Chapter 26: The day of the parade

The day was the day for the festival as the streets put up decorations across the street and clear away the road for the parade as this day will be a great day. However on the roof we see Y/n, Mayday, Okimi and Akane wearing theie suits without their masks on as Mayday filled them all in the criminals plan and now the day is when they gonna stop it.

Mayday pointed out key points that they will strike and what weapons ane gear they will use for this plan and the disguises as well.

Y/n: Man, these guys came prepared for anything.

Okimi: You can say that again.

Akane: Still we can't let them kill anyone, including Shuu and Hana.

Okimi: (smirk) Well I got the parade vehicles. This kitty is not gonna play nice with those criminals.

Akane: Hey, what about him?

They turn to see True Judge standing in the darkness and turning to face them which kinda makes Akane kinda scared while True Judge tells them.

True Judge: I'm only here to help you all once, but after this I leave and get my revenge.

Y/n: Right and remember, no killing people.

True Judge: Don't tell me what to do.

He then walks away and once that they put on their makes as Spider-man leaps onto the edge and tells them.

Spider-man: Alright then everyone. Let's get to work.

And so they head off as we cut to Cat-Girl sneaking into the building where the parade vehicles were at and sees the criminals wearing animal Tails or ears while carrying bags of explosions as they split off to do theie work.

Cat-girl smirks and open the ceiling window and enters inside and goes up to Criminals one by one, knocking them up before they could have a chance to plant some explosions.

She even distracted some which she knock them out amd after that it was done. She carry the bag of explosions and left just as the drivers enter the parade vehicles and drive off while Cat-Girl tosses the explosions into the ocean which is far away from the parade.

Cat-girl: (smirk) There we go. Now, time to join up with the rest.

She heads there while the parade began as the parade vehicles drive through the city as the people cheered when they see Shuu and Hana at the middle parade vehicle, sitting on their own thrones while they smile qne wave to the people.

We cut to the criminals ready with weapons with one pulling out a trigger as the parade vehicle gets closer and closer and then the criminal pushes it but nothing happened.

They poke their heads out and sees that the parade vehicles didn't blow up.

Male criminal 1: It's not working!

Male criminal 2: What?! You got to be kidding me!?

Spider-girl: Indeed boys.

They slowly and sees Spider-girl and she knocks the two criminals out while we cut to the Chamelon seeing that nothing is happening. He is wearing a Zach disguises as he calls up Makoto.

Chamelon: We got a problem. Nothing is happening? No booms or gunfire. I think someone is on to us.

Makoto: (phone) What?! This is not good. Get up there and kill them, I don't care you get arrested or not just go and kill them!

Chamelon: Yes sir.

He then pots on a mask of Zach and pushes away the crowd until he gets in front as he pulled out his gun, about to shoot when webs stuck on the back of him, pulling him away as the crowd watched in shock as Spider-man unmasked Chamelon and says to the crowd of people.

Spider-man: Ta da!!!!

The crowd cheered while clapping as the day is saved and the criminals plans have been foiled. He then look down at the Chamelon and then tells him.

Spider-ma: Look like your plan has failed once again. Heroes 1, villains 0.

Chamelon: (smirk) You sure about that?

Then his spidy senses goes off and he turn around and immediately sees Vulture flying towards the parade as the people stop and noticed him as Vulture pulled out hid cannon and have it aimed at Shuu and Hana while the crowd see this and scream in a panic and start running.

Vulture: Your mine.

Suddenly he gets kicked in the chin by Scarlet Bloom which sent him as Scarlet Bloom tells Vulture.

Scarlet Bloom: Be ready to face justice evil villain.

Vulture: This ain't play time kid.

He aim his cannon at her but webs stuck onto the cannon as Spider-man came up and kick Vulture in the chin shake he shoot webs at his chest and came down and kicked Vulture in the chest which cost the two to crash into a building.

Scarlet Bloom: Spider-man!

Scarlet Bloom flies down and lands onto the roof just as Spider-man was throne out or the hole and land hard onto the ground but quickly gets up as Vulture slowly flies out of the hole.

Vulture: Your smart of stopping our plans Spider-man. Unfortunately for you, this is where you will die.

Then he flies towards, grabbing him and take him flying while Scarlet Bloom was about to help him when Spider-girls stops her.

Spider-girl: It's too dangerous to face him. I'll go, make sure your brother and his girlfriend is alright.

Scarlet Bloom: Right!

Spider-girl swings off while we cut to Vulture and Spider-man as Spider-man strike soke punches at Vulture and then Web his wing and pulls it down which cost the two to crash into a construction building as Spider-man rolled onto the top floor of the building and slowly stood up and looks over at Vulture flies up in the air and then throws wing blades at him.

Spider-man leaps up in the air, dodging the incoming blades that were coming at his way and then land onto the ground as Vulture flies towards him but Spider-man rushes towards him but he slide on the floor with his knees and turn his body and shoot out both webs behind Vulture and spin him around and around and then slammed him onto the ground.

This cost a crack on the floor and the floor collapse below Vulture and he fell down onto the next floor. Spider-man rushes towards the edge, leaps off and shoot both webs as he swings on the floor that Vulture was on and strike a double kick at him but Vulture grabbed his leg and slammed him onto the ground. He then pick him up and pointed his blade at Spider-man's head.

Spider-man: Man, aren't you the guy who wants to kill me that badly?

Vulture: Be grateful this will be quick and painless.

Suddenly another webs stuck onto Vulture and Spider-girl kicked Vulture away and he slammed hard onto the wall. Spider-man stood up next to Spider-girl as she turn to him and ask.

Spider-girl: (smirk) Never fear, your big sister has arrived.

Spider-man: (chuckle) Nice one. Let's kick this birds butt.

Spider-girl: Whatever you say bro.

The two charge towards Vulture which he attempt to throne wing blades at them but the two dodges them and Spider-man slide down, striking a blow at Vulture in the legs while Spider-girl webs his shoulders and headbutts Vulture and then Spider-man webs up his legs which cost him to drop onto the ground while Spider-girl Web his wings.

Vulture moved around while the two siblings shoot webs at Vulture, wrapping him up in a huge Web and soon he was covered up in webs.

Spider-girl: Just like a Christmas present.

Spider-man: Yep. That will do.

Suddenly he breaks free and hovers which they leap back as Vulture fires a wind blast which knock the two back and sent them flying. Spider-man shoots a web to catch a wall and then grabs Spider-girl's hand and the two hold on while Vulture continues blasting them witn wind as he approaches them

Vulture: You both are finished here. I don't know where a female Spider-man come from but as long I can get to kill two spiders, that's fine by me.

He continues to blast them with wind as he get closer and closer when suddenly a gunshot is head and his wind starts to malfunction as he turn to see True Judge as he fired a few shots at his wings, damaging it until it suddenly blows up and drop Vulture onto thr ground while Spider-man and Spider-girl land hard on the ground and look over to see True Judge looking down at Vulture as he look up at him.

True Judge looks at him and then look up at Spider-man and Spider-girl and at first the two thought he's gonna kill him but True Judge turns around and said.

True Judge: I didn't kill him at least. Anyways, I'm done here. Goodbye.

He then left as Spider-man and Spider-girl gets up and walks up to Vulture as the two look at each other and then they knock Vulture out together as Vulture lays there unconscious.

Spider-man: (smirk) Looks like the job is done.

Spider-girl: (smirk) Yep. Thanks to us.

The two high fived and they take Vulture to the police where they explain them everything to the police.


We find Makoto in a panic as we see him packing up his suitcase since the police will find him and soon they did as he hears sirens coming out of his window and sees red and blue lights outside which Makoto calls up the Kingpin and once he answered Makoto ask him.

Makoto: Kingpin, is that helicopter here to pick me up!? The job failed but i could use a pick up!

Kingpin: (phone) My apologies but I afraid I can't do that. The goal failed and now, you are useless to me now. Right now I'm returning back to New York and laying low for a while. Goodbye. (Hang up)

Makoto: (angry) That fat son of a-

Suddenly his bedroom door burst open and a swat team enter and aim their guns at him, screaming at him to pit his hands up. With no choice he lifted his hand up and surrounded to the police.

Outside we see Spider-man and True Judge watching this as Spider-man tells True Judge.

Spider-man: Looks like he's going to jail.

True Judge: Yes.

Spider-man: So....since you got justice, that means no killing criminals, right?

True Judge: It's still easier in my way.

Y/n: True but its the wrong way of doing it. Killing criminals is never gonna resolve to anything.

True Judge: Your just saying that because your soft on criminals. You don't know how to be serious or when to get your hands dirty.

Spider-man: Because I'm friendly, not dangerous like you.

True Judge: Whatever. I'm leaving.

He turns away and walks away but then Spider-man ask him.

Spider-man: So you won't kill any criminals no more.....right?

True Judge:.......We'll see.

He then disappeared just as Spider-girl lands on the roof and walks up to Spider-man.

Spider-girl: Well? Is he gonna stop killing criminals?

Spider-man: Who knows but hope he'll be doing alright.

Spider-girl: Same.

The two shoot their webs and they swing off back home so they can celebrate theor heroic action and hopefully the threat has been dealt with.

But then coming out of the shadows was a mask figure watching the two swing off as he said.

???: So this is new town huh Spider-man. Well then, this will be fun....for me.

To be continued...........................................

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