Chapter Six

Dedication: coronarykiller bc your stories are great. And you a cool bean.

Ahhhhh I am so sorry for the late update! I got stuck on this chapter!

I just got a job, woop! But I've been going through some shit and it took a toll on me for a bit.

But I am back!

P.s I can't believe this story has over 10k! I'm blown away from all the support and how much people actually like this story!

P.p.s this chapter probably reads a little choppy. I am sorry, I just didnt want to wait any longer!

P.p.p.s I SEE HARRY IN 11 DAYS 😭😁

Will be updated randomly.


People bustled about behind the wall that separated them from the thousands of eyes; some half naked and ready to get their outfits and make up done, others carrying clothes while stylists called out for models and do last minute touch ups. Tech crew were double, triple, quadruple checking the lighting and sound systems were all functional before the show was about to begin, not wanting any failures or difficulties to occur. In amongst all the hustle and bustle, a camera crew and interviewer walked around, stopping every-so-often to interview the models.

“And over here, getting his hair done, is none other than Mr. Harry Styles himself! Hi Harry,” the beta lady chirped and held her hand out to shake his hand.

Harry blinked his eyes open, turning his head carefully to not disturb the hair stylist and grinned, taking her hand and gave it a shake.

“Hello again, Katherine. How are you?” he questioned, looking at the camera and gave all the viewers a happy wave.

Katherine smiled, wide enough to show her pearly white teeth. “I’m good, I’m good. Now Harry,” she stepped to the side a bit so the camera could have a better shot of getting all of Harry within frame.

“Are you excited for the new season of Gucci clothing?”
The alpha’s eyes lit up at the question before he grinned dimples and all.

“Oh definitely, I’m actually very big fan of these suits. I love how vibrant and loud they all are with the patterns or flowers,” He spoke with enthusiasm.

“Will we get to see you showcase any of them tonight?”

“Of course, and I’ll be wearing one of my favourites as well. I don’t think I can give too much away, but I will tell you it has long pink ribbons with it.” Harry chuckled and shook his head when Katherine asked for more details, thanking the hair stylist over his shoulder when she finished.

The two chatted on a little bit longer, before it came to one of the most frequently asked questions known to mankind was directed at him; something he was also very familiar with in answering: “Harry, it’s no secret to the public that you get a lot of male and female attention…” The interviewer started off. “But it is rumored that you are now dating fellow model Kendall Jenner, is this true?”

“It’s not true, we’re just good friends.”

Katherine nodded her head, deciding not to press any further before she grinned at the young alpha who stood up from his seat. “Thank you for your time, Harry. Look forward to watching out there.”

Harry reached around to kiss her cheek, the same charming smile still on his face as he thanked her back. “Anytime, always a pleasure.”

Camera lights flashed and people clapped and whistled as the male models walked out and down the runway, strutting their stuff and showing off the outfits best they could before their time was up when they walked off stage.

Harry took in a deep breath and watched as the line got shorter and shorter in front of him. He fixed the black collar around his neck and straightened out his suit, feeling the slightest of breezes hit his bare chest where his tattoos were exposed.

Only moments later it was his turn, so he put on his game face and walked out, keeping his cool when bright lights began to flash and people clapped louder when he confidently swaggered his way down the runway. He glanced to his left where the camera was tracking him, giving the viewers at home a sly smirk and wink before paying attention to the front. It was obvious he knew what effect he had on people.

The alpha stopped at the end, his body relaxed and leant back slightly, head down with his hair shielding his eyes. He then lifted his head slowly, smirking at the audience as his eyes seemed to glow and pierce into their souls.

His moment was over just as fast as it started, easily swiveling around on his heel and walked back to the start, fist bumping his friend subtly on the way passed; eager to get into his next outfit.

Everyone did a couple more laps of the runway, the female models now finishing their segment of showing off their outfits to the world. Harry gave Cara a grin when she came off the stage, chuckling when the alpha female pulled a funny face before leaving to get changed.

"Alright lads, last lap before end of the show, make sure to give it your all!" The director called out before waving his hand for them to start moving.

Harry put his game face on once again when it was his turn, walking down the runway in his suit with pink ribbons floating along behind him.

“Harry, you did great out there!” Harry’s manager and best friend, Niall crowed as he slapped him on the shoulder, his lips stretched into a large grin. The beta always said something along the same lines every single time Harry did a job, but, you gotta admit, it did feel nice to be praised.

The young alpha grinned at his best friend, now wearing his casual attire (as casual as a Gucci shirt with his surname monogrammed on the pocket could be) with his signature skinny jeans ripped at the knees and his favourite gold sparkly boots.

“Thanks Ni, I really enjoyed tonight.”

“Of course you did, you looked like you were seducing everyone out there.” Niall snorted as they maneuvered around the crowds of models, backstage crew and the likes began to leave, chat or pack down the venue. “You can’t even deny it, you slut.” He playfully jabbed, nudging Harry in the side when he saw him just grinning in response.

Harry brought his hands up and shrugged carelessly, chuckling.

"I enjoy having people's attention, nothing wrong with that."

The beta laughed and lead his friend out back to where the car was waiting and got in after he made sure Harry was in.

"Your father called me in the middle of your show." He said once they drove off to the after party, seeing Harry's head turn toward him in his peripheral.

"Oh? Yeah, what'd he want?"

"Told me to tell you, that you are to accompany him and your mother to a charity event next month," Niall hummed, "and you have no choice, he already added your name under the guest list." He added quickly, a smile tugging at his lips when Harry groaned out into the air.

Harry pouted indignantly and even went as far as crossing his arms, acting like a pup. "Fine... Are you coming at least?"

"I am."

Harry grinned in relief. "What date?"

"28th of September."

"Tell dad I'll be there."

Thoughts on chapter?
-V. x

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