Chapter 5: A little skirt problem

It was late in the morning as we look at the Sakurada family home and we see Akane in her bedroom still asleep peaceful with no sound what so ever around the house. Then suddenly the door to her and Hikari's room opens a bit and something walks into the room and walk sover to Akane's bed and we see something on top of her stomach as  Akane start to feel like there is something on her.

Akane: (thought) Why do I feel like there is something on me?

She move a little but the same feeling won't go away as we see a small thing staring at her as she sleep and we slowly see it is not a dangerous creature or something break into the home, it's rather their pet cat named Borscht sitting on Akane while staring at her while she slept.

Soon Akane wakes up to see it's just Borscht which she sighs and takes him to the living whike still wearing her PJ'S. Once at the living she looks at his cat bowl and see some cat food from last night still there.

Akane: There is still food in your browl from last night. You gonna have to eat this ans stop bugging me.

Borscht stare at her a bit and then start pulling the bag from the bin which Akane sighs and tells him.

Akane: Okay Okay I get it Borscht, here.

She pour more cat food which Borscht looks at and then looks at Akane and then gose on to try rip a bag from the bun which Akane sighs seeing that Borscht ain't gonna eat his food.

A hour later it's morning time and we see Akane at the living room with Shiori with Borscht as Akane asked Shiori.

Akane: Hey Shiori can you ask Borscht why he doesn't eat his cat food and try eating a plastic bag from the bin?

Shiori: Sure.

She use her powers to see why Borscht doesn't want to eat the food that he is given as Shiori translate it to Akane.

Shiori: "It's nice that you family to take me in, feed me and comfort me however I was suspected something better from the royal family with better living places and better food to eat."

Borscht: What I'm trying to say is I rather eat something from the trash then eat what ever you family have given me what ever is in my bowl which you call it "food."

Akane: Okay I think i get it now.

Akane leaves the house and heads off to school while she thinks to herself.

Akane: (thought) I wonder what Y/n is up to? Hope he gets to school alright.


We see Spider-man swinging through the city while Beetle chases after him as he fire his missles at him as he dodges the missles. He stuck onto the wall while Beetle fire his twin machine gun at Spider-man which he dodges the shot while he tells Beetle.

Spider-man: Hey man I was only swinging through the city minding my own business. How ever you go and do what ever beetles dose.

Beetle: You maybe fast Spider-man but you ain't gonna try to get away from me, I will track you down what ever means necessary.

Spider-man: Well I'm in a hurry for something so let's do this quick.

He fire webs at Beetles face, blinding him for a moment as he flies around trying to get the webs off of his face while Spider-man starts to Web him up and after a while Beetle is stuck in webs as he struggled to break free while Spider-man lands on the roof and looks up at Beetle.

Spider-man: Like this fight to continue but I have somewhere else to be. Catch you later.

Beetle: You may have won this time Spider-man but i warn you, no matter what happens, the Sakurada family will never be safe.

Spider-man: Well I got some new for you. As long I'm around, they won't be harmed. Anyways see ya chump.

He leaps off and swings off to school while Beetle manage to break out the webs and instead of going after him he decided to fight him another day and right for the right moment to strike.


We see Karen at her class checking up news reporters about Spider-man and she is interested about Spider-man a little and many Akane can tell her about Spider-man since she was saved by Spider-man twice.

Akane: I made it!

She looks up to see Akane arrived at class as she walks over to Karen while she smiles and tells her.

Karen: (smile) Yep even though school hasn't even start yet.

Akane: (smile) Yeah I know but I sometimes think I'll be late  for school due to so many cameras I have to dodge.

Karem: (smile) Well it's a good thing you made it otherwise you might be in trou-

She looks down to realise that Akane have forgotten her skirt and the rest of the class noticed this because this has happened before. Akane sometimes forgot to have her skirt on but it seems that Akane didn't notice so the class keeps it quiet because if they tell her, she might die of embarrassment.

Even though they have been doing this for a while it's kinda hard to keep it quiet since it's kinda awkward to have Akane walk around school with no Skirt on.

Karen: (thought) Oh man she forgot her skirt again. I mean as long we keep it quiet maybe she might not noticed but this is too awkward to ignore. Would it be possible if I yell her she forgotten her skirt? No! That makes me as a bad friend to her. What should I do?

Akane: Hey Karen you alright?

Karen: Huh oh yeah I'm okay just thinking.

Behind them two male students whisper to each other while Hajime is sat on his table.

Male student 1: (Whisper) You see what I'm seeing?

Male student 2: (whisper) Yeah but it seems that she doesn't noticed.

Male student 1: (whisper) Or maybe she is wearing something underneath it rather then a skirt.

Hajime: You sure about it?

Male student 1: President?

Hajime: (whisper) Don't say that out loud. Still if she forgotten about her skirt, that means she also forgotten something very important as well.

The two realise what Hajime is talking about which I'd if Akane have forgotten her skirt then so dose her underwear as well. Still it's been an hour as we cut to Y/n sitting at his table reading a book for his free time when Nick calls him over.

He walks over to his table and Y/n worries he might be in trouble but once there Nick tells Y/n with a smile on his face.

Nick: (smile) Your scores on your work is very high then Shuu's. I must say I am impress Mister Parker.

Y/n: (smile) Whoa thanks sir. I mean I've learn some things with my club and from my father who is a scientist.

Nick: (smile) That's very interesting. Well keep it up, oh don't forget that trick we're gonna have next week.

Y/n: Next week sir? Oh right that trip to the museum.

Nick: (smile) That's right. Make sure you'll be ready for that when that comes.

Y/n: (smile) I will sir.

Once that he leaves the class and he meets up with Kanade in the halls.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Kanade, how are things?

Kanade: A bit hard but not so bad. So what about you?

Y/n: (smile) Same but I've got a handle of it.

Kanade: (smile) Well that's good. Say, mind we have tea together and chat a bit?

Y/n: (smile) Sure beside, I heard from Shuu you made the best tea around.

Kanade smiles a bit with a small blush on her cheek as they make their way upstairs while we cut to Akane as she panics while she said.

Akane: Oh man what's wrong with me!

Karen: What is Akane?

Karen: (thought) Did she know she forgotten about her skirt?

Akane: this sucks. I forgot to bring my phone to school.

Karen: (thought) Well that's not the only thing you forgotten.

Akane: Say I'm gonna go and see what's Y/n is doing.

Karen: Sure I'll come along if you like.

Akane: (smile) Well if you wat sure.

The two walk off while Hajime and the gusy knows that Y/n's class is at the second floor meaning that if Akane is going upstairs that means they can have a peak if she have a underwear. They all stand up and make their way out of the class to follow them to have a peak.

While that Karen and Akane walk through the halls of the shool when Karen asked Akane.

Karen: Hey Akane, what are your thoughts about Spider-man? I mean he saved your life twice right, what are your thoughts about him?

Akane: (little blush) W-Well he's a really nice hero and the way he saved my life twice made my heart kinda beat a bit. I mean....between you and me....I might have a crush on Spider-man.

Karen is a bit surprised by this but find it a bit cute that she has a crush on someone. The she noticed a group of guys making their way towards them so they continue on with Akane noticing that there is a army of guys following them.

Karen: (thought) Oh man this bad. Really bad. If Akane finds out she's not wearing a Skirt then she'll die of embarrassment. I need to make sure Akane don't noticed.

Akane: Hey is it me or are those guys following us all of a sudden?

Karem: (thought) She still doesn't know which is kinda cute but still this is bad. I shouldn't have told Akane about I in the first place.

And just as Karen thought it couldn't get any worse, Kanade and Y/n came around the corner and the two see Akane without and skirt on her.

Y/n: (blush) Um Akane I don't mean to be rude but you-

Kanade: Why are you not wearing your skirt?!

Karen: No!

Akane: What are you talking about? I am wearing something else rather then a skirt.

Karen: What?

Y/n and Kanade: What?

Male students: What?

Karen: It's kinda hard to tell.

Y/n: But why though?

Akane: (little blush) Well I accidentally damaged my Skirt while avoiding the cameras. But the good thing is there is my PE short tugs into my bag thqt i can wear until I get home.

Y/n: Huh that's a great idea. I mean i though you we're walking around school with no skirt on you.

Karen: Yeah same here.

Akane: (giggle) You guys really think I'll do that.

Karen: (smile) Yeah guess I should've asked huh?

Akane: (smile) Here I'll show you.

For some reason Y/n's spidy senses kicked in really bad and at first he doesn't know what until in slow moment Akane lifting her shirt up to show them she is wearing are "PE short" but soon they see that she isn't actually wearing her short but her underwear is shown to them.

Y/n: (thought) comes of every anime moment when ever any guy sees something sexxy.....nose bleeding.

Then all the guys apart of Y/n have their nose being poured out of blood qnd even Karen have a nose bleed as while as Akane realised this and looks down to see that she is showing everyone her underwear right in front of them.

Kanade: (thought) No matter what they are, they are still underwear.

Y/n: (thought) And here comes the scream in


(Some time later)

We see Spider-man swinging through the city doing his usual patrol while he can't stop think about her Akane was so embarrassed about what happened at school and how he can make her better.

Spider-man: (thought) Man I never seen Akane so embarrassed before. I think she'll never gonna leave the house for the next five weeks or so.

He lands on a roof of a building and looks down to see a nice store he might get something for Akane to make her better. Spider-man thinks about getting g her something nice for her when his spidy senses gose off and then he was hit by a large blast of electricity as he lands hard on the wall and onto the ground.

He looks up to be met with another super villain named Electro as he hovers over Spider-man.

Spider-man: Well, Well, Well it ain't spark ball here to visit me? Guess you can't wait to see me after so long?

Electro: Hope those were your last words because I'll make sure you will be fried for sure!

He shot out a bolt of electricity at Spider-man but he dodges his attack and shot a Web and stuck onto a wall as Electro fire more electricity at him while Spider-man dodges his attacks.

Spider-man fire a Web at his eyes which blinds him a bit before he burns it off and Spider-man lands a punch at him and the two crash onto the street as Electro kicks Spider-man back and stood up. He charge up his electricity and fire a powerful blast which Spider-man dodges.

He then see a fire hydrant near him so he shoot his webs and pulls it out, water shot out into the sky until Spider-man leaps over and put his foot down and aim the water at Electro which he was splashed in water as he step back.

He try to fire his Electricity again but his suit malfunction and he falls to his knees while Spider-man walks towards him when he hears something beeping which Electro start to panic.

Electro: (panic) Oh no! Oh Nononononono! Please Spider-man help me!

Spider-man realised there is a bomb on him so he seatch around and realising it's coming from his back so he leaps over, ripes open his armors back and see a bomb that is stuck on him. He wipes the bomb off and throes it into the air just as the bomb blows up.

Once that is done Spider-man webs up Electro and Spider-man asked Electro.

Spider-man: So kind telling me you were trying to blow yourself up with me in it?

Electro: It wasn't me who done it. I was forced by someone who kidnapped me from jail and next thing I know, I was wearing my armor and this mysterious voice told me to kill you and if you fail, this bomb on my back will blow up.

Spider-man: Huh sounds like who ever thud person your talking to must be the same guy who is targeting qt the Sakurada family. Any idea who this person is?

Electro: Don't ask me, I don't know nothing about that guy but what I can tell you that he is smart. Very smart and he knows he is watching the Sakurada family at all times.

Spider-man sees that it's maybe possible who ever this person might be is hacking into all the cameras across the city. Still he let the police take Electro away while he got enough time to grab the stuff he needed and swings off to the Sakurada House.


He is let in by Souichirou and Y/n made his way to where Akane is at as he stand at her door and knocks at the door gently.

Y/n: Hey Akane, it's me. Can I come in?

Soon after he said that the door open a bit with Akane peak through the cracked door and said in a nervous tone.

Akane: (nervous) H-Hey Y-Y/n? Guess your here to leave fun of me about what happened I school?

Y/n: What no of course not! I just came here to see that your okay?

Akane: (nervous) S-Sorry I-It's just that.....I feel very embarrassed about that and know everyone is gonna make fun of me.

Y/n: Hey don't say that. We all have embarrassed days in our lives. Sure they might laugh but their not laughing because they were being mean. They will laugh because they know how it feels to be embarrassed. I mean i have embarrassing times when I was young.

Akane: (nervous) R-R-Really?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. My father once told me that there is no shame to feel embarrassed. That is what life is and there is no reason to be ashamed about it.

Akane'sheart beats a bit form those words. So much so that she fully opens the door and looks at Y/n still a little but embarrassed but Y/n smiles and place his hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: (smile) No need to be ashame for anything Akane. We all have embarrassing moments and besides, we might look back and laugh because how funny I might was.

Akane: (nervous) Y-Yeah. Guess your right.

She then hugs Y/n which surprised Y/n and made him blush but he hugs her back while Akane can't help how warm his body is and his body is kinda like Spider-man's when ever he grabs after while saving her.

Once that she noticed a bag and asked.

Akane: What's with the bag?

Y/n: Oh Shuu told me that you were picked to get some food but you were embarrassed after what happened so I syoo by and got some stuff for your family. But I always got you this.

He reach into the bag and pulls out a box of Akane's favourite chocolate which made Akane even more blushed as she takes it while Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smile) It was actually Karen that told me your favourite chocolate so I figured I might get you that just to cheer you up.

Akane: (blush) Th-Th-Thank y-y-you Y/n.

Her heart race like a beat from this and after a while Y/n left the house and make his way home while Akane watch him through her window and watch him with a sense of rush in her heart as she blushes even more for Y/n and start to fall another crush on Y/n but she doesn't know which one she truly love. Spider-man or Y/n?

Still we see Y/n return him and head to his bedroom and place down a picture of Electro onto his board. He knows that who ever it was is spying on the family and knows he must find out soon.

Then he set a pieces of a bomb onto his desk and sat down and looks into it. He search around until he noticed something as he get closer and see a logo of "Next Generation Inc" on it.

Y/n: (thought) So who ever is spying on the Sakurada family and sending out criminals and super villains to them must be working for Next Generation Inc. If that so then who?

Before he could think anything his phone ons is table start to ring which he grabs it and answered it.

Y/n: Hello your reaching Y/n parker, how can I help.

Brielle: (phone) Hey Y/n, how is your night doing?

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Brielle, it's pretty good. Say you okay? You sounded a bit upset?

Brielle: (phone) It's just.....(sigh) I can't explain this on the phone. Can me by the cafe shop at 10:30 I the morning. I just.....really need someone to talk to.

Y/n: Oh sure I'll be there tomorrow.

Once that Brielle hangs up and Y/n wonders what is wrong with Brielle since she sounded a bit upset but he'll find out tomorrow so he shut off his lights and gose to sleep in hopes he'll find some answers from Brielle tomorrow morning.

To be continued................

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