
You woke up in your bed, but you were confused as to how you got here.

The last thing you remember is being with Cat Noir on the Eiffel Tower.

You glance at your bedside table and see a note.

You reach over and grab it, then pull it toward you and read it.

Y/n, you fell asleep with me at the Eiffel Tower, so I brought you home. Didn't want to wake you up.
Goodnight 🖤
-Your Kitty

You smile at the note, then remember all that happened last night.

Cat took you back to the Eiffel Tower, you found out he could purr, called it cute then got super embarrassed, then fell asleep to his purring.

It was relaxing, like ocean waves or something.

You sit up and check your phone, seeing a few messages.

You tap on Google, wanting to look up a good recipe for breakfast, when you see the trending searches.

Mayor announces a Halloween Dance!

A dance? You think. Sounds interesting...

You click on it and the first thing to come up is a video with the Mayor and his daughter on the thumbnail.

You tap the play button and watch the video.

"I'm happy to announce Paris's first annual Halloween Dance! My daughter, Chloe, thought of it! It will be held on Halloween night, right here in the hotel! Starting at 8 PM, and every Parisian and tourist is welcome to come! Since it's Halloween themed, it will be a semi-formal costume party!"

You don't know if you'll go, parties aren't really your cup of tea.

"Oh! And Ladybug and Cat Noir will be the special guests!"

Well that changes things.

You wonder how they got Ladybug to agree to it, she seems really no nonsense, and that she thinks the duo is only there for protection, not partying, since they've been invited to parties before.

You still don't know if you'll go, large crowds aren't your favorite place to be.

And you're not even supposed to hang around Cat in public, so Hawkmoth doesn't find out about your friendship.

You decide against the party and stand up to get ready for your day.

You were sitting on your bed, reading a book when you got a text.

You look at your phone and see it's from your best friend:

Hey y/n! Wanna hang out?

Sure! You wanna come over?

Sounds good. Be there soon!


When your friend arrives you go to your room and talk for a while, just catching up, when you get another text.

Hey Angel, I won't be able to come tonight, I've had a super busy day, but I'll most likely see you tomorrow!

You look at the message, not even thinking and bff/n looks at your phone.

"Ooooohhh who's that from Angel?"

You cringe, this is very bad.

"Uhm. Nobody." You try to brush her off, but bff/n knows you too well.

"Oh come on, y/n, you don't really expect me to believe that do you?"

You sigh, she won't lay off until you tell her.

Might as well reply first, so he doesn't have to stay transformed.

That's fine Kitty, see you tomorrow. Thanks for bringing me home btw.

No purroblem!

You sigh and switch off the phone, then turn to your expectant best friend.

"So. Who's 'Kitty'? And what kind of weird nickname is that?"

He is going to kill me for this. But, she was probably going to find out sometime. You think to yourself, knowing you can't hide anything from bff/n for long.

"Um. Just a friend."

"Really? And do I know this friend?"

Duh, he's known by everyone in Paris! Is what you think, but can't say.

"Uhh, maybe. I don't know who all you know."

"Uh-huh. And what did you mean, 'thanks for bringing me home' what were you two doing?" She says with a suggestive face.

"Just hanging out."


"The Eiffel."

"Ok, so is this a boy friend, or a girl friend?"

"Uhh. Boy." You say shyly.

"Oohh, does my bestie have a boooyyfriiieendd?!"

"No! We are just friends!" You stress 'friends'.

"I see, I see. So, when can I meet this friend?"

"Um. Probably never."

"What!? Why?!"

"Because you're not even supposed to know I'm friends with him!" You snap.

Bff/n looks a little shocked.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me knowing?"

You've dug yourself way too deep a hole. Around six feet to be exact.

You might as well just spill it, she's never going to stop questioning if you don't.

No matter how much trouble you could get into.

So, you take a deep breath and let it all come out.

"Um, I'm kinda sorta good friends with Cat Noir, ever since I was akumatized and he walked me home, and he's been visiting me, and last night he took me to the Eiffel Tower and I fell asleep and he brought me home, and you really shouldn't know this, because it could jeopardize a LOT of stuff!"

You said it all in one breath, but bff/n still caught most of it, and is now staring at you open mouthed and wide-eyed.

"You-you, um, you're friends with Cat Noir?! And he takes you to the Eiffel Tower?!"

"To summarize it, yes."


"I told you, it could jeopardize so much!"

"Like what?!"

"Like Cat Noir's identity-" she cuts you off with a shriek, "DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS!?"

"Of course I don't!"

"Then how could it jeopardize anything?"

"I don't know, he just told me I couldn't let anyone know I was friends with him." You say with a shrug.

"Oh. So I can't tell anyone either?"

"Definitely not. Please, bff/n, please don't tell anyone!" You beg her.

"I won't. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks bff/nn!" (Best Friend's nickname) You say, smiling.

"Yeah yeah. But now you owe me a ice cream for keeping your secret!"

"Deal." You laugh.

After bff/n goes home, you lay on your bed.

Cat doesn't have to find out, does he?

Course not.

He'll never know.

This may seem pointless now, but it'll come in handy later 😉
And I just want to thank y'all for all the sweet comments, and the votes, I'm so happy people are enjoying this!! It really makes my day to see a comment or vote, love y'all! 💝💝Oh! And since we hit 5K I'll be double uploading this week!

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