Part 17

"Hiya kiddo" Drew says as Louis enters the kitchen later that night after he's showered.

"Drew" Louis says and rushes forward into Drew's waiting arms.

Louis is dressed in black sweats and Harry's grey hoodie and Drew thinks he's so tiny.

Harry watches on fondly as Drew picks Louis up, cuddles him and places him on the bench. He then and stands in front of louis smiling. Harry grabs Drew's beer and his own wine glass and hands Drew his drink.

Harry smiles at Louis and kisses him on the forehead.

"You okay?" Drew asks concerned as he inspects Louis cut on his head.

Louis nods, he coughs a few times though, it's just started and Louis feels a little tight in his chest.

Drew watches Louis intently before he looks him over,

"Have you been eating?" Drew asks as he asses Louis further, he's so tiny.

"Yeah, I guess" Louis says.

"Louis" Drew says dominantly as he looks to Harry for confirmation.

"Not as much as I'd like" Harry says.

Drew looks back to Louis expectantly.

"Drew, just leave it" Louis says upset.

"You know what happens when you stop eating Louis, why aren't you eating" Drew asks.

"I am, I'm just stressed out a bit" Louis says.

Drew sighs.

"Scott and Edward will be here tomorrow, Scotts not going to be happy when he sees you so tiny" Drew says.

Louis sighs.

"Are you staying?" Louis asks changing the subject.

"Yeah, Harry has organised an apartment one floor below for us" Drew says.

Louis turns to Harry and smiles shyly, Harry winks sexily back at Louis.

"We were just discussing some things about the case" Drew says.

"Oh, what about it" Louis asks.

Harry goes to the fridge and gets out a can of lemonade, he grabs a glass with ice and pours it for Louis before handing it over. Louis smiles in response.

"Do you want to hear? It's okay if you don't" Harry says.

Louis is so thankful for Harry but he needs to know what's going on and what's going to happen.

"Yeah I just wanna know what's going to happen" Louis says

Harry nods as they walk into the lounge area drinks in hand. They all sit down, Louis instinctively on the floor as he rests against the back of the couch and rests his drink on the coffee table.

Harry smirks at Louis and Louis blushes as he's reminded of very first time he and Harry kissed.

Drew sits down on the couch and takes a sip of his beer, Harry sits next to Louis on the couch and starts playing with Louis hair.

Louis coughs again and it sounds quite wet and Harry and Drew share a concerned look.

"When did that start?" Drew asks.

"Just an hour ago, it's nothing I'm fine" Louis says

"I'll call Ben" Harry says.

"No Harry please, I promise I'm fine" Louis says.

Harry sighs as he looks to Drew.

"Scott will be here tomorrow, he will look you over, no arguments" Drew says pointedly.

Louis sighs,

"Fine" Louis says coughing again.

Drew then starts explaining the case and what's going to happen next and what he needs from Louis and Harry.

"Louis has two personal guards and then the usual team that normally follows us" Harry says,

Drew nods in understanding, relaxing at the fact his brother is being protected.

"Drew, why is there so much concern and why is it so hard to catch them. We know who they are why can't you just find them" Louis asks innocently.

"Kiddo, it's...." Drew looks towards Harry again, Harry looks at Drew and nods slightly.

"There is more to this than we first thought, we don't want to scare you okay but in order to keep you safe we need to tell you everything" Drew says.

Louis swallows thickly before he nods, letting Drew know he's okay with him continuing.

"Sam and Dan met a few years ago, while Sam and Harry were still in business together" Drew says.

Louis looks to Harry.

"Okay...please tell me you and him didn't..." Louis says, implying Harry slept with Sam.

"No darling, Sam wanted a relationship and I didn't, I turned him down a few times and that's when things became a concern and my team and I ended up getting rid of him. It was messy and it wasn't pretty but we came to an arrangement eventually. He would leave town, I'd give him enough to start new and he would sign everything over to me or he would go to jail for a long time" Harry says.

"Sam and Dan have still been in contact and eight weeks ago they both leased an apartment in the city together. It's been taken over by police now and when we searched it of course they weren't there but..." Drew says.

"But what?" Louis questions.

"But what we found inside the apartment has us very concerned" Drew says.

"What...what did you find?" Louis whispers, knowing it's something he probably really doesn't want to know.

"Pictures of you, everywhere. Pictures that we aren't even sure how they got, pictures of you and Harry, pictures of you at graduation, pictures of you and Harry on the street, entering the apartment, your work...everything" Drew says.

Louis breath hitches.

"There were death threats too, lots of them, I've been informed by Harry's team that they've been receiving them here as well" Drew says.

Louis doesn't respond, he doesn't know how, he doesn't know what to say. This is scary and completely fucked up.

"Darling" Harry tries.

"Um, I....What do they want? To kill me to get to Harry?" He asks voice raspy.

"We think so, Dan is bitter about his job and we think he may have been in love with you, he seems to think Harry has taken you away from him. Where as Sam seems to think you've taken Harry away from him. He wants Harry and doesn't understand why Harry loves you and not him. We've come to the conclusion that they want to ruin Harry and his companies, and they want to use you to do it. Unfortunately they see you as the common denominator on both their issues and want you" Drew finishes.

He can't seem to process the information and Louis headache that he's been fighting all day comes back full force.

"What does this mean exactly" Louis swallows

"It means that we will be watching you 24/7 and anywhere you go, both of you will be a highly guarded. We will catch them Lou, I promise. They won't get anywhere near you with all this protection, we just need to find them" Drew says.

Louis relaxes a little, he guesses Drew is right. How on earth would they get to Louis or Harry with so many armed people around. He nods in response.

"I'm going to go to bed I think" Louis says.

Both Drew and Harry nod and Harry promises to be in soon.

When Louis leaves Drew sighs and sits back againstmthe couch, Harry doing the same.

"I'll keep him safe Drew" Harry says.

He feels guilty about all of this, feels like it's his fault.

"I know Harry, we know. We don't blame you, please know that, we want you safe as much as Louis" Drew says.

Harry is completely taken aback, the fact Drew, Edward and Scott care enough about him to want him safe too.

"You're family now Harry and I promise to do everything I can to get this sorted and dealt with quickly" Drew says.

"Thank you" Harry says sincerely and Drew just smiles.

"Is Louis okay, has he been okay?" Drew asks.

"He's been quiet, and like you noticed, not really eating" Harry says.

Drew shakes his head.

"Scott is going to be so pissed when he finds that out, Louis knows he can't skip meals" Drew says.

"He's worried, and as much as he tries to hide it, it's there. I just wish I could protect him better" Harry says Earnestly.

"You're doing great Harry, more than we could ask, he loves you and that's all he needs from you. Louis isn't one for expensive things, he just needs to feel loved and we can all see how much you love him. Just know that you're enough" Drew says.

Harry is thankful for his words and they finish up their drinks, Drew going to the apartment downstairs for the night. Harry changes in sweats for bed and climbs in, securing Louis between his arms. He will do everything he can to protect his boy.

Louis wakes I'm a panic, he had a nightmare, the lift, he couldn't breathe as he was engulfed in smoke. He's trying to catch his breath back but he can't, he's panicking but something is wrong. He can't breathe, he's sweaty and the panic is so real.

"Louis, breathe baby, just relax" Harry says trying to comfort Louis. Louis woke in a panic and Harry thought it was a nightmare but he's never seen Louis like this, the sleep is completely wiped from Harry's body as he watches his boy absolutely terrified.

Louis lips are beginning to turn blue and Harry really panics. Louis' not having a panic attack something is wrong. Harry grabs his phone and dials Ben's number, he picks up on the second ring.

"Harry?" Ben asks confused.

"Ben, it's Louis, he can't breathe I don't know what to do" Harry says.

"What's happened" Ben asks, grabbing his kit and getting dressed to head to Harry's, he lives two floors down.

"He woke up from a nightmare, he's sweating I thought it was a panic attack but somethings wrong" Harry explains.

"Okay I'm coming, just try to get him to relax as best you can" Ben explains.

Harry hangs up and goes to sit in front of Louis.

"Baby, Ben is coming, he's going to help you, just try to relax baby, I'm here"Harry says.

Louis can hear Harry, can sense his comforting hands but he's so far gone he can't fully understand what's happening. His throat feels like it's on fire, his chest tight.

Harry grabs Louis around the waist and brings him to the floor. Harry sits with his back against the wall and positions Louis between his legs, Louis back to his chest.

"It's okay Louis, just stay with me it's okay" Harry whispers into Louis ear, he keeps trying to reassure Louis as worries swims throughout his body.

"HARRY" he hears Ben's voice yelling.

"In here" Harry yells back relieved.

Ben rushes into the room, his wife behind him, her name is Casey and she's also a doctor.

Ben and Casey kneel down in front of Harry and Louis.

"Louis, can you hear me" Ben asks.

Louis doesn't respond as his body becomes relaxed and his breathing even more laboured.

"What happened today Haz, you said he had a hit to the head?" Casey asks.

"Yeah, he was stuck in a lift he hit his head had stitches, he needed oxygen at the scene because it was hard for him to breathe in such a small space. They cleared him to leave though" Harry says worriedly.

"Okay" Casey nods and they get oxygen set up and a mask put over Louis nose and mouth to help him breathe.

"He's been coughing all afternoon" Harry says as he tries to think of what could have caused this.

Ben nods in understanding, Casey doesn't hesitate before she's filling up a vile and handing it to Ben.

Ben administers the steroid Immediately, the affects are nearly instant and Louis begins to breathe easier.

"There you go Lou, you're okay, you'll feel better soon kiddo, it's okay" Ben says relieved as Louis starts responding to the drugs.

"What happened" Harry asks as he relaxes and holds Louis close.

"His throat is still damaged and sensitive to the smoke he inhaled in the fire, after today it's obviously been irritated again and the coughing has caused it to swell up. The steroid will release the swelling and he will be okay. He will need another dose soon but he will be fine, just has to rest" Ben says.

"Jesus Christ" Harry says, as he rubs his hands over his face in relief.

Ben and Casey watch Harry react with a mix of confusion and fondness, this is so unlike Harry but it's so nice to see him in love and so protective over someone, showing his feelings for once.

"Thank you" Harry says.

"Of course H, I'll stay okay, I'll have to keep an eye on him and put some fluids up for a few hours, he'll need another steroid dose too. I'll call Scott and let him know" Ben says.

Harry thanks him relieved, Casey kisses Harry on the head and smiles as she says her goodbyes, Ben tells them he will be back shortly and leaves the room with Casey.

Harry holds Louis tightly and kisses the side of his head.

Louis comes back to reality and freaks out a little, he grabs the mask and tries to pull it off, he can't really remember much and doesn't know why he's on the floor with Harry.

"Hey, hey darling, relax, relax. You're fine, I've gotcha. Lets leave that on okay, it's helping you" Harry says as he grabs the mask and puts it back on Louis.

"Haz" Louis chokes.

"It's okay, I'm here, you're okay" Harry says,

Louis relaxes his body is exhausted.

"What happened" Louis asks,

"Your throat has swollen up, just from the fire and today, you're okay but we just need to make sure it's under control okay, I don't want you to worry, Ben is here and I'm here, we're looking after you" Harry says gently.

Louis nods he's so tired and his throat is so sore.

"Just rest Sweetheart I've gotcha" Harry says and Louis listens he just completely zonks out safe in Harry's arms.

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