Ch. 30: Who is Darla?

Meanwhile, back in L.A. You and Catnap are up and it's 1:15pm. Kitty went home for a little bit. Huggy and Charlene are with you guys and since Charlene owns that particular penthouse. Catnap had something on his mind all day. But what?

You're all in the living room. The radio is playing Angry Chair by Alice in Chains. You sit there, kind of singing to it a bit. Kitty says, "My head still hurts from drinking too much last night. Awe man." She puts her hand up to her head. 

You look at her and you say, "Did you take any aspirin, lovey? Anything to cure your headache, at least?" She says, "No, but I think I should." Catnap says, "(Y/N) the doctor of the afternoon." You smirk and you whisper, "Your sex drive is really high.~" You make a flirty growl sound. He blushes and whines, "(Y/N). Quit it.~." 

The others laugh a bit. Huggy says, "Hey, Catnap. It's better to hear THAT than when we all reach forty to fifty years old when a woman tells you you're impotent or something, man. Like you can't get it up. You know... Limp dick." 

Catnap says, "I get it. I caught on when you mentioned forty to fifty years old." Huggy says, "My point is Catnap, you're still young. Enjoy the praise, now." Catnap says, "Good point. But you are too." Kitty says, "We all still are." 

Charlene says, "But it won't take long for our fifties to get here. When our own kids push their twenties or thirties... or teens. Whenever." Huggy says, "Something tells me that Catnap and (Y/N) will be the first to have a kid." They all look at you. 

Catnap says, "If or when we do, both (Y/N) and I agreed on something." Huggy says, "What's that?" You say, "That I'll be the first parent to teach them to speak." Charlene says, "Why you, first?" Catnap says, "We both agreed to raise our kid Australian just like (Y/N) and her family. (Y/N) has a lot more family than I do. I haven't seen my own mother in years. Only family member I have." 

You say, "The thing is now, we're here and away. We'll need to do it here. We'll find a primary school before they start kindergarten. One that teaches Australian-American children. Learn the culture. Their heritage. Where they came from. All of that." 

Kitty says, "I respect that. Do what you can, huh?" Catnap says, "I just hope I'm not a shitty father like mine was towards ME. I would love my kids, unconditionally." You say, "You'll do just bonza, darling. Trust me." He smiles at you.

Then he sighs and sits back. You say, "What's wrong? Something seems to be on your mind." He says, "I... I don't know. I just... I've thought about a couple of things." You say, "Do you need to talk to me alone about this?" He looks at you and nods. 

You grab his hand and you take it saying, "Come on, then. To our room." You look at the others saying, "We'll be back." They all nod. You and Catnap get up and you head for your room. You shut the door behind you.

You face him and you say, "Catnap. What's on your mind?" He says, "I don't know. I just... I guess I'm thinking about a certain individual back in Baltimore. The one who called the cops on me." You say, "Dog Day?" He says, "Yeah." 

You say, "Catnap. You can tell me. What is it?" He looks at you and he says, "He may have been the one to do that, but... I feel deep down inside that he still cares about me. We've been so close. Like brothers." You say, "You're getting to something, love." 

He says, "I don't know if it's wise... But I feel I need to let it out." You look at him. He looks at you and says, "I think I should write him a letter. Just him." You say, "What?" He says, "He may have called the cops on us and driven us away, but I know he sure as hell won't report the letter to the police. He only did what he did because of the kidnapping. I know it." 

You say, "Did something happen in Dog Day's life to make him do this?" He says, "Yeah. Something I never told anybody until... well, now." You say, "Tell me. What happened?" He looks at you and he says, "I'm the only person he shared this with." You grab his hand and you say, "You can tell me anything. You know that, lovey." 

He sighs and he looks at you saying, "Dog Day had a little sister. Darla was her name." Your eyes widen and you say, "Wait, what?" He nods and he says, "I'm not lying. He really had a sister." You say, "What happened to her?" 

He says, "Dog Day was eight at the time and Darla... was three. Just a little bitty thing. Dog Day loved her more than anything. Protected her. But he as only a kid himself... He no longer was able to protect her, forever." You say, "I get a bad feeling about this."

 He says, "It WAS bad. Horrible." You look at him. He looks at you and he says, "One day, Dog Day and his family were all at the park. Dog Day and Darla were playing, happily. I was there. I saw everything." 


The year is 1977. It's located at the park in Baltimore. Kids are playing and some teenagers have their radio playing Magic Man by Heart. Dog Day is a little boy. His little friend Catnap is there too. This is all back when you were still living in Australia with your family.

In front of Dog Day is a little dog girl, but more reddish in color. Red and pink, almost like Bobby Bearhug, but a little dog and resembles Dog Day. Their parents are seated on the bench. Both Dog Day's parents and Catnap's mom. Catnap's dad refused to show up, saying kids are annoying little pricks, including his own son.

The little girl in front of Dog Day is his little sister, Darla. She's cute as a button. They're playing patty cake. Dog Day says, "One more time, okay?" Darla giggles. They do it and Dog Day says, "Patty cake. Patty cake. Baker's man. Put it in the oven as fast as you can..." And so on. 

Their mom yells, "Doggy darling! Mind helping me out for a moment? Your sister will be fine on the rocks." He looks over and says, "Coming, mama!" He looks at Darla and says, "Stay right here, okay? Love you." He leans in and kisses her on the cheek. She giggles and says, "Love you, bubby." He smiles and he gets up. He runs to his mom.

Catnap looks over to see Darla just playing in the rocks and laughing. He says, "Heh. Cute kid." He sits back on the rocks and toys with them a bit. He looks away and he mumbles, "Too bad the old man didn't show up. Stupid piece of crap." He picks up a few rocks and throws them aside and he mumbles, "And the way he treats mama, especially. Hmph."

Darla hears a car pull up and she looks over to see a limousine. She gasps and she gets up. Nobody's looking at the moment and she walks over. She sees a woman who looks to be rich, has flipped blondish hair, wearing pink and brown, etc. And a familiar little pink girl with pink hair in pigtails, green eyes, etc. 

The woman looks around and she says, "Hmph. A lot of common brats around. Oh well. So long as MY perfect little princess has fun." The little girl who turns out to be Mommy Long Legs grins and says, "Yeah. No kidding, mother. I bet they smell like horse poop." She and her mom both laugh a bit.

Then they see a little dog girl. Mommy's mom looks around, then looks at the small child. She smirks and says, "Hello, little one." Mommy says, "Ugh. Mama. That kid is filthy like them. She's Dog Day's little sister. He's a dork." 

Her mom says, "Au contraire, my darling Mommy. I have a plan for this little one. Go on and play on the jungle gems, would ya? I'll be back." Mommy grins, knowing what her mom has planned and she says, "Of course, mama. Do what you need to. I'll wait for you." She giggles and skips away. The woman looks down and Darla looks up at her with curiosity. 

The woman smiles and says, "Do you like dessert, little girl? I've got plenty where I live. I'm rich." Darla smiles and nods, not knowing what's in stores for her. The woman smirks and says, "Come along, then. Into the limo." Darla walks over to the woman.

Catnap looks up to see Darla being lead into a limousine by a grown woman and he raises a brow. He says, "Wait a second... Wait. Hold on." He sees the sinister grin on the woman's face as she gets Darla into the limousine and his eyes widen as the woman slams the door shut. She gets in on the driver's side. 

Catnap gets up and runs to Dog Day yelling, "Dog Day! Hey, man! Dog Day!!" He grabs Dog Day and Dog Day says, "Catnap? What's wrong? Why are you so crazy right now, man?" Catnap points over at a limo and yells, "A rich lady took your sister into that limo, man!! Just now!! Come on!!" 

Dog Day's eyes widen. His parents hear this and so does Catnap's mom. They get up. They see the limousine taking off and they run towards the direction. Dog Day yells, "DARLA!! DARLAAAA!!" The limousine speeds away a bit faster. Dog Day trips and pulls himself up. 

He moves his hand forward yelling, "DARLAAA!!" Tears roll down his face. Mommy herself saw everything unfold as she sits on top of the monkey bars. She grins and giggles saying, "Bye bye, little Darla. See you never." She laughs to herself. 

Turns out, Catnap had stayed close to the playground and heard Mommy. He peeks up at her. Angry look on his face and whispering, "I'll get you one day, Mommy. Mark my words. Keep hurting those that don't deserve it and you'll meet with your fate, one day." He sighs a tiny bit of the red smoke from his mouth. Just enough the size of an adult's hand.

(Flashback ends.)

You gasp and you put your hands up to your mouth. You say, "It's because of Mommy Long Legs. Not your daddy." Catnap says, "She was the beginning of my planned revenge in the future. Poor Dog Day found out his little sister was murdered afterwards. At just three years old. Mommy Long Legs' mother was responsible for it." 

You say, "That rotten sheila. I think you should get HER, as well." He says, "I can't. She's dead, now. Died of a drug overdose three years ago from what I've heard." You look at him. He looks at you and he says, "But I swore to that day that I'd get back at Mommy Long Legs. I want to redeem myself." 

You grab his hands and he grabs yours. He leans in and whispers, "The evil cunt is the last person I want to smite with the red smoke. The one who deserves it. She'll be dead before she tries to kill YOU." 

You hug him and he hugs you back. You say, "Poor Dog Day, though. Now I see why he called the cops on you, but soon regretted it. It's all because of his sister being kidnapped, huh?" He says, "Yeah. I saw it happen. I was there." 

Right outside, Huggy happened to be listening and he's shocked. He backs away and he whispers, "Holy shit. Mommy's eviler than I thought. I knew she was a total bitch, but goddamn. Now I know who made her that way... Her mother influenced her." He suddenly has that serious look on his face and he whispers, "Do it, Catnap. Kill the bitch." He walks off.

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