Cat naps
My family left, my parents, finally left to move to Hawaii.Which I was so happy about because they were going to leave me alone for good but - even when I have the house to my name - they both told me, while packing, saying "We can't take you with us cause your a fucking short stack bitch and a total dumbass crybaby"....I was slightly affected by that but I was just mainly happy that my life is going up then down for once.But other then that this was my second day here, in my now clean and welcoming home, and I was just working on my work.Since they left me I was able to get a great dissent job as an illustrator and comic maker.I was only 15 years old, but this was heaven without them.I was really that happy.Soon enough, it was 2 weeks since that great fabulous day....and I started to feel slightly lonely at my house.
"Oh!Hello!Welcome to Miss.Petegrins Animal Shelter!How may I help-?"
"I like to get a pet madam.." You look around the place, seeing sooo many animals "...M-More then just one please."
The woman nods, fixing her hair into a quick braid, then make her way over to me "Sure thing sweet pea!What animal do you perfer??"
You thought about this for a second, then smile softly "..I would like to get some cats."
"Oh!Yes those are my favorite girly!I have a cat back home name Smokey and he is such a goof!.." She puts on a black and pink visor hat then walk down a hallway "...That reminds me, we just got some fresh batches of cats this morning, wanna see them?"
I nod, following her.As she was taking you to the back, you see all sorts of animals.Dogs, birds, lizards, geckos, salamander, and tons of fish tanks holding colorful glowing, small, large, funny looking, cute, and beautiful fish. This shop here had so many, no wonder it is so popular.This is the main hot spot for anyone who seeks a pet!
"Here we are!" The woman walks into an hallway that has a sign saying 'Kit Cats' and she takes me to an box "...So these cats are all boys and they are all adults.They seem to refuse anyone from separating them nor touch them one bit, here they are-!"
A high pitch meow was heard from the box as a small skinny silverish grey, black, and red cat jump out and into my hoodie pocket...the cat was rather easy to hold but he didn't really hide himself that good.I can see his tail still.
"Oh my goodness!I am so so sorry, let me get him off-!!"
"Nonono!.."You smile at the women, telling her to not touch you or the cat "...uh, what is his name?He is soo small!"
The woman chuckles, looking at the small bundle in my jacket pocket "That one is named Starscream, and he is not the smallest of this group.." She then points at the red and white cat in the box "...That one is named Knockout, he is the smallest one here."
You look into the box more, seeing 5 - including the one in your hoodie pocket - cats in total, and each one was different sets of colors, cuteness, and fluff.
But you notice the big fluffy guy of all of them, he looks just like the grumpy cat from the movie..and the memes "What's that big guys name?"
"Oh that one is Meggy, a nickname for him, but really his name is Megatron and he is the main 'Alpha' of this small group!"
"Oh.." You look at the others, now curious "..What about them?The rest of the small group?"
"That one in the blue with yellowish orange eyes is Breakdown.." She points at a big slightly fluffy cat, one of his eyes were sealed shut, poor thing "....and the one next to Megatron is Soundwave, he is the only one who doesn't let out a peep in this group!" She again points at another cat, which was skinny and fluffiest, that was all black and had hints of purple on some parts of him....what stuck most is that he had purple eyes.
You never seen cats with red or purple eyes before..
"How much for them?"
"That depends on how much you have-?"
You pull out a 100 dollar bill, giving it to the woman "Is that enough?"
The woman smirks, taking the money, and gives you the cats "Yep!Wanna get some stuff for your cats?You got enough to do so-."
"Yes please."
The woman nods, going down the food and cat nip hallway "Alright then, follow me!"
-Time skip to after leaving the store and going home-
Home sweet home.
Thank god!
As gently as you can you got into the house and place the box on the kitchen table.When you were satisfied you ran over to the car, yes you have your own car, and took out everything for the cats. It took you less then 2 minutes to come back in with everything.You manage to get the cats some cat kibble, small bowls that have their names on it, some cat toys, cat litter box, and you spoiled them by getting them a HUGE Saint Barnard dog bed.
"Okay then!.." You managed to open up the cat kibble and grab each bowl, filling them up and placing them next to the chimney, then you turn to get them "Now to feed all you guys-..."
Nope.The box was tipped over and empty.No cat in sight.Oh lord, that is not good-.
Quickly as you can you look down, since it came below then above, and see that Starscream.Which you forgotten about him this whole time.Was still in your hoodie pocket.Now starring up at you with a 'Bitch did you not hear me?' face.
"Oh, I forgot you were there sorry...uh..Want some food Starscream?"
His red cat eyes stare at you, for a very long time, and he soon began to claw his way out.Looking at you once and a while, then spots the bowl with his name on it.Filled to the brim with cat kibble.Before you could say anything to him he ran over there and smelled it, making sure it was good or not, and then he chows it down like no tommorrow.Man, he must be hungry.
Smiling to yourself, knowing that one of the 5 cats were found, you began to stoop around the rooms of the house.Looking for any sign of the cats.You didn't see them at all in any of these rooms.But right as you were going to enter panic mode, a loud hissing noise was heard along with something falling not far from you.
"..Please don't be a cat fight.." was the exact words you spoke as you made it there, seeing what it going on.
It was a semi mess.The room was a total mess, most things on the floor and that, and even throughout the mess, no cats were seen...But that is when a splashing sound and more loud hissing was heard, coming from the bathroom.
With quick haste you open the door just in time to see Knockout and Breakdown stuck in the tub, trying to swim for their own lives.The tub was one and they were in cold water, they both were on their hind legs.Breakdown was okay but he was trying to save Knockout, since he was smaller, for he could actually drown in this tub.Now both of them are yowling for help, now louder as ever.
"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!" You didn't waste any more time and yeet yourself over to the tub, pull both of the wet shivering cats out of cold water, and shut off and drain the tub.
Just how were they able to turn on the tub?!
Grabbing two towels from the bathroom closet you managed to dry both of the shivering cats, which they remained trembling even after you did it, before you got the idea to get two hair dryers and turn it up high.Warming the two shivering cats up.But you didn't think this through, oh lord you did not think this through at all, but once they were all dry and warm.Their fur, both of them, was all fluffy and standing up, making them both look like throw pillows or cute cat faced cloud.
"Oh jeeze, uh...maybe I can brush this all out-?"
Nope.It happened again.But this one was bloody murder.Getting up - with both of them following - you bolt back to the livingroom to see Megatron cashing Starscream all over the place.And the one not causing trouble was Soundwave, who was eating his food in a gentleman like manner.
"Megatron!Leave him alone-ohsweetbabyjesus!" You fall back, both of the cats that were behind you gone and eating their food, as Starscream bolts at you with utter most fear.Once again hiding in your hoodie pocket.
Getting up to your feet, with Starscream shaking in your hoodie pocket, you see the 'Alpha' looking down at you from the couch, his face saying 'That bitch is mine, give me da bitch!' as his red eyes show his dominance...but it didn't effect you.You were not a cat, your human.Plain and simple.
You let out a loud sigh, seeing that Megatron was not moving at all, then spoke "I really don't know why you two are chasing one and another, mainly Starscream.." You then gently pat, which you think is his back, pocket "...I got you guys some food, and Starscream can stay there as long as he wants.He is staying with me for now, until we loose some tension."
Megatron didn't like it, oh no he did not like it at all.Heck, he tried to attack you before you grabbed him by his nape of his neck - in midair - and walk down the hallway to only place him in one of your 6 spare rooms.Once you got that done Starscream hopped out of his hidding place, stare at you for a second, and run back into the livingroom with the rest of the cats.Megatron - as you gone to get a brush or comb from your parents old room - was meowing and hissing dangerously as you left him there.Knowing this is what he deserves for a little while.
"Knockout?Breakdown?Where are you guys?" You didn't see them in the livingroom, not at all.
But before you could look into the kitchen for them, a massive weight was placed onto your back.Almost knocking you over if you didn't grab the wall or couch in time.Whoever it was on your back clawed there way up to your shoulder and poke there head out....It was Knockout.
You laugh, smiling at him "Why hello there spider cat, are you here to rescue me?"
All you got from him was a quick confuse goofy tilt of his head.Clearly he doesn't understand you or what you just said.Then - since you were near the edge of the couch - something was poking your stomach mewling and purring.That's when you look down and see a cute fulffy Breakdown staring up at you with a 'Don't you dare forget me too hooman' face.Cute.
"Okay since you two are here..." You show them the items in your hands "...Do you guys mind me fixing you guys up?Your all poofy like stuff.."
They both stare at you for a long time, but suddenly Breakdown pounced right into your arms.Purring with delight.Looks like he is okay with it.Soon enough Knockout mewl before jumping down and onto the couch, waiting for you.Alright, both of them are alright with the idea.Sweet.Making your way over to the couch, you sat down and -since you already had Breakdown - to brush down his fur.Luckily you didn't feel that much knots in his fur as you gently smoothed it down in a soothing and calming manner.You even notice that Breakdown was slowly dozing off so you began to sing Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman.It surely did worked his way to sleep.You decide to not do his tail but now start working on Knockout....But you didn't know how to pick up the sleeping Breakdown on your lap, so you made Knockout sit on the arm rest next to you.And just like Breakdown, Knockout was falling asleep by it.You decided to sing Toss A Coin To Your Witcher slowly to him, he too falling asleep 7 minutes later.
....Oh god, how are you supposed to even get up now-?
A paw, not Knockouts nor Breakdown, was place on your right cheek.That's when you notice it was Starscream, and oh boy did he look jealous.He was so jealous that he gave you a stern 'Pet me or die!' glare before making his was onto your shoulders and sleep were now sourrounded by 3 cat-...waite?Where is Soundwa-?
Just as quick as you thought about him, here comes the cat himself.Starring at you and his cat comrades.Dame...he looks like an emo kid you know at school, what is her name?Oh yeah!Her name is Miko!
"......Wanna join the fun?.."
No blinking.No noise.Just plain on stareing.Is this this cat death?Please god don't make this anymore troublesome as it is-!
Unknown to you, Soundwave did understand you.He was just being skeptical of you.So when you were thinking about maybe he was death he easily came over and curl up next to your hip.Not touching you.Just laying there in his lonesome.
You let out an simple 'oh' before you to started to feel sleepy "....A nap...just a quick cat nap.." and then you were out.
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