Chapter One: Called for duty (I really need a new chapter name)
Prologue (too short for a single chapter)—
One look at me and you'll think I'm your typical person.
I mean, I sort of am. I'm still a normal soon-to-be teen that hangs out with her friends and plays video games and draws with the stereotypical nerd-like build, with glasses to finish the look and straight, curtain-like black hair. I was also remarkably short.
Oh, but that's just the surface.
I'm far stranger than you realize.
Well, you're probably wondering what on earth that secret is.
You'll find out soon enough.
eurghh....cringe X(
I don't want to edit it so much that the original plot isn't even there and as much as I'd like to change it...well, where's the fun in that? So I just did grammar stuff and sentence structure :P
"OH, COME ON!" My little sister, Sophia, barged in the room at the sound of the tinkling of a bell. "THAT'S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY!" I winced at her loud voice.
"Calm down, Soph." I muttered, putting away my sketchbook. "I'm sure it's important. Emma wouldn't call us for nothing."
"Yeah, but last time, she used the gem because of a little spider in her palace." She retorted. I shuddered. I hated spiders.
"That was an emergency." I argued. "I—this is getting us nowhere. Just get your blasted cloak on and let's go." Sophia grumbled irritably as she stomped into the hallway, where the coat rack was. I slipped a small emerald-green gem in my pocket as I followed her to the door.
Yes, I know you're dying to know. But where's the fun in that?
oh my gods what was my fifth grade brain thinking
if it even existed, that is
"You're going out again?" My mom looked up from doing the dishes. I nodded, pecking her on the cheek before grabbing my house keys and satchel.
"Just a small walk with Sophia to clear my head for homework." I replied. "We'll be back in a few."
"Alright, just be careful. There are some parts of the road that are frosted over." Her voice rose over the sound of rushing water in the sink and clanks of the ceramic dishes.
"Ok, mom! Thanks, love you, bye." I ran out the door to catch up with my hyper sister. "COME BACK, YOU MORON!" Sophie stuck her tongue at me and dashed towards the old brick wall.
"Where is it again?" She glanced at the bricks, feeling around for something. I tapped one of them with the green jewel.
"Right there." I smirked, knowing fully that it was well out of her reach. "Aperio!"
Yes, I know that's latin for open. What? I like languages. It makes everything sound cooler.
A vortex sliced through the air, opening a pocket in the wall. Sophie leaped through, and I managed to squeeze in the intergalactic window before it snapped shut.
Confused? Yeah, I guess I owe you an explanation.
I was a warrior in a parallel world, a world where the animals of the universe ruled in peace with the other species without the tainting of humans.
How, exactly, did I discover this universe?
With an accidental faceplant, of course. How else?
Wild cats ruled in our side of the territory, along with other felines, but we didn't come in close contact. There, conflicts with our rather large family tree.
The species we take form in depends on our personalities. Me personally, I really didn't feel like a cat of all animals, but it sort of made sense. Still sort of made me feel like a furry, though. I'm not a furry. But furries are pretty cool once you're friends with them.
Dang it, off-topic. Sorry.
Yes, I still had ADHD when I was writing this lol
Our leader, Emma Mew, who also happens to be my best friend, leads the kingdom of cat-like personalities. And while we're at it, why not add an appetite of rodents? Sounds gross, but really, it tastes like my mom's meatloaf. Not bad, but still makes me retch when I'm a human.
There aren't just felines in this world, though. On the other side of the territory, canines rule. Felines and canines were always enemies, since the beginning of time. There had been several wars between them and us, and we still have problems. Wolves' anger issue problems.
Don't get me wrong, dogs and wolves are cool. I was friends with a couple. But there are some...not so nice canines, those in particular being my arch-nemesis who repeatedly tried to kill me.
Oh, the joy.
His name was Stan Moonwolf.
Yes, very creative amiright
well done fifth grade me
Lately, they've been real quiet. No trouble at all for months, maybe even a year.
It was a bit suspicious, but as long as we were in peace, it was fine.
That wasn't the end of my own problems, though.
Complicated stuff happened after I joined. See, this was a lot like a fantastical world where everything you could possibly imagine happens.
Such as being born with certain manipulations.
I was the first, unfortunately. I discovered it when I woke up in a column of flames.
Brilliant way to start your day, isn't it?
Not to mention that I also accidentally yeeted my sister into the river with magic.
I was the first Mysticpaw.
(yes, I know it sounds like an apprentice name, but again this was before Warrior Cats)
Plus the first Firemind.
There's always a first for things, right? Well, I discovered a whole cult that I most definitely did not want to be a part of. Being magic and controlling fire was sort of dangerous.
That was an understatement.
Let's just say there was...a minor forest fire resulting in this. Nothing to concern yourself about.
And for the record, I didn't burn off that wolf's ear on purpose. He was just being annoying as heck and I wanted to get rid of him. I didn't mean to get his earlobe to get barbecued.
Crazy, right?
Well, my life is tons more crazy. And I would like it to not be crazy, thank you very much.
I pondered over my existence for a while, watching as the stars whizzed past us through the tesseract.
"Jenny! Earth to Jenny, what are you doing?" Sophia's chatty voice snapped me out of my stupor.
"Sorry." I said half-heartedly. "Just thinking about some things. Do you ever wonder what—WHAUGH!" I lurched forward suddenly as a giant rumbling echoed throughout the wormhole.
"What was that?" Sophia's eyes widened like saucers as the shaking stopped. "Where are we?"
"We're trapped in the void." A horrible realization dawned on me as I felt magic pulse through the air. "Something—someone stopped the tesseract from letting us in the universe. Someone incredibly powerful." Legends say that there was a Mysticpaw before time existed, a great sorceress that created the very definition of time and space. Her form was unknown, but she was well-known from all species and respected.
"Who?" Sophia whimpered. "I thought you said it was impossible to stop teleportation."
"Advanced magic could certainly stop it." I responded, patting my pockets for my knapsack. Thank goodness I thought to bring it with me. It had all the magic concoctions for healing remedies, simple and complex spells, books (duh), and there was even grape-flavored gum.
What? Gum helps me relax. Besides, it's my favorite flavor. Deal with it.
Gods this is so cringe to write X(
"Do you think you can make this thing work?" Sophia's now emerald green eyes from transformation sparkled with worry.
"I highly doubt it." I mumbled, searching through my spell books. "Invisibility, not healing serum, what's this?" I held up a tattered page.
"Oh my furballs." Sophia's jaw dropped open. I frowned, squinting at it. The paper was faded and torn at the edges, something like what you'd expect from a pirate map. Only, there were scribbles of writing and detailed drawings of various gems.
"The ancient gems?" I read out loud. "What sort of a name is that? At least make it original." Sophia rolled her eyes.
"That's not important." She snatched the paper from me. "Look here. Infinity gem." She pointed to an opal. "The infinity gem has the power directly sourced from the raw magic of the Great Sorceress. It gives the owner the ability to channel ancient advanced magic that is nearly unstoppable." Dread filled my chest.
"No." I murmured. "No, this can't be happening."
"What?" Sophia gazed at me expectantly.
It was obvious. The whole reason why the entire wolf kingdom was so quiet and withdrawn.
Stanley Moonwolfe had the infinity gem.
Yep. Even as a young author, I loved cliffhangers. And since I'm going to be doing this one chapter a time, you'll have to wait for the next ;)
bai and tanks for reading
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