When you go to Master Fu's for the next lesson, you immediately ask about what the kwamis said about previous Guardians.
"We are still discussing matters. Have you told Adrien what might take place?"
"Yeah, we talked about it. I just really hope it won't matter and we can stay together."
"You really love each other, don't you?"
"We do." You respond, feeling your face get warmer.
"I always thought that Marinette was meant to be with him, but I suppose I may have misjudged."
"Yeah, I guess so." You shrug.
"There was one previous Cat Noir who fell in love with someone who wasn't a Ladybug, and they seemed to have a very good relationship. Most couples who met through the two miraculous became like those old couples who appear to dislike each other."
"Aw. That's sad. I can't imagine becoming like that."
"Let us hope that doesn't happen."
"Well, these materials won't mix themselves, so we had better get started!"
"Yes, of course." You respond to his statement, but aren't really paying attention, as your mind is still on his story.
You plan to try and remember to ask Plagg about the couple, and how they ended up.
Master Fu already said they had a good relationship, but you want to know more.
Although you do forget about them for a while once the mixture Master Fu was creating started having little explosions.
"Whoa, could that be used as like, a weapon?"
"I suppose, in theory. Especially if this recipe were to get into the wrong hands. It's not, is it?" Master asks, giving you a skeptical look.
"Of course not! I was just wondering, like in case I had to make a quick getaway with the miraculouses, and needed a distraction!"
"Right. If that were to happen, this could do in a pinch."
"Don't make me rethink teaching you all this."
"Don't worry, Master! I'm just interested, and like I said, it can help to protect the miraculous! And that's what's most important, right?"
"That would be correct. But we must do that with as little danger as we can manage. Although, there is always some danger."
"I know that! I just thought the explosion was neat, that's all."
"Yes, well. You still must be careful."
"I will, Master! This would be like a last resort!"
"If you say so."
He continues to teach you things, but you notice there's nothing more that explodes, nothing that could even remotely be used in a dangerous way.
It worries you that he may decide you're not fit to be Guardian after all, but the nagging thought that it could be for the best still lingers, as it would solve the problem of a possible break up.
You feel pretty torn about the whole situation.
"The lesson went well. But remember what I said about danger and all."
"Right. You don need need to worry about that, I understand!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah. See you tomorrow!" You give a wave as you go out.
On your way home, you stop at the Dupain Chengs and order some chocolate croissants to go.
A few Camembert ones too, of course.
You do your best to sneak them in, without alerting s/n to their presence.
Somehow you manage to get them to your room with nobody finding out about them.
You'd been so careful because you were going to share them with Adrien, and of course Plagg.
So when you hear the familiar knock at your balcony, you let them in, and tell them you have a surprise.
"Ooooh, is it cheese?!" Plagg asks.
"Maybe!" You respond, opening the little box of croissants to show them.
"Oh, yum! Thanks, y/n!" Adrien says excitedly, taking a chocolate one.
Plagg quickly scarfs down all of his, then floats over to his pillow to sleep them off.
You and Adrien laugh as you sit on your bed with the box between you.
"We need to have a sleepover!" You realize.
"What do you mean? I've slept over multiple times." Adrien responds, taking another croissant.
"No no, you spent the night here. I mean have a real sleepover! Which ironically, are kinda opposite their names."
"What's the difference?"
"A sleepover means we don't sleep, we party. Spending the night, we sleep."
"I don't really get it, but it sounds fun! Do we eat junk food?" He asks, gesturing with his croissant.
"That's ALL we eat!"
"I'm in!" He immediately agrees.
"Yay! Now we just have to convince my parents to let us, so that's a problem."
"Riighht. So it's over before it's started." He pouts.
"I guess when we get married and and live together and whatnot we could do that whenever, but it just won't be the same."
"Yeah..." He trails off, and you can tell he's thinking about whether or not you'll even be able to get that far, since you're unsure about what may happen with the Guardian position.
"Hey, we'll find a way. Things will work out." You say earnestly.
"Of course they will. If we love each other, we can conquer anything else. And we do."
He leans in and gives you a quick kiss.
You hear a small grumbling and rustle, making you look over to see Plagg turning away on his pillow.
You both laugh at him, and kiss again, just for spite.
Mostly for spite.
"So, did you see Marinette when you got these?" Adrien asks, pointing at the croissants.
"No, and how did you know where I got them?"
"I get these there enough to know when I have them." He shrugs.
"Do you always get the same thing?"
"Nah, everything they have is really good so I like to try to get everything. But these are my go-to."
"Uh-huh. Anyway, why did you want to know if I saw Marinette?"
"She's just been acting kinda weird. I don't know if Master Fu told her he's planning to let you be Guardian and she's jealous or something, or what the deal is."
"Hm. I haven't seen her since we did everything with Lila and Hawkmoth."
"Sometimes I wish I didn't see her all the time. That sounds horrible, but things are usually awkward between us. She used to stutter so badly, I thought she didn't like me, so I never spent much time around her, and now I'm just confused on her whole personality."
"Wow. I can't really comment, since the biggest thing I remember her doing happened with the whole kwami period thing, which I have to talk to Kaalki about, and then when she apologized for it."
"What, when she flirted with me?"
You feel your eyes widen when you realize you never told him.
"Uh, yeah, that." You respond, breaking eye contact.
"I thought you were good at excuses?"
"It's harder lying to you!"
"But easy with your mom?"
"I don't know why!"
"So are you gonna tell me the truth or do I need to persuade you?" He says, winking.
"There you go again." You tease, but feel your face getting warmer nonetheless.
"I really shouldn't tell you!"
"Why not? It's not like it could be a reveal her identity problem?"
"No, it's more of a reveal her insides problem."
"What do you mean by that? Reveal her true nature or...?"
"Yeah, reveal her literal insides."
"You might attack her!"
"Oh come on, I didn't rip Lila open when she stabbed you! I just felt like it. So it can't be worse that that!"
"Fine, but remember, you love their croissants and can't get them if you attack her!"
"That's what two identities are for!"
"Oh jeez."
"I'm kidding! Just tell me, I promise I'm not gonna do anything."
"Fine. She kinda threatened me?"
"What?" He says in a darkly calm way.
"It was at the dance. She was asking me what was going on between us, and if I knew your secret identity. I said I didn't, but then started thinking about it. I was totally right, by the way."
His face softens for a moment as he tries to fight off a smile.
"And then she blew up at me, saying I'd better not try and figure it out, and that she'd make sure I never saw you again. When I objected she was all 'get your feelings figured out!' and stormed away."
"She really said she'd make sure we never saw each other?"
"I'm going to talk to her tomorrow."
"You don't have to do that, we've moved on!"
"I haven't had time to, so I haven't yet. I really wish you told me, I would've talked to her then. Plus it would've made things a lot easier as far as choosing. I was pretty stupid to not see who I was really in love with. " He says gently, taking your hand.
"I know, but things were so weird after that, and I didn't really have time to."
"Right, that incident. We can blame that on Ladybug too, cause she always drilled me about keeping everything a secret."
You laugh at the thought of blaming anything on Ladybug, then lean over the box of croissants to hug him.
"Please don't freak out on her or anything. I've gotten past it, no reason to bring it back up."
"I know. Besides, what makes you think I'd freak out?"
"You get reeeaaalllly protective."
"I can't help it, I gotta make sure my Angel is safe!"
"Yeah yeah. As long as my Kitty stays safe too."
"He will." He grins, then snatches up the last croissant.
So sorry I'm late, everyone!
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