Part 13
"What the hell do you mean Cal?" Harry booms into the phone the next morning.
Louis hears Harry yelling as he enters the doorway to his office, Louis is dressed in black skinny jeans and a baseball tee, his black and white check vans on his feet. He was hoping to ask Harry a favour but he doesn't know if he should even go near Harry right now.
"I want him found" Harry seethes.
Louis decides it's probably best not to ask Harry his question now and goes to leave Harry's doorway but Harry sees him, they lock eyes.
"I don't care, call me when you've got him" Harry says angrily, eyes never leaving Louis.
He hangs up and they stare at each other, Louis wary of what's going on..
"I...are you okay?" Louis asks concerned.
Harry looks at Louis confused.
"It's just business darling" Harry says his voice tight.
"Okay, But are you still okay?" Louis asks a little more timidly.
"Come here" Harry says as he sits in his chair and opens his arms for Louis. Louis walks over and straddles Harry's lap.
"I didn't mean to scare you" Harry says truthfully.
"You didn't....I just hope you're okay, you've been busy and a little stressed and I just want you to be okay and...happy" Louis says.
Harry is quite taken a back by what Louis has said. He's definitely not one to need looking after, nor want it for that matter. He's usually the dominant one, the one who is in charge and he likes it that way. He is however very endeared by Louis asking him, knowing Louis cares so much about him makes Harry love him even more, it's hard for Harry to remember Louis is with him because he loves Harry, not because he wants something in return.
Harry is the one who needs to protect Louis though, love him and care for him and to keep himself safe.
"I'm fine my darling, it's just work" Harry says.
"Anything I can help with" Louis asks excitedly.
Harry chuckles as he rubs his hands down Louis thighs.
"Well....maybe if you worked for me..." Harry jokes.
Louis smirks.
"Well technically, I do" Louis says as he responds to Harry's touches and rocks his hips slightly.
Harry smirks before he takes Louis lips in his, Louis moans as Harry's tongue invades his mouth expertly. Things get heated quickly and Harry moves swiftly to place Louis on his back on the desk, he hovers over Louis and trails kisses down his neck and back up to his ear lobe, where he sucks. Louis grips Harry's hair in response.
Louis thinks Harry feels absolutely amazing, his hot breath on his skin causes Louis to shiver in the best way.
"You have no idea what you do to me Louis" Harry says breathlessly.
Harry removes Louis jeans swiftly, his legs dangling over the edge of his desk. Harry flips him over effortlessly, Louis feet hit the ground and Harry holds his torso down over the desk as he bends down and spreads Louis legs.
Harry admires Louis for a few seconds until he can't take it anymore. He licks over Louis hole before he's sucking and licking expertly. Louis is a panting mess, is falling apart on top of Harry's desk. He feels incredible and Harry can't get enough of Louis sounds.
Harry wastes no time in opening up his gorgeous boy, and by the time he deems Louis Ready Harry's cock is painfully hard and huge. Harry slides inside Louis tight little hole and they both moan before Harry is finding the perfect Rhythm.
Harry leans over Louis body thrusting hard, he grips Louis hips as he takes Louis mouth in a sloppy, loving kiss.
Harry is gripping Louis hips tightly and they both know he will bruise. Louis whimpers at the intensity of his feelings.
"Mmmm Harry" Louis moans, Harry knows he's about to lose it and Harry is too.
"That's it come for me" Harry grunts darkly and Louis does, all over Harry's desk.
Harry loses it and comes hotly inside Louis hole, he grunts in pleasure. Louis is like nothing he's had before, he feels like ecstasy, a drug that he can't get enough of. Louis is his other half and he feels completely sated and at ease now.
Harry helps Louis up, he disappears to get a warm cloth and he wipes Louis down. They get redressed, both a lot more relaxed. Harry then brings Louis into his arms and kisses his head.
"I love you baby" Harry says sincerely.
"I love you" Louis says smiling.
" it okay if I go into the office this morning, I just wanted to pick some things up and all my drawing supplies. I wanted to go early, before anyone gets to the office" Louis asks.
"I've got a Skype meeting in about 20 minutes and it could go for a while" Harry replies.
"Oh, you don't need to come, I'll be quick" Louis says.
Harry looks at Louis contemplating.
"Okay, Alberto and Paddy need to be with you" Harry says.
Louis knew that would be a condition so just nods in response.
Louis kisses Harry goodbye and he goes to get his phone. He's then led out of the apartment.
The truth is Louis doesn't want to see Dan at the office, he figures if he gets there early he can leave before any of the staff get there. He's meeting with Andy later in the week to go over a few things and Louis needs to get a start.
As they pull up to the office, Alberto gets a call from Harry.
"I just have to pick up something for Harry, I'll be back in 10 minutes" Alberto says.
"Sure, I'll stay with Louis" Paddy says.
They get out of the car and head inside the office, as they are walking up the stairs Paddy gets a phone call just as they reach the office doors.
"Take it, it's fine, I'll be back in 5" Louis says.
Paddy nods and heads back down the stairs as he answers. Louis unlocks the office door and heads inside. It's quiet, but there is a smell that hits Louis nose and he almost gags, It's so strong and smells an awful lot like gasoline.
Louis then hears footsteps and out of the doorway storms Dan. He stops in his tracks when he sees Louis. He's dressed in all black and is carrying a can of fuel. He smirks at Louis and Louis breath hitches.
"Well, well, well, look who it is" Dan says.
Louis doesn't know what to do, Dan is looking crazy and Louis doesn't want to stick around to find out why. He slowly backs up but Dan is faster. Dan stalks forward and reaches out and grabs Louis harshly.
"Not so fast, now that you're here, I've got someone to take my anger out on" Dan smiles.
"Anger?" Louis asks.
"Your boyfriend fired me, Yeah that's right, he fucking fired me. Brought the company and got rid of me and I know who is to blame for that" Dan says evilly as he pulls Louis closer.
"It had nothing to do with me" Louis says back.
"Like fuck it didn't" Dan says angrily and he punches Louis in the face. Louis falls to the ground from the force as Dan offers a swift kick to Louis ribs. Louis cries out in pain.
"I'm coming after you Louis and I'll make you pay" Dan says and he kicks Louis again.
Louis is on the floor trying to catch his breath. Dan kicked his sore kidney hard and Louis is seeing stars. He thinks he may pass out.
"Dan, finished? Let's get out of here" Louis hears another voice, Louis then sees another male enter the room, he's seen him before, recognises his face. He's Harry's old business partner that was at Harry's door last week.
Louis is to out of it to hear what he and Dan say, until Dan is kneeling down beside Louis smirking.
"I'm sure Harry's right behind you, wouldn't let his flavour of the month stray for too long, give him a message though would you. Tell him, this is only the beginning" Dan says evilly,
Louis then sees them both light a match and set the building on fire, before they walk past Louis and issue a kick each to his ribs before they are out the window.
The fire takes off quickly and Louis tries to get up, tries with all his might but he's weak, He can hardly breathe and he can feel the heat of the fire getting so hot. The room is filled with smoke in seconds, He feels his lungs try to breathe but all he can take in is smoke. He's struggling to stay conscious.
Louis is about to give up and close his eyes, but suddenly he's being lifted into the air and carried out to the street below. Paddy has him in his arms and there is already a street full of ambulances, police and fire fighters.
Louis hears paddy talking to him but everything is so blurry, Louis sees Alberto on his phone and panic in his eyes. He sees the ambulance usher Paddy into the back of the truck and the doors shut, away from the street full of onlookers. Louis hadn't realised he was coughing and struggling for breath.
"Just relax kiddo, just try to relax" Paddy is telling him
He can't relax though, he's hurting and can't breathe.
Suddenly the back of the ambulance is opening, cameras are flashing and Harry gets inside the ambulance, Paddy steps out as he shuts the doors and Harry is quick to scoop Louis into his arms.
"Jesus Louis" Harry panics.
The tears come then and Louis cries his eyes out. He tries to talk but all it hurts badly.
"Harry" Louis husks.
"Shhhhh it's okay I'm right here, fuck" Harry says.
Harry lays on the bed and brings Louis so he's straddling Harry's hips.
Harry was in the middle of a Skype call when Alberto phoned, he knew it was Louis instantly and ended his meeting abruptly. Harry's heart has been in his throat, not knowing if Louis was okay. It was agonising.
"Louis, my name is Amy and I just need to put this mask on you so we can help you breathe okay" one of the ambulance officers comes over to say.
Louis let's them put the mask on and Harry holds him close, drying his tears.
"I want him at London East private, under Doctor Winston" Harry instructs.
The ambulance officer agrees as they speed off towards the hospital, Harry called Scott to let him know what had happened and that Harry would get Louis to Ben as quickly as he could. Scott agreed, he was about to start an operation and asked Harry to keep him informed.
Louis passes out before they make it to the hospital, Harry carries him inside and they are met with Ben instantly.
"Put him on the bed Haz" Ben says as Harry reluctantly agrees and lets Louis go.
Harry watches on as medical jargon is being shouted and Ben assess Louis. Louis is sent for scans and Harry waits in the private cubicle alone.
Harry's feelings are getting the better of him. He could have lost Louis today. He answers a call from Alberto who's on top of everything. The police want to meet as soon as possible to get Louis statement. When Alberto tells Harry that Sam and Dan were involved, he nearly snaps. They will fucking pay for what they have done to Louis.
An hour later, Louis is being wheeled back into the cubicle, a drip in his arm. He's still asleep and Harry looks to Ben for answers.
"He's okay, he's suffered smoke inhalation and his chest and throat will be a bit sore for a while but he needs to keep his fluids up. His left rib is cracked but it's not a full break, it will heal fine. His cheek is bruised and will leave a nice colour bruise for a while, but there is no damage to the bone. His kidney is inflamed though from being kicked, he will need another round of antibiotics. I've spoken to his brother and he's told me Louis history. I've prescribed the ones Scott suggested work best for Louis" Ben says.
Harry sighs, he can't believe this has happened, he should of been with Louis.
"You can take him home when he wakes up, I know there will be a media storm that you'd prefer to avoid when they find out he's here" Ben says smiling.
Harry smiles back.
"Thanks Ben" Harry says,
"Of course Haz, although I was hoping to meet Louis in a less dramatic way" Ben chuckles.
Harry's smile brightens.
"I would have liked that too, it's just happened so fast and I'm still trying to catch my breath" Harry says looking towards Louis.
Ben smiles.
"You look happy Harry, like really happy. It's so nice to see" Ben says.
Harry smiles, Louis has changed him for the better and he's so thankful.
"Just give me a buzz when he wakes and I'll come and discharge him" Ben says.
Harry nods and he gets comfortable next to Louis bed, he hold Louis hands and just watches him sleep for the next 20 minutes, before Louis stirs on the bed.
Louis comes to and feels like his chest is on fire.
"Owe" he chokes as he opens his eyes.
He realises he's in a hospital,
"Hey baby" Harry says as he comes to Louis side and kisses his forehead.
Louis sits up as he remembers what happened. He's light headed and woozy but he doesn't care.
"Hey darling take it easy" Harry says as he helps Louis.
"Dan...he ...he" Louis tries.
"I know Angel, just relax okay, are you okay?" Harry asks,
Louis sighs. He's not okay, this is shit, he feels like shit and Dan nearly killed him.
Louis nods at Harry.
"Lou, Jesus you scared me, I'm so sorry I wasn't there" Harry says as he kisses Louis head and pulls him close, a protective hand on the back of his head.
"I'm sorry" Louis croaks.
"Shhhhh, no sorry's, I'm just so glad you're okay" Harry says.
They sit in each other's embrace until Louis starts coughing, Harry hands him a glass of water and it soothes Louis throat instantly.
"Ben said we can go home when you woke up" Harry says and Louis nods.
Louis goes to pull his drip out himself.
"Hey, Hey, Lou, let Ben do that, just relax, it's okay, it's okay" Harry says as he grabs Louis and hugs him close.
Louis is quiet as Ben discharges him, Harry helps him walk to the Bentley in the underground carpark away from the paparazzi. It's quiet as Louis and Harry sit in the back of the car Alberto driving, Harry on the phone for most of the drive.
"He's not talking to the police tonight Preston, they can wait until tomorrow" Harry says.
Louis hears Preston say something back.
"He can hardly talk and has just been through something traumatic" Harry says back angrily.
"I don't give a fuck what the police want, Louis comes first god dam it" Harry says.
"It's okay Haz, I'd rather get it over and done with" Louis says, he knows they need his statement and he may as well do it now.
Harry sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before he replies.
"They have ten minutes with him and that's all I will allow" Harry growls.
Louis can't help the overwhelming feelings he has for Harry, he feels so safe with him and the thought of leaving Harry got him hard today. He tries to hold back his tears as Harry helps him up to the apartment. They are met with two male detectives, drinking coffee courtesy of Barb, at the dining table.
"Mr Styles, Mr Tomlinson, I'm Detective Lucas and this is Detective Murdock " They both greet and shake hands.
"Ten minutes, Louis needs to rest" Harry says upset.
"Of course, we will get out of your hair as soon as we can" Murdock says,
They all sit down and Barb brings Louis a tea over, Harry sits as close as possible and holds Louis hand in comfort.
Louis goes through, in detail, about what happened and Harry is fuming. The police have video evidence of both Sam and Dan exiting the premises via the window from the building next door. They were smart enough to disable cameras in the building they burnt down but not the one next door.
"Has Dan ever shown aggression towards you before Mr Tomlinson" Murdock then asks.
Louis sighs and looks at his hands, Harry is going to be so angry at him for keeping this from him.
"Darling?" Harry asks worriedly when Louis doesn't answer.
"Um," Louis says as his eyes begin to shine with tears.
"Take Your time" Lucas says
"Um last week, he grabbed my arm and threatened me, told me to remember that I'm nothing and just Harry's flavour of the month, he bruised my arm. Then, the next day he um....he told me that he thought I was a spy for Harry, that he wouldn't let me ruin what he had built with the company. He pushed me and ended up dislocating my shoulder" Louis says and he can't look at Harry, he knows he will see disappointment in his eyes.
"Louis, you told me you fell down the stairs" Harry says gently.
Louis expected Harry to be mad, but he's the opposite and Louis feels even worse.
"I was scared to tell you, I didn't want to lose my job, I'm sorry" Louis says quietly.
Before Harry can reply the detectives start to pack up.
"I think that's all we need for now, we will be in touch" Murdock says.
"We advise that you up your security, at least until we find them both" Lucas says.
Harry nods, having already sorted it.
Louis doesn't move from the table as Harry escorts the detectives out. When Harry comes back in he doesn't say anything, he just scoops Louis up into his arms, helps him shower and dresses him in Harry's oversized tee and Louis boxers, before he's holding Louis tightly in his arms while Louis cries himself to sleep. Harry will do whatever it takes to keep Louis safe and Harry means whatever.
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