Chapter 29: New team player

We see The Rhino attacking the city as we see him rampaging through the street, flipping cars and costing everyone to run away. Rhino charges through the city while Spider-man and Spider-girl swings into action along side Scarlet Bloom as they chase after Rhino as he flip over cars ans costing destruction.

Spider-girl: Boy he surely love costing chaos.

Spider-man: Must be his destroy the city day time.

Scarlet bloom: What's the plan?

Spider-man: Scarlet see if you can catch any flying cars. Me and Spider-girl can handle this.

She nodes and goes ahead of them as Rhino flips over a car as the car was about to land two children only for Scarlet Bloom to catch it with her powers.

Spider-man and Spider-girl swing after Rhino and soon he gets into a dead end by the police as Spider-man and Spider-girl land on their feet while Rhino turns towards them.

Rhino: When will you insects leave me be!

Spider-girl: First of all; it's arachnid, completely different.

Spider-man: And Second; never because hero's never let villains rampaging through this nice street.

Rhino: We'll see about that.

He then grabs a car and throws it towards them which they immediately dodge it as he leap backwards. They land their feet and Rhino was about to charge towards them when suddenly fire came down and block Rhino from getting near then.

Spider-man: Um what was that?

???: Hey big meanie!

They all turn to see what seems like a female super hero flying while having two fists that is on fire.

???: (smirk) I hope you have suncream because this girl is gonna give you some sunburns!

She flies down and lands a powerful punch to Rhino which sent him flying back and crash into the wall. Rhino was about to get up only for Spider-man and Spider-girl to web him up and easily capture him. The police takes over while Spider-man and Spider-girl confronts the new super hero.

Spider-man: Thanks for the save. You new here?

Firefox: (smirk) Yep. Just recently moved here. Call me Firefox.

Spider-girl: "Firefox" I like that name.

Firefox: (smile) You know I actually came here because I was hoping to meet my greatest hero. Spider-man!

Spider-man: (surprised) Oh? Your a fan of me?

Firefox: Heck yeah! I've heard so many things about you! How you took on Mysterio, save the king from an assassin attempt and faced off against an alien monster and nearly died. I was wondering if I be part of the team?

Spider-man: Sure you can join.

Firefox: (smile) Awesome!

Scarlet Bloom flies over when Spider-man gets a call from Tony which he answered.

Spider-man: Hey Tony, we're just finishing up our super hero work here.

Tony: (phone) Perfect! Meet me at my penthouse. I have something for you.

Spider-man: You have penthouse here? Since when?

Tony: (phone) You never know if I want to come here to visit. Anyways come over and let's talk.

Spider-man: Sure.

Spider-girl: Was that Tony?

Spider-man: Yeah he wants to meet me up at his penthouse. Say show Firefox okay, I'll be back.

Spider-girl: Got it bro.

The two fist pump and Spider-man webs away while the Spider-girl and Scarlet Bloom show Firefox around.


We see Spider-man arriving at Tony's penthouse and once there he was approached by Tony with a wine in hand as he approaches Spider-man as he took off his mask.

Tony: (smile) Just in time. You like my penthouse?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it has a nice view.

Tony: (smile) Good. Well enough standing I wanna talk to you about something.

The two of them walk as they walk down a long hallway as Tony tells Y/n.

Tony: (smile) Your a vert smart boy and not only that already surpass your father. I mean you form your new team all by yourself.

Y/n: Yeah and we got a new member, Firefox.

Tony: Huh she must be a new hero.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah sure is. She's my biggest fan.

Tony: (smile) Nice. Anyways you've shown to have grown since you first came here and me and your father are very proud. I was also thinking of having you as part of the Avengers along with your team.

Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! I mean I always dreamed that since I was a kid and first discovered my powers.

Tony: (smile) Well that dream is about to come true. However you gonna give my team your attention. Don't be stress out about it just do your usual hero stuff and if you did something heroic that gives our attention, we'll meet and talk about it. But first, I wanna give you something.

Soon they approach a metal door as Tony place his finger onto the finger scanner and the door open to reveal a workshop. They enter as Y/n is amazed to see Tony's hold Iron Man armor including his Mark 1 which is still there.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! I can't believe you kept your old armor throughout the years. Ever use one of them?

Tony: In times of emergency but come over.

He walks over and Tony picks up what seems like a large Spider bot and gives it to Y/n.

Tomy: Place it onto your chest.

Y/n: Um okay?

He did so and it actives and nano bots came out amd start to cover up Y/n's Spider-man suit. He slowly changes as his heaf is covered up by his helmet and once complete he look at himself in amazement and look at himself in the mirror with even more surprised.

Spider-man: (surprised) Wow!

Tony: That was your father's old Iron spider suit but a updated one. It is bullet proof, fire proof, explosion proof and gasp proof. It has a heads up display that shows your teams health, gadgets and HUD. It has spider like legs on the back that can be use to climb up walls and take on more enemies. It has new webs that comes with new Web gadgets built into the suit. Your strength, speed and reflex has been increased and it has a built in AI that can help you strategies and calculate while in battle. Edith!

Edith: Yes mister Stark?

Spider-man: (surprised) Wow! My own AI.

Tony: I'm transferring all orders and everything else to Y/n Parker. Your now in his command.

Edith: Transfer complete. Hello Mister Parker, I am Edith and I will be your assistant in battle.

Spider-man: (surprised) Now this has to be my birthday cause this is cool!

Tony: (smile) Your father told me that when he first got the suit. Treat it well.

Spider-man: I will, thanks.

He then heads off as Tony smile and once he is gone his smiles fate with concerned as he is not concerned by the suit he give him but something else.

Tony: Good luck kid. You gonna need it.


Spider-girl meets up the girls on the roof as he shows them his new suit which amazed them.

Spider-girl: (surprised) Wow look at you getting a new suit from Tony!

Firefox: Looks spot on!

Scarlet Bloom: (smile) It looks really great!

Spider-man: Thanks. How's our new recruit doing?

Spider-girl: Pretty interesting. She told us she got her fire power from supernatural things.

Spider-man: So your powers are like magic?

Firefox: (smile) Yeah. I met this wizard in the forest and he sensed my pure heart so he given me this power so I can be a super hero.

Spider-man: Sound cool. So is shooting fire your thing?

Firefox: (smirk) Watch this.

Immediately she transform into a fox and run around and doing leaps while the trio are amazed as she turns to them.

Firefox: I can turn myself into a fox and uses fox's abilities and so that's why I call myself Firefox. (Transform into a human) I can also control fire and even drain fire so I can be more stronger.

Spider-man: That's pretty cool. I have to say your a pretty overpowered hero.

Firefox: (smile) Thanks especially coming from you. You have no idea how long I can meet my favourite hero.

Spider-man: I'm sure you are. Well how's about we introduce ourselves so we can get to know her more.

Spider-man helmet retract away to reveal his face while Scarlet Bloom and Spider-girl took off their masks.

Akane: (smile) My name is Akane.

Mayday: (smile) Mayday Parker.

Y/n: (smile) And I'm Y/n Parker.

Firefox: (surprised) Your okay about this?

Y/n: Figure it will be more easier.

Firefox: True.

Then she burst into flames and once the flames her gone, her suit is replaced with civilian clothes as she introduced herself.

Jessica: (smile) Names Jessica, nice to meet you. This is the best day ever.

Akane: (smile) We have another number name Cat-girl aka Okimi. You'll meet her soon.

Jessica: (smile) Cool. So what now?

Y/n: Well there is no crime going on and I have a job tomorrow so guess we part ways.

Mayday: (smile) Sounds good to me.

Akane: (smile) Bye Jessica!

Jessica: (smile) Bye.

They part ways as they head on home to get some rest.

(Next day)

We see Y/n at his job as he is helping out other workers setting up the stage for the next show Hikai and Sachiko's show when Riri approach him.

Riri: (smile) Ah Y/n there you are. I have some interesting news if you have time.

Y/n: Sorry maybe not now.

Riri: Oh.

Y/n: (smile) Just kidding, of course I have time.

Riri: (giggle) Well this might be a interesting news cause your being promoted to assistant manager.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow really?! Why is that?

Riri: (smile) Well you've been working so hard and everyone in the work place seem to enjoy talking to you. I figure being a assistant manager would be interesting to take on. What do you say? You'll get payment will be increased.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll take it.

Riri: (smile) Great! I'll search for someone so you can work with but at the meantime, what about you take the rest od the day off.

Y/n: (smile) Sure, thanks Riri.

He then heads off to grab his stuff and moments later we see him in his Iron Spider suit as he swings off all cheerful and Happy as he swings through the nation.

Spider-man: This is great! New suit, New team member, less crime and a promising at my work! Days are just getting better and better.

He then land onto the roof top and looks on at the city as he smiles underneath the mask while he says to himself.

Spider-man: Man can this day get any better?

Then his phone rang which he pulled out to see it is Brielle so he answered.

Spider-man: Hey Brielle what's up?

Brielle: (phone) We just the call from the doctors! My father is awake!

Spider-man: That's great! You want me to come by and visit?

Brielle: (phone) Of course. Thank you, I'll see you there.

He ends the call and let's out a sigh whenna voice says behind him.

???: Sounded like good news.

Spider-man: Yep. It sure is......wait a minute.

He quickly turns around only to see vemon standing there and looking different as he stare back at him.

Spider-man: (shocked) Vemon!

He pulled out his spider legs and gets ready when he raied his hands.

???: Wait! I'm in control!

Spider-man: What?

Then his head slowly came off, slowly revealing a head and face and to Spider-man's shock sees Peter Parker as he smiled and says.

Peter: (smile) Hey son.

Spider-man: (shocked) Dad?!

To be continued..................................................

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