Part 5

The next morning three dozen white roses show up at Louis door.

"I'm not giving up, I'm sorry" It says on the card.

Louis sighs but he can't help the slight smile.

He gets a text message an hour later from an unknown number

"I hope you liked the roses little one" it says and Louis stomach does a flip. How did Harry get his number. Although, Louis should really stop questioning how Harry does things.

"Thank you Harry, they are beautiful" Louis replies.

"So are you" Harry writes.

Louis sighs at his phone, he's so confused. He doesn't reply, instead he spends his day trying to sleep, trying to forget his feelings. His body is showing signs of sickness and he needs to focus on trying to stop himself getting a cold. He's had a big week and was hoping his body wouldn't punish him for it.

Its that night that Louis gets a call from Harry's number, he contemplates rejecting it but he can't deny he wants to hear Harry's voice.

"Hello" He answers.

"Im picking you up in 20 minutes, Dress warm" Harry's voice dictates.

"Harry" Louis starts.

"Not a smart idea to argue sweetheart, see you in twenty" Harry says and hangs up.

Louis looks at his phone surprised, he cant deny he likes when Harry calls him those pet names, when he asserts his dominance. Louis sighs, he decides to get up and dresses in black skinny Jeans, a Grey sweater, he puts his vans on his feet. Louis grabs his wallet and phone and makes his way into the Lounge. Noah has a friend from work over and they are laughing over something, whilst drinking wine.

"Lou?" Noah asks, his friend Jax Looks to Louis and Louis doesn't miss how his eyes linger.

"Im just going out for a while" Louis says.

"Huh, where too, with who?' Noah asks, giving Louis the third degree.

"Don't know where, just with Harry" Louis says.

"With Harry?'" Noah questions and Louis nods.

"I'll be back later" Louis says and heads for the door, feeling uncomfortable under prying eyes.

"Answer my calls Louis" Noah says sternly, Louis exits and sighs, his life can be so frustrating sometimes.

Louis doesn't even know why he's agreeing to meet with Harry, he wants there to be a slight chance that Harry will want him too, want a relationship, but he knows he's setting himself up for a fall, yet he cant stop. He's been going over everything in his head, over and over, he cant sleep, he hasn't eaten and its so frustrating. Especially when he has his brothers questioning his movements at all times too.

Louis makes it to the curb and sees Harry's security guy standing at Harry's Bentley, he opens the back door for Louis, smiling at him. Louis gets in the car and he's met with an insanely hot looking Harry. wearing black skinny jeans and a white jumper, a scarf and jacket are placed over the centre console of the car.

"Thats not warm Louis, where is you coat" Harry scolds.

Louis sighs.

"Well, hello to you too" Louis says.

Harry smirks

"Hello darling" Harry says smiling.

"Why did you call me" Louis asks.

"I wanted to see you" Harry says.

"I bet you're used to getting what you want aren't you" Louis says back.

"I am, I don't like it when I'm denied something that I desperately want" Harry says and his voice turns dark, he scoots closer to Louis and brings him close, Louis breath hitches at the contact. he feels so amazing when Harry touches him.

"I want you badly Louis" Harry says

Harry's lips land on Louis and Louis lets himself get swept up in Harry, his gentle yet firm touch, his tongue licking precisely into his mouth. a small moan escapes Louis mouth.

"See, you want me too" Harry says as he leans his forehead on Louis.

"I never said I didn't, I'm not denying that I'm attracted to you Harry, that I like you. I'm not getting caught in your web though, I'm sorry" Louis says.

Harry sighs

the car pulls up outside a restaurant and the Valet opens Harrys door, he gets out and reaches his hand out for Louis. They walk inside and eyes are on them, pictures are being taken and it isn't until they are led to their table that Louis realises Harry still has his hand in his.

They are taken to a table up the back, away from prying eyes and before Louis knows it Harry's ordered for him already and he's being poured a glass of champaign.

"I thought you said I shouldn't be drinking" Louis says sassily.

"I checked in with Edward about your medical history, he told me two is your limit" Harry says and Louis sighs.

"What" Harry asks as he takes in Louis, he's upset and Harry doesn't like it.

"Nothing" Louis says.

"Louis, talk to me, was it something I said?" Harry asks.

"No, Well yeah, I just wish everybody would let me live my life" Louis says.

"Your brothers care about you, thats why they worry" Harry says.

"Yes Harry I know, is that what your deal is too?" Louis scoffs.

"Yes, I care about you Louis, more than I want too, believe me" Harry says.

"Im sorry I'm an inconvenience" Louis sasses.

Harry smirks, Louis has no idea.

"Why are you bothering if I'm such hard work? is getting me into bed that much of a deal" Louis says.

Harry sips his wine and places it back on the table, he looks intently at Louis.

"Usually I would have moved on, I'm not one to chase, but you, I have feelings for you Louis, they go quite deep and I want to try things your way" Harry says sincerely.

"Huh? You want a relationship with me?" Louis asks gobsmacked.

"Yes, I would like to try" Harry says.

"Why? Harry, do you know whats involved in a relationship?" Louis asks.

"Yes Louis I'm fully aware of whats involved" Harry smirks.

"Is this a trick to get me into bed?" Louis asks seriously.

"Would you believe me if I said no?" Harry asks.

"I don't really know if i can trust you Harry, I'm so scared of getting hurt" Louis says earnestly.

"I will never hurt you Louis, please trust me on that, Like I said I'm drawn to you, as you can see I'm becoming a little, shall we say possessive and anxious when you're not around. I think about you all the time and you're driving me crazy. Just being with you Is enough right now and i would like to try. If you'll let me" Harry says, taking another sip of his wine.

Louis looks at Harry, he sees truth and confusion in Harry's eyes, he's probably just as confused about his feelings as Louis is. Louis likes Harry and he's falling for him without meaning too. Louis sighs, Harry is trying, the least Louis can do is try too.

"Okay, Harry, Ill try" Louis says and Harry splits into an ear-splitting grin.

"Thats all I ask, thank you Louis" Harry says.

Louis blushes hard.

"I'm still not taking a job with you though" Louis says and Harry smirks.

"I understand, I worry when you're not around me Louis" Harry says.

"About what?" Louis asks.

"You, Someone touching you, looking at you, hurting you, something happening to you" Harry says and Louis is a bit taken a back.

"I'm okay Harry, I can look after myself, despite what my brothers think" Louis half smiles.

"Tell me about the accident" Harry says and Louis swallows hard, he always hates talking about it but his therapist Kimberly says its a good idea to talk about it when it comes up, or if Louis needs to.

A waiter brings their food over effectively stalling Louis, its all placed down and looks delicious, Louis isn't a big eater though and as Harry digs in he plays with his food.

"Well, I had a fall and hit my head and broke my leg at my football game, mum and dad were there and drove me to Scott my brother, who was working in the ER, he was only an intern at the time. It was a small break in my leg and Scott fixed me up. I had a concussion though and Scott wanted to keep me overnight, his supervising doctor didn't see it as necessary though, he said I was fine. Scott pushed for me to stay but he was getting in trouble, I didn't want to be a bother and didn't want Scott to get in more trouble, I convinced Scott and my parents I was fine and they agreed to take me home. On the way home though... I threw up all over the back seat of the car and I passed out. My dad must have panicked and he wasn't watching the road, the car came off and rolled before it ran into a pole.....they both died instantly. Scott said because I had passed out my body was relaxed and that's what saved me" Louis says.

"Jesus, Louis I'm so sorry" Harry says.

"I was in the news for months, people blamed me when someone at the hospital snitched lies, there was a huge investigation and I was the subject of so much hate, like I wasn't dealing with enough. The boys though, never blamed me, were always there. My recovery was hard on them but they never resented me, not once" Louis says.

"I remember the story, Your injuries were severe" Harry states.

"Yeah, I lost my spleen and my kidneys are damaged, I cant drink a lot of alcohol or have late nights, I'm tired easily and I get sick more often than other people. The boys always worry about it but I haven't been to hospital for anything in three years" Louis says.

"Well, my possessive protection just went up a notch" Harry says as he finishes his wine.

"I guess its what I deserve, for, not listening to Scott and my parents and staying overnight" Louis shrugs.

"You blamed yourself?" Harry asks as realisation hits him.

"Of course I did I was 14, I still do blame myself a little, I always will" Louis says.

"Louis, thank you for telling me" Harry says smiling.

Louis smiles shyly back.

"Don't let me regret opening up to you, please Harry" Louis says.

And when Harry sees the fear in Louis eyes at his statement he vows to never do a single thing to hurt his boy, he will do whatever it takes to give Louis the world.


"Can I take you somewhere else?' Harry asks as they make their way back to the car.

"Okay" Louis says smiling slightly.

Harry smiles big and his driver drives them just outside of the city. When the car stops, it's pitch black outside but as harry pulls Louis out of the car, the lights of the city below them come into view. Harry sits down on a rock, his legs dangling over the edge of a steep cliff, he sits Louis in front of him, between his legs and holds him tightly, his arms snaking around Louis body, keeping him warm.

"It's beautiful up here" Louis says.

"It is, I like to come here when I need some time out" Harry says.

"You need time out now?" Louis asks cheekily.

Harry smiles.

"No darling, I just wanted to share this with you" Harry says.

"Thank you Harry" Louis says as he snuggles further back into harry.

Harry grips Louis chin and turns his face, he bends down and captures Louis lips, its a heated, searing kiss but Louis can feel Harry's emotion behind it and Louis tries to portray his own, letting Harry know he's learning to trust him.

Louis falls asleep on the way home, his head in Harry's lap, Harry admires Louis like this, his gorgeous, delicate features. He's so confused by his feelings but he loves them, he feels different and so alive again when it comes to Louis, every time he sees Louis smile it lights up his day. He's falling hard and its only been a few weeks.

Harry decides to call Noah and tell him Louis will be staying the night with him, He isn't ready to let him go yet.

"Hello?" Noah answers, Harry can tell he's a little drunk and there is music on in the background.

"Noah, its Harry Styles" Harry says formally.

"Oh Shit, is Louis okay?" Noah asks instantly.

"He's fine, he's asleep, I'm taking him back to my place" Harry says.

He hears Noah sigh.

"Harry, you fucking hurt him and I will hurt you, no matter who the fuck you are" Noah says and

Harry smiles, knowing Noah is a very good trustworthy friend to Louis.

"You have my word Noah, that I will protect Louis at all costs" Harry says.

Harry hears someone else in the background, they sound drunk too and Harry is glad Louis will be with him and safe tonight.

"Okay, thanks Harry, just...get him to call me as soon as he wakes in the morning" Noah says

"Will do" Harry agrees and he hangs up.

When they reach the penthouse Harry calls home in the middle of the city, Harry carries a sleeping Louis up to his place. He changes Louis into one of his Baseball Tees that absolutely swamps Louis, he leaves Louis boxers on and places him to sleep in the spare room, two rooms down from Harry. Just having Louis in the same vicinity has harry more relaxed but he isn't as settled as he would like, having Louis next to him would be better but he wont push Louis just yet. Harry has a shower and dresses for bed in his sweats and no shirt, he slips into bed and falls asleep easily, a smile on his face.

Louis wakes in a panic, a bad dream, he always has them when he's stressed out or getting sick. He is disorientated and doesn't know where he is, he's never seen this room before.

Harry is on alert and wakes to Louis crying out, he rushes in instantly and sees Louis sitting up in bed struggling for breath, he's sweaty and Harry can tell he's had a bad dream.

Louis relaxes a little when he sees Harry barge into the room, of course he's at Harry's, he tries his hardest to calm himself down.

"Louis, hey, sweetheart you're okay" Harry says worriedly.

he's over at Louis side in an instant, swiping his sweaty fringe off his forehead.

"Breathe baby, you're at my place in the spare room, its okay" Harry says and Louis begins to calm down. Harry hands Louis the glass of water from beside his bed, Louis takes it gratefully.

"Im so sorry" Louis says as he hands back the glass.

"No don't be, do you get nightmares a lot?' Harry asks concerned.

"Only when I'm stressed or I'm coming down with something, its just the accident, its nothing, I'm sorry" Louis says getting upset, He was afraid of this, afraid of being a burden on Harry.

"Louis don't, please, I'm here" Harry says.

Louis looks at Harry in the eyes.

"For how long Harry, I have nightmares, if i get sick its late nights, its medication, its shit, I'm high maintenance and..." Louis says in a rush.

"Darling, I knew you were high maintenance the minute I laid eyes on you" Harry smirks, making a joke. Louis smiles shyly.

"You're not pushing me away, as much as you try. I was just going to suggest you sleep with me, I want you safe and i can protect you when you're next to me" Harry says.

Louis always feels so vulnerable after an attack, Noah is usually right next to him and cuddles him back to sleep, Louis wants Harry's touch and arms this time and so he finds himself giving in and nodding his head.

Harry smiles and helps Louis out of bed, Louis is shaky on his feet and sways as his legs become weak. Harry catches him instantly.

"Woah, I gotcha" Harry says as he picks Louis up bridal style and brings him back to his room.

Louis cant believe his eyes, its huge, a king size bed in the centre of the room, floor to ceiling glass walls that overlook London city , a walk in closet and Ensuite, not to mention flawless expensive finishes, including a Flat Screen TV on the wall. Harry settles Louis down in bed and climbs in spooning him from behind.

"Comfy?" Harry asks and Louis nods.

"Harry?' Louis asks.

"Mmm" Harry replies kissing Louis on the side of the head.

"I hope you know what you're getting into" Louis says honestly.

"Sweetheart, nothing is going to push me away from you and I'm going to prove it" Harry says as he strokes Louis hair and leaves feather light kisses on the back of Louis neck and shoulder, lulling him to sleep.


The next morning Louis sleeps in until 9am, he's tired even when he wakes, he's in Harry's bed but Harry is nowhere to be seen. he makes his way cautiously out if the room and down the hallway, its quiet and Louis wonders if Harry is even here.

He finds the kitchen by accident, its big, clean and immaculate. decked out with every appliance imaginable, a full view of the city as you cook is what catches Louis eyes, its amazing.

Harry is sitting at the bar stool reading the paper, his brow furrowed in concentration. Louis takes the time to really look at Harry and how gorgeous he is, Harry is so powerful and dominating, yet Louis is only scared of one thing, giving his heart to Harry and Harry playing it like a toy.

Harry senses Louis and looks up, his breath catches in his throat at the sight of him, Louis looks so edible and delicate in Harry's Tee and boxers, Harry is up in a second, he rounds the bench almost anomalistically and snatches Louis in his arms.

"God you're beautiful" Harry says almost growling, he takes Louis lips and kisses him hungrily. Louis falls lax against Harry and lets him take over, he submits and he can tell that turns Harry on even more.

"Good Morning" Harry pulls back to say.

"Morning" Louis smiles shyly.

Harry is dressed in sweats and no shirt, his feet are bare and Louis loves harry like this.

"Are you feeling okay?" Harry asks concerned.

"I'm fine" Louis says.

Harry smiles,

"Ive called Noah and let him know i'll have you back home by lunch time, Your older brother Scott called your phone a few times so I called him and let him know you're okay. I'm having lunch with him tomorrow" Harry states.

"Um, im...What?" Louis asks startled.

Harry just smirks.

"Breakfast?' Harry asks changing the subject.

Louis is so used to his life being dictated and being told what he can and cant do, but he isn't letting Harry get away with this.

"Im not hungry, why are you having lunch with Scott?' Louis asks.

"Well, he's a big part of your life, your brothers are your family and I want to meet them and let them know my intentions with you" Harry says like its the most logical thing in the world.

"intentions?' Louis asks.

"Yes Louis, my intentions to become your boyfriend" Harry says.

"Harry, this is all sounding so clinical, so rehearsed and dictated, thats not really how relationships work, I'm not really understanding whats happening, are we scheduling in sex too, i will lose my virginity in three months time?" Louis asks upset.

"You're a virgin?" Harry asks.

"Don't pretend like you didn't know that, you apparently know everything about me, probably what brand of toothpaste I use" Louis says scooting around Harry and going to the kitchen bench.

"Colgate, optic white" Harry smirks.

"Fucking Hell" Louis says sighing.

Harry laughs.

"Im sorry, I just want to know everything about you, I want you to be happy and to make you happy. I'm sorry if I've gone about it the wrong way' Harry says.

"Its, okay" Louis says looking towards Harry.

"I'm just not used to it, I guess, well from someone I'm falling for" Louis clarifies.

"Falling for?' Harry asks smirking.

Louis blushes.

"Harry scoops him up in his arms again and kisses Louis tenderly, he makes his way down Louis cheek and towards his neck gently, making Louis shudder at the contact, his pulse quickening as Harry's smell engulfs him, his touch like electric sparks all over his body.

"Shower with me" Harry says

"Okay" Louis says he loves being in Harry's arms, he feels so safe already its scary.

The shower is full of hands roaming each other, louis learning all about Harry's tattoos and soaking in every inch of him. its intimate in the best way and although Harry is possessive and touches Louis like its the last thing he will ever get to do, it doesn't turn into anything else. They just enjoy each other.

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