"I, the Greatest Power! Have Decided To Grant You The Honor Of Accompany Me In A Journey Of Great Importance!"
Power slammed her hands down on the desk and glared at Dante, who lazily sat behind it with a look of extreme indifference and boredom.
"Is it a demon killing job? Are we getting paid for this?"
Dante raised an eyebrow at the blood-fiend, all the while picking up another pizza slice and taking a bite of it.
"Nay, this mission we are to embark involves finding my Meowy."
Power stood up and crossed her arms, as if what she had just said explained everything without any need for additional context.
Dante couldn't help but feel confused and somewhat curious as to what she was referring to.
"I have spoken with the almighty tree of fortune telling-"
"I Am Not A Fucking Tree!"
"-And he has predicted that my beloved pet has ended up in this realm with me."
Power quickly gave context to what she was talking about, which immediately helped the Devil Hunter understand what she was saying.
"So you're asking me to help you get your cat?"
Once Dante knew what he was being asked, he decided to question her on why she wanted his help specifically.
"Tis correct, you should be honored that I have chosen for this task."
Power continued to act smug and think highly of herself, although the person she was trying to convince remained unfazed.
"... I'm guessing Aki and Denji said no to you?"
"Aki said he was busy training his filthy mutts, while Denji is out looking for some comics to read."
Dante nodded after Power actually told him the real reason for asking for his assistance, which he decided to shrug off and just stood up from his seat.
"I'm not one for pets, but I don't wanna look like the bad guy if I said no to you too."
The horned girl looked happy and excited to see Dante, who was currently putting on his coat and placing his large sword on his back; he had accepted her request for help.
"So, where's your kitty cat at?"
Meanwhile, at some sort of dock near the ocean, with many large metal shipping crates and cargo, there seems to be a lot of "paranormal activities" happening at this location. The place is completely filled with demonic enemies, though they seem to be hidden and just seem to be focusing on survival. Evidence by the many captured dogs and cats that are being gathered and being prepared to be made into a feast, judging by the large fire and the big iron cauldron. The many devils watch with hunger expressions and drooling lips, no doubt already eager to eat. However, before one of the many unfortunate kittens or puppies were dropped into the boiling water, a large spear made of pure blood could be seen flying down from above and instantly impaled the demonic creature that held the animal, which they dropped and let it go anyway. Though, none of the other hellish monsters chased after it, as they were now too focused on the one who had interrupted their cooking.
Standing above one of the many crates and looking down at the large horde of demons, were none other than Power and Dante; one of whom didn't seem happy with what they were looking at.
Power, who looked beyond pissed off, did not hesitate to jump down and towards the large mass of devils, summoned her own blood to conjure up a large hammer before bringing it down upon them and splattering those that didn't move out of the way in time, though she didn't stop there as she picked up the hammer and swung it around before throwing it away, hitting and crushing more demonic creatures along the way, though even if a few were already killed by her, the rest just decided to stop being shocked and just started charging towards her, who just picked up the blood spear that killed one of the hellish monsters from earlier and aimed it at the incoming wave of demons, preparing to face them all.
"She might have almost no style, but I can't say her violent brutality isn't fun to watch."
Dante, who had just decided to stay and sit on top of the metal crates, simply watched as his Fiendish Partner speared and slashed away at any Devil that came her way; he wasn't really planning to help at the moment.
"Hm, unlike Aki and Denji, she is basically a full on Devil, the only thing human is her form, and it really shows."
Dante couldn't really ignore the pure and unashamed demonic force of nature that is known as Power, who had just accidentally broken her spear in half, but still used those pieces to mercilessly stab the first demonic creature that got too close to her.
"Both in how she fights."
Dante watched as Power was willing to go out of her way to both cause the most suffering to her devilish brethren and make them bleed greatly, so that she could drink with a sadistic smile on her face.
"And how she acts."
Dante also took the moment to remember how Power acted whenever they were not on mission; how she was always messy, always lying, always rude, and always showed little to no kindness or interest in humanity, even going out of her way to express such feelings unprompted.
"Out of the three, she might be the only one I will have to kill if necessary."
Dante gave a light frown as he was actually contemplating his thoughts and feelings towards Power, who had drunk enough blood to summon a large blood scythe, which she used to start cutting up all the enemies around her.
"Because unlike Aki and Denji, who at least care enough about humanity, she is probably the only one who will betray it if it benefits her."
Dante narrows his eyes at Power; he doesn't necessarily have any pure hate feelings towards the horned girl, but he can't shake off the feeling of mistrust or doubt about her.
"Of course she hasn't done anything specifically that would be considered evil, technically."
Dante then suddenly pulled out his Ebony gun and aimed it at Power, who was finishing off the last remaining demons that were left, who were currently trying to run away from her out of pure fear and terror.
"But I sometimes wonder if I should just kill her now instead of waiting until she gets to that point."
Dante felt conflicted within himself, his finger was on the trigger, and power within his sights, a clear shot to her head, but the desire to actually pull the trigger and take that shot was still something he was unsure of yet
However, before any final decision could be made, Dante quickly noticed a stray devil that had managed to escape the carnage and could be found perched on top of one of the metal shipping containers, held up by chains. The hellish monster seemed to be planning on attacking Power when she least expected it; fortunately for the demon, the Devil Hunter was able to quickly stop him by aiming his Ebony at his new target and shooting him with a perfect headshot, killing the enemy instantly. However, in doing so, the same bullet that struck the demon also accidentally hit the chain, causing it to break and the cargo, that was being held by the chains, to drop down.
And sadly for Power, who was taking satisfaction and pleasure from her flawless victory, had the entire shipping crate fall on top of her body, which caused the man in red to flinch and wince at this.
Dante jumped down from where he was sitting and quickly went up to the, hopefully, not dead power source.
"Power? Um, are you still alive?"
Dante gently knocked on the metal box and listened carefully, much to his relief, he was able to make out the sound of his muffled Blood Fiend, who didn't seem to be in pain or currently dying at the moment.
'I guess it would make me an asshole if I killed her now like this...'
Dante, no longer desiring to even think about killing his Devil partner, pulled out his Rebellion and, with quick, perfect slashes, managed to cut up the cargo container and free the horned girl without even scratching her with his big sword.
"Erm, sorry about that Power, didn't mean to do that to you, how about I make it up to you by getting you some pizza and-"
Dante was about to apologize to his teammate and offer a way to make it up to her, but before he could do any of that, he was hit with a sight that made him lose any sense of carefree happiness on his face.
"D-Darkness Devil is back... H-He has come to f-finish me off..."
Power, the most arrogant and loudest Devil to have ever walked on Earth, was now reduced to someone who could only be described as a terrified child, curled up and lying on the ground, shaking like she was stuck in Antarctica during winter, and letting tears, real tears, fall from her wide eyes, as if closing them would instantly cause her death without allowing her to see how or when it happened to her.
When Dante tried to call out for power, she immediately freaked out and tried to cover her ears, believing it would protect her from whatever she was so scared of; seeing this reaction, the red-coat man simply shut his mouth, and instead, he carefully and gently picked her up, holding her close to his chest, which caused her to scream and thrash about in extreme fear.
"Please... Please don't kill me... Don't kill me when it is so dark today..."
But Power was able to calm down once she realized how safe she felt in the arms of someone she trusted; quickly hiding her face in his shoulder, as if thinking she was hidden from whatever it was she was scared of, and continued to cry on him. He didn't say or do anything about this, just letting her feel safe and letting her know that she had nothing to be scared of.
'Well damn... Now I feel like crap for thinking she didn't have humanity within her...'
Dante frowned deeply in guilt and regret over his thoughts about her earlier, and, as if to make amends, decided to simply stay where he was, and just keep her safe, letting her know that she was with someone who could provide comfort, and that she didn't need to feel afraid anymore when he was around.
Both Dante and Power heard and noticed a white cat, which meowed and stood before them. The cat then nonchalantly crawled up to them and laid on the lap of its master's lap, nuzzling and cuddling before falling asleep on the Devil's lap. No one said anything; there were no jokes, no smug remarks, or any comments about how the cat got there-just silence and the feeling of comfort when being around someone you can trust... Meanwhile, at some kind of library, a man in a brown cloak could be seen sitting at a table full of books. He was reading one of those books, but as he enjoyed the peace and was focused on what he was reading, a paper crown was suddenly placed on his head, which snapped him out of his reading and made him look at the offender who interrupted him with a glare. This person was none other than a familiar red-haired woman with yellow eyes and hypnotic red swirls. She also wore the same crown that was on his head and was carrying a bunch of extra large brown bags that had the logo of "Burger King." She gave him a small yet mysterious smile when both of their eyes met one another.
"It's almost time, Son Of Sparda~..."
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(BTW, yes, Power's cat has somehow ended up in the world of DMC, no one knows how or why, cat's are just weird like that~)
/Power Abilities\
Pure Bloody Violence: You could argue she's a better fighter compared to Denji, but she leans more towards brutality instead of his dirty moves or Aki martial arts.
(Though she might train under Dante so that she can learn how to be cool like him)
Bloody Weapons: Self explanatory, she makes weapons out of her blood, while also controlling any blood that leaves her body.
(If she drinks the blood of any DMC Demons, she can momentarily make weapons or even copy their powers, though if she drinks to many different kind of blood, she might explode)
True Blood Devil: In this form, not only can she control her own blood, but bloods from other people and demons.
(Activate this power by either drinking a lot of blood, or drinking the blood of Dante)
Actress: She is a liar, not a good liar, but still she is a liar.
(Though after taking some style lessons from Dante, she might have a thing for acting and theater arts)
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