Part 6

Louis feels like a ton of bricks has fallen on top of him when he and Harry enter Louis apartment just after lunch. Noah approaches him instantly, checking Louis over for any sign of anything untoward. Harry watches on fondly.

"Im fine" Louis says pushing Noah off.

"Really?" Noah asks as he walks to the kitchen counter, picks up three gossip magazines and hands them to Louis.

"What the fuck" Louis panics.

Harry is at his side instantly.

"Harry" Louis looks at him almost desperate.

Louis and Harry are all over the magazines, Louis identity, location, what he does for a living, where he works, is everywhere.

"I'll fix it" Harry says full of authority, he pulls out his phone and goes to make a few calls.

"Shit" Louis says as he makes his way to the couch and sits down. He already wasn't feeling well and now he feels worse.

"Its okay kiddo, I've read it all, its just a bunch of gossip, talking about how you're Harry's new squeeze, it will be old news when people find out you're just friends" Noah says.

Louis looks at Noah with a pained expression.

"Oh shit, you're, you're a couple now?" Noah asks.

"Something like that" Louis confirms.

"But, last time we spoke about Harry, you called him a Dick Wad, an Arsehole and told him to shove his job up his Arseholy Arse, if I recall correctly" Noah says just as Harry walks back into the room. Harry smirks at Noah's words.

"Did he now?" Harry asks fondly.

"Well, that was before, you know, everything" Louis says, waving his hands between them as Harry laughs.

"So then its all true? you're a couple?" Noah confirms.

"Yes, and I guess thats news, I'm sorry sweetheart" Harry says turning sympathetic.

"Can you do anything?" Louis asks.

"All I can do is try to control what's printed, my team can supply the content" Harry says.

Louis sighs.

"I'm sorry Louis, I'll do my best to protect you from all this, I was so caught up I didn't think and I'm sorry" Harry says.

"Its fine Harry, I didn't realise you were this high profile, like I thought you owned a construction company" Louis says.

Harry looks towards Noah, eyebrows raised. Noah shrugs back at Harry.

"He has absolutely no idea, its not a joke" Noah says.

"Darling, do me a favour and use google" Harry says as he comes over to kiss Louis on the head.

He then picks Louis bag up and walks towards Louis room to put it away, how he knows where Louis room is is beyond Louis but he doesn't question it.

"Louis, please tell me why you sleep on a mattress on the floor, there isn't even a curtain in your room" Harry says his voice controlling, he wants answers.

"Um, I cant afford a bed" Louis says.

Harry looks towards Noah for an explanation.

"He's stubborn and making it on his own and all that" Noah explains. Harry knows Louis's brothers and Noah have money. He smiles at Noah's explanation, shaking his head.

"Look, I've got a meeting, I have to go, Noah, he hasn't eaten, he is coming down with something I can tell. I'll be back tonight, I will bring Thai for dinner" Harry says Domineeringly.

Noah and Louis watch as he dominates the room. He kisses Louis on the head, says goodbye to Noah and he's out the door.

"Wow, He's um......Awesome" Noah says and Louis laughs.

"Yeah, he's something else" Louis says.

"As long as you're happy Lou" Noah says.

"Right now I am" Louis says and Noah smiles.

"Is it true, are you getting sick?' Noah asks, he knew Louis would be run down after a full week of work.

"Im okay, just need to sleep" Louis explains.

"Do I need to call Scott?' Noah asks.

"No, Please Noah I'm fine" Louis says.

"Okay, Okay, I'm making you eat though" Noah says.

Louis sighs and gets up, he goes to change into grey sweats and a singlet, he notices they are a little baggy, he worries before he pushes it aside, he's just had a big week. He makes his way back to the couch and lays down, Noah has the TV on and before one episode of Friends is over, Louis is out to the world.


"Well the last time he caught a cold, it was medication every three hours, it was Late nights because he sleeps a lot when he's run down and someone needs to be looking after him, making him take medication and to make sure he's eating and drinking" Noah tells Harry.

Harry came back around 6, Louis still out to the world, Noah and Harry decided to not wake Louis and eat together, getting to know each other, for Louis sake. Harry sips his wine as he looks to his boy on the couch, he's so small and gorgeous.

"His Brother's are extremely over protective and it takes a lot of convincing them that Louis is okay and they don't need to come and drag him home to watch him" Noah says,

"Well I'm here now, thats my job, I wont let a single thing happen to him" Harry says.

"No offence Harry but, why are you doing this, any normal guy would run a mile, Louis has never had anyone stick around. Why you" Noah asks as he finishes his last mouthful of dinner.

"Honestly Noah, I know you follow the tabloids, I know you know my dating history, one night stands, casual sex, its no secret I've never had a long term relationship. I've never wanted one, never even contemplated one. I took an interest in Louis and it was nothing more than that, nothing more than wanting casual sex, no strings attached.....until....I met him. Louis did something to me the moment I laid eyes on him, I can't stop thinking about him, I want to be with him all the time, I want him safe, next to me and its driving me nuts. He's sassy and isn't afraid to call me an arse to my face, he has no idea who I am to the world and I love that. he means so much to me in such a short time. no one has ever made me feel this" Harry says sincerely.

"Thats all well and good Harry but he's not just any kid, he means so much to me and to his brothers, he needs someone who understands what it means to be there for someone. Louis is the first person to play it all off, wanting to be normal and we let him do that, to an extent, but its our job to know when we need to step in, when he needs us. It can be full on Harry and playing with his heart isn't an option, you're either in or out" Noah says.

"You're a good friend Noah, I'm really thankful he has you, that I know you will keep him safe when I'm not around. Nothing is going to keep me from him though, unless he ends it, which I'm hopin* he won't " Harry says.

"I trust you Harry, just try not to treat him like he's made of glass, his brothers do enough of that" Noah says and Harry agrees.

The two hit it off really well and Louis actually doesn't even wake. It's 11pm when harry is kissing Louis on the head and heading out. He doesn't want to leave Louis but he has an early meeting in the morning and he knows Louis has work too.


"Louis" Louis hears his name being called from behind, he turns around and sees Harry's security guard on the curb.

"Hi Al" Louis says.

"Morning Kid, Harry has asked me to drive you to work" Al says.

"I don't mind walking Al" Louis smiles. It's a tired smile and even though Louis slept 17 Hours he still feels drained and not 100%.

"I know Lou, but do me a favour hey" Al says winking.

Louis smiles, knowing Harry will shower his rage at Al for not following orders.

Louis hops in the back seat and he doesn't miss the photographers on the other side of the road taking pictures of him.

"Thats going to happen a lot isn't it" He asks Al.

"Afraid so Kiddo, you'll get used to it" Al says.

Louis phone then buzzes and he reaches into his pocket.

"Good morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?' Harry texts.

"Morning H, thanks for the lift, I'm fine to walk though. Im feeling good :)" Louis types out, lying about how he feels, he doesn't need Harry to worry too.

"Alberto will be picking you up every morning and afternoon, no questions, id like you to understand that its not up for negotiation" Harry says and Louis sighs, too tired to argue, instead he ignores the statement.

"Have a good day Harry" Louis types.

"You too little one" Harry replies.

The term of endearment sends butterflies to Louis stomach, he pockets his phone and concentrates on trying to prepare himself for a full day at work.

Alberto pulls up to the curb, Louis thanks him and gets out of the car, its cold and he pulls his jacket tighter around his body.

he makes his way inside to the warmth, when he gets to his drawing desk, Louis only manages to get his jacket off before he's being pounced on by Dan and Andy.

"Morning Lou, how was your weekend?" Andy asks casually.

"Good thanks, how was yours?" Louis asks in return.

"Yeah uneventful thankfully" Andy says and Louis smiles.

"Yours was a little more interesting though" Dan says as he holds up a few of the magazines with Louis in them. Louis sighs.

"So big shot Harry Styles is your boyfriend hey" Andy says smirking.

"I wouldn't have believed it had he not showed up at the pub, he couldn't get you out of their quick enough" Dan laughs.

"Yeah" Louis says shyly.

"Its new then, your relationship?" Dan asks.

"Ummm, yeah its new" Louis says awkwardly

"Sorry, we don't mean to pry, I guess you could say we are curious as to why you're working here, or working at all for that matter" Dan says.

"Just because Harry has money doesn't mean he owns me, I'm not with him because he can buy me whatever I want. Believe me, he tried many ways to convince me to work for him but i don't want to, I want to make it on my own and work somewhere I enjoy" Louis rants.

Andy and Dan smirk.

"Well good for you kiddo" Dan says fondly, his blond hair falling over his green eyes.

"We are glad you chose us Louis, you are really talented and I'm hoping you will go far" Andy says.

"Thanks, thank you, I hope I don't disappoint you" Louis says.

They both smile at Louis before Andy is giving him instructions on his next project, blueprints for a new house design. Louis is just so excited he's been given the chance to actually work on something this big.

"By 8 Lou, I'll need them by 8pm okay" Dan says clearly.

Louis nods, knowing he will have to stay late but he doesn't care, he gets to work with a smile on his face.

Louis is able to push his tiredness aside as he envelopes himself in drawing, he needs to Show both Dan and Andy he can do his job and do it well. This is obviously somewhat of a test to see if Louis can handle the pressure and pull off the designs.

Its Lunchtime when he gets a call on his phone, he looks up and realises the office is pretty much empty, everyone on their lunch break. Louis doesn't have time and he doesn't mind skipping a meal or two to get work done, he's used to it.

"Hello' He answers when he sees Scott's name flash across the screen.

"Hiya Kid" Scott says happily.

"Hi Scott" Louis says smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Scott asks.

"Im fine, hows work?" Louis asks avoiding the question.

"Busy, I Just had Lunch with Harry though, I'm on my way back to the Hospital" Scott says.

"Oh?" Louis asks. nervous at how lunch went.

"Yeah, just want to know how you went from Harry's a prick to Harry's my boyfriend in a week" Scott says and Louis sighs.

"We....we just talked it out, I said I would give him a chance" Louis says.

"Well, he's smitten, he seems like a great guy but I read him the right act" Scott says and Louis smirks.

"Thanks Scott" Louis says.

"You're happy?" Scott asks.

"I am" Louis smiles at the thought of Harry.

"I can hear it in your voice, listen, Harry said you slept all day yesterday, should I be worried Louis" Scott says seriously.

"Im just a bit tired, its been a big week. No temp, no cough, no nothing, I'm fine I promise" Louis says.

Scott sighs.

"We will be up Sunday and I'm checking you over, no arguments, don't work to hard kid, you know what will happen" Scott says and Louis sighs.

Louis knows its risky and if he overdoes himself he will end up in hospital, but this is a new job and he cant let his boss's down, he's got to suck it up and get used to working early mornings and late nights, welcome to the real world. everyone else does it, Louis should be able to as well.

"Yes Scott I know" Louis says.

"Good Boy, now I've got to go, I Love you and I will talk to you soon" Scott says.

"Love you too" Louis replies and they hang up.

Louis then gets a text through.

"Good afternoon Darling, Hope you're not working yourself too hard, Have you eaten? I had lunch with Scott, I like him. I miss you" Harry writes.

Louis smiles at his phone.

"Hi H, Im fine, glad you like Scott, I miss you too, hope you're having a good day" Louis replies.

"You think you're so smart not answering my questions don't you Darling, I take it thats a no on the food?" Harry asks.

"Sorry just busy, yes I've eaten" Louis says, its not a lie he had a chocolate biscuit an hour ago.

"Good boy" Harry says and Louis turns his phone to silent and puts it in his bag wanting to get his work done.

At ten minutes to eight Louis makes his way to Andy and Dan's office, Blue prints in hand.

"Here he is, how'd you go?' Andy asks

"Good, I think" Louis says as he hands Andy the Blueprints.

Andy opens them and Dan and Andy take their time inspecting, Louis waits nervously, biting his lip.

"Wow Lou, these are spot on, Well done kid" Dan says as Louis lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"Whats in your hand?' Andy asks, pointing to the blue prints Louis didn't hand over.

"Oh um, well.....I just, the original plans had the upstairs bathroom at a weird angle to the bedroom, I know its council approval but I moved a few things around and came up with something else, but after i'd finished those, it was more just me practising, its nothing" Louis says.

Dan smirks, Louis is really growing on him, he really thinks he's adorable and the way Louis is biting his lip nervously, has Dan turned on.

"May I?" Andy asks.

Louis hands the blueprints over hesitantly.

"Louis, this is amazing work, I'm very impressed. I want to show these both to the clients, let them see what you've come up with" Andy says.

Louis smiles in response, thankful he's done a good job.

"Now get out of here, You look tired, go get some rest, we have a bog day tomorrow" Dan says smiling.

Louis nods and makes his way out of the offie, he can't help the smile on his face. He grabs his coat and bag and walks down and outside the building.

There is no sign of Alberto which Louis finds strange, especially considering how possessive Harry was about Louis being driven to and from work. Louis doesn't mind though, he doesn't mind the walk home. As he walks it starts to snow a little, Louis loves this weather and even though he's chilled to the bone he loves how magical snow makes everything look. He lets the day wash over him, he's utterly shattered and is looking forward to a nice warm bath and his bed. Louis feels his phone vibrate in his bag and when he pulls it out he sees 18 missed calls from Harry and Harry calling him again.

"Hello" Louis asks smiling, he's waited all day to hear Harry's voice again.

"Where are you" Harry Growls.

Louis heart sinks, Harry's upset.

"Um just, walking home" Louis says.

"Why are you late, you finish at 5, Alberto waited an hour before I told him you'd probably left early, I'm at your apartment" Harry says darkly. Louis doesn't understand his anger.

"I worked late, I had plans to finish for Andy and Dan" Louis says.

"They don't pay you enough to have you stay back Louis, you're not to do it again. you're coming down with something, you should not be walking" Harry says.

"Well I like walking and I will do as much overtime as I want to Harry, its my job not yours" Louis says upset.

"You are driving me insane, I need you in my arms Louis, I don't like not knowing where you are" Harry says gently, trying to get Louis to understand.

"I'm sorry H, next time I will let you know, I'm nearly home I will be about 10 minutes" Louis says.

Harry sighs.

"I'll have dinner waiting" Harry says and hangs up.

Louis is falling hard for Harry and loves that Harry cares so much, he just hopes he lets up a little, Louis should be able to walk to and from work.

Louis arrives Home to the smell of Chinese and as he steps in the threshold he sees Noah and Harry having a drink at the kitchen bench. Louis is so glad Noah and Harry get along.

"Hey Lou" Noah says.

Harry rounds the corner and scoops Louis up in his arms.

"I missed you darling" He says before he's kissing Louis hotly, Noah chuckles and leaves the room to give the two some privacy.

"I missed you too H" Louis smiles when Harry lets him breathe.

"You look tired" Harry says.

"I am" Louis smiles.

Harry helps Louis take his coat off and brings him over to the counter and hands him a glass of wine.

Harry serves up dinner and Noah comes back in to get his own, they all sit down at the dining table and catch up, Harry gets a few phone calls during dinner that have him a little on edge and angry and Louis hopes he isn't too stressed out about work. Louis doesn't eat much of his dinner, not having much of an appetite, he's just so tired.

After dinner Harry and Louis share a nice warm bath together, Louis sits with his back against Harry's chest, in between his legs and Louis relaxes as Harry gently touches him. Harry's touch is so precise and its like he's known Louis body for years, he expertly touches Louis, flicks his nipples and moves his tongue over Louis ear and down his neck.

"Harry" Louis says breathlessly.

Harry reaches between Louis legs and grabs his hardening cock, he pumps a few times causing Louis to squirm.

"Be still Angel" Harry says firmly.

Louis stills instantly.

"Good Boy" Harry whispers in Louis ear, Louis feels insane, Harry's breath over his ear, his smell, his touch, its driving Louis wild.

"I want to please you Louis, I want to make you feel pleasure you've never experienced before, I need you. I've never in my life wanted something as much as I want you. You make me feel like I cant breathe without you, like I need you around just to function. You drive me insane" Harry says sexily.

Louis moans as Harry continues to pump his cock.

"I am going to show you how much you mean to me, I'm going to make you scream my name in ecstasy, I can't wait to take you, your tight little hole will be begging for my cock. I'm going to fill you up so good" Harry says.

"Ugnn, Please " Louis says,

He's on edge and close to coming, his face flush and heart beating intently.

"I Want you to submit to me Louis, you're mine an only mine, I need you to understand that I'm the only one who can make you come. The only one who can make you feel like this. I'm going to do things to you and your gorgeous little body that you never thought possible. You will come when I tell you, your body will respond to me and me alone. Am I clear" Harry says domineeringly, his voice dark and dangerous and Louis feels like he could come from just listening to Harry talk to him like this.

"Yes, Harry, shit" Louis says.

"You're going to come now baby, come like a good boy" Harry says and two pumps later Louis is losing his mind, his orgasm shaking him to the core, he's never come so hard in his life.

Harry is there, he's all around him, his smell his touch and his words. Louis is left boneless and unable to think. Harry takes over, washing Louis clean, drying him and dressing him in Harry's oversized jumper

He puts Louis to bed and lays down next to him, hugging him tightly. kissing him and praising Louis until he's out to the world.

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