Chapter 8: Scarlet Bloom?!
It was a nice night in the city as the streets and road are empty of anyone or anything aorta of a construction building where we see Spider-man battling Beetle on top of the building as Spider-man flips back while Beetle fires at him while Shizuka dose what ever he can to dodge his attacks.
Spider-man: Is that the best you can do? I think Stormtroopers can say you miss a lot in a far off galaxy!
Beetle gest angry and fires more beams at him which he continues to dodge until he leaps back off the building but fires iis webs and swing around and land a double kick kick Beetle which sent Beetle to a wall. Beetle slide down to the floor while Spider-man lands and walks over to him while he tells Beetle.
Spider-man: Looks like your wings are broken. Guess that means the Spider wins, don't worry I'm not gonna eat you or anything, beside I don't think Spiders like Beetles...maybe.
Beetle: You will regret this Spider-man.
Spider-man: I think I've already regretting not taking a shower before I came out to play. I mean I smell like I fell into a garbage bin.
Spider-man sniff himself while Beelte charge up his plasma beam and quickly fire a beam at Spider-man but he dodges but the beam hits a large pillar that breaks as Spider-man sense go off meaning there is someone down there that is gonna be crush. He turn to see a pillar falling so he rushes over and fire both webs and stomp his feet as the pillar fell but stopped as Spider-man slides on the floor towards the edge but stop and struggled to hold while Beetle see this distraction and flies off while Spider-man struggled to hold it long.
Spider-man: a little bit....longer.
The floor that he is standing on start to break and crack which Spider-man sees this and soon the floor below him breaks and he fell along with the pillar as a business man looks up to see it as he scream while Spider-man fire his webs and pulled himself down faster and once on the surface he gets over to the man and stretch out his arms ready to catch the falling pillar.
Spider-man: (thought) This might break my arms.
But to his surprise nothing happen which he looks up to see the pillar glowing red with a female figure grabbing it with one hand as she sets it down.
???: You okay you two?
Spider-man: Um yeah thanks for the help? So what's your name?
She then leaps and lands on top of a traffic light as she gose on to say to the two.
???: A hero that will fight sidd by side with you for justice and to protect this nation along side you from evil. You may call me....
Scarlet bloom: Scarlet bloom!
Spider-man: (thought) Well this night is something I'm gonna to remember for now on.
(Next day)
Words about a new hero came up to the nation which surprised people across the nation. This hero's name is Scarlet bloom and she just appeared to this city before the two met. Y/n knew that she is Akane so in order to find out what's going on he decided to visit the Sakurada family and ask about Akane being a hero.
Once there we see him at Aoi's room as she show him the glasses that Akane is using while she tells him the reason.
Y/n: Huh so your idea is to have her wear those glasses as like a secret identity so she won't be nervous around people?
Aoi: (smile) Yeah, I feel bad for her being too nervous around people and I thought of a good idea. Why not have Akane have a an identity that people won't know.
Y/n: Dose people know Scarlet bloom is Akane?
Aoi: Unfortunately yes but they decided to play along so will you play along?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I think it's a nice idea to have Akane not be nervous around people as long she puts on the glasses.
Aoi: (smile) Yeah. Besides she can have a chance to even met Spider-man in person, just as long she won't get too involve with the super villains.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I'm sure Spider-man will make sure she is safe.
Aoi: (smile) I'm happy for that.
Y/n make his leave as he walks down the steps and enter the living room where Shuu, Akane, Teru and Shiori are at as they watch the news about what happened last night and how both Scarlet Bloom and Spider-man met for the first time.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like the news is going nuts abiit last night.
Shuu: Yeah seems like it.
Teru: (surprised) That's awesome you get to be Spider-man's new sidekick!
Akane: (smile) Yeah, it's cool that I see Spider-man and I hope we can meet again someday.
Y/n smiles and thinks about granting her wish as he make his leave and wait for Scarlet bloom to arrive.
We see Scarlet Bloom just set free a whale off the beach and back to the sea while everyone is there as they take pictures while Scarlet Bloom smiles and waves to everyone.
Hajime: Scarlet Bloom, you will always be our hero at the bottom of our hearts!
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Thank you all, I must go now take care.
She then flies off and soon we see her landed on a roof as she sighs and take off the glasses as she stare at them and smile to herself.
Akane: (thought) Guess this is what it feels like to be a hero. I just hope i can get to meet Spider-man once again. It be a dream come true if he appears right behind me and say-
Spider-man: Hey there!
Akane turns in a surprise to see Spider-man as she quickly puts on her glasses and once that Spider-man walks over to her and tells her.
Spider-man: Nice to see a new hero in this nation. You fid a good job last night and I wanna came here to thank you for the help.
Scarlet Bloom: (little nervous) I-Its no problem Spider-man! When ever help calls, I will be there!
Spider-man: (thought) Disbite having the glasses on your still nervous, but it's kinda cute.
Spider-man: Say how about I'll show you thr ropes on how to be a hero and these tips help you to be a even better hero to this city.
Scarlet Bloom: (surprised) Really you can!
Spider-man: Sure thing. Now follow me!
He fires a Web and swings off while Scarlet Bloom flies after him as we see the two on top of another building while looking down to the street as Spider-man tells her.
Spider-man: Hero tip 1: Always watch for any suspicious activity. You may see some people as innocent but their actual not. Try fly around and always remember to smile and wave to the people if the see you.
Scarlet Bloom: I see but wait, your wearing a mask so how can they see you smile.
Spider-man: Far point which is why we go to hero tip 2: Have a sense of humour when ever to go around the city. People wanna see that your a friendly hero and not some sort a silent hero who out there for revenge.
Scarlet Bloom: Is all hero like that?
Spider-man: Well not all, some are just silent while some are silent while also out there for revenge.
Teenage boy: Hey, you up there!?
They look down to a group of teenagers as one calls out.
Teenage boy: Do a flip!
Spider-man dose a flip as they cheer while he wave to them while Scarlet Bloom smiles while we see them in a park sitting on a bench as they have their lunch there as Spider-man pull his mask to his mouth to eat his sandwich while he gose on to tell Scarlet Bloom.
Spider-man: Hero tip 3: Always have your favourite spot to kick back amd relax while waiting for any crime to come out. Mine is this park. Pretty nice, people rarely come by this path and even they do they will be surprised. It's like they stumble into a area where Heroes hang out.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Guess that make sense.
Scarlet Bloom blushes a bit to see the two at the park together like they were on a date and soon we see the two at another neighbourhood will tall apartment like buildings as we see them on a roof of one of the buildings as Spider-man tells Scarlet Bloom.
Spider-man: Finally hero tip 4: When ever a new hero comes by always gain trust with that hero. Because to be honest, they are literally fighting the same justice like you and I and there is no reason to battle him or her.
Scarlet Bloom: Make sense. I will remember that!
Spider-man: Good and that's it. Any questions?
Scarlet Bloom: One. So, is your webs apart of your body or what is the history about that?
Spider-man: Oh that's simple, I have these Web-Shooters so I can shoot out webs with a press of this button.
He show the Web-Shooter to her which amazed her whioe he show her by through a empty can behind him, turn around and fire a Web and stuck the can and pull it back and catch it. She turn to her while she is amazed by it while Spider-man also tells her.
Spider-man: Wall climbing, increased strength and speed are my real super powers but I wish have the power of organic webs. That will be cool.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Agree. Say if I were to be a hero will be get enemies like you?
Spider-man: Don't worry about that. Just force on doing stopping small crimes and other problems while I'll do the hard jobs.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Thanks Spider-man, you know I'm glad we're hanging out. It feels great to be with a sweet super hero like you.
Spider-man blushes while she too blushes as the two blushes while Scarlet Bloom's heart beats hard like ever before as she looks at Spider-man and was about to tell him something but Spider-man's sense gone off as he grabs Scarlet Bloom and leaps away just as a beam hits where they were standing and blows up.
Spider-man lands and let's Scarlet Bloom go as they turn to see Beetle at the other side of the building.
Spider-man: Great this guy again.
Scarlet Bloom: It seem he is has return to get his revenge.
Spider-man: Yep, shy can he not take a break of hunting me down.
Beetle: Looks like I'm interrupting something very important I'm I?
Spider-man: If your talking about the hero tips, we were just done so let's settle this Beetle.
Beetle chuckles as he pulls out a little girl thqt he kidnapped and holf her over at the edge as she cries and begs for help.
Scarlet Bloom: Oh no!
Spider-man: Let her go Beetle!
Beetle: If you really did teach your "hero friend" about being a hero, then allow her to save this child from falling!
He then drops the child as she falls. Scarlet Bloom flies over to save her while whike Beetle aims his wrist plasma cannon at her and once locked he was about to fire when Spider-man swings over and punches Beetle in the face.
The two battle while Scarlet Bloom manages to save the little girl and set her down gently.
Scarlet Bloom: You okay?
Little girl: Y-Yeah, thank you Scarlet Bloom.
She smiles while she looks up to where Spider-man is battling Beetle as Spider-man dodges his beam attacks while Spider-man fire his webs at Beetle and he stuck his webs on his face.
Beetle ripes off the webs out of his face and looks around for Spider-man but then he turn and swinghis arm at Spider-man from behind but he leaps back while Beetle aims his wrist plasma cannon at him when Spider-man fire his webs at his cannon and once Beetle fires his wrist cannon blows up.
He stumble back while seeing his destroyed plasma cannon as Spider-man asked.
Spider-man: Hope those cannon have insurance because you might wanna have those fixed if you want to battle me again.
Beetle: Not done yet Spider-man.
He pulls out two Grenades and throw them as Spider-man which he fires his webs at them and chuck them away which they blow up while Beetle reach down to grab more but realise they were gone.
Scarlet Bloom: Are these you are looking for?
He turn to see Scarlet Bloom waving hid belt of Grenades at him while Beetle gets angry then Webs stuck onto his back and he was pulled as Spider-man's slams him to the ground and leaps over him while he webs him up and once that Beetle is stuck as Spider-man lands and stood over him.
Spider-man: Looks like your in time out Beetle.
Beetle growls in anger while Scarlet Bloom race over to Spider-man in excitement.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) You did it!
Spider-man: No, we did it together.
Scarlet Bloom smiled while Spider-man reach out hid hand for a high five which she did as the two high five for a job well done.
Once tbe police took away Beetle we see Scarlet Bloom sitting on the edge of the roof while Spider-man walks over to her and sat next to her.
Spider-man: Nice job. Soon you be a great hero.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Thanks Spider-man. That was an excitement time with you.
Spider-man: Yeah, you did well when you fought with a super villain. How did you feel?
Scarlet Bloom: To he honest, a bit scared but I know you always be there to help those that are needed.
Spider-man: Well you know me, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man.
Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Yeah. You know, the reason I wanna be a hero is because you saved my several times and....I wanna return the favour for not just saving my life but my siblings and my friends as well. Ever since you first came and save my life, I feel joy that our nation have got it's first super hero and that is you. I just wanna say, thank you for being our hero Spider-man and hero as well.
Spider-man: No problem. I'll always be everyone's hero no matter what.
She smiled while she lend her head on Spider-man's shoulder and lend out a cute yawn as they enjoy the nice veiw as the sun is setting down.
Scarlet Bloom: (thought) This feels....nice.
Soon she falls asleep which Spider-man realise this and blushes even more to see her so peaceful while sleeping and find it cute as she sleeps. He then takes the sleeping Scarlet Bloom home and once there it is night as Spider-man tugs her into bed and takes off her glasses and set it beside her.
Spider-man watch her sleep as she smile while Spider-man smile underneath his mask to see her dreams are coming true.
Souichirou: (smile) Looks like she have a great time with you.
He turn to see Souichirou at the door as Spider-man was about to explain his reason trying not not sound like a creep when Souichirou tells him with a chuckle.
Souichirou: (smile) It's alright, I know your just dropping her off home after her time with you.
He walks up to him and turn to Akane and gently pets her on the head as he smiles.
Spider-man: You havean amazing daughter sir.
Souichirou: (smile) Indeed. Ever since she was little she always wanna be a hero and want to help people. Disbite her extreme shyness around people she always dose her best to help people that are needed. She stop that phase but when you first came and done all heroic acts, I think a fire within her light up and now....her dream come true because of you.
Spider-man: Someone once told me "With great power, comes great responsibility." And I promise to uses these powers to defend the people I care for and make everyone's not only happy bit their dreams come true as well.
Souichirou: (smile) I respect that Spider-man, thank you.
He nods while he turns to the window and was about to leave when Souichirou tells him.
Souichirou: (smile) Hope you won't be late for school tomorrow. You don't wanna miss it.
Spider-man was a bit confused by that but shakes it off qs he nods and leaps out of thw window and swings off while Souichirou watch him swing off as he smiles.
Souichirou: (thought) Good luck Y/n. Be a hero to this nation and to everyone who look up to you as their Friendly neighbourhood Spider-man.
To be continued..............
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