Part 10
The next morning, Louis sleeps well passed his alarm, his shoulder kept him awake most of the night and he only settled about 5am. Harry made sure to call Louis office and let them know he wouldn't be in. Andy was fine and hoped Louis felt better. Harry likes Andy and thinks he's a great designer, he sees promising things and the company has been an interest to Harry for a while. Dan though, is someone Harry doesn't like, he's shady and doesn't want Louis working with him, he's heard nothing but bad business rumours about the guy, he can't be trusted.
When Louis wakes he panics when he sees the time, 10am. He rushes out of bed, stumbling from exhaustion and pain. He races to the kitchen still in Harry's University Tee that reaches mid thigh and his boxers. He sees Harry sitting at the breakfast bar, his laptop and paperwork is spread out as he works from home. He's dressed in his sweats and no shirt and Louis is so thankful Harry is all his and no one else gets to see him like this.
"I'm late for work" Louis says.
Harry looks up from his laptop, he's worried about Louis.
"I've called in for you" Harry says.
"What? Why? You could have woken me, why would you do that" Louis asks upset
"What do you mean why would I do that?" Harry asks his voice tense.
"You can't just call in for me, I need to go in, it's only my first month" Louis says.
"You didn't fall asleep until 5am, you've been coming down with something all week, you've got a sore shoulder and you slept through your alarm. You could do with a break Louis" Harry says, voice full of authority.
"That's not your call to make, I'm fine" Louis says heatedly.
"It is my call to make and I called it" Harry says sternly,
Louis looks at Harry tears in his eyes. Dan is going to make his life hell come Monday.
"Is there something wrong? Something you're not telling me?" Harry asks then, concern riddling his features, it's clicked, Louis is hiding something.
"No, just,....ugh" Louis says as he turns around to leave the kitchen.
"Louis wait, what's going on" Harry asks as he follows Louis.
Louis ignores Harry and walks to his room.
"You're hiding something from me, what is it" Harry asks sternly.
"I'm not the one hiding things" Louis spits as he starts gathering his work documents and putting them in his bag. He grabs some sweats and pulls them on as quick as he can with one arm.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Harry asks hands on his hips.
Louis spins around to face Harry a few tears have escaped.
"The other night, you didn't say two words to me all night, you were angry at me and I don't even know what I did. Then you wouldn't even explain who the guy at the door was and then last night the guy in the bathroom. You didn't even give me the respect to tell me who he was and what he wanted either. You live this whole other life and you just expect me to not question it, Dan told me you're only with me because you want his and Andy's company and you're using me. I didn't believe him but you hide another life from me and Im so confused" Louis says as he catches his breath.
"I'm not hiding anything from you, I'm trying to protect you, the guy at the door was an old business partner, the one in the bathroom an Ex, no-one I want you associating with. The thought of you near them makes my blood boil. Your safety is number one and I'm sorry if I've come across like I'm hiding things it's not my intention" Harry says.
"I'm sick of being protected, I'm sick of everyone trying to control me and my life, calling in sick to my job is my decision. No one else's" Louis says upset.
"Darling I'm sorry" Harry says, he had no idea how upset Louis would be over this. He realises now how little control Louis feels like he has over his life and his job was something that's his and his alone.
"Why were you mad at me the other night" Louis asks.
"I wasn't mad at you at all, Noah's friends were looking at you and one of them said something vile about you and it made me angry and I withdrew, I'm sorry" Harry says.
"It hurts Harry,I was punished because they were looking at me, that's not my fault" Louis says.
"I know darling" Harry says.
"Is what Dan said true" Louis asks and he doesn't know if he can handle the answer.
"Sweetheart" Harry starts and Louis breathing picks up.
"Oh god" Louis says as he tries to breathe.
"Louis" Harry says.
"I knew this was to good to be true, I knew I was nothing to you, you just want the company" Louis says more to himself.
"No Louis, listen to me now" Harry declares.
Louis looks at him, eyes welling with tears, his face pale, breathing irregular.
"I am in love with you, I want you and nothing else matters. I like Andy and his talent, your talent is waisted there but so is his. I want you both. I want to buy the company yes, but It's got nothing to do with you, Dan is my problem" Harry says and Louis is relieved in a way to hear Harry loves him, that what they have is real.
He begins to feel funny though, his shoulder pain becoming to much and his body exhausted.
"Darling, look at me" Louis hears Harry ask concerned.
"I feel funny" Louis says
"Okay, just relax, just relax" Harry says.
Harry grabs his phone out and dials a number, Louis doesn't hear who he calls as he sees the floor getting closer and closer.
"Shit Louis" is the last thing he hears Harry say before he's out cold.
Louis wakes to voices. He opens his eyes, he's in Harry's bedroom, tucked up in his bed. Scott, Drew, Edward and Harry are in the corner of the room talking in hushed voices.
He must have been out a while, he sits up and winces at his shoulder pain.
"Lou" Harry says relieved as he comes towards Louis, he hops up on the bed next to Louis and swipes his fringe off his forehead.
"How are you feeling kiddo" Scott asks gently as he comes to sit on the edge of the bed.
"M' fine" Louis says.
"You've been out a while kid" Drew says as he and Edward sit on the end of the bed.
"I'm okay, why are you here?" Louis asks as he swallows thickly.
"Harry called, we came straight away" Edward says.
Louis looks towards Harry, then back to his brothers.
"Well, you can go home now I promise I'm fine" Louis says as he goes to get up, still in Harry's tee. At least Harry has managed to put a shirt on.
"Not so fast kiddo, we need to talk" Scott says.
Louis sighs, he can't be bothered fighting.
"You're temp is a little higher than I'd like, and I took some blood which shows your white count is up, it's your kidney again. I'm sorry Lou" Scott says.
Louis closes his eyes, why does this have to happen to him, he's been fine, three years of nothing but slight colds and now his first month in London this happens. Why can't he just be normal.
"I'm not quitting my job" Louis says quietly.
"Louis" Edward says,
"Kid" Drew stresses.
"Lou" Scott warns.
"You can't do this to me" Louis says on the verge of tears.
"Your health comes first Louis, we all knew this was a huge risk. You promised us that if anything happened, that if your body wasn't up to it you would quit, you promised us, those were the terms" Scott says.
"Yeah when I started uni, I'm not waisting the last four years of my life because my stupid body can't handle it. It will get used to it, I will" louis says determined.
"No louis, that's not how it works" Scott says.
"So what, I...I'm just supposed to never work again, to sit on my ass for the rest of my life because you say I can't do something, so at least you guys will be happy?" Louis asks upset.
The boys all sigh.
"Sweetheart, we will figure something out okay" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the side of the head, Louis leans into Harry's warmth, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.
"You also have a dislocated shoulder, god knows how you've been putting up with it for two days, I'm going to have to put it back in to place" Scott then says gently.
"What? No" Louis panics.
"Kid, just relax" Drew says.
"I'll be quick and gentle, if It's left any longer you'll need surgery to correct it, it will start healing outside the socket" Scott says.
Harry manoeuvres Louis to in between his legs, he wraps his arm around Louis waist and holds him tightly. Louis is crying freely now.
"No Scott please" Louis begs but he can't move, Harry has him tightly.
"I'll be as gentle as I can" Scott reassures.
He grabs Louis arm and Louis cries out in pain.
"It's okay, I gotcha" Harry tells him.
"Ahhhh it hurts, it hurts" Louis cries
Edward and Drew watch on with pained expressions as Scott positions himself and Louis arm and pulls it back into place. The pain is insane and Louis gets his breath knocked out of him. The boys all cringing at the sound.
"Breathe Angel" Harry comforts him.
Louis tries and calms himself down, he's exhausted and in so much pain. Scott gives him some pain killers and they all settle him down as best as they can.
Louis falls asleep again, in Harry's arms but he's upset and hurt and is determined not to let his brothers hold him back.
When Louis is off, Harry kisses his head and strokes his hair. The boys all watching on fondly.
"So what happens now?" Harry asks.
"Well, he's on bed rest, if he gets worse he needs to be admitted, if that happens I want him in Manchester with me" Scott says.
"I can get him the best care here in London" Harry says.
"We know Harry and we appreciate it, we do, it's just" Edward starts.
"Louis should have stayed in the hospital, after his concussion, my supervising doctor wouldn't listen and Louis could have died because of his decision, our parents died because of it" Scott says.
"We've never trusted anyone else with his care" Drew says,
"I know, Louis told me" Harry says.
"He told you?" Drew asks confused.
"Yes, why?" Harry asks,
"Louis has told Noah about what happened and that's the only person he had ever opened up to about the accident. It took him a whole year before he even confined in Noah, but he's known you for a matter of weeks and he's told you everything" Edward says.
"I'm in love with him, he's in love with me" Harry says.
"Harry" Scott starts.
"I won't hurt him, I need him, he's mine. I respect you all as his family and with his medical decisions too but I'm not letting him go, I love him, he's my world" Harry says fiercely, he's vulnerable though, to three people he's only just met. This isn't how Harry works and he feels out of control, he can't lose Louis.
"We know Louis feels the same Harry, he's told us... but he's our world too, we can't lose him either. As long as we are all on the same page about his health and safety we can make this work. But please understand where we are coming from"Scott says.
Harry sighs in relief.
"I do and I will do anything for Louis, can you just meet with my medical team, Ben is one of the best doctors in Europe, just as a backup, just in case...please" Harry pleads.
The boys look at each other, they trust Harry and somehow know he wouldn't hurt Louis, he wants what's best for him too.
"Okay we will meet with him but we can't promise anything"Scott says.
Harry nods knowingly.
"We have to get back home, we were planning to take Louis back with us but now, I don't think that will go down very well....with either of you" Scott smiles.
"I promise I'll look after him" Harry says.
"He needs this medication every four hours for five days. This one for his temperature every six hours and this antibiotic once a day. He's to stay in bed, he sleeps a lot when he's like this so it shouldn't be a problem. If he starts vomiting or getting worse, call me straight away okay" Scott says.
"Okay" Harry promises.
He lays Louis down in bed and walks the boys to the lift, he discusses a few things with his team and they are all on standby incase Louis needs the boys again.
"We will be back Sunday" Scott says.
"I'll send a car" Harry says voice full of authority.
"It's okay Harry" Drew laughs
"We have our own cars" Edward teases and Harry smiles.
"I'll tell Noah to come here for dinner Sunday then?" Harry asks.
"Yep, seee you at 6" Scott says smiling and Harry's team sees them out and downstairs.
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