Kelly AKA KellyLM - Scarlett Lucia Grey
1. Who are you?
I, my lovely, go by the name of Scarlett. Scarlett Lucia Grey to be precise. I turned nineteen a few months ago if my math is correct. I don't usually pay attention to the date to be honest, in my occupation, it is not necessary. My gender? Female. Definitely. I'm not going to give you proof, so be a darling and don't ask. Looks? Well, I can only describe what I see through other people and from the corner of my eye. I have long blonde hair that because of my current predicament has been allowed to grow long and untamed for quite the while. A bit of a mess to be honest, but I like it. Or at least I do when I'm not wrestling it out of my eyes. Blue eyes that when I get angry go a clearer shade of frightening sapphire. Seriously. It's almost funny to watch people do a double take, it never fails to crack me up. Hm, what else? Oh yes! I'm quite short, just over five foot tall. Sad isn't it? Ah, well. Anyway, it's a little odd that I'm having to describe myself and I'm feeling like I'm sounding vain so next question please!
2. What's the title of your story and what kind of story is it?
Good question. The title of my story happens to be 'The Legend Of Scarlett Grey' and it is going to be a novel. Honestly, I think the title is a little...un-imaginative but it works I suppose. And Legend? Me? I don't think so. It's up to the author I suppose, even if it is my life. Speaking of which, doesn't she need permission to write about me?
3. Are you in love? If so, with who?
Now that, my dear, is an excellent question. One I am unsure of how to answer. When can a person ever say what they feel for another is love? How can you be sure? I don't know. So I shall just say that I may or may not feel something for Demetri but at the moment it is just irritation and annoyance. He's so infuriating and I can't afford to feel anything for him, for anyone. It wouldn't be pretty. Nope, not pretty at all.
4. Do you have any talents?
Do I? Now, darling, that would be telling wouldn't it? Let's just leave it this: there's more to me than meets the eye. And you'd be smart to keep that in mind.
5. Who is the closest to you?
My wolf or my old family friend, Vincent. They have each played a huge part in my life that led to me even being here today. I trust them both completely.
6. Describe your perfect moment.
I don't believe in perfection but if such a thing as a perfect moment did exist, I would imagine it to be me being free. A moment when I can just sit in silence and think without worries and thoughts plaguing my mind. A sense of tranquility, a few seconds when memories don't haunt my every living thought. That or going into a human town without getting millions of odd looks. Trust me, it happens.
7. What animal do you most relate to and why?
A wolf. Simply because a part of me is one. Being the wolf is a part of my true nature, though most of it I conceal for reasons that I cannot state.
8. Who is your creator/author? Do you like them and why/why not?
My creator is called KellyLM on this site but I believe just calling her Kelly is alright. Do I like her? Eh. She's alright. She's writing my story, I can't exactly hate her can I? She knows more about me at times than I do and that's a scary thing to come to terms with, don't you agree? Other than that, she's an alright girl. She has a similar sense of humor to my own and she can really come up with some disturbing scenes when she puts her mind to it. Yeah, I'd say we get along.
9. How would you describe your creator/author and why?
I would describe her simply as I described myself: Insane. Or at least she'd have to be in order to come up with some of the things she does-- me for example. The weird girl. However, I wouldn't say fully Insane but insane nonetheless. Not mentally all there, perhaps? Yes, I like that. In order to create a crazy character, you've got to be a little crazy yourself.
10. Favorite color(s):
Take a guess? Red, coincidentally.
11. Favorite Song or Genre:
Hm. That's a difficult one. I don't usually have the time to listen to music. However, I like to listen to songs I can relate to when I can so one of my favourites would be Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace. Honestly, I don't hate any genre of music. If I like it, to me it's good. End of.
12. Speaking of Genres, what type is your story?
I can't believe I'm labelling my own story but it's an intriguing mix of fantasy, werewolf, action, mystery and romance (Demetri wishes).
13. What do you like doing in your free time?
Huh. Ok, in fear of sounding like a psychotic lunatic, I like hunting people. The hunt is in my blood. I like terrorizing packs and well, just causing trouble where I can. That is if trouble hadn't already followed me. Which it has a habit of. I'm pretty blood thirsty. I know it, everyone else knows it but I don't care. It's just who I am, those who don't like it can go take a long walk off a short cliff. In my world, free time is pretty limited. If I'm not the hunter, I'm the hunted. It's kill or be killed. Sounds fun, right? You'd be surprised at how fun it actually is.
14. What's your favorite time of day and why?
The night. As corny as this will likely sound, I'm a night creature and the moon has always called to me. For reasons that I didn't really understand till I reached about eleven.
15. How do you feel about makeup?
Interesting choice of question. Odd, but interesting nonetheless. I thought it would be something about world hunger or whatnot but this is easy enough. I don't wear makeup. Can't afford it and don't care for it. I have much bigger issues like having an irritating Demetri and a insistent council following me around to care about lipstick. I try to avoid society as a whole as you've probably guessed.
16. What's a memorable moment in your life?
The first time I ever shifted. It was both good and bad. It was enlightening but frightening. I lost and I gained, enough said. It was what began my reign as the lone female rogue.
17. Describe yourself in one word.
Insane, darling. Insane. Sums me up quite nicely.
18. What's your goal in life?
To live. To do things that no one else has. To get rid of the council and expose them to the world so others can finally do the same. Well, that and I hate the little group of mutts.
19. If you could tell your creator one thing, what would it be?
If it ever comes down to it, I want to die doing the thing I do best; wiping those pathetic mutts who don't even deserve the title of werewolf off the face of the earth. Take notes, Kel. I'll be holding you to this!
20. If you read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would YOU do it?
I'm not sure. I would probably end it with how it began; with me causing trouble. But I honestly couldn't decide. My destiny isn't set in stone and anything could happen. So until the end, I'll be ready to catch whatever life has to throw at me. To me the ending doesn't matter, it's the ride it took to get there. And I can assure you, love, that it is going to be one hell of a ride to remember. I'll leave the ending up to Kelly, though I'm leaning towards one that ends relatively happy for most people at least. I don't believe in happy endings but we shall have to wait and see. Fingers crossed, ey?
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