Part 11

You're supposed to be asleep angel" Harry says from his desk, he senses Louis in the doorway as he looks over his paperwork.

"Missed you" Louis says shyly.

Harry smirks and opens his arms. Louis walks over and curls himself on Harry's lap snuggling close, his shoulder is still sore but feels so much better and Louis is relieved.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks kissing Louis softly.

Louis sighs.

"Fine" Louis says and Harry can't help the fond, that's always Louis response no matter what. Harry is pretty certain if Louis fell down a cliff he'd still say he was fine.

"Are you still upset at me?" Harry asks.

"For calling my work or my brothers?" Louis asks.

"Sweetheart, you fainted right in front of me, I had to call your brothers and can you imagine if you'd gone to work and fainted there, thank god I was here" Harry says shaking his thoughts of what would have happened had he not been home.

Louis is quiet, he's tired and his side is quite sore, he's had a kidney infection before, it knocked him for a six and he knows it's bad news and he won't be able to do anything until he's better. He's just so frustrated at himself though.

"Talk to me baby" Harry says, he knows Louis is upset.

"When I talk no one listens" Louis whispers,

"I'm not your brothers Lou" Harry says.

Louis sighs, he knows Harry is different knows that they are in a relationship and need to talk about these things, especially when Harry is affected too.

"I just feel like a caged animal, I understand my brothers and what I put them through with my recovery and I get that they nearly lost me too, but sometimes I feel like I have so many restrictions and it just gets too much" Louis breaths and Harry tightens his grip.

"Getting the boys to allow me to go to university was insane, they were so against it, I ended up packing my bags and threatening to leave. Then they talked about it and I was allowed to go, but I couldn't party and I couldn't drink excessively and I get I could die but I'm not stupid. Them controlling me makes me want to be stupid though, reckless just to spite them sometimes. I love them Harry, I do but I worked so hard, followed every single rule and I get to the big bad world and I fail, I can't handle it, just like they told me. My body won't cope and I'm just some damsel in distress that has to sit back and watch all my hard work and life pass me by because I'm weak" Louis finishes as he wipes a tear.

"Louis" Harry breathes in disbelief.

Harry manoeuvres Louis so he's straddling Harry's hips, he grabs Louis chin and tilts it so Louis is looking at him in the eyes.

"Darling, the last thing you are is weak. You have been through so much and I know it seems like you've failed but gosh, Louis, you haven't failed anything. You are amazing and so are your designs. You are talented and just because your body can't cope with a full time job does not mean you can't do what you love" Harry says.

Louis looks at him, Harry can see the bags under Louis eyes and it pains him. Louis is sick and he should have noticed and taken action sooner.

"I know what it's like to feel protective over you and I understand where your brothers are coming from but I also understand you need to live and I want to give that to you Louis. You're all that matters to me....this" Harry says as he gestures around "Money, this lifestyle..means something now that I have you" Harry says smiling.

"But for how long Harry, How Long until I become to much. What do you have to set your alarm to now? Every four hours? Sometimes it's every two and for twice as long. I'm a burden"Louis says.

"Oh Angel, I am so in love with you and everything about you, you are not a burden and it's an honour for me to look after you, that you let me and love me enough to trust me. I want this forever Louis. I don't care what happens as long as I have you" Harry says.

Louis breath hitches at Harry's confession and he lets a few more tears fall.

"I've let myself love you harry, I have never felt anything like this before and I want to be with you, I can't imagine my life without you and we've only known each other a few weeks. I just want you, if I have you I'll be okay" Louis says.

Harry smiles the biggest smile Louis has seen, he laughs as he tries to hold back his tears.

"Oh little one, who would have thought you'd change my life just by looking at me. I never thought I'd have this, never wanted to settle down, but you changed that and I've never been so happy" Harry says.

Louis smiles and snuggles into Harry,

"Now come on.... back to bed for you" Harry says,

He picks Louis up like a child and carries a sleepy Louis back to bed. Harry tucks him in and Louis falls asleep happier than he's ever been.

Harry watches Louis sleep and swipes his hand through Louis hair, he loves his boy and would do anything to see him smile. Harry slips out of the room and goes to make some calls, the first one to Louis brothers.


"Hey babe, are you okay? Edward called me" Noah says Into the phone.

"I'm okay, the usual, miss you" Louis says as he looks out Harry's floor to ceiling window as the rain and lightning pour over London.

"I miss you too, I have news kid, I'll be at Harry's for dinner tonight" Noah says.

"Is it good news?" Louis asks.

Noah sighs

"I..l hope so" he says and Louis is confused.

"Noah, what's going on?" Louis asks.

"I'll explain tonight kiddo, love you lots" Noah says.

"Love you too" Louis says and hangs up.

"Okay?" Harry smiles as he comes into the room.

"Yeah, Noah has some news to tell me tonight, I hope he's okay" Louis says.

"I'm sure he's fine baby, here" Harry says as he hands Louis pills. Louis takes them and lies back in bed.

"Get some more rest before the boys get here hey" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the forehead.

"Stay?" Louis asks.

Harry hesitates for a split second, Louis sees it though. He knows Harry has a bucket load of work to get through.

"It's okay, sorry. I know you're busy, sorry" Louis then says quickly, slightly embarrassed at even thinking Harry would stay with him.

"Darling, don't ever apologise for asking me for what you need. I will do whatever you ask of me. Just give me ten minutes to wrap up a few things Okay" Harry says gently, swiping Louis fringe off his forehead.

Louis is still sick and drained and Harry can't stand seeing his boy so lifeless, he will do anything he can to put a smile on his face while he's going through something so shitty.

"It's okay, I'll just be sleeping anyway, I know you have a lot of work and are super busy" Louis says.

"I am never, ever to busy for you" Harry says.

He takes his shoes off and hops in next to Louis, Louis tries to protest but Harry isn't having any of it, he cuddles Louis close and it doesn't take Louis long before he's out to the world in Harry's strong arms.

Louis wakes a few hours later, Harry is sitting up against the headboard with his laptop open on his knees and paperwork around the bed, he has glasses on and Louis thinks he's just so beautiful, especially with no shirt on.

"Hey sleepyhead, How are you feeling" Harry asks smiling.

"M fine" Louis says around a yawn.

Harry smiles fondly at his boy.

"I like your glasses, you look hot" Louis says shyly.

Harry laughs out loud and Louis loves the sound.

"Oh Angel, I love you" Harry says as he puts his laptop down and turns towards Louis.

"You stayed with me?" Louis asks.

"Of course, you are stunning when you sleep, so you're a little bit of a distraction though" Harry smirks.

Louis blushes and Harry kisses his nose fondly.

"The boys will be here in about 40 minutes, would you like to have a shower?" Harry asks.

Louis sighs, he just wants to stay in bed but he feels so gross and he probably smells, he doesn't think he could manage a shower alone though.

"I'll help you darling, don't worry" Harry says, Louis shouldn't be stunned that Harry knows what he's thinking.

"K" Louis says.

Harry helps Louis shower and dress in his black sweats and a black Tee, just in time for the boys to arrive.

Louis is a little quiet and sticks to Harry's side like glue, he doesn't realise he's doing it but the boys do and can't help but smile. Harry is loving it and they all know Louis can get a little needy when he's sick, he doesn't even know what he's doing but if the boys weren't convinced about Louis and Harry's relationship, they are now. It's evident how much Louis trusts and loves Harry and the way Harry responds to Louis, the way Harry always has to be touching some part of him. The way they look at each other, smile at each other and react to each other is enough for the boys to know it's real.

Louis manages a little food and sits in the middle of Noah and Harry at the table. Harry and the boys get along like a house on fire, like they've known each other for years. A true friendship forming and Louis couldn't be happier. Noah is acting a little sad but is trying to hide it. It's not until the end of the night they find out why.

"Hey Noah, so what's this exciting news you have to tell us" Scott asks when dinner is done, everyone lazing around the table drinking. Louis leaning on Harry as he runs his hand through Louis hair, Louis is so tired.

"Well, um" Noah starts.

Louis sits up,

"Are you okay?" Louis asks.

"Yeah kid I'm fine, I just, really don't want you to hate me" Noah says as he faces Louis.

"Why would I hate you, I could never hate you" Louis says, he's getting a little nervous now.

Noah takes a deep breath.

"Well, I've kind of been offered a promotion" Noah says.

"Really? Noah that's amazing" Louis says smiling brightly, he's so happy for his friend.

"Kid, that's so awesome we're so proud of you" Scott says.

The boys all smiling and congratulating Noah.

"Why would I be mad at you about that?" Louis asks curiously.

"Well,'s in France" Noah says looking down.

"What?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, it's in France I'm moving to France, In a week" Noah says.

Louis can't believe this, he's so so excited for Noah but he is going to miss his best friend. They planned to move to London together and live together. Louis doesn't know what he will do without Noah.

The table goes silent, waiting for Louis reaction.

Louis doesn't respond but he launches at Noah and hugs him tightly.

"I'm sorry kid" Noah says,

"Don't be sorry, this is amazing, you're going to be amazing. I am so so happy for you" Louis says and Noah hugs him back tightly.

"Thanks so much Lou" Noah says.

They pull back from each other and the boys all share hugs and congratulations with Noah.

"So what are you going to do with the apartment?" Drew asks,

"Well, I'm going to keep it, rent it out, Lou you're welcome to stay there, like don't feel like you have to move out" Noah says.

"Thanks, I cant afford the rent on my own though so I'll need a roommate I guess" Louis says and Harry goes stiff, pulling Louis closer to him.

"We can pay your rent Lou" Edward says as if it's the most logical thing.

"No" Louis says.

"Kid, you haven't let us pay a single thing since you left, your uni loan to us, which you didn't even need to pay back is almost paid off. Let us do this, then you won't have to share" Drew says.

"No, I don't mind finding somewhere smaller and more affordable anyway" Louis says.

"Well, Jax from work is looking for a place and he was interested in the room, if you don't mind sharing with him" Noah says.

"No, I don't think that will be necessary, you can move in here" Harry then says.

They all look towards Harry stunned.

"Umm, What?" Louis asks like Harry has gone mad.

"You're here all the time anyway, I have security here, Alberto is here and I can keep you safe when you're with me. It's only a natural step in our relationship. I want you to move in, I want you with me" Harry says.

The boys are inwardly smiling while Louis can't believe what is coming out of Harry's mouth and looks at him speechless.

It's not like Louis doesn't want to move in with Harry, he does, he loves Harry, loves being around him. It's just, what if it's to soon and Harry realises he doesn't like living with Louis, doesn't like having him around 24/7.

Harry chuckles at Louis response.

"Just think about it baby" Harry says as he kisses Louis nose fondly and gets up to get another drink from the bar, making sure to fill everyone else's glasses up. Louis is only on water and can't stomach anymore.

Louis sighs, the boys all start talking again and Louis makes his way over to Harry's couch, he listens to them all laughing and he loves it, feels so at home and that's how he drifts off to sleep. With everyone he loves I'm one room, getting along with each other, he couldn't really ask for more

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