Pandora VS Boggart.
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
Pandora VS Boggart
"Will someone please tell me the name of any sort of Pagan God?" Professor Binns questioned, walking along the front of the classroom.
Next to me Tom rose his hand, along with about two other students in the class. Professor Binns pointed to a Slytherin female, whom I didn't recognize.
"Poseidon, God of the sea." The Slytherin said brightly.
The Professor nodded. "Yes, very good." He turned to the next student who had his hand raised. "Walter?" He addressed my friend.
"Hades. God of the Underworld." Professor smiled nodding, before turning to Tom who was the last to have his hand raised.
"Loki, sir." He smirked. "God of Mischief and Lies." Binns smiled, clapping his hands.
"Very good," He stated, turning his gaze to my form who was meaninglessly scribbling on the front of my journal. "Rhiannon, do you perhaps have something to add to these answers?" It was no secret that I had become his new favorite student, and everyone knew it.
I couldn't help but sense the jealousy oozing from Tom at the fact that I had beat him to being the teacher's favorite. With a bright smile, I pretended to think before meeting the professor's gaze.
"How about Kali? The Hindu Goddess." That earned of look of surprise from the Professor, and a look of confusion from the rest of the class; including Tom.
"You never cease to surprise, Miss Lightly." He smiled lightheartedly. "Not a lot of people know who that Goddess is."
"You would be surprised, sir. I can name many different Gods and Goddesses." I admitted, remembering all the times I had encountered some type of God.
He made a noise of recognition, looking to me with a gleam in his eye. I saw Tom looking at me through narrowed eyes of disbelief and suspicion.
"Class, I suggest you all memorize the names of the Greek Gods." Professor Binns announced. "Your O.W.L.S. will be on the information we went over first semester as well as fairy magic. It should only ask you to name the names of some Greek Gods, the beginning of sixth year is when we truly delve deeper into the history of all Pagan Gods." Professor Binns stated, looking to Walter who had raised his hand.
"McQuillon?" He called on him.
"Sir, when do we begin to learn of the other magical properties you were speaking of a few months ago?" Walter question curiously, earning nods from around the class.
"Well, Mr. McQuillon." Professor Binns began. "We will be delving into the Pagan Gods and their magic for the first part of your sixth-year semester. The second part of that first semester will be learning of Demonic magic and the creatures surrounding it. Last but not least we will use the entire last semester of your sixth-year to go over Angelic or Enochian magic; considering it has such an abundant history, we'll need every spare minute we have." Professor Binns answered, earning a nod from him.
When no one else rose their hand, Binns turned to the black board ready to prepare us for the Greek Gods. Tom took out his journal immediately, writing down every single word Professor Binns spoke. Walter was doing the same, with a majority of the class; each of whom were nervous for the O.W.L examinations.
"Persephone is the daughter Zeus, king of the Greek Gods." Binns began his speech, writing on the board. "Hades fell in love with Persephone and captured her, taking him to live in the Underworld with him." Professor Binns looked to us, "Now legend has it that her mother Demeter; goddess of harvest, was so grieved by this that she stopped everything on Earth from growing." Binns paced about the front of the room, as students took notes eager to learn about this.
"Now Zeus couldn't have that, so he requested that Hades release Persephone. Hades complied, but not before he gave her seven cursed Pomegranate seeds to eat which linked her to the Underworld forever, this link forced her to return for four months out of every year."
Throughout the story, somehow Tom's eyes had met mine. Looking away from him, I refocused on Professor Binns who was telling us about Artemis; Goddess of the hunt.
Lavender, Walter, and I sat with the rest of Gryffindor house outside in the courtyard. We managed to grab seats in the open part of the large stone wall before anyone else. A meeting for the whole school had been called in the courtyard by our one and only go-lucky Divination Professor; Kai Dhakiki.
Obviously, all the houses stuck together seemingly refusing to merge. Ravenclaw was in one area, Hufflepuff in front, Gryffindor hanging in the sun, and of course Slytherin stuck to the wall annoyed at being here.
Tom stood in the front, with his band of goons. Venus Black, a pretty Slytherin sixth year watched Tom and his followers with some sort of odd lust. The only reason I knew, was because with my Nephilim sense; I could smell the stink of lust running off her in waves.
I rolled my eyes realizing it was aimed to all of them, but mostly Tom in particular of course. Tom turned his head looking to me with furrowed eyebrows at the looks I was giving to both Venus and his cronies.
Clearing my throat, I looked away seeing Professor Dhakiki walk out with a bounce in his step. Everyone went silent, expecting for him to begin saying why he wanted all students out here. He stopped once he was in the center of us all, the other Professor's who watched him off from the side with slight worry in their expressions.
"YOU CAN DO IT!" He shouted in a voice so loud, it made birds scream and fly away from the trees.
All the students jumped, the other Professors watching the man in pure shock. However, I noticed Dumbledore being the only one who didn't look shocked, only laughing in response.
"I believe in you all, you can do it!" He shouted, Malfoy falling in laughter at the way Dhakiki's accented voice was shouting.
"MALFOY!" Dhakiki screamed, pointing to Abraxas causing him to stop laughing right away. However, Tom and the rest of them looked to be at the edge of laughing with Dhakiki's voice calling him out. "Yesterday you said tomorrow, JUST DO IT! Instead of watching Lavender all day, why don't you ask her out!" My laughter was the loudest of all that came.
Practically every student was chuckling, but I was full on balling at Abraxas's dismay. He pale cheeks went red, he quickly avoided Lavender's eye. Lavender only shook her head muttering at him.
"My father will hear about this." I vaguely heard Malfoy mutter under his breath.
What does that even mean?
Dhakiki turned his head to my laughing figure, quickly he pointed at me. "LIGHTLY, MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! Pass your O.W.L.S., I believe in you; NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!" He bellowed, making me blush but laugh at the same time nodding.
Tom Riddle gazed at the unfolding scene, his eyes glinting in pure amusement. A few laughs escaped him, and unbeknownst to him Dumbledore was watching with approval in his gaze.
Maybe I should tell Albus about my new plan?
"It has been a great year, and it was my honor teaching you all! I wish the seventh years good luck as they go off into the world and the sixth years congratulations on making it to the top! Good luck everyone!" He finished, the Headmaster holding his face in his hands shaking his head. Our O.W.L. exams were after this little speech.
After Dhakiki moved away from the center of us, headmaster Dippet took his place.
"Fifth-years, if you will please make your way to the Great Hall for your O.W.L. examination tests. The rest of you may enjoy the rest of your day."
Gravely, I made my way into the Great Hall with all the others prepared to die. I was not going to pass this test.
Quickly, Professor Lesko the Charms teacher who was managing the O.W.L.S. got us seated in ABC order. Small desks, ones like they used in my high school were rowed neatly in place of the usual dinner tables.
I was seated across the hall from Lavender and Walter. Even Tom was across the way.
I frowned, realizing I'd need to cheat off of someone I didn't know. That meant I couldn't get caught or chances are, they will report me. The Hall was dead silent as every student worked to finish there exams.
'Name the ingredients from start to finish in order to create the Felix Felicis potion?'
My eyebrows furrowed, remembering it as the first potion I had ever made. Yeah, I destroyed that batch. With a sigh, I ruefully began writing down exactly what I did to make that destroyed version. Singing the song Double Trouble to myself, I put exactly the ingredients the song said.
'What is the formula for Transfiguration?'
Okay, what the fuck? There were formula's in the wizard world?
Giving up, I leaned over to my next door neighbor who happened to be a Hufflepuff. Smirking I wrote down the formula... as well as the next ten answers.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tom giving me a harsh glare. I shrugged looking at him, him only narrowing his eyes in response, silently telling me to stop cheating. Rolling my eyes, I went to look back the Hufflepuff's test, only to see the girl giving me a glare that could kill.
"Are you trying to cheat?" She hissed at me under her breath, obviously not realizing the eleven questions I had already stolen from her.
"Of course not." My cheeks burned, as I moved my eyes back to my own test vaguely hearing Tom snicker.
Completely giving up, I guessed on the rest of the answers hoping they were right.
"Okay, class in honor of finishing your O.W.L exams I thought we could do a rather interesting activity." Professor Merrythought announced after a nice conversation with Tom Riddle.
With a flick of her wand, a large trunk came flying down from her office. It landed just at the front of the room, and shook immensely from whatever was inside. Tom tilted his head watching the box with obvious interest.
"Can anyone tell me what's inside?" Professor Merrythought questioned raising her brows.
Tom and Lavender were both the only students who rose their hand.
"Yes, Mr. Riddle?" It was times like these that Tom being the teacher's favorite came in handy.
Lavender looked annoyed putting her hand down, while Tom only smirked in victory.
"That's a Boggart, Professor." Tom stated, earning a nod from Merrythought.
"Yes..." The Professor pretended to think for a moment, before coming up with some trick question. "Can you tell me what a Boggart looks like, Tom?" She asked kindly.
"No one knows, miss," Tom began earning a bright smile from the old Professor. "A Boggart is a sort of shapeshifter that takes the form of whatever that particular person fears the most." Tom finished his educational description.
"Yes, Tom. Very good, fifteen points to Slytherin." She said, making the Slytherins cheer and Gryffindors groan. "Now, students an exceptionally simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Repeat after me, 'Riddikulus'." The professor said.
Everyone in the class repeated the incantation taking out their wand. I breathed in panic, realizing that this entire semester I had managed to go without performing one spell. Most of the fifth-year classes required only paper work and we had no more duels since the one I hit Malfoy in.
Not only that, but there was a very high chance my Nephilim heritage would protect me against this Boggart as the Boggart would not be able to see my fear. Therefore, I had no clue what would happen.
"Good, get in a single file line in front of the chest! I want you all to have a turn!" The Professor announced making everyone jump in line.
I made sure to be the very last person, hoping that we would run out of time before it got to me. Tom was a few people in front of me, obviously not wanting to go either.
Lavender unsurprisingly was first up, walking to the chest a brave face. Professor Merrythought gave the girl a nod, opening the chest. Immediately something floated out, and began changing.
Quickly, the Boggart transformed into a huge alligator, making me scoff a small laugh. Out of everything Lavender could be afraid of it was an alligator?
"Riddikulus!" She shouted, pointing her wand at the snapping alligator.
Immediately it changed into lizard that was scurrying around frightfully. With a proud smile, Lavender sauntered of to the other end of the room watching everyone. Walter was right behind Lavender, sucking in a breath preparing himself.
The tiny lizard transformed into a big ass clown without warning causing me to furrow my brows at how much of a resemblance it had to Pennywise. Walter looked about ready to pass out, holding his wand up just muttering the spell.
It was quick to transform into a small wind-up clown. Shivering, Walter scurried off next to Lavender who was giggling a bit.
Everyone had similar natural fears. Spiders, snakes, disappointment from a family; nothing to hair-raising. However, when Malfoy walked up and it changed into him wearing rags begging for filth I nearly burst in laughter.
With a horrified look, Abraxas screamed the spell in a high-pitched voice. "Riddikulus!" He didn't bother seeing what it changed to running to where the rest of the students who already went stood.
I noticed Tom looking at the doll which had taken the spot of Abraxas's Boggart with disgust. Again, it was just normal fears, but when it was finally Tom's turn my eyebrows raised in curiosity.
Tom strutted forward, wand at the ready watching the Boggart with unnerving calculation. It began shifting, and took far longer than usual before it settled on one form. Lying at his feet was Tom's body torn in multiple places, and looking pale as death. His eyes were glasses over no longer holding life.
Tom gulped pointing the wand to his corpse, and I shivered looking a the disturbing image of my dead soul-bounder.
"Riddikulus!" Tom shouted, pointing his wand powerfully.
Sooner than anytime before the Boggart was forced to shift; however, as it was shifting I swear I heard the thing whisper Tom's name in my voice. By the way Tom's face paled, I knew he had heard it too.
Tom sauntered off arrogantly, to the place with the rest of the students. I panicked when I realized only three people were a head of me. We had over ten minutes left of class, I would definitely be going.
I sense Tom watching me with unmasked curiosity, no doubt wondering what my fear would be. I shifted nervously, debating on what to do.
Lavender seeing my nervousness, gave me a reassuring smile. I gave a false one back, for once not knowing what to do.
Sooner rather than later it was my turn. The Professor, nodding me forward making me shake my head.
"Professor, do I need to?" My statement made her furrow her brows, and the est of the class burst into whisper.
"Don't worry, dear. They all got along just fine, and I'm right here." She smiled, Tom in particular watching me in confusion.
With that I took a deep breath stepping in front of the train set that was the Boggart. The Boggart began shifting; however, unlike everyone else mine continuously shifted. The Professor's mouth dropped when it was still shifting after thirty seconds.
"Erm..." I trailed off scratching my head feeling everyone looking at me. "Yeah, I'm not afraid of a lot." I said, coughing.
The class was silent, Professor Merrythought gaping at me; while Tom only looked at me with suspicion. I was about to come up with some excuse, before the door to the class opened. In came a male Hufflepuff third year who blushed at everyone's looks, clearing his throat his looked to me.
"Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you, Rhiannon." He mumbled, causing me to wish he had come just five minutes earlier.
"Of course, uhm... bye everyone." I awkwardly waved, practically running out of class.
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