Chapter Sixteen - The Goodbye
There's a sneak peek of Book Three's cover on my instagram! Go check it out! It is wattpadupthere
When the Catchers killed both our mothers...
"Wait, what do you mean?" I yelled back as I was pushed inside.
"Go out and win, Taylor! Don't give her anymore satisfaction!"
And those were his last words as the door was bolted shut. I ran to my seat next to Cole, peeking out the window at the man who just told me something so confusing that I didn't know what to make of it. He caught my eye from below as the plane started up, giving me a final salute as we headed away from everything we had grown accustomed to.
The plan was set during the dreamlike plane ride.
We, and by we, I mean everyone but me, decided that we would be traveling underwater to get to Katherine. Luckily, we are able to use a boat to at least go half of the distance until it's deemed unsafe and risky to be seen and we would be forced to walk again. Using Alex, Will, and Leona's powers, we would be traveling under the waves.
I could barely pay attention to the conversation because my mind was so wrapped around what Jack said to me. What did he mean by both of our mothers being killed by Catchers? I remembered the car crash. I'm sure I would've noticed something with black eyes and magical powers attacking us rather than a silver truck.
"Shorty?" I looked up to see a concerned Cole. "Are you okay?"
I didn't tell him about Jack's goodbye. So many things have happened in the past few hours that he didn't need to be worried about my problems. We had a greater issue at hand and that was defeating Katherine.
I gave him a fake smile. "I'm as okay as I'll ever be during something like this."
He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. In a moment like this, I appreciated his touch and comfort. He was probably the only person capable of calming me down in some sense during a situation like this. "Everything will be okay. In a few days we'll be heroes, walking away with a huge victory. You'll see."
I didn't really have any choice but to hope he was right. I know we would try everything in our power to win, but what if that wasn't enough? I might not have signed up for this kind of life but I didn't think I deserved a death sentence.
The plane ride was mostly quiet. In front of us was a sleeping Mackenzie, looking so peaceful amidst her dreams. According to Sophia, we would be stopping at a hotel upon landing so we all have a chance to get some sleep in before we travel. Unlike the others, Alex, Cole, and I still hadn't slept for the night because we chose to go party.
When we finally landed, the hurried nature of the night continued. After walking off the plane, we found ourselves in a very private airport. In fact, it was so secluded that the car Jack had promised was waiting right on the runway, a man guarding its outside. Sophia ushered us out, Alex even carrying Mackenzie to avoiding waking her, and to our vehicle.
"For you, Miss Humphrey," the man said, holding the keys out for Sophia. "Reservations are made at the hotel nearest to the golf course."
She didn't say anything as she grabbed them from the man and piled us in before heading to the front seat. Because we had so many people, we each were squished, holding our small bags on our laps to avoid hitting someone else.
"You can sleep for a few hours but we're heading out at noon," Sophia muttered to us on our short drive to the rooms. "I would say that we'd leave someone behind if they weren't there, but that's kind of impossible in our case."
Her small attempt at a joke was met with no laughter. All of us were exhausted, both mentally and physically. This whole thing has been a jumble, nothing truly making sense for any of us besides the fact that we were going to fight. After months of preparing and knowing about this, we were headed to go battle Katherine.
We were given two rooms to all nap in. Cole and I took the one with Will and Alex while the rest went into their own. It was still early in the morning, the sun just barely making its appearance on the horizon. While the boys were so quick to fall asleep, I stayed awake. I knew I needed to get some rest--who knew where I would even be tonight?--but it failed to come. Cole's arm was wrapped securely around my waist, locking me in place while his breaths came out in little sighs.
I was scared. There was no denying that and I know I'm not wrong in feeling that way. Despite all the training, everyone's well wishes, and Cole's promises, there's no guarantee that we're all going to make it through this. However, we needed to. The weight on our shoulders not only affected us, but everyone else in the Supernatural community as well. With even a single one of us gone, the Big Six would mean nothing.
"You can do this, Taylor..." I whispered to myself, trying to bring at least a sliver of confidence on this otherwise bleak situation. "You got this."
"Yeah, you do," I felt Cole shift next to me. Looking up from where I was laying on his chest, I was met with his dark eyes. The sunrise peeking through the curtains reflected well on him, showing his Marking off to the world. "Go to sleep, Brain."
"Sorry for waking you," I muttered. "I was just giving myself a pep talk."
He sat up a bit straighter, pulling me with him. "I know you're worried," he began in a quiet tone, being mindful of Will and Alex sleeping only a few feet from us. "But that won't help us. You need to be strong, even if you don't think so, or else you really will fail."
"I know..." I mumbled.
"You'll be okay. I promise to keep you safe, even though I know you're more than capable of doing that yourself." He leaned down, gently pressing his lips to mine for a small kiss that left me feeling warm inside. "Okay?"
I gave him a little smile. "Okay," I agreed.
"Good," he slid back down, pulling me closer to his body. "Now get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us."
After relaxing a bit into his arms, I was surprised to find that I actually was able to get a few hours of rest in before Sophia was pounding on our door to get us up. I got dressed in clothes comfier than the club outfit because I knew we had a long ways to go today in order to get to Katherine's lair.
We met the others at the car all of us piling in to drive the short distance to the boat launch. As usual, we were quiet. When we arrived, we gathered our bags, which consisted of a backpack for each of us, and followed Sophia to a dark speedboat resting against a dock. A man stood beside it, a badge showing his part in the Supernatural branch by a small emblem representing each of the six abilities. To anyone else it would be meaningless; to us it was our captain.
"Are you all ready?" He asked as he helped each one of us in. "The ride will be around an hour long."
I sat in between Cole and Sophia as he began circling out of the bay and towards the everlasting sea. I watched as the land behind us slowly disappeared from our view as we continued forward.
"We'll be stopping a little past the mid-point for you all," Sophia told us. "From there, you'll travel underwater until it becomes dark and then you'll have to stop to sleep until morning. There's plenty of small, little islands from here to there but just make sure you're alone. You should get to Katherine's island in the middle of the day tomorrow--"
"How will we know how to even get there?" Alex asked.
"That's where Taylor comes in," Sophia answered, making everyone look at me in confusion.
"Me?" I asked in surprise.
"Your perception ability. It should help you get there, but you'll also have to stop blocking Katherine from entering your mind."
"What? No!" I remembered back to my time at Supernatural Abilities and all the visions Katherine would force onto me. I didn't like playing that cat and mouse game, it messed with my head too much. Luckily, I learned how to keep a constant barrier between her and I which I've maintained for months now. Breaking that off now could end badly.
"You have to. Just don't give her any ideas on where you are. This power and that mental connection will draw you to her."
She went on to explain that I was to disguise everyone as Catchers the moment we got to the island and block all connections to our thoughts. It would be difficult to do all this at once, but it was necessary for our break in and honestly, if I wasn't possibly going to die during this I'd be a little excited about playing CIA agent for once. When the battle was finished, I was to transport everyone back to the headquarters... You know, if we survived.
We continued on our journey, all of us soaking in the details of the plan we had. It would be difficult to achieve, but at least Sophia was ahead of it all. Sadly, she couldn't come with us so we were on our own the second this boat stopped.
"Hey," she mumbled from next to me. "Have a moment to talk?"
Everyone else was too engrossed in their thoughts to hear us so I nodded. "Sure."
She took a deep breath before connecting her similar gray eyes with mine. "Look... I'm proud of you. You've come a long way since that placement exam so long ago. While you've been a pain to work with, I'm seen the improvement. I've seen how you can handle yourself in a battle. Don't let your own head hold you back from think about that. Katherine is a disturbing person, but don't let her intimidate you. Fight for your lives out there, okay?"
Her words took me by surprise. I'm sure she'd be washing her mouth out with soap form all those compliments that she just gave me. "Thanks...." I said slowly. "And I will."
"If anything becomes too dangerous or you know you're going to die, get out of there. I cannot stress that enough. Get yourself and as many people as possibly out."
I felt the fear settling in again. "Do you think that's going to happen? Something bad?"
"Like I said... she's ruthless. There's no telling what she can and would do."
I nodded, sitting up straighter as I watched the waves splash up against the side of the boat. Her words never failed to make me feel better... Oh, wait. They didn't.
"Oh, and Taylor?"
I turned back to my instructor whose lips were pursed as if she didn't want to say something. "Yeah?" I asked.
She looked down. "If you see Grant and have a chance... Please kill him. The real Grant, the Supernatural, would much rather be dead than one of those things."
She looked so damaged, broken, but I agreed with that. I wouldn't want to be a Catcher because it changes you into a monster. Seeing Grant from Sophia's eyes compared to my vision was so drastically different, a new person replacing the old. I would never want to become that.
"I promise," I told her. "If I can, I will."
"Thank you," She muttered before turning away, effectively ending our conversation.
We drove for a bit longer before the boat finally stopped right in the middle of the ocean. Sophia got up, ordering Leona to create a rock platform that we could use to walk on down below while Alex and Will maintained our air and bubble. In the meantime, each of us gathered our things as we watched a small island, around the size of a car, rise a few feet out.
"Well, this is goodbye now," Sophia started, looking at each of us. "Go out and do what you know how to do. Be safe and do your thing."
She took the time to hug each of us. By the time she reached me, I saw that her eyes were getting a little teary. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as her mouth went to my ear.
"Just remember who you are," She whispered. "Don't let her win."
I pulled away from her. "Thank you... For all the training."
She gave me a little nod before turning to the others. Once all the goodbyes were said, Alex first jumped into the water, Will and Leona going with him to get to work with our unusual mode of transportation. Soon enough, I could see them standing beneath the dark water, a very clear air pocket there.
"Time to go," Cole said, waving again to Sophia and turned to Mackenzie and I. "Ready you two?"
I looked back at my trainer, a little smile on her face as she stood back. She had a look of pride on her face, but beneath that I knew there was worry.
Finally, I turned around, facing the ocean around me. I stepped up on the platform, feeling more like a captive walking the plank than anything else.
There's no turning back now, I thought to myself, focusing my mind to drop the barrier that protected me from Katherine. In a way, the action gave me strength. I wouldn't let her get to me before the fight. I couldn't let that happen.
"Let's do this," I told them before jumping into the water, letting it consume me.
Between family being in town, the long weekend, and my binge watching of Stranger Things, I totally thought it was Wednesday when it was actually Friday and the chapter was not finished whatsoever. So about that, folks!
Question of the chapter: Do you have any questions for me? A lot has happened in the past two chapters and I want to make sure everyone is on the same page. I'll be answering any questions you have, whether it's something plot related or my favorite character. (Please don't do a repeat of someone else's question and/or check out the others and see if yours is already asked!) You might not get the answer you want because many questions will be answered later on in the book and I'm not handing out any spoilers :)
As always, thanks for the support guys! See you next week :)
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