My name is Talia Andrews, i'm 28 and i own a private investigation company, caught in the act investigations, yeah i know it sounds odd but i thought it was appropriate at the time, now?, not so much.

We dont really get alot of job requests, the occasional wife who suspects her husband of cheating maybe, but never anything major, i think it could have something to do with the name.

I was not in a good place in life when i started the company, i had walked in on my fiancee doing the horizontal mamba with my best friend katie. With friends like those who needs enemies right?, sooo......... that explains it.

I started the company 4 years ago with my best friends lillian and megan. FYI they are absolutely nothing like that backstabbing b*tch katie.

Lillian is the mama bear, always checking up on megan and i, megan is the firecracker, if you as much as look at her or any of us funny, she will give you words so hot they can roast turkey for thanksgiving.

I love those two like sisters, especially since i am an only child. My parents got divorced when i was 19, now my dad is in mexico living with his mamacita as he likes to call my stepmom sophia, she's cool, although i hate the way she says my name, she always says it with a whiny voice plus she always pronounces the L as an R which goes something like 'Taaariya', absolutely hate it.

My mum is a nurse so she's always off to different countries giving humanitarian aid, i love her but i don't get to see her as much as i want to. I get that she saves lives and all, but sometimes i really need her.

Anyway, back to the most important issue at hand, my company will be getting it's biggest client ever, James Chadwick. He is the son of 58 year old Regina Chadwick, owner of Aries corporation, the biggest technology company in america.

She is an inspiration to me, coming from a poor family, she had to struggle like crazy just to start her own company, and when she finally did she had to build up the company to where it is today, all while tackling the antics of chauvanistic men who never wanted a mere woman to be on their level not to talk of being more. Talk about going from grass to grace.

I once listened to her interview on the dave curby show, she was asked if the rumours about her being stingy were true and her reply was.....
" you know dave, people think that just because you're rich and successfull you need to throw money around and show that you're all that, and if you don't you're labelled as stingy. I'm not the showy kind, i'm all about making investments that matter in people's lives. Some people just feel that they should have a share in my success, and these are the people that put me down when i was trying to get up, always telling me that my dreams are too big and impossible to achieve. If i had cared about what people said, i would still be a nobody. I went through so much hardship to get to where i am today, i had to make sacrifices, had to put myself through so much stress for 37 years, so if me trying to safeguard what i worked so hard to get makes me stingy, then yes dave, i am very stingy."

There and then, i fell in love with that answer, and with the woman who had given it.

Even if i won't meet the woman in question, meeting her son will be honour enough, afterall the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or the apple can fall very far from the tree and he could be a total a**hole. I truly hope not, since i will be working with him on.....well on whatever it is he wants.

Although i am the boss, i like getting actively involved in cases. There's just something refreshing about using a camera to catch people doing questionable things. I know it sounds odd but i just like catching people and telling on them. I am who i am, don't judge!.

Mr. Chadwick will be coming in to the office tomorrow for a briefing, so that i can get a general idea of what his case is all about and decide if one of my staff will handle it or if i will.

It's sunday, hence the reason i'm still in bed reading this very interesting novel, to best the boys by mary weber. I just started reading it but i'm already shiping Rhen and Lute, i can sense some underlying chemistry between them but i'll see how it goes, hope they end up together though.

I'm about to turn a page when i feel a vibration near my butt, i jump up like a ninja on steroids and in the process i fling the book i'm holding, it's currently lying in front of my bathroom door. The source of the vibration is my phone, i sat on it. I sit or lie on my phone alot, i've had to change the screen guard 3 times this month.

Don't get it twisted, i don't scare easily but i mean a vibration where a vibration should not's pretty scary.

I get off the bed and get the book from where it's lying on the floor, i keep it on my dresser and immediately pick up my phone to see who is responsible for scaring me shitless. It's lillian, she just sent me a text
L: how r u? Have u eaten???
Knowing lillian if i don't reply she might just come over to check up on me herself, so begrudgingly i text back
T: i'm fine lili, and no i haven't eaten yet.
L: why?🤨 you're reading a book aren't you?
How does she know this stuff?
L: go and get some food, you're too skinny
T: geez tnx, glad to know that my physical appearance is unappealing to you. I haven't gone grocery shopping so i'm out of food
L: you know i don't mean it like that. Just go grocery shopping or i could do the shopping for you and bring them over.
T: no, no need to come over, i'll leave for the supermarket right away.
L: u sure?
T: as sure as you are you
L: 🙄 hahaha, very funny. See you tomorrow at the office.
T: see ya

I drop the phone on my dresser and lie on the bed. I love my friends but sundays are for me and me alone. I'm about to take the book and pick up where i left off when my stomach starts growling like crazy..... guess i'll have to go grocery shopping afterall.

I check the time on my phone and it's 3:00 pm, i can still go shopping and get back before it gets dark. The grocery store is only a 20 minuite drive from where i live.

I keep the book on my dresser and head off to the bathroom for a shower, i always sing in the shower and today is no exception. 'Will you love me when my hearbeat stops when my heartbeat stops will you stay mine, hhhhh hhhh will you find me afterlife' it's a hailey steinfield song but i don't know all the lyrics.

In 10 minuites i'm done showering, i'm currently rummaging through my wardrobe looking for that tight blue jeans that makes my butt look bigger. To my utter disappointment i don't find it, what a bummer, i really love those jeans. There's nothing i hate more than unexpectedly meeting an old boyfriend or classmate and they're looking gorgeous while i'm looking all shabby. So wherever i'm going, no matter how unimportant, i try to look good.

I eventually settle on wearing a blue sleaveless floral dress that reaches down to my knees.

I hurriedly get dressed, pick up my car keys and head out. I always listen to music on my phone when driving. I looooove music. I'm currently singing at the top off my voice with a gangster look on my face 'i know you don't like me you wanna fight me you don't want no problems at your party don't invite me' for some reason i just love this part of the song more.

I listen to Ed Sheeran's beautiful people, little mix's holiday and Beyonce's brown skin girl. I'm having so much fun that, by the time i get to the supermarket, i feel like i just left home.

I find a spot and park my car. I open the car door and i mistakenly hit someone.

I mumble when i panic and i'm definately panicking now, 'oh no i've killed someone, i'm going to jail, i'm.....' the woman is already up and dusting herself, she looks my way and...... hell to the freaking no! it can't possibly be her. my day is about to get all brands of shitty.

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