Part 9

Louis wakes a few times during the night, he can't sleep, even though his body is completely exhausted, he just can't sleep. He knows he's coming down with something, he's worried about work and Harry being so cold towards him and not telling him more about this guy at the door tonight.

Louis rolls over and faces Harry, he watches him sleep, Harry is simply stunning. He's fit, handsome and extremely intimidating, his long lean strong body make Louis feel things he's never felt before, fire in his belly and attraction like nothing else. He's falling so hard for Harry. He sighs and watches Harry breathing, it's the most vulnerable he's ever seen Harry and he takes his time to really take in Harry's features.

At 5am Louis is still awake, he has a quick shower and changes into skinny jeans and his black sweater and vans. He brushes his teeth and does his hair. As he's lifting his hands up to finish styling his hair, Louis notices the blue and red bruises around his arm from Dan yesterday. They are more noticeable and hurt, he hopes they are gone by Sunday when his brothers come up, he doesn't want to have to explain them. By the time Louis is finished,Harry hasn't stirred, Louis knows he gets up at 6. Louis grabs his things and leaves at 5:30 to head into work, he can't be late.

When he walks into the private foyer to wait for the lift, he is greeted by two security guards, they wish him a good day as he heads downstairs. At the bottom of the lift he's once again greeted by two security men, they lead him out to the curb and somehow Alberto is already waiting for him.

He's ushered in the car.

"What's going on?" Louis asks as Alberto gets in the drivers seat and one of the security men gets in next to Alberto.

"Just precaution, Mr Styles has asked for you to have security" Alberto says.

"I don't think that's necessary" Louis says.

"This is Paddy, he will be escorting you and helping me" Alberto says.

"Morning kiddo" Paddy says smiling.

"Morning" Louis sighs.

Louis isn't happy, Harry for one is keeping things from him and two he's already making decisions without Louis knowing and without him having a say.

"Is he always this possessive" Louis asks upset, before he can stop himself.

"Only with you" Al says quietly.

Louis sits back in his seat, trying to calm himself down before work, he will have words with Harry tonight.

When they pull up to Louis work, Paddy is out instantly, holding the door open for Louis.

"Have a good day kid, let me know if you are heading out to lunch please" Al says.

Louis nods but knows he won't be going anywhere, he won't have time and he won't be escorted to lunch like a child.

Louis wishes Al a good day and Paddy walks Louis inside the building.

He goes to follow him into the office but Louis stops him.

"What exactly are your instructions from Harry?" Louis asks before he heads in.

"Sorry Louis, I have to stand at your desk" Paddy says.

"Not happening, no way, please, please just stay out here or downstairs please" Louis says slightly begging.

"I will lose my job if I don't follow orders Lou" Paddy says.

"I'll deal with Harry okay, you won't get into trouble, give me 10 minutes" Louis says.

Paddy sighs but nods and waits by the main entry doors.

Louis makes his way to his drawing desk, no one but Dan is in the office and he greets Louis.

"Good morning Louis" he says sexily.

Louis wants to vomit, this guy is a creep.

"Morning" Louis half smiles.

"My office, now" Dan says.

"I just need to make a quick call" Louis says.

"Fine be quick, you have five minutes" Dan says firmly.

He retreats to his office and Louis pulls his phone out, he dials Harry quickly.

"Darling, why are you at work so early" Harry asks worriedly.

"Do you ever greet anyone, how about a good morning to your so called boyfriend" Louis says back.

Louis doesn't miss Harry's chuckle.

"Good morning Angel" Harry says and Louis can hear his smirk.

"Good morning" Louis grumbles.

"Can I help with something darling." Harry asks smiling.

"I don't want security and Paddy is not standing at my desk all day, it's creepy and completely unnecessary" Louis complains clearly upset.

"Darling please" Harry starts.

"No Harry, call him and tell him to go downstairs or something, it's not happening" Louis says upset.

Harry loves how Louis is so stubborn and tells him how it is, he isn't afraid to put Harry in his place, or try to.

"Okay, he can wait outside" Harry agrees, wanting Louis to feel like he's won something.

"Thank you" Comes Louis quiet reply.

"About last night, Louis" Harry then tries.

"It's fine Harry, forget it, I have to go" Louis says.

"Will you still come tonight?" Harry asks.

"I......Yeah" Louis says.

He wants to go with Harry, misses him, especially after last night.

"I have to go, I have so much work to get done" Louis says.

Harry keeps his mouth shut about what he thinks about Louis work, not wanting to upset him further.

"Have a good day then Angel, I'll be thinking of you" Harry says.

Louis sighs as he hears the phone call disconnect.

"Louis" he hears Dan call and Louis pushes his thoughts aside and makes his way with dread to Dans office.

Dan is in front of his desk when Louis enters, he has his hands in his pockets and a slight smirk on his face.

Louis walks in awkwardly and stands in front of him, Dan heads to the door and closes it, Louis doesn't miss that he locks it too. Dan then pulls the blinds down over the window preventing anyone looking in, not that there is anyone else in the building.

He turns to Louis and Louis breath hitches, Dan looks scary.

"You know, I hate liars" Dan says.

Louis looks at him confused.

"Okay" Louis says.

Dan huffs out a laugh.

"You expect me to believe that you are working here because you want too" Dan asks.

"Huh?" Louis asks.

"Let me clarify. You're Styles new love interest, Styles has been looking to buy out a few smaller companies and add to his portfolio, I know he's planted you to get the inside details" Dan says.

"You're delusional, I didn't even know Harry when I applied for this job" Louis says upset.

"Exactly, why would he be interested in you? Why would the most famous, richest bachelor in Europe be interested in you?" Dan smirks.

Dan's words sting, Louis breathing picks up slightly, Dan is a prick but Louis is so insecure there may be some truth to his words.

"He's using you Louis and I'll be dammed if you ruin what I've helped build" Dan says evilly.

Louis looks to Dan, shakes his head in disbelief and goes to leave. Dan stops him though, he grabs Louis harshly by his right shoulder and pushes him into the wall, Louis hits his shoulder hard and cries out in pain. Dan grips him tighter Louis thinks he's dislocated his shoulder.

"I'm watching you, you're nothing and I'm going to make sure of it" Dan says before he shoves Louis and walks out of his office.

Louis is left stunned and sore, he has no idea what he's supposed to do now.

Louis heads back to his desk and tries to get his work done, his shoulder is hurting like a bitch but there is nothing he can do about it. He sucks it up and works through the pain. He thinks about telling Harry about Dan but that will give Harry more reason to push Louis into working with him. He can't tell his brothers either, they will just want him to pack up and come back home. He has to deal with this himself.

At lunch time, the office is buzzing, Harry messages Louis at 1pm on his way back from a meeting.

"Make sure you eat today little one, Al is happy to bring you some lunch to your desk"Harry types out.

"I'm fine H, eating right now, thanks for thinking of me" Louis replies, lying through his teeth. He just doesn't feel like food.

"You're all I think about Louis" Harry replies, his message sends butterflies to Louis stomach.

"I miss you" Louis replies back and Harry can't help the smile on his face.

"I have your tux for tonight, I'll pick you up at 5 sharp from the office" Harry says.

"Thanks H, see you then" Louis replies.

He is so nervous about tonight, officially confirming his relationship with Harry, it's only been a few weeks but he's more sure about his feelings for Harry than anything in his life right now.

Louis is having a hard time finishing his designs due to his shoulder and Andy, who's been watching him closely all day calls Louis into his office just before 5.

"Have I done something wrong" Louis asks upset.

"No kiddo, not at all, just wanted to make sure you're okay, is your arm okay, I noticed you wincing a few times today" Andy asks

"Oh no I'm Fine, I'm so sorry, it's just a bit sore, I'll be fine tomorrow" Louis rushes to apologise.

"It's okay Lou, just wanted to make sure you're not hurt" Andy says smiling slightly at Louis eagerness to please.

Louis nods back shyly.

"Is, everything okay between you and Dan?" Andy then asks.

Louis looks up at Andy, who doesn't miss the fear in Louis eyes.

"Yeah, um fine why" Louis asks, trying to act normal.

"He's not giving you a hard time is he? I'll talk to him if he is" Andy says.

Louis looks to the side and out the window of Andy's office, he catches Dan staring at him evilly. Louis knows if he tells on Dan he will be in deep shit.

"It's fine, everything is fine" Louis smiles.

Andy assesses Louis for a few seconds before he's nodding and letting Louis leave for the day. Louis is relieved and grabs his things before he's leaving the building.

Paddy, Al and Harry are all waiting for him at the car. The look on Harry's face when he sees Louis lights up Louis day.

"Angel" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the lips.

"Missed you" Louis says as he snuggles into Harry's warmth, he hisses when he bumps his shoulder.

"What's wrong" Harry stills and turns serious.

"Nothing, Sorry, just hurt my shoulder today. I'm fine" Louis smiles trying to hide the pain.

The look in Harry's eyes though, shows he knows something is up.

"Do I need to get someone to come look at it?" Harry asks concerned.

"No H I'm fine, come on or we will be late" Louis smiles as best he can.

Harry smiles back and they get into the car.

When they arrive back at the penthouse, they both go to shower.

Harry is already naked and getting the water to the right temperature when Louis gets naked himself.

"Louis, what the fuck?" Harry announces as he rounds on Louis.

Louis is confused until Harry is taking his wrist in his hand and assessing the nasty bruises, he then moves his attention to the forming bruise and swollen skin of Louis shoulder.

"It's nothing H" Louis says as he winces when Harry touches his shoulder.

"What happened." Harry growls.

Louis sighs.

"I fell down the bathroom stairs, and I put my arm out to stop me and I landed on my shoulder" Louis lies.

If he tells Harry the truth, god knows what he will do to Dan and to the company, he can't do that to Andy. He has to figure this out on his own.

"Baby" Harry whispers.

Louis loves the pet names Harry gives him and it settles Louis insides. He cuddles into Harry and leans up for a kiss. Harry obliges easily and slips his tongue inside Louis mouth.

They spend the entire shower in a heated makeout session, caught up in the feel of each other. Louis avoids using his right arm at all but manages to give Harry an incredible head job that has him moaning in Ecstasy.

Harry holds Louis close as he slowly opens Louis up with his fingers, using the water to slide in and out slowly, Louis whimpers in Harry's arms

"Gosh you're gorgeous darling, so good for me" Harry says sexily.

He kisses Louis breathless, before he's turning him around in his arms and holding him up while he guides himself in and out of Louis tight hole. Louis is a moaning mess, Harry and him connect on such a deep level that they know what each moan means, what each hitch of breath means. Louis comes with a cry and Harry follows suit soon after. Harry curls his body around Louis without pulling out.

"Louis, I....I'm in love with you" he says into Louis ear.

Louis loses his breath as he turns to face Harry. The water dripping over Harry's dark wet hair, his lips so pink and beautiful, his green eyes sparkling with love but weariness, afraid how his confession will make Louis feel, make him respond.

Louis smiles,

"I'm in love with you Harry, you're everything to me" Louis says as he cups Harry's cheek.

Harry smiles and captures Louis in a beautiful lingering kiss, they laugh into each others mouths as they enjoy each other.

They both can't stop smiling at each other as they dress, Louis needing a little help because of his shoulder. It's really starting to hurt now, maybe he should get it looked at. He doesn't want to worry Harry though.

Harry disappears into his closet and when he returns he has something in his hands.

"Turn around for me" Harry says darkly.

Louis trusts Harry so he does as he's told, Harry leans him over the bed and pulls Louis boxers down. Louis can only hold himself up with one arm so Harry wraps his strong arm around Louis waist for support. Louis then feels something glide into his hole. His breathe hitches at the pressure.

Harry Leaves the plug inside, pulls Louis boxers up and turns him around.

"I want my seed inside you, I want you to remember you're mine, while you have everyone's eyes on you tonight" Harry says eyes sparkling.

"I am yours H, but okay" Louis smiles.

"Let me know if it gets to uncomfortable" Harry winks.

They finish getting dressed. Both in black tuxes, bow ties and white dress shirts. Harry knew Louis exact size and the tux fits his small frame perfectly. They look incredible standing together and Harry can not wait to show the world Louis is his,

Before they leave, Harry catches Louis taking pain relief from the bathroom, he doesn't say anything but he sends a quick message to Scott to let him know what's happened with Louis arm, knowing the boys will be in town in two days. Scott told Harry he is very protective over Louis and doesn't allow many other doctors near him after the accident. Harry respects that and they are in agreement that If Louis is in need of a doctor Scott will drop whatever it is that he's doing and Harry will get him to London the quickest way he can.

The limo ride is quick and Harry makes sure to hold Louis hand the entire way.

"Harry?" Louis asks quietly.

"Yes Angel" Harry smirks in response.

"I'm, scared, I'm not really sure what to do,I don't want to embarrass you or disappoint you" Louis says earnestly.

Harry moves so he's facing Louis.

"You would never embarrass me Louis, I am in love with you and that will never change. I won't let you go, Okay, I promise. Just smile and I will do the rest, you're beautiful angel and all mine" Harry says as he kisses Louis.

Louis relaxes into the kiss, the limo comes to a stop and Harry's door is open. Harry winks at Louis cheekily before he hops out. Screams happen instantly and Harry reaches his hand out to Louis. Louis takes a deep breath and grabs Harry's hand.

Harry pulls him out and his arm is around Louis waist instantly, protecting Louis. Louis can feel Harry's thumb stroking his side under his jacket and it calms Louis down. The cameras are flashing as Harry walks them down a red carpet. Louis heart rate is going a million miles a minute.

They stop at a big wall that has dozens of brand logos all over it. Louis makes out one of Harry's companies logos easily.

"We just need to take a few pictures, you okay?" Harry asks.

He's turned to face Louis and holds him close to his body. Louis looks up at Harry and smiles. Harry smiles back and kisses Louis forehead.

They both then turn to the cameras that are calling their names. Harry leads Louis along in all his grace and sophistication. He stops for one interview with one reporter, he never lets Louis go the entire time though

"So Harry, the rumours are swirling about your date tonight, care to set us all straight?" The interviewer asks.

Harry smiles as he brings Louis in as close as possible.

"Louis, is my wonderful date tonight, he's the light of my life and I'm very much in love" Harry says as he turns slightly to wink at Louis shocked face.

Louis tunes out what the interviewer says and Harry kisses him gently while the cameras go nuts. Louis let's it happen blushing profusely under everyone's gaze.

Harry says his goodbyes and leads Louis inside to start the night.

"That was all planned wasn't it" Louis asks smiling.

Harry winks again at Louis and Louis thinks he will come untouched if he does it again, it's such a turn on.

The night like all these events Louis has attended is boring, Louis eats very little and his shoulder aches badly. Harry works the room, much like Noah does at these events, introducing people to Louis. Everyone loves Harry and they seem equally smitten with Louis too.

As the night comes to a close Louis escapes Harry's arms to use the bathroom. Harry is busy talking business so he takes the chance to slip away. Harry eyes him the entire way to the bathroom and motions for Paddy to follow.

Louis does his business and takes out the plug Harry put in, it's getting a bit much. He pockets it and exits the stall. Louis washes his hands and he takes a few minutes in the immaculate, plush bathroom to collect himself. He's overwhelmed with the night and Harry's life. He doesn't mind it and knows this is all part of being with Harry and he would do anything for the man he loves. It will just take him some getting used too. His body is so tired he just needs to sleep, he hopes tomorrow will be an easy Friday at work and he can spend his weekend in bed sleeping.

He's about to leave when someone walks into the bathroom. There is a guy dressed in a grey tux, he's handsome with brown hair and brown eyes. He's tall and has a confident era about him.

"Ahhhh, So You're the flavour of the month I see" He says venomously towards Louis.

"Excuse me?" Louis asks confused.

"I give you two more weeks tops before Harry finds someone new, it will be the longest yet" The guy smirks out.

What is it with these people, Louis sighs and goes to leave but he's stopped.

"You're not good enough for him, understand" the guy spits.

"Oh and I suppose you are" Louis sasses back.

The guy doesn't like Louis sass and he's instantly angered, Louis shirt is grabbed but Harry is bursting in the bathroom at the same time.

"Get the fuck away from him Jake" Harry says and his voice is so dark Louis is scared,

Jake let's Louis go, he doesn't take his eyes off Louis though.

"Remember what I said" He says venomously to Louis, before he's leaving.

Harry grabs Jake by the arm as he passes, they lock eyes.

"Come anywhere near him again and you're done" Harry says evilly.

Jake smirks back at Harry and walks out of the bathroom.

Harry composed himself and walks over to Louis

"Come darling, let's get you home" Harry says and doesn't even offer an explanation,

Louis sighs knowing this is how Harry deals with things. Louis will just have to dig around himself to find out what's going on.

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