Chapter 7: My new job

We over look at a large building which holds stage shows for the public or bands or idols as we see Y/n enter through the entrance of the building and walk through the halls while he looks around. He just talk to the owner of this place and he got the job here as a back stage assistant and he'll meet with someone at stage room B-3.

He walks down through the many doors searching for B-3 until he found it and open the door and step into a massive room with a stage at the far back with lights and people already down there setting things up for the upcoming show as Y/n watch this with amazement in his face.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow I've never knew this place will be this massive. Wonder what it will look like with hundreds of people came to see the show?

???: (smile) You must be the new back stage assistant if I'm right?

He turn to be approach with a women who have a nice smile as she approaches him.

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's right. Names Y/n Parker and you can be here to give me a tour around the place?

Riri: (smile) Indeed. The names Riri Higashi and this will the place you work. You also help around with other band groups or idols anyway in this city.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds cool, can't wait for that.

Riri: (smile) now if you juts follow me I can introduce you the group and the idols for the upcoming show.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing, lead the way.

He follows her to the stage as she kindly introduces the group to Y/n sho will be working with them and they greet Y/n here and welcome him to the crew. Y/n smiles to see everyone happy to see someone new and soon they arrive at the mark up room as Riri knocks at the door.

The door open and a girl came out who must be the idol girl for the up coming show.

Sachiko: (smile) You must be the new back stage assistant. Well nice to meet you, names Sachiko Yonezawa.

Y/n: (smile) Same here and I've heard about you doing many songs many years back. Must be an honour working along side you.

Sachiko: (smile) Same here.

Riri: (smile) Say where is you other idols partner?

Sachiko: Oh she's just getting changed to her new outfit qnd be out soon.

Y/n: So who is your idol partner?

Riri: (smile) She's very new to the show but she is just so wonderful when she sings.

Sachiko: Yeah she even named herself "Light Sakuraba" which is cool I guess.

Y/n: That's a interesting name. Well can't wait to meet her and see how she gose in the up coming show.

???: Okay I'm down~!

Then she came out wearing her idol uniform which looked nice but that's when Y/n realise that is actually Hikari as she smiles at him while she said.

Hikari: (smile) It's nice to meet you. You can call me the Light Sakuraba and I hope your ready for the up coming sho-

Then she sees Y/n as she pause for a bit and then asked in surprised.

Hikari: (surprised) Y/n?! What are you doing here?!

Y/n: (surprised) I may ask the same thing about you.

Riri: (smile) I see that you two know each other.

Y/n: Yeah she's apart of the Sakurada family which I made friends with while being there.

Sachiko: Well that's interesting to here. Okay I'll wait for you on stage Hikari.

Hikari: (smile) Sure thing.

Riri: (smile) I'll go and check up if there is any problems that I can help with. I'll leave you two to yourselves.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing, take care.

Once the two leave Hikari lay on the couch while Y/n sat across of her and ask her.

Y/n: So what was your idea to take on stage as an idol? I didn't know you like being an idol.

Hikari: (smile) Yeah I like signing plus I can get higher chances of being this nations queen if I'm an idol. But to make sure the fans won't know who i really am I decided to take up an identity name so fans won't go too crazy when they see me oit in public.

Y/n: Well that is a good idea but there is one problem. How can people vote for you if you gonna hide your real name.

Hikari was about to answer when she realised Y/n have a good point but she changed the subject by asking.

Hikari: S-So what about you? What made you decision to work here as back stage assistant?

Y/n: Well I needed some cash to pay the rent plus I've learned a thing about back stages and how things work, plus I think it be interesting to meet some band members and idols while working here.

Hikari: (smile) I know right! This is gonna be awesome! Maybe we can team up!

Y/n: Team up?

Hikari: (smile) Yeah! You can help me around setting up the show for me and Sachiko while we do the rest. If we're lucky, maybe we can meet other famous idols or new once as well.

Y/n: (smile) Well guess that would be interesting and sure, we can team up.

Hikari: (smile) Awesome! Your the best Y/n!

She then hugged Y/n which surprised him as he blushes a bit while Hikari smiles and feeling how warm he is and hopes this will last forever.


After a hard day of work we see Y/n in the city grabbing some nice tea and sat down on a table as he take a sip of his tea. He thinks about Hikari being an idol and how it be interesting to see her on stage which made me happy that she have a goal in her life which is being an idol.

Aoi: (smile) Hello Y/n, nice to see you here.

He looked over to see Aoi as she sat across of him and take a drink of her tea.

Y/n: (smile) Same here to you. What brings you here?

Aoi: (smile) You know just come here to havesome tea. So what about you?

Y/n: Just got off work, it's pretty great and tge manager is really nice. She's like you but older.

Aoi: (smile) There are a lot of nice people in this nation. No matter what there is always a smiling face everywhere.

Y/n: (smile) You can say that again.

They chuckle a bit and since Aoi is here he can ask her some questions but he doesn't know where to Start. He decided to go with about Shuu and Kanade which he dose.

Y/n: So I know it maybe none of my business but can you tell me about Kanade and Shuu and how come they are seen as rivals for the election?

Aoi: Oh...Well it's a long story.

Y/n: If you don't want to talk about it, I'm alright with it.

Aoi: Oh no it's fine. I guess you need to know what is going on between those two. You see, Kanade wasn't always this responsible type of girl. Rather she is a reckless girl who wants to make Akane smile when ever they were children. They were so cute I wish you would have seen them. 
Anyways you know Kanade's power is to summon anything she wants but with the cost of her money in our bank account.

Y/n: Yep that's right.

Aoi: Well one day Kanade took Akane to the park to make her happy while Shuu go with them just to keep an eye on them. During the fun, Kanade summon a large castle so Akane can play but it was too tall and she run out of money so she can't summon some stairs. But something was wrong with the castle because it suddenly broke apart and Shuu risk his own life to save them.....which cost the whole place to fall on top of them.

Y/n was shocked and must have been terrible to see them getting hurt. Aoi wasn't finished as she gose on to tell Y/n.

Aoi: Shuu likes to play football when he was young but after that accident his leg was damaged and he now cannot run no more. To this day Kanade still blame herself for taking away what Shuu loved for a long time.

Y/n: (shocked) That's terrible. I'm so so sorry for what has happened. But wait, is that the reason why Kanade wants to be Queen? So she can try and heal Shuu so he can run again?

Aoi: That's right. She believe that she can repair his leg once she becomes queen. As for Shuu's reason is unknown but I hope it ain't the anger towards Kanade.

Y/n: Let's hope that's not the case. Say Aoi I wanna know another thing.

Aoi: (smile) Sure what is it?

Y/n: Shuu told me that your top of the votes but you don't want to be queen of the nation. But your like the perfect figure to be queen and very and I mean VERY nice to eveyrone you coke across. Why do you not wanna be queen?

She then look down of her tea like she is thinking of something while Y/n waits until she looks up at Y/n and tell him.

Aoi: (smile) I just.....don't feel responsible enough to take the throne. Well it's nice knowing you Y/n, I'll see you later.

But before Y/n could ask her what she ment by that she stood up and walk out of the building while Y/n wonders what she ment by that while we cut to Aoi walking away with a frown face.

Aoi: (thought) I shouldn't have lied to him but i have no choice. He must not know my real powers and what it can do to this nation.

(Next day)

We over see a museum within the city as Y/n and the rest of the students lined up outside as Nick list out all the names to see who is here or not. We see Y/n with his club Brielle whisper to Y/n.

Brielle: (whisper) Ever been to this nations musume before?

Y/n: (whisper) No but it would be interesting.

Brielle: (whisper) Trust me, this placeis better then what you see at New York.

Y/n: (whisper) Can't wait for that.

Nick: Alright everyone, we only have four hours so stick with your group and be safe. I'll be at the entrance if there is any problems understood!

They all understood and once that they head inside. The place was bigger in the inside as Y/n was amazed by many things that he never seen. There is the classic dinosaur skeleton in the entrance but there is alos a button there as he push it qnd the skeleton dinosaur comes to life which fright Y/n a bit.

It turns out it was just an animatronic which other students laugh to see Y/n get jumped while Y/n laugh along while he was amazed by it. Not only the skeleton dinosaur was an animationic but all statue are as groups of students split off to explore while we see Y/n and his club members at the art museum as Brielle is taking notes while the rest do their own thing.

Youko falls asleep on Hatsu's shoulder while sitting on the bench which Hatsu doesn't mind as she smiles while Sophie and Sophia looks at more art while Y/n walks up next to Brielle and look at the painting with her.

Y/n: So how is things?

Brielle: There alright I guess. Just that my father is just being a jerk again. Always saying why spending time knowing about history and spend more time studying being a lawyer.

Y/n: I'm sorry for that but don't let that bother you. At least we are here in this quiet building.

Brielle: (smirk) Well kinda if you stop telling all the time.

Y/n: (smirk) That just my thing. If I wasn't talking, then I'll be thus string silent type guy who has a mysterious past that he ain't gonna bother to tell for a few episodes or even next season.

Brielle: (giggle) Guess your right. Still it's nice being here and having a nice time. At least nothing can't ruin this moment.

Then the lights suddenly shut off as they see this and wonder what's going on.

Hatsu: Is there a power out?

Brielle: It can't be. Even if there is, there is a back up generator.

Y/n: I'll go to the front and see what's going on.

He rush off to see what's going on and when he was about to turn a corner his spidy senses go off meaning there is danger around the corner so he hugged the wall and peak his head and see armed men with rifles as they gather up the students at the front and force them to kneel.

Y/n: (thought) Those armor. Their just be the same armed guys who try to kidnapped the Sakurada children a while back.

Brielle: (distance) Hey let go of us!

Y/n: (thought) Brielle!

He rushes back while he take off his clothes to reveal his Spider-Man suit underneath as he enter the darkness and came out as he puts on his mask and leaps onto the ceiling and crawl over to see Brielle and the rest being grabbed and dragged to the front by more armed men.

Brielle: Let us go!

Armed man: Quiet you! We don't want to knock you out now would we.

Spider-man: I rather not threatening the lady if I were you gentlemen.

Then webs stuck onto the first get as Spider-man lands on his feet and pulls the guy towards him before he punches him in the face. The other armed men let's the rest go and aim their weapons at him but he fire his webs at their eyes to blind them a bit before he leaps over and beats them up.

Once they were taking out Brielle and the rest rush up to Spider-man as he webs up the armed men.

Brielle: Thank you for saving us Spider-man. Where is Y/n?

Spider-man: Don't worry I told him to wait outside and call for help. You girls get out of here, take the emergency doors while I go and save the rest.

Brielle: Okay. Thank you Spider-man and be safe.

Spider-man: Hey, when's the last time I wasn't safe?

He turns and rushes off while the girls turn to escape but Brielle stop and turn back to watch Spider-man swing off as she feel like he has the same joke like attitude just like Y/n but she shakes it off and catch up with the rest.

Spider-man leaps onto a wall and crawl through the hall as he watch down below as the armed men have pulled Shuu, Kande and Akane away from the students znd once they pulled Aoi away their leader call up their boss which their boss answered.

Armed men leader: Sir we got them. What should we do with their students?

???: (phone) They're no use to us. Kill them.

Armed men leader: Yes sir.

He hangs up and calls out an order as they aim their weapons at them ready to kill the students as they scream, not knowing what to do.

Spider-man: Heads up!

Spider-man knocks the guy out whike his rifle flies up into the air and back down only for Spider-man to leap up and kick the rifle towards the first armed men and thr rifle hit him on the head.

Spider-man: Sorry but weapons aren't allowed in the museum so would you be so kindly to leave.

Armed men: It's Spider-man! Open fire!

Spider-man: Guess we're gonna do the hard way huh? Well let get this part started.

(Battle theme start)

The armed men open fire at Spider-man while Spider-man leaps away while he dodges all the bullets as he shoot out a Web and stuck another rifle and pulls it out of the armed men's hand as he throws it away and then swings around while the armed men try to shoot him down but it's hard of them to it him.

He stuck onto a wall and leaps towards them and throws a punch and then dodge a swing from a rifle and double kicked the other in the face as he leaps away while he spone around as he shoot his Web and stuck two men onto the floor while he lands on the ground as more bullets fly by him which he dodges while he shoot out his webs and block the barrels of the rifles so they won't fire anymore.

Once that is done Spider-man fires two webs at the armed guys chest and pulled him towards him and he upper punch him in the face while he kicks him in the chest which sent him flying and crashed onto the other armed men and fell onto the floor.

There was only one more as he drop his rifle and try to make a run for it but Spider-man leaps over and lands on  his back and oncehe is down he webs up his hands and legs so he can't move. Once that he bend down close to him and tell him.

Spider-man: Maybe you should leave you weapons at the car the next time you wanna visit the museum.

One armed men slowly stood up and pulls out his pistol to aim at spiders which Aoi sees and rushes over and gets in between while he tells the armed men.

Aoi: Don't shoot!

Spider-man turns to see that Aoi is protecting him while Aoi shut his eyes ready for the fire to go off. But it didn't as she looks at thr armed men to see his eyes glow blue as he drop his pistol and said in a brainwashed like tone.

Armed men: Yes lady Aoi.

Aoi is horrified that she used it while Spider-man leaps over her while he webs him up and land in front of him as he kicked his pistol away.

Spider-man: (thought) Well that was close.

Aoi stood there in horror realising that she done it again as the sound of police sirens go is heard coming outside of the museum.

(Battle theme ends)
(Short while later)

The police arrived to take the armed men away as news reporters came to see if tey catch Spider-man while we see Y/n came out of the alleyway and rushes over to Brielle and the rest.

Brielle: Y/n! Thank god your safe.

She then hugs Y/n to see him alright which made him blush a bit as she stop hugging and they turn to the armed men taking into police vans.

Hatsu: So what happens now?

Brielle: Guess so much for our nice trip to the museum.

Sophie: (smile) But at least we get to see Spider-man in person.

Sophia: (smile) Yeah and he is awesome!

Youko: I'm so tired right now.

Brielle: How are you tired after what has just happened?

Hatsu giggled while Y/n smiles to see them alright whole he turn to the armed men being taking away. They one of them drop something which Y/n sees as he looks around and once no one isn't looking, he shoot out his Web znd pulled the object towards him and he looks at the object to see it's the leaders phone who is taking in charge of this operation.

Y/n: (thought) I know is house have give this to the police but this has gone long enough. If they can't figure it out, then it's up to me to find out who is the master mind of this.

While this is all happening we see a drone watching this from above as the drone sees enough and turns and flies off to take the footage to someone who is responsible for the museum attack.

To be continued.................

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