Part 3
Louis walks the 25 minutes to the coffee shop, he feels awful but that will serve him right for drinking he supposes. its cool out and Louis wishes he'd brought his jacket.
Louis has worked at the Cafe for three years, the two girls who own the shop are lovely and are really good to Louis, he enjoys working there, its always so busy though, which makes the day go faster. Louis job is to serve the customers and puts orders in, he's glad he doesn't have to make the food or coffee, he's terrible at it. It's his last shift today and it will be a bitter sweet one.
"There he is, Mr Graduate" Alice says smiling as Louis enters the back room behind the counter.
Louis smiles in response.
"Im going to miss you guys" Louis says.
"We're going to miss you too kiddo, we are so happy for you though" Jessica, Alice's Sister says.
"Thank you, I'll make sure to come back whenever I'm in town" Louis says.
"You better, keep us updated on that love life of yours" Alice Says
Louis laughs a loud laugh.
"My non existent love life" Louis says shaking his head.
"Well that will change, I know it" Jess says smiling.
Louis nods his head, not sure why every one is so interested on his love life all of a sudden.
He gets to work and through his shift okay, he doesn't vomit again thank god but he feels really shitty, Louis knows he's lucky he didn't end up in hospital and won't risk drinking that much again, he won't tell Noah that though.
Louis is about to finish up when a customer walks in, its quiet this time of the afternoon and Louis is thankful for it today. He looks up about to greet the customer, when standing in front of him is non other than Harry Styles.
"Louis" Harry smirks as his greeting.
"Um, Hi Harry?" Louis says a bit of a question, he's so confused why Harry is even here.
They stare at each other, the tension building between the two. They are both oblivious to the small crowd taking photos of Harry and filming on their phones.
"Um...can I get you um...something" Louis asks shyly.
YOU, is all Harry is thinking, he's had Louis on his mind for the last two days and he can't seem to get rid of his thoughts. This boy is completely gorgeous and Harry wants him underneath him this instant.
"Long black" Harry says curtly and Louis nods and gets to putting the order in.
Louis heart rate is fast, he's not used to these feelings, Harry makes him feel weak and fuzzy.
"When is your shift over?" Harry asks.
" now" Louis says.
Louis takes the coffee from the Barrister and hands it to Harry, Harry grabs it and downs it in one go.
"Id like you to accompany me for the afternoon" Harry says calmly and so formal like, its intimidating.
"Uhhh" Is all Louis can manage.
"Its not a question Darling, the car will be at the back ally in 3 minutes" Harry states as he leaves a 20 dollar bill on the counter.
Louis is completely taken a back by Harry's confidence, he watches Harry waltz out of the coffee shop, his two security guards and the crowd of people who follow him to his car.
Who the hell is this guy Louis wonders. Louis texts Noah and lets him know whats going on, he has a quick and teary goodbye to Alice and Jess and by the time he's in the back ally he's 10 minutes late.
Louis hesitates as a security guard opens the back door of Harry's Bentley, he takes a deep breath and gets in.
"You're late" Harry states as Louis takes the seat next to Harry, the seat and car so warm and toasty.
"Sorry, its my last day of work before I move, I had to say goodbye" Louis says.
"You're moving to London" Harry asks for confirmation. Louis has no idea how Harry knows that.
"Um to London yeah, I'm moving to London" Louis says.
"Well thats good, I have an apartment there, most of my business is conducted in London" Harry states and Louis is confused, what a weird statement.
"Ummm okay... thats um ...good for you" Louis says and his confusion shows.
He hears a slight laugh from one of the security guys and Harry smirks.
"Um so where are you taking me? if this is about the other night and me calling your event boring, I'm really sorry, no one heard me" Louis says.
Harry then smiles and he can see his team trying to hold in their fond at Louis statement.
"No Louis its not about that, I actually have to agree with you on the boring part, but thats business sometimes isn't it" Harry says.
"I wouldn't know I've never had a business" Louis says.
If Harry liked Louis before its nothing on how much he is attracted to the boy now. he's funny without meaning to be, he's a little sassy and so adorable. Harry will have him.
"We are going to my apartment in town, we will have dinner, I'd like to discuss some things with you" Harry says.
"Oh right well, I'm not really one for discussing like business stuff and I have no idea what caviar tastes like, which, is what I assume you eat, you wont get me to eat a snail, so maybe this isn't such a good idea" Louis says shyly.
"Its not up for discussion" Harry asserts and has to look out the window to hide his laugh.
"Um" Louis says
"And caviar is fish eggs not Snail" Harry points out.
"I don't think that makes it taste any better" Louis says and his face grimaces at the thought of eating it.
Harry's team is suddenly smitten with Louis and really hope secretly that Harry doesn't fuck this up.
When they arrive at Harry's penthouse apartment Louis walks in and is in awe.
"Wow, you live here?" Louis asks
"No darling, I'm staying here while I'm in town on business" Harry says.
"Don't you have a house? The one where the charity was?" Louis asks.
"I do, but its been filled with business associates and events crew all week and I like my privacy" Harry says as he takes his jacket off and puts it over the sofa.
"Make yourself at home, I'm just going to get changed, would you like a shower or comfier clothes?" Harry asks.
Louis is all dirty from work and gross from his hangover, but hesitates to say yes to Harry, they just met, hardly know each other and the sexual tension is so undeniable.
"Alone of course sweetheart, I'll lay some clothes out for you" Harry smirks and Louis follows him to the bathroom.
Louis locks the door and has a quick shower, noting the products that Harry uses are extremely expensive but Harry's smell is everywhere and Louis finds it so attractive.
He walks back into the bedroom towel around his waist, Louis makes quick work of putting the clothes Harry left out for him on. Grey sweats that still have a tag on and are somehow his exact size and a white sweater that smells an awful lot like Harry, it's huge and falls off his collarbones nicely, as he walks back into the Lounge area Harry coughs on his drink.
Harry thinks Louis is the most beautiful specimen he's ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. He is beautiful in every sense of the word and he wants him so badly.
"Sit, I've ordered for us, Wine?' Harry asks cooly as he collects himself.
"Um, no thanks thanks" Louis says shaking his head.
"Would you like a soda?' Harry asks and Louis nods.
"Words" Harry says out of habit.
Louis looks at him confused.
"Yeah a coke would be great thanks" Louis says.
He sits down on the floor, his back resting on the sofa, the coffee table in front has room service sitting on top. Louis watches Harry in his sweats and no shirt, tattoos displayed everywhere as he pours Louis a drink, his muscles flexing as he moves. Louis is taken back by how beautiful and how attracted he actually is to Harry.
Harry turns around and sees Louis on the floor, he smirks as he brings his whisky and Louis glass of soda with ice and a lime wedge to the table.
"You don't sit on chairs when you eat?" Harry asks in jest.
"Oh, sorry, I live in a dorm, the floor is comfy enough" Louis says.
"Alright then" Harry says and sits next to Louis.
"Hungry?' Harry asks.
"Not really" Louis says truthfully,
"Ohh and I ordered the best caviar" Harry smirks jokingly.
Louis blushes as Harry lifts the lids of the room service he ordered and two beef burgers and fries stare back at them.
Louis smiles in response.
"Hungry now?" Harry asks
"Maybe" Louis says as he takes a sip of his drink before putting it on the table.
They sit in silence for a while Harry admiring Louis.
"You're gorgeous you know Louis" Harry says as he reaches out to swipe Louis fringe off his forehead.
Louis blushes and clears his throat, he can't deny his attraction to Harry.
"So can I ask why exactly I'm here?" Louis asks.
Harry smirks.
"I wanted to talk to you about some things" Harry says.
Louis looks to Harry innocently, Harry can't get enough of how beautiful this boy is.
"You're Moving to London?" Harry asks and Louis nods.
"I want you working for me" Harry says dominantly.
"What? I don't even.... how do you know what I'm even doing in London?" Louis asks confused and a little freaked out.
"I know Louis, that you've just graduated with top honours in architecture and design. You're moving to London with your best friend Noah Bolton who's two years older than you and has just accepted a job with Hunter and Neilson. Good move for his career if I'm honest. You have three older brothers, Scott, Edward and Drew and you have taken a job with Smith and Leon. Which I think needs to be reconsidered, you're too talented for such a small company" Harry says and Louis has no idea what he's supposed to do with all of that information.
"How do you know all of that?" Louis asks swallowing thickly.
"I Know a lot of things about you Louis" Harry says, voice full of authority.
"Um" Louis says as his breathing gets a bit heavy.
"Your Brother Edward, Is my Business Lawyer. I've known him for years, you've been on my raider for a little while now" Harry says.
"You know Edward? so meeting you at graduation?" Louis asks.
"Was somewhat planed, you crashing into me was not" Harry chuckles.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to say" Louis says back.
"Say you will take a job with my company" Harry says.
"Who are you Harry, what exactly do you do?" Louis asks.
Harry smirks
"I'm in business and one of my most successful companies, is building design and construction" Harry says simply.
Louis then realises one of the companies that Harry owns.
" own Styles and Co Design?' Louis asks flabbergasted.
Harry smiles triumphantly.
"Amongst other things, yes I do" Harry replies eating a few chips.
"And why the hell are you offering me a job? did Edward put you up to this?" Louis asks upset.
"Language and no Louis, Edward doesn't even know I'm speaking to you, I want you working for me, I think you're very talented" Harry says.
"How would you even know?" Louis asks.
He's never designed anything outside of Uni.
"I own half the university you attend Louis, I took an interest in you and your work about six months ago. Edward was talking about you at a meeting, he showed me a picture of you and thats how i became interested" Harry says.
"Interested?" Louis asks.
"Louis, you can't seriously deny the attraction between the two of us, I had no idea how powerful it was until that day you bumped into me. I knew I was drawn to you before I even met you but seeing you, talking to you, you want me just as much. I know it" Harry says and he reaches out to cup Louis cheek.
"Harry" Louis says confused.
Before Louis can react Harry's lips are on his, it's an instant fire for both boys and Louis gasps at how intense a feeling it is to kiss Harry. Harry is confident, dominant and knows what he wants. He kisses Louis with purpose and Louis can't help but respond and kiss back. Harry's tongue engages Louis mouth and a moan escapes Louis. Harry grips Louis by the waist and pulls him expertly onto his lap, so he's straddling Harry, their crutches touching. The kiss turns extremely heated and Harry moves Louis hips in a slow rhythm. Louis is lost in everything that is Harry, he's never felt like this before. He pulls back breathless as Harry rests his forehead on Louis. Louis needs air, he needs to take a step back, this is moving to fast.
"I...I.." Louis starts with a whisper.
"Louis, whats it going to take for you to be with me for the night" Harry asks, cutting Louis off breathlessly.
Louis doesn't understand.
"What?" Louis asks confused.
"I want you, you want me, I want you underneath me, I want to fuck you senseless, let me have you Louis, I'll make it worth your while" Harry says
Louis cant believe what he's hearing, Harry seriously expects him to take a job with him and to spend a night with him in return
"You want me to spend a night with you?.... like some...Hoe and in exchange you will give me a job that I don't actually want" Louis asks calmly but it's clear he's absolutely livid.
Harry remains silent assessing Louis and his anger.
"You can shove your job up your arse, you're an absolute dick and I would never accept a job from someone like you. Fuck you Harry" Louis says upset.
He actually thought Harry was a nice guy, for once Louis was attracted to someone, thought Harry was beautiful and the spark between them was special. He was so wrong and can't believe he thought Harry could be different, he can't believe he was so stupid to think someone could like Louis for him.
He gets up and runs for the door.
"Louis wait" Harry calls after him.
Louis doesn't stop though and runs to the lift, he's got no shoes on and has left his backpack inside Harrys apartment, he doesn't care though, he just wants to get away. Louis gets in the lift and Harry catches it just in time, He enters, still shirtless alongside Louis and the carriage begins descending to the ground.
"Look I didn't mean to offend you" Harry says trying to save this.
"How could you possible think your proposal wouldn't offend me" Louis asks upset.
"Well its...never mind" Harry says shaking his head.
"Its never what? offended anyone before? are you saying, oh my god, I cant believe you, you're such a jerk" Louis says as the lift doors open and Louis walks out and into the street.
"Louis Stop right now" Harry says domineeringly.
Louis turns as Harry catches his arm.
"Just consider my offer, please" Harry says.
"Not a chance in Hell" Louis says as he's quick to wipe a tear thats sneakily fallen from his eye, he turns around and makes his way back to his dorm. its cold and a long walk home barefoot.
Harry watches Louis go, he didn't think things would turn out like this, he didn't think Louis would turn down his offer if he's honest. Harry sighs, he needs to get off the street, people are starting to stare.
He brings out his phone and makes a few calls to his team, making sure someone follows Louis home, making sure he gets there safely.
Harry is so confused, No one has ever turned Harry down before, he's so used to getting what he wants. there is no denying he wants Louis, but there is something different about the feelings Louis gives him. Usually a quick fuck gets him sated, no strings attached casual sex is what he's all about. of course there are always those ones who think they can change Harry, fall too hard and fast and Harry has to cut them off, he doesn't do feelings very well, doesn't fall in love. or so he thought.
Louis makes him feel something, feel challenged, feel that little bit more alive, the thrill he gets when he sees Louis is like no other. Seeing Louis angry both pained him for making Louis upset but it also turned him on, badly.
Harry feels he's met his match and won't stop until he has Louis underneath him, screaming his name.
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