🪽 Preening 🪽

I keep on seeing oneshots about preening or preening being involved in a Chaggie story and now I'm gonna write a oneshot about it!

It's been a few days since the battle, and because of the battle everyone was abit shaken up and not in the best shape. Vaggies wings were severely different from their exorcist wings which only had to be preened after exterminations due to the hostility of hell. Their new wings however were way more delicate and fluffy which meant that they'd need to be preened more often especially after a battle like that. The wings were like the wings of winners, did that mean she'd changed for the better? Redeemed herself but in a way to be able to stay in hell with the love of her life.

Their wings were defiantly in bad shape, some wings were loose waiting to fall off, others beginning to molt they needed to be preened it really couldn't be held off any longer. But that was one thing vaggie wasn't ready to do, preen them. The relationship of them with their wings was rough to say the least, she still somehow felt disgust at any look at them. Although they were not in any way like their old exorcist wings she still had this disgust towards them, as they remind them of all the pain and suffering they had caused what she had done.
              She'd do it so happily too, as though she enjoyed it because she did she used too.

She'd think that the sinners deserved it she'd think she was doing something essential for the safety of the people in heaven. But no. That was all a lie it was just something fun for Adam to do, to make the people of hell suffer more. And even though it was heaven they were not open minded and had very strict rules. After she fell because of sparing a child she was found by Charlie and heck hell seemed more like heaven then heaven! After she met Charlie she felt happy something that she hadn't really felt in heaven.

But because of all the regret she had from being in heaven vaggie was neglecting to preen their new wings. She knew they needed to be preened but she couldn't be asked to do something to help something that harmed one of the people she loved the most in hell. They weren't that bad yet anyways they could wait for a little longer, anyways no one would notice because she dosnt take them out unless she really has to. Charlie might see but she really dosnt keep them out so it should be safe enough to delay preening for a few more days right. Anyways preening can happen on its own it just takes longer than if you do it manually.

Now it's been almost a week after the battle and vaggie has still neglected preening. Their wings looked rough to say the least they reallly didn't look good at all. They were all molting and looked out of place or kinda sticking out. To another thing they were really really really uncomfortable which annoyed vaggie a lot and it definitely didn't help that they felt like a tag from a jumper rubbing against their skin. Yuck. After going so long without wings she really did forget how long preening took if it wasn't manual.

As vaggie was so busy looking at the state of their wings she'd completely forgotten to lock the door. Charlie started heading to their room as before she'd go to their room she had a quick conversation to Angel about his progress and how she felt he was so close to redemption. As she was heading to their room she didn't see vaggie in the main part of their room and thought she might be in the bathroom so she went to go knock.

Knock knock

"Vaggie are you in here"

Because vaggie was so focused on the state their wings were in she didn't hear so she didn't respond which made Charlie worry. Charlie knew vaggie had a bad history with self harm and this was her main worry if what might be happening if vaggie didn't open the door.

"Vaggie I'm coming in if you don't answer"



"Okay that's it I'm coming in"

Charlie was reaching for the door knob and started opening the door it was only when the sound of the door opening did vaggie snap out of their moment.

Now Charlie had seen how fucked up vaggies wings looked. At first glance they didn't seem all that ficked up but taking a closer look they defiantly looked fucked.

"Vaggie why didn't you tell me your wings needed preening"

Silence again.

"Vaggie I could've preened them or helped you preen them and still can if you want too"


Vaggie was just generally shocked from Charlie entering and seeing the state their wings were in. It made them feel weak. They're meant to be the strong one the pretector! No one could see her vunrable she has to keep up their mask!

They both walked out and got onto the bed.

"If your worried about me preening your wings don't worry I've done it lots of time for my dad so I'm basicly a pro at it"

"Ok hun and don't worry I trust you"

"Alright we'll just lay down and spread your wings out just a bit more and then I'll start preening them. I'll do the right one first"

Charlie decided to do the right one first because it wasn't their blind side so they would feel a bit better while she'd preen them.

When Charlie put her hands on vaggies wings vaggie flinched and her wings puffed up. That was another thing vaggie didn't like about their wings, how sensitive they were, even their old ones were more sensitive than the usual exorcist wing.

"Are you ok! Did I hurt you!?"

"I'm fine Charlie my wings are just, Sensatige"

Charlie just nodded to that and continued to preen her loved one's wings. They were a very very big mess of faeathers. She had started from the inside lightly plucking the molten ones then going back to get the ones that were out of place. When Charlie was working on the inner wings which were closer to her back and scars it kept on reminding them of that day. The way lute ripped off their wings getting them off with such ease. She shuddered at the memory and their wings puffed up abit.

"Are you ok"

"Yes, just memories coming back"

"Ok let me know if I hurt you though"

"I will I will don't worry babe"

After around an hour of preening vaggies right wing and they looked good as new. Now it was time for the left.

"Alright I'm gonna do your left side now"


Vaggie posishioned their head in a way she could see Charlie preening their wings. Not that she didn't trust Charlie just she had to be sure their wings wouldn't get ripped out again.

Charlie was starting in the inner wing making her way to the tip. Careful not to touch their back scars which could trigger a bad memory and possibly a panic attack. This wing looked just as bad, she didn't know why vaggie wouldn't try preen them or possibly get her to help preen the wings. Maybe she was ashamed, that's something she can ask after she finishes preening.

Carefully Charlie got onto preening the other wing, carefully plucking out the molten feathers and then again going back to get the ones that fell outta place (?). Every few minutes vaggie would either flinch but it was so small and unnoticeable from their days as an exorcist, but Charlie would always see and try to be a bit more carefull.

Eventually after around another hour of preening their wings looked good as new. There was just one last thing and that was to put some special oil and rub it into the wings for them to be fluffier and stuff like that.

Charlie grabbed the oil and started going through the wings with it, carefully gliding her oiled up hands through the delicate feathers of her lovers wings. Gliding through vaggies soft and fluffy wings was so nice and relaxing for Charlie too, maybe preening could become a regular routine for them.

"Alright I've finished and I put some of that special oil on them too!"

Even though the preening took two hours Charlie enjoyed it, it felt nostalgic for her like she was helping her dad preen his wings again. She definitely enjoyed it and would love to do it again, especially for vaggie.

"Thanks babe, but you didn't have to they could've preened themselves"

"Vaggie they were too fucked up to preen themselves and anyways I enjoyed it, it was nostalgic for me and I wouldn't mind doing this again and making preening a regular routine"

"Maybe we could"

"Alright well we can talk about that tomorrow I'm pretty sure we're both tired and I wanna cuddle my girlfriend now"

"Alright alright "

Vaggie moved up to make some space for them both to really cuddle up to each other. And they fell asleep like that in each others arms.

If the spellings dead go cry about it because I wrote most of this sleep deprived and most of it on a plane with my sister screaming her ass off.
Also I think this is the longest part so far!
Word count: 1598!!!

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