Filler :)

You were trying to sneak to the kitchen, not ready to speak to your father, when your mother and siblings arrived home.

"I need to talk to you." You hear your father say.

"Go put your things away." Your mother says, presumably to s/n, because you recognize their footsteps running off.

"Why didn't you tell me you let y/n have a sleepover with Adrien?!"

"Because you wouldn't let them, and they were fine, I watched them all night. And how did you know?"

You don't mean to eavesdrop, but you can't help but want to hear this.

"I came home early and you weren't here, but they were."

"And you got mad at them, I assume?"

"Me and the boy had a good chat, that's all that needs said."

"You better not have said anything to ruin this for them!"

"I didn't!"

"You better hope not!"


"Because they are both clearly head over heels for each other, and if you mess it up, the both of them will be crushed!"

"I didn't do anything!"


You hear footsteps coming your way, so you quickly dart out of sight, trying to contain your expressions.

Was it really that obvious?

Adrien's POV

"Hi honey! How was the sleepover?" Mom asks when I get home.

"It was fun! Thanks for letting me go!"

"Of course!" She says, giving me a hug.

"Oh, what's this?" She asks, pulling a hair off me.

A hair that would belong to y/n.

"Does Nino have a dog or something?" She gives me an excuse before I can come up with one.

"Uh, yeah, Fluffy!" Not the best, but as long as it satisfies her inquiry.

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up if she's going to notice a little hair.


"Yep! Real cutie!"

At least that part is honest.

"OK then. You go ahead an unpack, I'll be in the office if you need me!"

I wonder why she's been spending so much time there.

Would she be trying to restart the business?

Doubt she'd have much luck with that.

"You sure are good at naming things." Plagg says sarcastically as he flies to his cheese.

"I had like two seconds!"

"Well I bet Nino would love to meet his little 'Fluffy'.

"At least I didn't use Cheesy or something like you would've!"

"What do you mean by that?! Cheesy is a great name!" Plagg says, through a mouthful of cheese.

"Remind me to not let you name any pets I ever have."

"Then I guess Fluffy one and two will just be confused all the time."

"I'm better at naming if I have more than a few seconds!"

"Keep telling yourself that."

I try not to laugh, and roll my eyes.

Since I don't have anything else to do, I get started on my homework, but when I need my ruler I realize Felix never gave it back.

So I go to 'his' room and as much as I hate to, I knock on the door.

He opens it a moment later, looking unamused.

"What do you want?"

"My ruler back."

He rolls his eyes as he turns towards the desk.

Once the ruler is received, I begin to turn, but he suddenly decides he wants to chat.

"So, how was your sleepover?"


"I bet."

I'm hoping he's done, so I try and leave again.

"How is Nino?"

"Fine?" Stupid homework.

"Right. I'm sure you've talked to him plenty today."


"How about y/n, have you talked to her?"

"We text." I try to leave again.

"Yeah, it's totally not like you would've been with her this whole time, or anything right?"

"Are you trying to start some kind of drama? Because I'm not interested."

"Of course you're not, but sooner or later your mom is gonna find out if you don't be a little smarter. Next thing you know she's gonna be finding lipstick on you."

He finally shuts the door now, and I can't help but think about what he's saying.

And as much as I hate to admit it, he could be right.

Mom isn't completely clueless like my father.

She could see Plagg, or all his cheese, or anything!

Would it be better to just tell her?

I'm not supposed to, especially since she's still technically married to Hawkmoth, even though, to my knowledge, she hasn't spoken to him.

Maybe I could ask Master Fu what he thinks?

We could give her the potion.

I've got nothing better to do, and no better options.

So I tell Mom I forgot something, and I'm going back to Nino's.

I go out the front door, but I don't really want to be mobbed today, so I hide and transform.

As I rush by the park, I can't help but look to y/n's favorite bench, but she's not there.

Someone else is though, and they spot me.

Jumping up, they run towards me and I try to act like I didn't notice.

"Hey! Cat Noir!! Can I talk to you?!" She yells.

I groan and turn to the figure.

"What is it?"

"Come down here so we don't have to shout!"

I reluctantly use my baton to get to the ground.

"So I've seen you out twice just today, but I never see Ladybug anymore! Why? Oh and I'm recording this, hope that's cool." I find a phone in my face. 

"I'm just patrolling, I guess Ladybug doesn't want to."

"But she did before!"

"Yeah, when we had akumas. Now there's no akumas."

"So what are you looking for?"

"Any type of crime."

"Sometimes I see you really early in the morning, or really late! Are you patrolling then?"

"Yep, crime never sleeps."

"Very dedicated."


"Do you think I could get an interview with any other supers?"

"Probably not. There's not any reason for them to be out, so they're not."

"Oh. Well thanks for talking to me! Next time you see Ladybug could you ask her if she'd do an interview?"

"Uh, sure." I don't know if I'm supposed to mention that Ladybug is done, but I'll ask Master Fu about it.

"OK, thanks! See ya!"


Alya runs off, and I continue on my way.

Once I get somewhat close, I detransform and go the door, then knock.

First of all, so sorry! I keep falling asleep! 😭But I have a few more things planned to happen, and then I think it may be over 😬

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