Summary: Charlie is spending lots of time with Emily and vaggie is feeling left out and lonely without her love then Charlie notices and takes vaggie out on a date
Requested by one of my pookies noturtypicalhuman
Ever since the first meeting they've had with heaven Charlie's been going up there a lot more often. Whenever she's get back she'd tell vaggie about what she did. One thing was that she was always somehow with Emily. Every. Single. Time.
Sure nothing was wrong with the younger seraphim, but she still couldn't shake away this feeling she had. She felt like Emily would try to take Charlie away from her and that Charlie would leave her. It was a silly thing to think since her and Charlie were together for over 3 years now, but she did lie to her. Basically for their whole relationship she had lied about her past,she never had the courage to tell her. She knew Charlie didn't hate her for it but since the day Adam spoiled it she thought Charlie was a lot more distant with her.
Today Charlie was in heaven again, it felt like everyday she went up there. She desperately wanted her to come back so she could spend some time with her. She's missed her, she's missed her random breaking out into song, she's missed her hugs and kisses, she's missed everything about her. She felt as if she was going to heaven just to avoid if (not true tho!)Charlie was meant to come back soon, but still that felt like ages.
Time skip to when Charlie came back
Vaggie was sat in her and Charlie's room on the bed, reading a book. The sound of a handle turning made vaggie look at the door. It was Charlie! She was finally back.
„"Hey vags I'm back"
„"hey char"
Charlie saw something off, vaggie seemed kind of upset, did angel do something to piss her off again. Maybe she should ask, yea she should.
„" anything happened at the hotel while I was gone"
So nothing happened at the hotel but still seemed like something was off.
„"is something wrong you seem kinda pissed"
Vaggie stayed quiet.
„"what happened, come on tell me I won't be mad"
"What was that"
Vaggie said it so quietely and quickly that she couldn't make the word out.
"I said I miss you because it's like every day you go up to heaven and I just miss spending lots of time with you and every time you always talk about what you did Emily is somehow involved and I'm jelous of her because I feel like you'll leave me"
"Vags why didn't you tell me ealrlier, ooo I have an idea! What if we go on a date"
"Tomorrow we can go on a picnic recently I saw a nice spot for a picnic and we can watch the sunset and stuff"
(By the time Charlie got back it was late and it was basically when they'd go to bed)
The next day at the time of the picnic also they spent the whole of the day doing couple things(I wouldnt know😭) also idk if they have sunsets or not so let's say they do
It was time to leave for the picnic. Behind the hotel Charlie had found a small hill which was perfect for watching the sunset. They stared leavening hand-in-hand with Charlie's free hand holding the basket and vaggies free hand holding a blanket.
After a few more minutes of walking they made it to the hill. They both got the blanket down and then shuffled next to each other so it was like a side hug. After they ate the picnic they started snuggling even more. The sunset was beautiful even though it was hell it still managed to look like it was from a kids picture book at times.
The sun stared setting and the sky got darker.
"I love you"
"Love you more"
Charlie booped vaggies nose which made vaggie giggle and then she tucked some loose hair behind Charlie's ear(?) and leaned in to kiss Charlie on the cheek. Charlie started blushing but quickly went in for vaggies lips. One of Charlie's hands went round vaggies waist and vaggies hands went on Charlie neck to make it last longer. A few moments later they pulled apart
"I loved that, I loved this and I loved today. Thanks for being an amazing girlfriend"
"Aww vags"
Then Charlie went in to kiss her again this time the kiss later shorter.
A few more hours of kissing and hugging on the hill.
"Think we should start going back now, don't you think"
They took everything in their hands and managed to link arms together as they walked back into the hotel.
Time skip to when they were in bed
That day was amazing, vaggie was happy that she finally spent more time with Charlie again and so was Charlie. They started cuddling in bed and Charlie spooned vaggie while burrowing her head in vaggies neck. Soon after both of them fell asleep in each others arms.
Omg I can't believe It this is the longest chapter I've done idk if all of them will be this long tho :D posting this but I will still be pausing writing this book after posting this <3
Word count: 903
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