a random enemy and instantly countered by slicing the throat with his sword. Once he started, he didn't stop, quickly dishing out quick and calculated slashes towards the enemy. It was clear he was well-trained and wasn't any slouch; doing his best to make no mistakes, and even if he did, he was always able to recover quickly and get back into the action as if nothing had ever happened.

"Get Out Of My Way Power! That Pizza Is Mine!"

As for Denji, he was definitely no slouch and seemed also trained somewhat, though his style of fighting was much more thuggish and dirty; for instance, the first guy he faced was quickly met with a hard kick to the balls, forcing the cult member to fall over and drop their weapon, which the blonde man promptly picked up and used against them. There was no skill or technique when using his weapon - for all he knew, it was meant for killing his enemies, and that's all he needed to know and do.

"Away With You Pest! I Shall Have Thy Cheese Circles With Meat Slices And Stuff Bread For Myself Only!"

However, if the blonde was more the type to play unfair, Power was someone who not only showed no hesitation, but met each and every one of her enemies with extreme violence and brutality, not to mention caring very little for how much blood she spilled; in fact, her way of fighting ensured that all of the cult members suffered a very bloody demise, to which she took the chance to drink the blood and then use it to make even crazier weapons, ranging from small daggers to cartoonishly large hammers. She was, without a doubt, the most reckless, but her ways of making carnage should never be questioned.

"Let's see, Aki is 'Crazy!', Denji is 'Blast!' and Power is 'Alright'~"

Even though Dante was watching over his new teammates and ranking their performances, that didn't stop him from styling on every opponent he faced; it was already impressive when he shot Ebony and Ivory at the cult members, each one landing a perfect headshot, but he also used those handguns as weapons themselves, using them in some kind of "gun-kung fu" fashion, to block, counter, and attack the enemy. Of course, that doesn't mean he couldn't do something more creative when he still shoots with the guns, like shooting at his own bullets and making them ricochet off each other and hit more targets, though it isn't mentioned whether or not he does this whenever he's not using his large sword, Rebellion, but even if he did, that would just only add onto his already crazy skillset he's shown off.

"Not quite 'S' or 'SS' or even 'SSS' ranking, but they're getting there~"

Even though Dante thought that he and the others were showing off different levels of cool actions and performances, that didn't really stop the leader from seeing all of these Devil Hunters as any less of a threat; the cult leader turned back towards the summoning circle and started speaking again.


Unfortunately, before the cult leader could say anything else, he or she was immediately interrupted when an axe entered his or her head, effectively killing the person instantly.

"Hah! Heeeeeeell Yeah I Win! Take That Power! The Pizza Is Mine!~"

And the one responsible for such a feat, was none other than Denji himself, who, after letting the body drop, started to cheer and dance around as if he had won the biggest game ever.

"Is Denji always like this?"

As the blonde was dancing and cheering for his victory, everyone else had just finished off the last remaining members of the evil cult and were now watching him celebrate by himself, which Dante watched with an amused chuckle.

"He's the type to enjoy the small things in life, you should've seen him when he ate toast with jam on it."

Aki simply answered as he cleaned his sword of blood before sheathing it and watched his teammate cheer for himself.

"I can get behind that."

Dante nodded in agreement, even having some respect for the blonde man and his simple nature and desires.

"Alright! For my pizza, I wanna try pineapple-"

However, before Danji could continue to celebrate and mock the very angry horned girl, he was quickly silenced when a demonic creature suddenly emerged from the summoning circle and ate the blonde. This definitely startled and surprised the group; they certainly didn't expect to see this happen at all.


Dante pulled out his Ebony and Ivory again, was about to charge in and hopefully save the blonde that was being eaten, if he was still alive.

"God damn, now he's gonna smell like crap for about a week..."

The red-coat man couldn't help but stop himself when he heard and noticed how Aki was


Even Power didn't seem bothered that her partner had been eaten; in fact, she still continued to mock, which confused the Devil Hunter greatly. However, before he could question their weird reaction, he heard a sound of something revving up, which only added to his confusion. But when he looked back at the demon, he was finally able to understand everything that had happened.


In one quick motion, the entire demonic body was suddenly ripped apart and torn open by none other than Denji himself, who seemed to have taken on the appearance of some kind of 'Chainsaw Man.' He laughed out loud in victorious insanity, as if he hadn't just been eaten recently. Aki just simply sighed and made plans to clean the Chainsaw Man, while Power just grumbled and pouted from her partner winning the game; however, as for Dante, at first he was silent, but then he just started to chuckle and wore a small smirk on his face.

"Heh... Now this is what I call a party~..."

Meanwhile... At some kind of secret hideout, which was filled with all kinds of guns, bombs, ammo, and even a red motorcycle with rocket boosters attached to it, a lady could be seen inside, seemingly getting her supplies ready, plus also making sure her large bazooka, which was known as the Kalina Ann, was up to maintenance. Before she could continue what she was doing, a knock on the door caught her attention, which made her frown and glare her heterochromatic eyes. She grabbed her gun before carefully walking up to the door. Once there, she quickly slammed it open and aimed her weapon at the person who was knocking. The person who was knocking seemed to be a middle-aged man, around his late 40s or early 50s, with scars on his face, and seemed to be drinking from a flask. Unconcerned by the gun aimed at his face, after taking a sip of his drink, he just simply stared back at the glaring woman and spoke to her.

"Excuse me Ma'am, do you have a phone I can borrow?"
Technically all three of them have Devil Trigger, so instead of that, I'll just upgrade their already existing powers, like when Power drinks the blood of a DMC Enemy, her blood weapons will temporarily mimic said enemy ability, what do you think?

(BTW I've decided to just go with DMC 3 and not worry about the new animated show that's coming out, I'll probably just mix it in the anime if I need to, or something like that)

/Character Inclusion Ideas\

Himeno: To be honest, she might be one of the characters I might not include, only because she wasn't in the anime or manga enough to make her stand out that much, of course she isn't boring or not interesting, but at the moment I have nothing for her, maybe I could make her a Devil in DMC 3 that Aki saves, maybe, but it will probably won't change much, same goes with Spider, Violence and Angel, i have nothing for them either.

Kishibe, Reze and Beam: Lady will have her own Devil Hunting team like Dante, Reze will be someone who supplies ammo to Lady for her Kalina Ann, Beam will be a vehicle when he's not fighting, and Kishibe could probably be a mentor or father figure to Lady, obviously its just basic ideas, but hopefully you understand what i'm thinking, PS, this means I changed Denji x Lady to Aki.x Lady instead.

Quanxi, Pingtsi, Long, Cosmo, and Tsugihagi: Sooooooo, anyone interested in Trish joining Quanxi Harem?~... But anyway, Quanxi will be forced to work under Mundus, because he has her girlfriend captive and being used for his own gains.

Katana Man/Samurai Sword: He was taken in and cared for by Patty and is now her new guardian.

Kobeni Higashiyama: Is found and taken care of by Nero, though I'm debating if they should be childhood friends like Kobeni had her age reversed and basically given a 2nd chance in having a happier life, or she appears in DMC 4 and is kind of stuck with Nero when the whole thing goes down, what do you guys think?

The Falling Devil: The one who makes Dante's pizzas.

Darkness Devil: ])!*#[~~}¥£]¶¶£#"_-(!)/.

Other Devils: They will most likely be ignored, but basically any important or strong Devil will probably be used as main villains for DMC 5, or something similar, I'm open to suggestions on how to use them, if I use them.

(AAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNND, that's about it, at the moment these are the only characters either suggested or important enough to include, of course if you have any other characters you think I should include, I'm open to hear them)

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