Chapter 28: He has arrived

We see a helicopter arriving at the city and arrived at the Royal Sakurada Castle where waiting for the person was Shuu, Hana and Souichirou as the helicopter lands at the landing pad and we see the company logo of Stark industries as the helicopter side door open and the CEO of Stark industries, Tony Stark climb out of the helicopter with sunglasses as he approaches the trio.

Souichirou: (smile) Welcome to our nation Mr Stark. I hope your tripe was well?

Tony: (smirk) It was alright. You have a pretty nice nation. Mind I buy it?

Souichirou: (chuckle) If you have enough.

Tony: (smirk) I always have enough.

Souichirou: (smile) Well allow me to introduce to my son Shuu and Hana, his girlfriend. These two are the new Kings and Queens of the Royal family.

Shuu and Hana: Welcome to our nation.

Tony: (smirk) Well you two must be very lucky for this responsibility. Especially living a peaceful nation without crime.

Shuu: (smile) Crime has gone down thanks to Spider-man and his friends.

Tony: I see. Speaking of which I wanna know where my fear old friend Peter is at?

Souichirou: (smile) Sure however he might be working.

Tony: (smile) I can stop by for a visit, I'm sure he's not busy.

Souichirou: (smile) If you say so.


At Glenwood Prep in the boys dormitory, we see Y/n, Akane and Mayday hanging out at the break room with Zach, Taylen, Will and Finn as they are playing pool.

Mayday: So this is the addicted game you told us about.

Taylen: Yeah I never understand why they like it so much.

Finn: Hey this pool can hear you!

Mayday: Whatever you say.

Akane: Still it is a good looking pool table. Must be lucky for you all to have.

Zach: (smile) Sure is.

Y/n: Hey Where's Raven?

Finn: Not sure. She seems in a bad mood today like always.

Y/n: Probably not say that otherwise she might burst through that door.

Finn: Good idea.

Zach: Man that festival was crazy. I know I said it before but I can't help it.

Will: Yeah there were these villains and heroes fighting. It was nuts.

Taylen: At least the heroes won in the end. After all I wanna beat those punks who try to frame this school.

Y/n: Yeah but at least it's been stopped and everyone can now live in peace.

Finn: (smile) Yeah. Hope there isn't no surprises.

???: Are you sure about that?

They all turn and entering the room was Tony which shocks everyone in the room.

Tony: (smile) Sorry for walking in kids. Just want to see two kids from Peters family.

Y/n and Mayday: (surprised) Tony?!

Zach: (surprised) Wow you two know this guy?!

Finn: (surprised) And how do you know of Professor Parker?

Tony: Oh......He used to work for me as my top scientist. Yeah. He retire and became a teacher here. Yeah.

Taylen: (surprised) Wow you never tell me your father worked for Tony?!

Mayday: (nervous smile) Guess family secret.

Tony walks over to the two and pat them on their shoulders and then turn to everyone.

Tony: (smile) So whose your squad?

Y/n: Well these four are from this school where my dad works. This is Zach the one with wolf ears and two tails, Will with wings on his back, Finn with a squirrels tail and Taylen with with deer horns. There is another friend named Raven but she's not here but if you encounter a girl who break down doors....then that's her. And this is Akane, one of my girlfriends.

Akane: (little nervous) Hello.

Tony: (smile) Well ain't she cute. Your a lucky man to have a cute princess. Treat her well okay Kiddo?

Y/n: (chuckle) I will.

Tony: (smile) Well good meeting you all now I must go now. See you all later.

He then turns and leaves while Zach and the others all turn to Y/n and Mayday as the two noticed the stares and so they explain in full detail about Peter working for Tony. Although Peter never worked in Tony's company but as a super hero.


We see Peter in the middle of his teaches as he teaches the students of his class about something until the school bell rang.

Peter: Okay class I'll see you all next week, don't forget to study.

The class gather their stuff and leave the class. Once the class was empty Peter breath a sigh and walk over to a wall and push open a secret door and pulled out a metal box that contains the vemon symbiote as he place it on his desk and was about to experiment on him when a knock is heaf and he turn to see Tony as he enter the class.

Tony: (smirk) Sorry teach, might be in the erong class.

Peter: (chuckle) Good to see you Tony.

Tony: (smile) Same to you.

The two shake hands as Tony look around his classroom and said.

Tony: (smile) So this is your new life now. Pretty impressive.

Peter: (smile) Wasn't easy but I made it to this job. Good pay, good people.

Tony: (smile) Proud of you kid. You once work for a yelling boss in the news paper apartment and now your a genius man being a teacher of this school.

Peter: (smile) Yep.

Tony: (smile) While that you kids are all grown up and took up hero roles for this nation and they too have a successful life.

Peter: (smile) I'm very proud of them. They risk their own lives for those they care for and they are great heroes, almost like me.

Tony: (smile) Yeah. They are very lucky. Especially Y/n, I mean multiple girlfriend and four of them are royalty? Man, how lucky is he!

Peter: (light chuckle) Very lucky. I'm kinda jealous myself.

Tony: (chuckle) Agree.

Then Tony noticed the metal box which he ask.

Tony: What's in that box?

Peter: Oh......that's vemon inside. The symbiote.

Tony: (surprised) Seriously? Why?

Peter: Well this may sound stupid but......I think the reason why it became like this was because I abandon him the first time I used it in the first few weeks. It became the greatest threat in my life all because he thinks I abandon him. But I wonder if I can make peace with Vemon. It sounds crazy but if I try to convince him to not be a villain and apologise. Then maybe there will be less hate and maybe we can work together rather him taking control.

Tony: Sounds kinda risky. You sure about this?

Peter: Well I have a theory that the first time I used it was okay. We work together well and fought well in battle. Maybe the reason why it slowly try to take over me and made me to act out of character was because he doesn't understand what humanity is. Think about it, it is a alien symbiote who first crashes on earth and attached into the first person he saw which is me. I think there has to be a perfect bound between the user and symbiote. The two must understand the same thing so we both have to work together and control our emotions and our attitude.

Tony: Hhhmm that is a interesting theory. What is your proof?

Peter: Flash Thompson, for some reason Venon seemed to attached to him more and the two seem to work perfectly together because the two has the same goal, kill Spider-man.

Tony: That's true.

Peter: I figured if I try to convince vemon to change then maybe he could be useful in battle.

Tony: Well are you gonna give it to your son or daughter?

Peter: No way! I won't allow my kids to be wearing this symbiote. No. I would wear it.

Tony: You sure?

Peter: I'm sure. After all I was the very first that Vemon attached to. Its my responsibility now to try to convince him what's right and what's wrong so we can work perfectly together.

Tony: Right.

Peter: And even if something bad would happen, don't be afraid to blast me.

Tony: Alright then. I have my company building all set up so I'll stay here and see how this plays out.

Peter: Understood. So....wanna grab something to drink?

Tony: (smirk) You just read my mind.

Peter put vemon back to a secret place and once hidden away the two leave the classroom for a drink. The class room was empty and dark but then we hear a deeper laughter from vemon as he had a plan to break free.


We see Spider-man and Scarlet Bloom patrolling through the city and soon they land on the roof top and looks at the beautiful veiw of the city.

Scarlet Bloom: (smile) It's nice.

Spider-man: Yeah. No crime in sight. This feels nice.

Scarlet Bloom smiled as they stared at the veiw as the two sat down and she ask him.

Scarlet Bloom: So was all that story about Peter working at Tony's company a lie?

Spider-man: Your not convinced?

Scarlet Bloom: (smirk) I'm surprised Zach and the other believed it.

Spider-man: Well yeah it's a lie. When my father was young, he is a fan of Tony Stark aka Iron Man.

Scarlet Bloom: (surprised) Really?! Whoa!

Spider-man: My father work with him and the Avengers and was even apart of them a few times before he retired as a super hero.

Scarlet Bloom: (surprised) Wow I heard the Avengers are earths mightiest heroes.

Spider-man: Yeah they are really cool. They all came on my 5th birthday. It was the best birthday ever.

Scarlet Bloom: (smile) You must be very lucky.

Spider-man: Yeah. You know I sometimes wonder why they keep going as heroes disbite everything is changing all around them. Some heroes retire to have normal and successful lives while the Avengers never changes.

Scarlet Bloom: (smile) Guess they like being heroes.

Spider-man: True. Being a hero is hard, tiresome but.....its good you know.

Scarlet Bloom node in agreement as she then took his hand and then they sent flying up into the sky. They spin around slowly while they stare at each other as Scarlet Bloom pulled up his mask, revealing his lips as she says.

Scarlet Bloom: (smile) No matter what happens. I will always be there to support you. Always.

Spider-man: (smile) Same to you, princess.

Then the two kiss as they made out over the city as they wrap their arms around each other as they made out for a bit. After that they head to Scarlet Blooms place as night hits and we see the two sleeping together with Hikari facing away, feeling jealous as she wanted to sleep with Y/n as the two cuddle each other as they slept.

But we cut to outside of the household where we see Taskmaster standing on top of thr roof of a house as he see where th Royal family is living and so he retreated into the darkness so he will wait his move for Y/n aka Spider-man's ultimate challenge that will come soon.

To be continued..............................................

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