Chapter 3: What a shock!
Flashes from cameras of news reporters are seen taking pictures of a stage being hosted by Soma Baba as he appears on stage and waves to the crowd of news reporters as they stop taking pictures as Soma gose on to tell the crowd.
Soma: Over the years we have less crime in this peaceful nation and it has been in some time. But now criminals are now rising as we speak and security cameras maybe usefulness to capture these criminals. That is why I, Soma Baba, CEO of Next Generation Inc create the future of our safety!
The trap door opens as a circular white drone came out of the open trap door and hovers at Soma's hight which the crowd take pictures of it as Soma gose on to tell the crowd.
Soma: These drone are programmed to keep taps on any criminals activity within this nation and report any crime to the police when a crime has been committed. Right now only 100 drones are deployed and many more will be on it's way. This is the future of our safety ladies and gentlemen! Th3 future of this nation!
The crowd cheered while new reporters continues taking pictures as Soma waves to the crowd and he and his drone leaves the stage and enter back stage where Souichirou is there as he looks at him.
Souichirou: Are you sure that your drones will protect my nation from any crime?
Soma: (smile) Do not fear, these drones work 100% and I promise you they will also keep an eye on your children.
Souichirou: Still I don't know about these...drones.
While he said this he looks into the eye of the drone while Soma told him.
Soma: Remember what happened many years ago with Akane. Your guards couldn't even keep her safe from what happened many years ago. These drones will make sure she and the rest of your family are safe, especially this nation as well.
He walls pass Souichirou along with his drone as they make their leave but Souichirou tells him.
Souichirou: This won't change my mind about that "thing" we've been talking about.
Soma: (smirk) Do not worry sire. I'm way pass that now....way pass on that indeed.
He walks off with his drone with a smirk on his face while Souichirou sighs and walks to a nearest exit to leave the building.
We see Y/n in school as he stand in front of the class room where the research and history club is at as he takes a deep breath and out as he reach out his hand to open the door but the door already open by itself to reveal a female student who noticed him.
???: (smile) Hello there, are you our new club member?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Names Y/n Parker, you the club leader?
Hatsu: (smile) No I'm her club assistant. The names Hatsu, nice to meet you Y/n. Please come in.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Y/n: (thought) She's acts just like Aoi. Guess Hatsu and Aoi must be great friends.
He enter the class room and once inside he noticed there is only four member and five which is himself and realised he is the only male student in this club as Sophie and Sophia sees Y/n and stood up.
Sophie and Sophia: (smile) Hi there Y/n! Nice to have you here with us!
Y/n: (smile) Same here. I'm I the only male student I this club?
Hatsu: (smile) Unfortunately yes. I hope this doesn't make you awkward.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright with that. So who is the other girl who is sleeping?
They turn to one girl near the window have her head down and sleeping which Hatsu tells him.
Hatsu: (smile) That's Youko, she sometimes sleeps when ever she's tired but she's cute when she sleeps.
Y/n: How offten dose she sleep?
Hatsu: A few times but if you give her some coffee or a engery drink, she can stay up longer.
Y/n: Is she a busy student?
Sophie: (smile) Yep. She dose research and delivered it to our club president.
Sophia: (smile) She's a very hard worker ans sometimes passess out of too much work.
Y/n: Huh I sometimes do that before I moved her.
Then Youko wakes up and lifted her head up and turn to see Y/n.
Youko: Hello. Are you nee here?
Hatsu: (smile) That's right. This is Y/n Parker, he'll be out first male student in this club.
Y/n: (smile) Hey.
???: Looks like our new club member is here.
Hatsu and Y/n turn to see their club president just walk into the class room with a drink of coffee on her hand as she takes a drink of it.
Hatsu: (smile) Yep that's right. Y/n this is our Club president Brielle, her father is the chief of police so she knows how to lead a group thanks to her father.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's pretty cool. Never know your father was a chief of police.
Brielle: Yeah Yeah Yeah you can be surprised leader but right now time to get to work.
Y/n agree and he sat down whike Hatsu stand beside Brielle as she walk up to her desk and set her cup down as she looks at everyone and to Y/n as she tells him.
Brielle: Since your new to this nation I suppose you want to know this nations past.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it be interesting to know about it's past.
Brielle: Alright then listen and listen good. Many years ago in 1680, Hirohito Sakurada step foot on this nation and decided to make it as his home. Soon more people came to his land and he decided to create his new home to a village, soon it came to a town and in 1903 it became a large nation with many towns all over and people see the Sakurada family and those before them as Kings. However not all is peace as some groups within the nation start to rebel against Sakurada King and started what call the "Up rise civil war". It ended in 1915 when Kyo Sakurada stop this war and Banished those who started this war oit of the nation. They left the nation but rumours say that some didn't leave the nation and they are plotting to assassin the king. Of course that was along time ago and now we haven't heard about them since.
Y/n was interested by this nations history but one this he needs to know is the current Sakurada children's power so he raised his hand and ask.
Y/n: So what about the current royal children? Where did their powers come from?
Brielle: That's a good question. We don't know. People say it was a gift from God some time ago for their kindness and protection towards all and give the royal children powers to keep the nation even more safe. While some say the ancestors many years ago have gotten these powers from a powerful wizard who granted them powers. Still it's a mystery till this day.
Y/n: (thought) Those are some interesting theories. Still I can't stop thinking about that phone call from last night. What if those people who start the up rise civil war were the once that try to ruin the Sakurada families lives? Still i can't be too sure until I'm sure about it.
After the club we see Y/n walking through the halls when he noticed a girl hugging Shuu from behind before he runs off as he run pass Y/n. This confused him as her two friends catch up to her while Shuu walks up to Y/n.
Y/n: What was that all about?
Shuu: That's my childhood friend Hana. We share lunches together at fourth grade together.
Y/n: That's pretty cool.
Shuu: Yeah but she is being weird recently. She always run off when ever she sees or even looks at me.
Shuu: What?
Y/n clap his hands together, take a long deep breath and place a hand on Shuu's shoulder.
Y/n: Bro, I not a type of guy who will tell you this but as you bro I have to tell you this. This will change your life forever.
Shuu: Is it bad?
Y/n: Quite the opposite. Shuu Sakurada....I think Hana has a crush on you.
There was silence for a while until Shuu blushes whike he tells Y/n.
Shuu: (blush) Y-Your joking right?
Y/n: No dude I'm serious! It all make sense and it's every cliche romance thing in every show or movie. You and Hana are childhood friends, you two get separated for a few years, yoy two see each other again, go on a date and BOOM you two are a couple!
Shuu: (blush) But are you sure she really likes me?
Y/n: Dude if she runs away after she hugged you, that means she's embarrassed but has a crush on you. Trust me man, I've seen that before.
Shuu: (blush) W-Well what should I do?
Y/n: Just talk to her! Talk to her for a while and then she'll come out and tell you how much she loves you. Trust me man.
Shuu: (blush) Well maybe I can talk to her when the time is right.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome man! I can tell you two will be a great couple in no time!
Shuu blushes a bit more but now hethinks about I he dose start to fall for Hana which Y/n sees it and smiles even more to see Shuu gonna have a girlfriend.
We see Spider-man swinging through town on his patrol while he thinks about Shuu and Hana together as he dose a back flip and lands on a roof of a building.
Spider-man: Man can't wait for Shuu and Hana be a couple tomorrow morning. Bet this might surprised many students there.
He then look over and noticed a build board of the royal election which Spider-Man remembers seeing this before and even Shuu and Aoi told him that one of the royal children will rule this nation and people in the nation will vote to see who will be the next king or queen.
Spider-man: Huh I wonder who should I vote for? If I'm allowed I can just vote all of them, but that won't be unfair. Still it be even more cool if Shuu and Hana were ti be king and queen, now that will make it awesome story for their children. Okay spidy claim done, your a bit exited bout Shuu getting a girlfriend just relax. Still looks like things are turing up for this nation.
Suddenly there was an explosion which Spider-Man sighs to see that things have to go bad but he'll fix it as he fire a Web and swings off to see what's going on.
The police arrived at the front of the bank as they exit out of their vehicle and draw their weapons at the bank. The front entrance gets blown up as a figure in the smoke steps out and the smoke clears up to only see one guy wearing what looked like a high tech suit while holding two bags of money.
Police officer: Drop the money now!
The person drop the money which the police thinks that was easy but he makes a fist and thrust his fist that makes a shock blast that sent the police and police cars flying. One officer lands on the ground while a police car is gonna crush him when webs stuck onto the officers shoulder and he was dragged away as the car land on the ground.
The office see he is alive as Spider-man swings by and lands onto a flipped car while the other police officers stand back to let Spider-man deal this person.
Spider-man: Looks like I'm gonna be facing my first super villain which is Shocker. So what brings you here?
Shocker: None of your business Spider-man. I'm here to do my job.
Spider-man: Yeah and that job being stealing money from the bank? Yeah, that must be a great job for ya.
Shocker: But my other job is crushing bugs like you!
He charge up his shock gauntlet and fire shock blast at Spider-man but he flips out of the blast whike police vehicles and other vehicles were getting flipped while Spider-Man fire his webs at the vehicles and soon the vehicles are stuck in a large Web so it won't cost any more damage as Spider-man swings over to Shocker and was about to land a double kick.
But Shocker throw his fist and blast Spider-man with his shock wave, sending Spider-man across the street as he lands on the wall and onto the ground. He slowly stands up from that attack while his spidy senses kicked in as he flipped to dodge another blast from Shocker and more form Shocker.
Then Spider-man fire a Web at his gauntlet which stuck onto his gauntlet but Shocker rips off the Web and fires shock blasts at Spider-man which he dodges the blast as he fire his Web and swings around. Spider-man stuck onto a wall and fire Web after Web at Shocker as he gets hit by Spider-man's webs.
Spider-man fire a Web and fires more while he swings around Shocker as Shocker try to break free but it was no use as he fell onto the ground and he gets stuck by his webs. Spidy lands onto the ground and walls over to Shocker as the police officers move in to take Shocker away.
Spider-man: Be careful. He can make you all fly away if he breaks out of the webs.
Police officer: Of course thank you Spider-man. Man thid is the second time that criminal try to steal Princess Kanade's money.
Spider-man: What do you mean?
Police officer: Last night when you stop those criminals, they were just stealing Princess Kanade's money from the bank. Now this one try to steal it again. It's weird.
Spider-man: Yeah. Very weird.
We see Y/n back home as he made a bulletin board in his bed room as he lined up all the crimes that is targing the Sakurada family and once he was done we see lines pointed to ever event such are the armed men, the bank robbers and now Shocker. In the middle was a figure with a question mark as Y/n wonders who this person might be.
Y/n: So who ever this person is must be going after the Sakurada family but more importantly the children. Its possible it's the people who started the up rise civil war but that guy on the phone start he has a lot of money unless he is a gang boss or someone that the king didn't know of. Still who could it be?
Before he could think any father he hears a knock at his door so he went down stairs and open the door to see Akane.
Akane: (nervous) H-Hi there Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Akane. What brings you here?
Akane: (nervous) N-N-Nothing much. I-I was wondering if y-y-you mind help me with something?
Y/n: Sure what is it you need help with?
Akane: (nervous) I....need to get to the store but I can't do that with a lot oc cameras watching me. It may sound selfish but...can me?
Y/n was a bit surprised by this and since he needs some food as well he tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, besides I need to get some stuff for myself anyways so let's go.
The two start to head off with Akane behind him still a bit shy but also shy around Y/n which Y/n thinks it's kinda cute so to make her not be shy around him, he start yo talk to her.
Y/n: (smile) So Akane what is your first order of business if your queen?
Akane: (nervous) W-Well I was thinking to get rid of the cameras....but Kanade told me that if I were queen I will get a lot of attention by many people.
Y/n: Guess that's the downside of being a queen Huh?
Akane: (nervous) Yeah it sucks.
Y/n: (smile) Still even if you'll be queen or not, you can still help people in anyway.
Akane: (nervous) I-I guess so. S-So how is things with you?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. I got introduced to the research and history club and I got Shuu to talk with Hana.
Akane: (nervous) O-Oh I was there when it happen.
Y/n: (surprised) Really! Awesome! I knew that Shuu can ask her out!
Akane: (nervous) W-Well kinda off.
Y/n: Huh?
Akane: (nervous) Shuu said they need to wait u-until the election is over. And....also said he can't allow Kanade to win.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? Why dose he want to see her lose?
Akane: (nervous) No clue but I'm worried about it. This election is driving people nuts while I'm the middle of it all.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Akane. If you want to talk to someone you'll always happy to talk to me, and don't you worry about your family, I'm sure nothing bad will happen I promise you.
Akane blushes a bit and feels a bit better ans slowly start to feel comfortable around Y/n as they keep on talking until they arrived to the store. Y/n try to make her laugh by making jokes and using foods like banana to pull off funny faces which made Akane giggle a bit while her heart beats a bit faster to see Y/n smiling at her.
Soon the two got what they needed and they head home when Y/n noticed Akane twin pony tail being up rather then down and ask her.
Y/n: Not to be rude but what's with your town pony tail?
Akane: Oh I made a deal with Shuu to have this for three weeks. I know it's kinda makes me like a little girl.
Y/n: (smile) Don't be nonsense, I think it looks cure on you.
Akane: (blush) R-Really? Y-you don't mind at all?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I think it suits you.
Akane blushes even more than see Y/n liking her tiwn pony tail being up which she kinda smiles a bit as the two walk home together with Akane's heart fallen for Y/n and hopes they can do this again some day in the future.
To be continued..............
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