It’s katherine morrison a.k.a katie the backstabber live and in the flesh.
I havent seen or heard of her since the very unfortunate incident 4 years ago.
I’m trying so hard not to remember that day, everytime i remember, i hate her more if that’s even possible.
I don't need that kind of poison in my life because bitterness tends to eat you up untill you become an empty shell devoid of any form of light. I’m a happy person by nature and that’s how it’s gonna stay, nobody is worth me losing my light.
I wipe the angry scowl i know is beginning to form, from my face, and put on a smile that takes so much effort and energy.
She has finished dusting herself off and is now looking at me squarely “Talia is that you?, wow it is you, how have you been?”, the nerve of this woman acting like we’re still best friends, she never even made an attempt to apologize or to give any sort of explanation.
My anger is now back in full force so i answer “fine, no thanks to you”.....“you know what? it’s actually thanks to you, you being out of my life was like taking out the trash, it felt soooo good!. You’re a speck of insignificance to me, you’re nothing, you don’t deserve anything remotely good in life.” By now my rant has caught the attention of a small crowd but i dont care, the dam of emotions has broken so i continue “ you dont even deserve my anger or hate, those are emotions i feel towards human beings not b*tches who feel that f*cking another woman’s fiancee is normal”, by the time i am done, i’m breathing heavily.
This conversation is long overdue but it’s not much of a conversation since she’s just standing there opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. The little crowd that gathered have now dispersed, katie is dumbfounded “cat got your tongue katie?” i goad, i am fuming right now, i can even feel my body temprature rising, that’s how angry i am.
Then the most unexpected thing happens, she turns and starts walking away “come back here you two timing backstabbing coward!!” i shout after her, it’s like a beast has just been unleashed within me so i chase after her.
She hears me shout so she turns back and sees me going after her, she’s now running at full speed, oh no you don’t.
I break into a full out run while shouting like a crazy person “stop running! you cannot outrun me! I was the best on my track team!!”.
I keep running after her, i'm gaining on her now, when i'm close enough i grab her hair and yank in an attempt to stop her but the funniest thing is that i find myself holding the hair but the person is not there. Really? a wig? You have got to be kidding me!.
I look ahead and i see her in the distance "you better run! cause if i catch you i'll kill you!!!" i shout so loud i know she heard. In a fit of rage i throw the wig in the direction she went and stump my feet like a petulent child.
I turn around intending to walk back to my car when i see a small crowd has gathered round me. "What? mind your own buisness!" i shout at them and walk off in the direction of my car.
In 3 minuites i'm back in my car. I can't handle grocery shopping today so i'll stop by a café nearby and get something to eat.
I sit in my car for almost 10 minuites thinking of what just happened, i can't help thinking of the past as well
I can't believe i'm getting married in two months, i'm so excited!. Jeff rowland is the sweetest, handsome and most caring guy i've ever met, i feel so lucky.
I'm going to suprise him today, jeff is never home from 11am to 3pm on saturdays cause he goes to the gym, so i'll go to his house and put up some balloons and i'll also take the cake i baked.
Jeff gave me the keys to his house after he proposed. It's 2pm already so i need to hurry up if i want to set everything up before he gets back.
I get the balloons and the cake into my car along with other decorations. I drive to jeff's house that is 30 minuites away from mine.
When i get there i see jeff's car in the driveway, but he shouldn't be home this early. I get down from my car and start walking towards the front door.
I use the keys jeff gave me and open the door, what i see next is jeff and another woman going at it like dogs on the couch "jeff!!" i shout "talia! what are you doing here" he looks suprised to see me, he starts scrambling around looking for something to cover himself with.
I ignore him and look at the woman he's with, she's trying to hide her face with her hands but that doesn't stop me from immediately recognizing her. "Katie?" i ask in a tone of disbelief and pain, tears are trickling down my face, i keep staring at katie but she's not saying anything, this only infuriates me the more "tell me why katie! of all the men in the world why mine?!" at this point i'm shaking and sobbing uncontrollably "this is not what it looks like tee" jeff says, why do men always say this when they are caught with their pants down?!. I angrily wipe away my tears and look at jeff squarely "fine jeff, tell me what it is, i'm listening" he's silent "come on jeff tell me what it is!" he's still says nothing. With fresh tears streaming down my face i remove the ring on my finger, look at it one last time and with all the strength i can muster, throw it at him. I look at katie still on the couch and then at jeff, then i turn around and leave.
End of flashback
I'm crying silently now, there is no sound just tears. I was so young and naive back then. I think i really need this to offload all the anger and pain so i cry some more. When my eyes and face are all red and puffy and i'm tired of crying i wipe my tears, start my car and drive off.
While driving i put on my car radio and selena gomez's feel me is playing. I raise the volume and sing along at the top of my voice
'when you're running who you run to, where do you go to hiiide, when she ain't giving you enough to get you through the niiight, won't be caught up in the middle, of your highs and your looows, babe as long as you're not with me you'll always be alooone...... everytime your lips touch another, i want you to feel me, i want you to feel me, everytime you dance with somebody, i want you to feel me, i want you to feel me, do your days get a little bit longer, nights get a little bit colder, heartbeat a little bit louder heyo hooo days get a little bit longer, nights get a little bit colder, heartbeat a little bit louder heyo hooo', by the time the song ends i feel much better, music has a way of making me feel better when i'm down.
Randy's café is a 6 minuites drive away from the supermarket. I find a free parking spot and park my car. I pick up my phone and head into the café, it's a quaint place that sells coffee and confectionaries, the interior looks so blue and calm.
It's evening now so the place is packed. I wait in line for about 10 minuites before i am able to get to the counter. At the counter i order for 5 croissants and 6 cupcakes and yes i will be eating all this all by my lonesome because of my divine love for baked goods.
I'm still waiting for my order when i feel like i'm being watched, i look around and see several people stealing glances at me, do i have something on my face? is my hair all messed up?.
I quickly use my phone screen to check my face but i look fine, i discretely check myself all over, my dress, my shoes and i even touch my hair but nothing seems to be out of place.
Hmm people can be sooo wierd. My order arrives, i collect it and pay for it then i'm outta there faster than you can say out of there.
I get into my car and drive home. Traffic is heavy so it takes me 30 minuites to get home.
When i finally make it home i see megan's car in the driveway but no megan. I hope something bad hasn't happened.
No body visits me on sundays unless it's really really important that's why i showed megan and lili where i keep my spare key, so they can come get important files incase they are closer to the house than i am.
I park my car, pick up my phone and the items i bought and head inside. As expected megan is in the living room but so is lili.
"Hey guys" i greet "hey tee" they both say in unision "what's wrong? did something happen at the office?" I ask worriedly, all of a sudden they both hug me "umm....guys what....?" "How are you? we saw what happened between you and katie" lili says "want me to find her and cut her up? We could send her head to jeff, then after, we can find him and cut him up too" megan adds with a mixture of sympathy and enthusiasm "first of all, no megs! thats just gross plus, i don't want to go to jail and i'm sure you don't want to either, second how in the world did you find out about what happened today!?" "We told you we saw it, it's all over youtube" lili answers "i don't get it, what.....?" Megan shows me the video that's playing on her phone.
Yes that is definitely me, chasing after katie like a mental asylum escapee.
I guess i was right, my day has just gotten all brands of shitty.
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