As the truck came to an inspection checkpoint, security officers surrounded the vehicle and peeked underneath. Cloud released Lailah and gestured to the others to remain quiet. Tifa placed a finger over her lips and shared the silent message with Barret. The brute nodded in understanding. Quietly, they waited for the inspection to end.
A minute later, the vehicle was cleared for entry.
"All clear!" An officer shouted.
"Roger. Okay, head on in!" Another officer said.
Barrett sighed in relief under his breath. "So far, so good."
The truck suddenly lurched forward, causing Barret to lose his balance. He fell off the vehicle with a scream. Tifa tried to grab him to prevent him from falling, but she fell with him. They both knocked out officers by landing on them.
The vehicle didn't stop. Cloud glanced down at Lailah. "Stay with the truck. We'll find you later."
The pup nodded, watching him jump off the vehicle to join Tifa and Barret. She could hear the fighting even as the truck carried her deeper into the parking garage. Remaining on the rooftop of the truck, she waited for it to park.
When it came to a stop and the driver left, Lailah hopped off. She dashed over to hide behind a stack of boxes to avoid being seen by passing security officers. She didn't venture too far from the truck, knowing Cloud told her to stay with it.
She remained in her hiding spot until another group of security officers passed by. This time, they were yelling and running in the direction of the entrance to the parking garage. More followed behind them. Among the Shinra forces, she spotted a few guard dogs. They had broken off from the officers when they detected her scent.
As they wandered over to her hiding spot, she didn't move. She waited patiently for them to find her. When they did, she howled to them and was able to communicate. Convincing them to turn on their handlers, the guard dogs ran into the fray and attacked the security officers.
Hearing the shouting, the pup realized an officer found her. She looked up to see he was aiming his firearm at her. The moment he pulled the trigger, she ran back toward the truck and took cover underneath it. She looked back to see his boots. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw him fall to his knees and crawl under the vehicle to pursue her.
Lailah dashed out from underneath the truck and searched for another hiding spot. She located an open box and jumped inside. Diving below the foam peanuts, she hoped the officer wouldn't find her.
She heard him approach her hiding spot, but his voice soon grew distant as he ran in the opposite direction. A relieved huff came from the pup. She was ready to come out, only for another box to fall on the one she was hiding in. It was light enough to not crush her, but it was lodged at an angle that prevented her from escaping. She scratched at the box in an attempt to dislodge it.
It was useless.
She snorted in annoyance. Not wishing to draw the attention of the security officers, she waited patiently for the sounds of battle to cease.
When it did, she heard Barret's voice. "This is the truck, ain't it?"
"Yeah, but where did Lailah go?" Tifa asked. "You don't think someone grabbed her, do you?"
"Let's look around," Cloud said.
At hearing her companions' voices, the pup barked as loud as she could. She scratched at the side of the box in hopes to grab their attention.
She heard running footsteps and they came to a stop directly in front of her hiding place.
"Lailah? Are you in there?" Tifa's gentle voice rang out.
The pup scratched and howled in response.
Tifa removed the top box that was wedged inside the one the shapeshifter was in. She tossed the box aside and peered into the batch of foam peanuts. There, she found her childhood friend. A giggle slipped past her lips as she picked the pup up. "Are you having fun without us?"
Lailah yipped before shaking her head to get rid of some of the packing peanuts.
Tifa plucked a couple off her head. "I'm glad you're safe." She then called out to Cloud and Barret. "I found her!"
Cloud and Barret rushed over after hearing the good news. They too were relieved to see she was safe.
The ex-SOLDIER sighed, reaching out a hand and placing it on the pup's head. "You're okay. Good."
Tifa allowed Lailah to climb up her arm and perch on her shoulder.
"Now that we've got everyone, let's get movin'," Barret said.
Using the service entrance, they traveled up the stairs and arrived at the main lobby of the Shinra building. Although vast, there was not a single soul in sight. No guards, no employees.
"Nobody's home," Barret commented about the emptiness.
Cloud looked around. "Yeah."
Tifa turned to the blonde. "Do you have any idea where they might be holding Aerith?"
"I'm thinking a research facility. That'd make the most sense," he replied.
"And where is that?" Barret inquired.
"Upper floors...maybe near the top..." Cloud gazed up at the floors above. "That's where you are."
The brute gaped at his uncertainty. "Maybe?!"
"Maybe we can use the console at the reception desk to find out," Tifa suggested.
Feeling somewhat rejuvenated and seeing there were no enemies around, Lailah jumped off Tifa's shoulder and reverted. She looked around in awe. "If we weren't in enemy territory, I would love to explore this place."
"Yeah," Tifa agreed. "This building's incredible."
Barret guffawed at hearing the two girls. "Hah! A shining monument to corporate greed. One of these days I'm gonna tear it down and burn the rubble."
"But not today," Cloud remarked.
"Yeah, yeah."
Although Lailah wasn't a fan of Shinra, she admired the sleek design of the interior of the building. She truly did have the urge to explore. Knowing she needed to focus, she joined Tifa by the reception desk. She placed a hand on her hips at seeing the blue barrier around the desk. "Is this...a barrier?"
"Looks like it," the sable-haired girl responded. "I don't know about you, but I don't think we should try touching it."
"Shit," Barret cursed. "Making life hard."
"Let's just keep heading up," Cloud stated.
While proceeding up the stairwell to the second floor, Barret asked, "So, how do we get upstairs?"
"Either the elevator or the emergency stairwell," the ex-SOLDIER answered.
"The stairs sound like they would be less of a hassle," Lailah commented. "And we probably wouldn't encounter any people since the elevator is the main mode of transportation throughout the building."
"Oh, hell no!" Barret disagreed. "You're crazy, girl! That lab is on one of the top floors. There ain't no way we're walking up those stairs! I vote we take the elevator."
The shapeshifter weighed their options. "Well, the elevator would be the quickest way up."
The brute grinned and patted her on the back. "That's two votes! Let's go."
She blinked in shock as he quickly made his way up the stairs. "What about—?" She looked back at Tifa and Cloud before disregarding what she wanted to ask. "Never mind..."
At the top of the stairs, they wandered over to the sealed door that led to the elevators. Cloud tried to open the door via the console, but the light flashed red.
"No getting upstairs without a keycard, huh?" Barret asked.
Tifa crossed her arms. "Think we're gonna need a few before this is over."
Cloud glanced around the lobby. "Pretty sure I saw one lying around."
That's when Barret shouted, "The reception desk!"
"Yeah, but how to get in?"
Lailah tilted her head in thought. "If only we knew what was generating the barrier, I could fry the circuitry. But, I don't think we have the time to look for the power source."
"Yeah," Tifa said. She looked over at the reception desk. "Go up and over, maybe?"
Lailah walked over to the Shinra logo nameplate and saw what Tifa was talking about. "You mean use the lights as a way to cross over to the reception desk?"
Barret was unsure of the idea. "I don't know..."
Tifa grabbed the shapeshifter's hands. "I think you should give it a shot, Lailah. You're the lightest one here, and you're the most nimble out of all of us. I bet you could make it to the reception desk with no problem."
Lailah glanced at the lights. She figured it wouldn't be difficult and agreed to the plan. "Okay, I'll do it."
Tifa let go of her hands.
The snowy-haired girl stepped onto the nameplate, mentally preparing herself for the first jump.
"You be careful," Barret told her.
"Just promise to carry me if I fall and break something," Lailah sarcastically replied, glancing behind her at the brute. She realized her words caused Cloud's eyes to widen and his body to become rigid with worry. She quickly tried to alleviate his concern. "I-I'm just kidding, Cloud. I'll be fine."
The blonde relaxed a little and hummed in response.
Turning back around, the shapeshifter inhaled deeply before exhaling. Calming herself, she made the first jump. She successfully landed on the light and grabbed the hanging wires keeping it attached to the ceiling. Taking her time, she carefully maneuvered to the other side to prepare for the second jump.
Making it to the second light, Lailah debated whether to jump to the strand of lights or another chandelier. Either way she chose, she would need to jump a bigger gap. Deciding to head to the chandelier, she jumped as far as she could.
However, she didn't land on top of the light. Instead, she slammed into the side and tried to grab the edge to pull herself up. She yelped when she slipped and fell. Fortunately, she was quick enough to grab the lower piece of the chandelier to stop her fall. Her heart pounded from the sudden fright of falling.
"Lailah!" Cloud shouted, running down the stairs.
"Oh shit! Lailah!" Barret hollered.
"Oh, no!" Tifa gasped.
"Are you okay?!" Cloud yelled. "Just hold on!"
When he attempted to jump over the railing, she stopped him. "Wait! I can climb back up."
Gripping the railing tightly, Cloud watched with bated breaths as Lailah slowly pulled herself up onto the light. He sighed in relief once she was back on top of the chandelier.
Lailah continued to go from light to light. When she reached the strands of lights leading to the reception desk, she swung her body back and forth to build up enough momentum to jump to the next strand.
Finally, she reached the reception desk. Dropping into the hole located at the top, she landed in front of the computer. Tifa, Cloud, and Barret rushed over to reception once seeing she was successful.
"You did it, Lailah!" Tifa chanted.
Barret grinned at the shapeshifter. "That's some fine work."
Lailah picked up the keycard. She examined it before showing it to her companions. Barret and Tifa gave her thumbs up. She then noticed what was displayed on the computer screen. Taking a closer look, she discovered the security protocol. "I think I might be able to disable the security protocols from here." Just as she was about to type on the keyboard, the barrier was disabled. She was utterly confused.
On the other hand, Barret thought she was the one behind its disappearance. "Ha! Hot damn, girl."
"That wasn't me," she confessed. Looking at the computer, she thought she saw a name flash across the screen but it vanished. "I think someone else did that."
"Shit, I'll take it. So you can use that to look up what floor the research facility's on?"
Lailah began typing on the computer. "Yes, I can." She started searching when she asked, "Didn't you mention a Professor Hojo, Cloud?"
The blonde nodded. "Yeah."
She typed in the man's last name and managed to find the location of his lab. "Got it. His lab's on the 65th floor. It looks like we can only reach the 59th floor by either using the stairs or the elevator. If we want access to any levels above that one, we'll need to visit the Skyview Hall reception."
"59th floor it is, then," Cloud said.
Barret nodded. "Right."
Lailah vaulted over the desk and handed the keycard to Cloud.
He looked at the card before meeting her gaze. "You don't want to hang on to it?"
She giggled. "I'll leave the responsibility to you. At least that way, it won't be my fault if you lose it."
Cloud smiled faintly in amusement at her words. Taking the keycard, he leads them back up the stairs to the sealed door. The keycard opened the way and now they had access to the elevators. Pressing the button, he summoned the elevator and they stepped aboard when it arrived.
Tifa pressed the 59th floor button.
"Going up. Doors closing," the automated voice informed them.
As the elevator carried them up, Barret shattered the silence lingering between them. "So what can we expect further up?" he asked, eyes cast in the ex-SOLDIER's direction.
"More security and restrictions. It's not gonna get any easier," Cloud answered honestly.
Suddenly, the elevator came to a stop.
"Huh?" Barret mumbled in puzzlement.
"10th floor. Doors opening," the automated voice stated.
Lailah's eyes widen as the elevator doors open to reveal security officers waiting to board. The armed men were startled by their appearance and immediately open-fired. She dove into cover while Cloud used his sword to block the bullets. He, Tifa, and Barret fought against the security officers while she remained on the elevator. She pressed a button to keep the elevator from leaving the 10th floor.
When the sound of battle ceased, she opened the elevator doors and allowed her companions to step aboard. Closing the doors, she pressed the 59th-floor button again.
"Wasn't expectin' that," Barret commented.
Tifa glanced worriedly at her allies. "Think anyone knows we're here?"
"Nah, we took 'em down quick," Cloud said.
Lailah sighed. "Sorry for not helping you three..."
Tifa smiled gently at her. "You've done plenty already, Lailah. All we want for you now is to let us handle the enemies. You're still recovering from not only being captured, but also that blessing."
"Can I at least be in charge of the elevator in case we stop again?"
Tifa laughed. "Sure. You really think it'll stop again?"
"It most likely will. After all, tons of people work here and this is the main way to travel from floor to floor."
Barret slammed his fist against the elevator wall, teeth gritted. "People oughta try using the damn stairs sometime!"
Cloud was level-headed as usual. "If it happens again, we'll deal with it like before. We got this." He looked over at Lailah to see her expression was still pale from the overuse of mana. He wouldn't allow her to use any of her magic in her current state.
"Hey," he called out to her. Lailah lifted her head and met his mako-infused gaze. "Like Tifa said, leave it to us. Just stay on the elevator. The fewer people who know you're with us, the better."
She nodded. "Okay."
A few seconds later, the elevator slowed down a second time. It was now stopping on the 20th floor.
Barret was surprised to see it stopping again so soon. "Well that didn't take long, did it?" He, Tifa, and Cloud took up fighting stances.
"20th floor. Doors opening," the automated voice announced.
Lailah immediately stepped to the side to avoid being seen. She pressed her body against the elevator wall as the doors opened.
Barret rushed out of the elevator and swatted away one of the security officers. Tifa and Cloud followed him off the elevator and dealt with the enemies.
Like before, the shapeshifter kept the elevator from leaving the current floor. Once the sounds of fighting were gone, she opened the elevator doors and everyone was back inside. They were now back on track.
"Straight on up to the top now," Barret grumbled. "C'mon."
"We just keep getting waylaid, don't we?" Tifa asked.
"If you wanna take the stairs..." Cloud began.
Barret stepped over to him. "Now that you mention it... No." He saw Lailah about to remark. He pointed a finger at her and spoke up before she could. "Don't say anythin', girly."
She smirked amusingly at him and decided to remain silent.
Arriving at the 30th flood, the elevator stopped again.
"Heads up. Could be trouble." Cloud grabbed his sword and was ready for another fight. Tifa and Barret took their own stances and waited for the elevator doors to open.
Lailah hid out of sight.
As the elevator doors opened, a woman tried to step inside. However, she was frightened when she saw the blade mere inches from her face. She shrieked and held up her hands, her body shaking in fear.
All four of them were surprised to see the woman. Cloud looked over at Barret.
Lailah emerged from her hiding spot. She nudged Cloud's sword out of the woman's face and smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that. Excuse us." She quickly pressed the button and closed the elevator doors with a sigh.
"Right. Normal people work here too," Tifa said.
"She probably called for help," Barret responded.
"I would too if I tried to board an elevator only to come face to face with a sword," Lailah commented.
"Right..." Cloud withdrew his blade.
When they reached the 40th floor, the elevator stopped again.
"Who's it gonna be next?" Barret asked.
Lailah wondered the same thing. She was curious as to who would be joining them on the elevator. "Let's try to act a little more natural so we don't have to scare anybody else. Let's pretend we're not trying to infiltrate enemy headquarters and are here for a simple visit." After she said that, Cloud suddenly grabbed her wrist. She was startled by his sudden touch and blinked confusingly at him. "Wh-What are you doing?"
"Acting," he answered before dragging her into the corner of the elevator. He pushed her back against the wall, releasing her wrist and placing his hands on either side of her head. He was using his body to block her from being seen by anyone who boards the elevator.
Tifa and Barret stood a few inches away from the couple. They were trying to act normal by simply pretending they were chatting casually.
"Doors opening," the automated voice announced.
Cloud stepped closer to Lailah, their faces mere centimeters away from one another's. He peered over his shoulder to see a man dressed in a suit had entered the elevator. He was on the phone and seemed to not notice them.
Lailah glanced over at the man and wondered if he truly didn't notice them or was intentionally ignoring them. When she saw the man look their way for a split second, her shoulders tensed in surprise as Cloud stepped even closer. His body pressed against hers. Unconsciously, she raised her hands and placed them against his chest.
She didn't expect him to get this close. The cherry on top was the moment he leaned down to nuzzle his face against the side of her neck and his hands moved away from the wall to grasp her waist. Her entire body tensed at their sudden closeness. "Th-This isn't what I had in mind," she whispered to him.
Cloud didn't move and remained as close as possible to her. "Sorry," he whispered back.
She wasn't bothered by his closeness. In fact, she enjoyed it. She was slightly embarrassed that they were this close in front of others, but she understood why he chose such an approach. Looking over at the man, she realized he was too busy talking on the phone to care. She hadn't realized she was gripping the front of her boyfriend's shirt until she was able to relax.
"Yeah... Yeah, we're safe here. What about you, Mom? You okay? Good. That's a relief... ...What? Oh, they gotta be kidding!" The man continued to chat on the phone as the doors closed. They were on their way up to the 45th floor. "...No, we haven't heard anything new yet. But they told us that Avalanche could attack again at any time. Just get somewhere safe, okay? Yeah. About that..."
On the 45th floor, the man stepped off the elevator. The doors closed and the group was alone again.
Lailah let go of Cloud's shirt and he stepped away from her.
"A whole lotta mormal people with families and friends work for Shinra. People just trying to support their loved ones as best they can. I know it's not exactly a revelation, but... It's easy to forget," Tifa said.
"A good man who serves a great evil is not without sin. He must recognize and accept his complicity. He must open his eyes to the truth—that his corporate masters are profiting from the planet's pain. Only then can he redeem himself." Barret gazed at the sable-haired girl. "I know you know this."
She nodded. "I do."
"Tifa," Cloud called out to her. "We need to focus on saving Aerith."
"I know. I will."
Lailah placed a comforting hand on Tifa's shoulder, offering her a small smile. She received a smile in return.
Finally, they arrive at the 59th floor--the Skyview Hall. They stepped off the elevator.
Barret looked around. "So this is the Skyview Hall, huh? Bet this place cost a fortune and then some."
"Let's look for reception," Cloud said.
Laila spotted a hologram standing behind a desk not too far from the elevators. "Is that it over there?"
"Looks like it."
Upon reaching the reception desk, Cloud pulled out the keycard and scanned it. It was successfully upgraded.
The hologram behind the desk addressed them. "You must be here for our grand tour. Visitors have access to floors 60, 61, 62, as well as floor 63. You will proceed in that order. By the exit to each floor, you will find a device that will allow you to update the keycard in your possession...thereby allowing you to access the next floor. And now begins your grand tour. Please enjoy the Shinra experience!" The holographic woman waved and smiled at them.
Lailah tilted her head in confusion. "This place has a tour?"
"Guess so," Cloud replied.
Barret grumbled, "Why's this whole thing gotta be such a big pain in the ass?"
Tifa glanced around at her companions. "I don't know about you, but this is kinda weird."
"You think everything's going too well?" Cloud asked.
"Yeah, I do."
Lailah placed a hand on her hip. "Now that you mention it..."
"Right?" Tifa inquired. "Think this is a trap?"
"Ha!" Barret guffawed. "If it is, then bring it on. Let's get this party started!"
The shapeshifter wondered where to go next. She was about to wander around when Tifa grabbed her hand and tugged her into the lounge area. There, she saw Barret standing by the window and staring out across Midgar.
The moment Tifa let go of her hand, Lailah stepped closer to the window. Her eyes widened as she gazed at the beautiful midnight scenery. It wasn't until she heard Barret that she saw Cloud had joined them.
"Damn fools," the brute growled.
"Hm?" Tifa hummed in puzzlement.
"Ones who come here at night to "take in the view." So pretty and marvelous and beautiful! But every little light burning bright runs off her blood. And bit by bit they bleed her, never stoppin' to think how it'll end for them."
"Yeah," she mumbled.
"Terrible, but beautiful all the same." Barret turned his back to the window and walked off with Tifa in tow.
Lailah didn't move. The awe in her gaze morphed into sorrow as Barret's words echoed inside her mind. She thought about her mother and how it was because of greedy humans that she was dying. She wondered if it is because of Shinra that her people didn't interact with humans. The only people who truly cared for the planet were the Children and the Ancients.
However, some humans care about the planet. If she and the others could stop Shinra, the planet wouldn't suffer, meaning her mother wouldn't be in pain. Not only would her mother die if Shinra wasn't stopped, she too would share the same fate. She didn't want that. She wanted to live and spend her life with everyone.
Hearing Cloud's worried voice, she looked away from the window. She saw his concerned expression and offered him a small smile. "Sorry. We should focus on finding Aerith." She attempted to walk away, but he stopped her by seizing her hand. Her eyes locked with his. He didn't say anything, which puzzled her. "Cloud?"
The ex-SOLDIER gripped her hand tighter before yanking her closer. He pulled her into his arms, embracing her gently. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong. Just know I'm here when you want to talk."
"I know," she said just above a whisper. She hugged him back for a few seconds before pulling away. "Let's go find Aerith."
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